What Do You Do When Bad Things Always Happen To The Good Guys? (15/End)
by Debi Cby Debi C
Summary: It's seven months later and everything appears to be going as planned, but then you know how that is when it involves this bunch.
Category: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Series
Episode Related: 001 Stargate - The Movie, 101 Children of the Gods
Season: Season 4
Pairing: Daniel/Sam, none
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult themes, language, violence
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).
Archived on: 03/04/04
Daniel was sitting at a table in the SGC's commissary. He'd been there for an hour already, having spent the night working on a translation of a table inscribed in Mesopotamian cuneiform for SG-5. The other team was going off world today and needed to have the information on the ancient stone tablets they had found and brought back with them from P42X 031. That it was one of the addresses that he had originally found in the Abydos cartouche room made it a special project for him only. Jack had objected to him staying overnight in the mountain, but he had agreed when he found out just what it was they had located...another reference to Ra and his area of control in space.
Just as he was about to leave, the young Archaeologist saw the rest of SG-1 arrive. First Sam and Teal'c went through the hot food line. Teal'c was carrying one tray that held both of their breakfasts due to Sam's advanced pregnancy. Then, Jack appeared from the cold cereal area, stopping only to grab a carton of milk and a banana for his Fruit Loops. Daniel waved at his teammates, and they all headed towards the table where he was sitting. As they approached, Daniel could catch the tail end of their conversation.
"You're gonna have to face it, Carter." Jack was saying. "If you want to keep it fine, but you'll need a bigger car. Just park your Volvo and get yourself a mini-van."
"Colonel," He could tell Sam was getting frustrated with their team chief. "I don't want a mini-van. You know I don't like to drive big vehicles."
"I know that," He stated patiently, "but when the princess is born, you're gonna need a bigger car. You can't put a stroller, a diaper bag, a car seat and everything else you're gonna need in that little sports car of yours."
"I don't think I'll need all that much stuff, Colonel."
"Oh, believe me, you'll need it. All of that and more, Carter. There's never enough stuff when a baby's involved." He looked back at Teal'c. "Is there?"
Teal'c shook his head. "I must agree Majorcarter. Babies here on your planet do seem to require a lot of luggage. Your present vehicle will not be large enough."
"But I like my car." Sam was trying to sound mature and failing.
"I've rebuilt it practically from the ground up."
"Hey, Daniel." Jack looked at him critically as the three sat down at his table. "Were you here all night?"
"Yeah, I finished the translation about five thirty this morning." He played with his coffee mug. "It was much more in depth than I had been led to believe."
"Isn't there anyone else that can do this stuff, Daniel?" Jack shook his head at his team member.
"Jack, this was found on a planet whose address was in the Abydos Cartouche. You know that makes it my job."
"No, I don't." Jack groused back at him. "I think it makes it of interest to you, but you can't keep doing all the Abydos stuff. There's too much of it. You don't have that many hours in the day." He looked at his watch. "We've got a mission tomorrow. You're through with it right?" At Daniel's nod, he continued. "Go on home; grab a shower and a nap. Are you staying with Carter tonight?"
He nodded again and smiled over at her. She looked at him with concern. "Look Daniel, if you're too tired..."
"No, I'm fine." he replied, "really." Glancing at Jack, "We've got a mission tomorrow and Cassie or Janet will take over. I won't see you for several days." Daniel smiled at her. "My luck I'll be off world when the baby's born. At least I can have this privilege."
"Or you'll be slumped over your worktable, dead to the world from overwork when the baby's born." Jack remarked sarcastically. "Workaholics do not good dads make, believe me, I know."
Both Daniel and Sam looked at the older man sharply, concerned for their friend's sake, but he seemed to be speaking calmly if decisively. "You two have to accept the idea that your lifestyles are gonna have to change."
"Okay, I give up." Daniel smiled at the other three. "I'm going to my place and follow my team leader's orders. Brunch, shower, nap and I'll be at your place about six." He made the circle with his eyes. "Is that okay with everyone?'
"Somebody write the date and time down, it's a miracle." Jack announced in a moderately loud voice that carried to the next several tables and caused some other diners to look at them curiously. "Doctor Jackson is following orders."
