Conversation by Alpha 1: Absolution
by Demon FaithConversation by Alpha: Absolution
by Demon Faith
Author: Demon Faith
Category: S/D friendship, Series: Conversation by Alpha
Spoilers: None
Season/Sequel: Um...3/4. First in the 'Conversation by Alpha' series.
Rating: G
Content Warnings: One major guilt trip!
Summary: Absolution...or an attempt at absolution...hmm...
Disclaimer: Sam and Daniel don't belong to me. Wish they did, but they don't. I didn't get anything for writing this except a few odd looks from all of you ?
Author's Notes: Well, I was just thinking one day, about Stargate and Fanfic, and I started thinking about titles, in alphabetical order. This series is going to be a S/D friendship, with hints of romance, because if all-out S/J is the future, I want my S/D friendship intact! The rest of this series will hopefully be bit more serious that this. The general theme is 'What Sam and Daniel discuss over coffee'. Enjoy!
"It wasn't your fault, Daniel."
"But Sam, you got hurt..."
"Not your fault, Daniel."
"No buts. It was an honest mistake"
"A mistake? Sam, you nearly died!"
"I'm still here, aren't I?"
"If only I hadn't..."
"If only is better left alone, Daniel. And, it wasn't your fault. It was mine."
"How is it your fault?"
"I was standing under the pillar."
"Saaam! You can't blame yourself for what I did."
"Sure I can. Either way, its unjust blame."
"You got me."
"One-nil to Sam!"
"But it's still my fault."
"But it is! I got my welcome speech muddled up, I caused the village riot and I shot the supports up that caused the pillar to fall!"
"You're determined to put yourself through this, aren't you?"
"I deserve it. I hurt you."
"For the last time, it's not your fault."
"Sam, who made the speech?"
"Who messed up and told the village leader to get lost?"
"Well, not exactly..."
"Oh, I guess..."
"And, who fired the shots that made the pillar fall?"
"Alright, alright: I get the guilt trip theme!"
"Thank you."
"But it's still not your fault."
"You're just as stubborn as I am, aren't you?"
"Seems that way."
"How about we call a truce?"
"Sounds good to me."
"'s both our faults."
If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to Demon Faith
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