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A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site

Other Results: 1 Series


For More Than Country

Autor: Regency
Eingestuft: MA [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

There were very few things Captain Samantha Carter wouldn’t do for her country as a member of Jack O'Neill's Special Ops team. It just so happened that the very thing her superiors were asking of her was one of the few.  ‘Neutralize Jack O’Neill by any means necessary,’ they’d told her. It wasn’t the first order she’d defied but it was the biggest. (Also known as, the increasingly complicated life and times of Samantha Jean Carter, PhD.)

Story I of II complete.

Kategorien: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Team - Other, Jack/Sam, Jack/Sara, Sam/other, Janet/other
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Other Characters, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, UST
Holiday: None
Season: Pre-Series
Warnings: adult themes, minor language, sexual situations, violence
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 8 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 67110 | Gelesen: 2219
Veröffentlicht: 2010.09.19 | Aktualisiert: 2010.09.19

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Family (Tentative title)

Autor: sadiekate
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 1] starhalf-star
Inhalt: When Teal'c and Cam take Cassandra on her first mission, something goes wrong and she gets hurt. Jack blames them for it, but can they ever be a "family" again? Jack/Sam Cassandra/OCC
Kategorien: Team - Other
Charaktere: Cameron Mitchell, Carolyn Lam, Daniel Jackson, Gen. Landry, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc, Vala
Episode Related: 0102 The Enemy Within
Genres: Action/Adventure
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: violence
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 2 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 2532 | Gelesen: 1430
Veröffentlicht: 2009.10.22 | Aktualisiert: 2009.10.31

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Autor: Roeskva
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Archaeologists digging in the UK uncover items apparently of Egyptian origin. Not knowing about the Stargate-project, they are baffled. The leader knows of Dr. Jackson's interest in 'cross-cultural pollination' and contacts him.
Kategorien: Team - Other, Other Characters
Charaktere: Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters, Tealc, Vala
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 4 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 19384 | Gelesen: 4926
Veröffentlicht: 2009.10.27 | Aktualisiert: 2009.10.27

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Episode #1 - Renegade

Autor: LuckyFoot
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: SG-11 looses one of there team and they are bent on getting revenge at any cost.
Kategorien: Gen - Other, Team - Other
Charaktere: Other Characters
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Holiday: None
Season: Season 2
Warnings: violence
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: Stargate Renegade
Kapitel: 5 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 9479 | Gelesen: 85800
Veröffentlicht: 2008.04.04 | Aktualisiert: 2008.11.17

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Autor: ajw
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Tag for the Stargate Atlantis episode The Last Man. What could have happened between John going into stasis on the deserted future Atlantis and his return to the present day.
Kategorien: Gen - Team Based, Team - Other
Charaktere: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: None
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 1395 | Gelesen: 1044
Veröffentlicht: 2008.06.04 | Aktualisiert: 2008.06.04

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Autor: Sikon
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Conclusion to the Aschen storyline. Takes place after The Ark of Truth, during season 4 of Atlantis.
Kategorien: Team - Other
Charaktere: Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Tealc, Vala
Episode Related: 0416 2010, 0510 2001
Genres: Action/Adventure, Future Story
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 4 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 6426 | Gelesen: 113079
Veröffentlicht: 2008.05.12 | Aktualisiert: 2008.05.27

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"Wait. What?!"

Autor: bailunrui
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar
Inhalt: Jack won't be having a good month...
Kategorien: Jack O'Neill, Team - Other, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Drabble, Future Story, Humor
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: minor language, sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 250 | Gelesen: 3086
Veröffentlicht: 2008.04.25 | Aktualisiert: 2008.04.25

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The Dark Gate

Autor: LionofCaliban
Eingestuft: MA [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Joanna Dark meets the Sg1 Universe. Plenty of fun and chaos as she adapts to her new and older home.
Kategorien: Team - Other, Other Characters
Charaktere: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Crossovers
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: adult themes, language, minor language, sexual situations, violence
Crossovers: other (not listed)
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 5 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 19416 | Gelesen: 307
Veröffentlicht: 2007.08.21 | Aktualisiert: 2007.08.21

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Autor: Aussie
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: General Hammond considers SG-1.
Kategorien: Team - Other
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor, POV
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 528 | Gelesen: 1440
Veröffentlicht: 2007.08.12 | Aktualisiert: 2007.08.12

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Mission Hopeless

Autor: SerenBunny
Eingestuft: MA [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: Thor asks a favour of the Tauri, who end up being captured and tortured by Ba'al. Their only chance of escape? A flirty interlude...Ba'al/OC
Kategorien: Team - Other
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: 0606 Abyss
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 6, Season 7
Warnings: adult themes, sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 5057 | Gelesen: 644
Veröffentlicht: 2007.06.13 | Aktualisiert: 2007.06.13

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