Dainel looks around him and saw Jack and Carder sitting at the main desk before the gate room. He thinks, hm how can I help them even though I am ascended now? Sudenly the gate bell rings and Walter says to the intercom, Unscheduled Offworld Activision! General Hammon says to open the Iris because they received a strange code that is also Jack Oneills code even though he is sitting right before the gate.
The military men are en guard, with guns and out from the gate comes Jack Oneill even though he is sitting before the gate like I said before. What the--? Jack (sitting before the gate) says? But Jack (walking through the gate says General, whats with all the soldier? But nobody knew what Jack was doing coming out from the gate so the guns stayed on him. Out of his pocket he pulled a tape and said Just Watch, then you will understand. Carder looks like she isn't sure of him and says wait General, maybe we should watch the tape.
Daniel put the tape in the big screen and out comes iimages flashing (very confusing) then suddently cuts to Jack Oneill in stress, clearly upset. He whispers into the camera, STargate command, this is Kernel Jack Oneill with SG-1. I don't know how long I have to live before so let me just say I love my crew and General please get me out of here. I'm stuck in hell with Hades the Goa-uld and I cant recover this time I need you're help.
The movie ends and they untie Jack Oneill, much to Carders disappointment. General Hammon says to Jack, Jack I'm sorry for being rough, how can we help. Daniel also apologizes because he was especially rude earlier. Jack says to Jack but wait, if I'm here, who's--
But he is interrupted by another Unscheduled Offworld Activation. They receive Jack Oneills code so they unlock the iris and out comes Kernel Jack Oneill. There are now three of Jack Oneill. The first two Jacks say Huh? or something at the same time, and the new Jack says General, I need your help. I was stuck in hell with Hades the Goauld and there are more just like it. He goes on to explain the design of the prison and what they had did to him. But nobody believes him because there are already two Jack Oneill.
Jack Oneill reminds General Hammon of the tape they just watched minutes ago, saying General, I think we better investigate. They get Tealc and get in mission gear to go on their mission.
Commercial Break
They are now on an offworld Planet, and can see only fire in any direction but they are not in any danger of being burned says Daniel. They ford the river and come across Jack Oneill, who looks like he is dying and is actually dying. Help me he says with his last dying breath before he finally dies. Carder turns to Oneill and says Sir, I think he's dead. Jack Oneill says, yeah That's for sure! and they keep going across the river. At the other end Tealc recognizes staff blasts on the grond, says They must have attacked from above. The team raises their guard (guns) to the sky which they notice is the top of a cave and Daniel says they must be in hell so they are close. There is a maze puzzle but Daniel can go through the walls and find the exit and directs the team to the exit. They reach the final boss room and there is Hades the Goald, clearly replicating Jack Oneill with a new technology they have never seen before. Jack Oneill says Hey with that technology we could create a Master Race Army and Carder scruffs at him because she knows she is better than him.
Hades the Goauld sends his Jaffa to attack but they are weakened from being in the fire so /long. Tealc uses his tact and knowledge to shoot staff blasts directly into their faces, melting their faces and exploing their skulls. Carder delivers a well placed bullet into the remaining forces. Jack Oneill casually approaches Hades the Goauld, saying That was too easy. Please tell me you have more defenses. And he does. Hades the Goauld transports them to the School 2 level of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 and says The only way you can get you're friend back is to beat me in a dual to the death. The team decides it should be Carder who skates against him because she is the lightest and can get the most air.
The timer starts and Hades the Goauld shoots a fireball at her. Thats not fair she says, but Hades the Goauld replies that he is a god and bow before him. Carder grinds down the first rail and manuals into a combo, jumping over the awning in front of the gym, doing a sick double kickflip. She gets some points but Hades is already far ahead in the lead. She needs to something amazing to beat this, Daniel says to her through her mind. He gives her his Ancient Power and she is able to McTwist over the big wall by the corner, getting the gap and going into the area where you get the secret tape (by the Carlsbad Stairs). This gives her insane points and fills her special bar, much to Hades the Goaulds fear and anguish. Hades the Goauld is still in his combo he started at the beginning but time is running out and his balance is getting worse. Carder hits the QP and does a perfect Airwalk Double Backflip to Revert to Manual and off the kicker into a Smith grind on the rail before doing a boneless off the final kicker over the wall and in slow motion she actually makes it thanks to Daniels powers onto the roof, getting the R U Serious?! roof gap. The team cheers as they know Hades the Goauld can't get that gap. That was the last gap the team needed to unlock the secret mode so they instantly change stages to the secret skate spot in heaven, where Hades the Goauld's powers are totally diminished. Carder also has moon gravity now so she flies off a quarter pipe and into a seemingly everlasting spin, doing all the grabs and flip tricks she could think of, including some specials. Hades the Goauld is just a little boy now and on her way down she lands on him, smutting him into the clouds and back to hell where he belongs. Jack Oneill is saved and says Thanks a Lot Sam, You're A Real Part Of Our Team and the team does a group hug, except for Tealc who just stands because he didn't really do much. They go back through the Stargate but to their surprise they are met with Gunmen on them and General Hammon yelling at them WHO ARE YOU?? And they see Jack Oneill up at the command center sitting with Sam Carder and Jack pulls a tape out of his pocket and says We Got The Secret Tape And All Of The Gaps. General Hammon awards them A Million points and they get to watch the secret tape video which turns out to be Rodney Mullen doing his best manual combos.