Adelie King [Contact]

I am Adelie King. I mainly write Stargate SG1 fanfiction. My main genre is humor and erotica/ smut. I'm also into romance and some sci-fi intigue. I'm a huge fan of the orginal Twilight Zone. I am a Sam/Jack shipper heavily.

I love to entertain my readers making them laugh as hard as I can. I also love to heat up my audience through smut and erotica which I've been told I'm good at.

Note: Due to some reviews complaining my stories are unrealistic and that the characters are out of character... I'm going to state right now that my funny stories are an Alternate Comedy Universe without intension to follow the canon most of the time. They are written for laughs only with the intention to entertain having the characters do things all of us here know they would never do. But that's what my goal is which makes writing them and reading them fun to people...

Thanks for reading my work and I hope you enjoy it. I appreciate any reviews you can give...

Adelie King

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Stories by Adelie King [34]
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Reviews by Adelie King

Captain Jack and the Lady Adelaide by ziva

Rated: AO • 32 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Captain Jack, ex-Navy SEAL, joins forces once again with Sam Carter, Doctor of Marine Biology.
Reviewer: Adelie King Signed
Date: 2011.10.25 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Love both your captain Jack stories and can't wait to read more. Heard you're in the hospital and I hope you get well soon.

Author's Response: Thank you for your get well wishes. I have pinched nerves in my back probably caused by a broken bone in my spine. Not sure when or how I broke it. I will be home soon, and then I will work very hard to get the final chapters posted. Hang in there!  z

Reviewer: Adelie King Signed
Date: 2011.11.06 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Good job Ziva can't wait for the next installment

Author's Response: Thanx, I'm glad you liked it.  Pauline has given me a good plot for the 3rd story in the Captain Jack series, but I've been sick and haven't been able to work on filling in the details. I think it's the pain meds that are making me feel sleepy all the time. Anyway, I can tell you this; the story involves a Nazi General and a missing airplane.  I hope to begin working on the story this week.   

Sam's POV by PaulineFitz

Rated: 13+ • 5 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Sam's thoughts as thinks about her non love life.
Reviewer: Adelie King Signed
Date: 2011.11.13 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Author's Response: Thanks Adelie, now that my muse is feeling better, there could be more.

Captain Jack and the Bermuda Triangle by ziva, PaulineFitz

Rated: AO • 16 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Captain Jack and Doctor Carter are back together again, and this time they are searching for a treasure that has been lost since WWII.
Reviewer: Adelie King Signed
Date: 2011.11.28 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

I love it so far and on my desktop I can write reviews.

Author's Response: Thanx!  I enjoyed your little PWP.  Am still fanning myself.  LOL

JACK'S POV by PaulineFitz

Rated: 13+ • 5 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Jack's thoughts as he reads Sam's letter.
Reviewer: Adelie King Signed
Date: 2011.11.28 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I love both of these very sweet and romantic please continue

Author's Response: Thanks Adelie, just feeling my feet, my first solo's. I think I prefer Co-authoring with Ziva, she gives me confidence. You are the only that I can respond to, it won't work for anuone else.