Heliopolis Main Archive
A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site
Penname: quikshadow [Contact]
Name: Laura
Status: Member
Mitglied seit: 2007.11.15
Betaleser: No
Website: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/543207/

I'm also known as Quick-demon.

Will post up and update any SG-1 related stories. I usually store these at ff.net under my other penname Quick-demon.

Check my 'website' for a proper bio.

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Stories by quikshadow


Autor: quikshadow
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Imprisoned on a Goa'uld mothership, the team meets a peculiar boy that maybe their ticket out of there. Crossover Stargate SG-1 & Danny Phantom. One-shot.
Kategorien: Gen - Team Based
Charaktere: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossovers, Humor
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: none
Crossovers: other (not listed)
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 5261 | Gelesen: 892
Veröffentlicht: 2012.04.25 | Aktualisiert: 2012.04.25

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Ghost Guardian

Autor: quikshadow
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 0]

In and out of foster homes Daniel Jackson comes to live with the Fentons when he was 14. Tensions between Danny & Daniel escalate but when Danny gets sick Daniel finds his past and his future.

Crossover Danny Phantom & Stargate SG-1.

Kategorien: Gen - Other
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossovers, Mystery
Holiday: None
Season: Pre-Series
Warnings: None
Crossovers: other (not listed)
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 2 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 6124 | Gelesen: 2309
Veröffentlicht: 2012.04.25 | Aktualisiert: 2012.04.25

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Autor: quikshadow
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 0]

SG-1 finds a weapon that is most advanced in Ancient technology and it seems quite attached to Daniel and it seems to be growning on him...

Kategorien: Team - Seasons 1-5, 7-8
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Mystery
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 4855 | Gelesen: 1009
Veröffentlicht: 2007.11.15 | Aktualisiert: 2007.11.15

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100 ways you can tell you're obessesed with Stargate

Autor: quikshadow
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 0]

Just one of those listings. The tittle says it all.

Kategorien: Gen - Other
Charaktere: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 1211 | Gelesen: 1293
Veröffentlicht: 2007.11.15 | Aktualisiert: 2007.11.15

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Autor: quikshadow
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 1] starstarstarhalf-star
Inhalt: Sam gets the Huccups
Kategorien: Samantha Carter
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 3176 | Gelesen: 1343
Veröffentlicht: 2007.11.15 | Aktualisiert: 2007.11.15

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