Daniel blushed a furious red. "So help me, Jack...." But the Colonel just grinned at him as he got to his feet and picked up his tray.
"See ya in the morning, Daniel."
That evening at five thirty, Daniel pulled his car up in the front of Sam's small ranch style home. He knew immediately that she wasn't home yet due to the absence of her Volvo in the carport. He pulled his overnight bag, some books and his laptop out of the back seat and went into the house.
As Sam obviously hadn't been home yet, Daniel carried his things into the guestroom. He didn't want to push his way into her life. If she invited him to sleep in her bed he would, but he would not assume anything in their relationship. She had made it clear that, though she loved him dearly, she was not in love with him. And he valued her friendship and the part he wanted to play in their child's life above everything else.
Raiding the refrigerator, he put together a large green salad and picked out what he was going to prepare for their dinner. Daniel expected Sam home at any moment. Jack would make sure that she didn't work too late. Selecting some minute steaks to pan-broil and some potatoes that he would nuke in the microwave, he started the preparation.
Finally, he turned on the television to sit and wait for his hostess with the mostess to return home. He found an old movie showing that he remembered particularly enjoying as a young child and settled down to watch Ben Hur.
Just as the young Jewish Prince of Hur was involved in the Roman Sea battle, the phone rang. He hit the mute button on the hand control and picked up the receiver.
"Hello, Carter residence."
"Hello, Mister Carter?" There was an unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line.
"Well, no. This is a friend of Sam's. She's not home, may I help you?"
"Is there a member of the family there that I can speak too?" The voice was sounding rather insistent.
"Who is this?" He could play persevering too.
"This is the Colorado Springs Police. Who am I speaking with?"
"I'm Doctor Daniel Jackson, a friend and co-worker of Sam's. Is everything all right?" Now, he was getting concerned.
"That's why I'm calling sir. This is Sergeant Holliwell. I'm presently out with Major Samantha Carter's car. It was reported as a suspicious vehicle. I'm afraid that it was found off the road in a ditch here at Interstate Highway 25. Her money, credit cards, checkbook, and her Military ID are still in it."
Now, he was very concerned. "Sam's not in the car?"
"No," the calm voice continued. "The car isn't badly damaged, it just appears that she might have lost control, except for some new damage to the right front fender, the grill and the left rear panel. But she's no where around. " Holliwell continued.
"She may have crawled out and been picked up or is just walking home."
Daniel was shoving the food back into the refrigerator, pulling his shoes back on and looking for his jacket. "That's not possible, Sergeant. Major Carter is seven months pregnant. I don't think she could do that by herself." Finding his coat, he shrugged it on. "Look I'm going to call our team leader and we'll be there in fifteen minutes."
He hung up on the police sergeant and immediately called Jack's house.
"O'Neill," Jack sounded bored and a bit tired.
"Jack, is Sam with you?' Daniel asked, hopefully.
"No, isn't she home yet?" The boredom suddenly gone.
"No, and I just got a call from a policeman. They found her car in a ditch off of I-25. and she's not with it."
"Shit," Daniel could hear the rustle of clothing as Jack pulled on something that scraped across his phone. "I'm headed that way now."
"Meet you there."
Ten minutes later, the two men pulled up behind two patrol cars from opposite directions. Sergeant Holliwell came forward to meet them. Lights playing into the brush told of others down in the ditch close to the car still searching the area.
A tall, dark Police officer with stripes on his sleeve came forward to meet them with a concerned look on his face.
"Sergeant Holliwell." He introduced himself and looked at the two concerned men. Making an educated guess, he looked at Daniel who was wearing civilian clothes and inquired, "Doctor Jackson?"
Daniel immediately nodded and extended his hand. "Yes, that's right. This is Colonel O'Neill, our team chief." He introduced his friend who had come up to stand beside him.
Jack, still in his Air force uniform, stepped forward. "We're very concerned about Major Carter." He glanced down the steep sides of the ditch. "There was no way she could have climbed up that slope in her condition," He said to the Sergeant.
"That's what Doctor Jackson said over the phone." Holliwell nodded. "Is Major Carter married?"
"No, she's not." Daniel answered.
