Name: Michael
Status: Member
Mitglied seit: 2011.06.25
My name's Michael. I've been writing Sci-fi/Fantasy stories since I was in middle school. Actually, I did most of my writing in class when I was supposed to be paying attention to my teacher. I didn't do much writing after I finished high school. Television, computers, and the odd MMORPG interfered. Well, that and responsibilities like earning money and such.
I'm now back in school working on a master's degree. Coincidentally, I've started writing again. Some habits just die hard, I guess. :p
I'm starting up writing some fan-fic concepts that I can complete in a relatively short time. I'm hoping this will build into a positive habit that will sustain me for writing my own fiction stories. I have a few dozen ideas in my head that I've imagined over the years. It's just a matter of putting it to words to share with others. Ideally, this would turn into my career.
My current occupation, however, is very rewarding. I'm a primary school teacher in Asia. I teach English as a second language to first and second graders.
My interests, other than reading and writing sci-fi/fantasy stories, includes studying Chinese language and culture, web design, and participating in forum debates.
Stargate: Faerûn
Autor: puiwaihinEingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 2]
Kategorien: Gen - Team Based, Team - Seasons 1-5, 7-8
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Jonas Quinn, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Crossovers
Holiday: None
Season: Season 5, Season 6
Warnings: character death, language, violence
Crossovers: other (not listed)
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 38 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 143424 | Gelesen: 52506
Veröffentlicht: 2011.06.25 | Aktualisiert: 2012.01.17
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