"You're the father?"
"Yes, I am." Daniel was looking more and more upset the longer he gazed down at the wrecked Volvo.
"Do you live together?" The officer pressed, hopefully. "Co-own property, anything like that?"
"Why?" Daniel looked at him in confusion, brows knitted together.
"Daniel..." Jack started to say something to calm him down, but the Sergeant explained his meaning.
"I'm trying to establish if you might have some authority over the vehicle...you're not on the title, but if you were common law spouses..."
"I have a Power of Attorney," Daniel replied, "We had it drawn up when we found out that she was pregnant so that I could help her with things when the baby comes."
"Good," the officer nodded. "We'd like to get the vehicle out of the ditch and to a safe area where it could be examined more closely."
Daniel nodded numbly. Jack laid a hand on the younger man's arm in support. "Sergeant, before you do that, I need to contact our Commanding Officer and apprise him of the circumstances. We may need to get the OSI involved."
The Sergeant looked at him, judging him, then answered. "You're Major Carter's supervisor?"
"What was her job, what kind of duties did she have?"
"Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly what she does." Jack shook his head regretfully. "First because it's a high security job, and then because I don't exactly understand how she does what she does." He looked at the policeman, "but she works in the Deep Space Telemetry Program in Cheyenne Mountain."
"So, you're saying she's a scientist?" The policeman pulled out a small notebook and jotted down some notes.
"Yeah, that's about what I would be saying." Jack looked at him suspiciously.
"So her disappearance could be work related?" Holliwell asked.
"There is that possibility." O'Neill turned and spoke softly to his friend. "Danny, there could be more to this than a car accident."
Daniel looked at him sharply. "You don't think this was an accident? What are you saying?"
"Daniel, I'm not saying anything yet," O'Neill replied smoothly. "Just trying to get some facts so that we figure out what happened to Carter." He looked over at the patient policeman. "Go ahead and talk to him, Danny, I'll call Hammond."
Samantha Carter slowly woke up. As she became more aware of her environment, Sam realized that she was not in familiar surroundings. She was obviously in a medical facility of some sort. She was wearing a hospital style gown, an IV, and an oxygen cannula. Her second thought was of her unborn child and she moved her free hand to her distended abdomen. The child was quiescent, unmoving. She closed her eyes again and rubbed her belly, willing her daughter to move but got no response. Tears gathered in her eyes.
As she lay there with her eyes closed, she heard the door open and someone come in. A rustle of clothing told her that whoever it was had come to stand beside her bed.
"Samantha?" A calm female voice called softly to her. "Samantha, I know you're awake."
Carter opened her eyes and rolled her head over to look at her visitor. She saw a smiling woman wearing the white uniform of a nurse hovering at her bedside. Sam blinked at the woman. "What happened?"
"Why dear, you were in a car accident...but don't worry, you weren't hurt badly at all."
She knew that, but... "My baby? Is my baby all right?"
"Of course. Don't you worry. You just bumped your head and have been unconscious for a while, that's all."
"But she's not moving! Why isn't she moving?"
"There's nothing for you to worry about Samantha. She's fine, she's just feeling the effects of the tranquilizer that you were given." The nurse continued to smile at her in a very maddening way. "It was just Ativan. Nothing harmful."
"Where am I? I mean I know I'm in a hospital, but which..."
"You're at Saint Vincent's hospital just outside of Denver."
"Denver?" She was confused, that didn't make any sense. "Denver, why was I in Denver?"
"I'm sure I don't know dear, but that's where you are." The nurse turned to leave.
"Uh, wait...has someone called my doctor? My commanding officer?"
"No, Samantha, we didn't know who to call. Do you know their numbers?"
"Yes. Yes, I do. Just call the Cheyenne Mountain Complex at this number." She gave her the eleven-digit number. "Ask for Colonel Jack O'Neill, Doctor Daniel Jackson, Major General Hammond or Doctor Janet Fraiser." She looked pleadingly at the nurse. "You can talk to any one of them."
The nurse dutifully wrote down the names and number. "I'll have the doctor call them first thing in the morning." She said reassuringly. "You go ahead now and get some more sleep. We'll take good care of you...and your baby."
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