Ancient's Food Processor von Mermaid2bseeker

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~*~ A/N1: I apologize if I get the characters behaviors and mannerisms wrong. ~*~

"Oh come on Dr. Beckett," Dr. Rodney McKay said as he and Major John Sheppard pushed the reluctant doctor into the jumper bay.

"Have you forgotten what happened the last time I tried to use Ancient's technology?" Carson asked as he was forced into a nearby puddle jumper.

"Don't worry, this jumper's been temporarily converted into a simulator," John repeated for the umpteenth time that day. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Don't make me think about what could happen. I might just make it happen." As he was seated in the pilot's chair, Carson added, "Remind me again, why do I have to do this?"

"Because Dr. Weir wants everyone with the ATA gene to learn how to pilot a jumper," Rodney answered.

"Just relax," John said as he sat in the co-pilot's chair.

"Simulation settings activated." Rodney sat in one of the passenger seats, a laptop open in front of him.

"Right," John began, "first thing you want to do is actiivate the jumper's power source."

Carson closed his eyes and thought about turning the ignition switch of a car. After a few moments, "I guess it didn't work, I'll just go now."

"You didn't even try," John said.

"I did. It just didn't work."

"If you could concentrate enough to deactivate that drone back on Earth, I'm sure you can concentrate enough to activate a little-bitty-won't-hurt-anyone powersource."

With a slight frown, Carson closed his eyes again and concentrated on turning on the 'little-bitty-won't-hurt-anyone' powersource.

After a few moments of watching Carson think John turned to Rodney and mouthed the words 'anything yet?' Rodney looked to his laptop and shook his head in a silent 'no.'

Carson was first to break the newly-formed silence. Keeping his eyes closed, he asked, "If nothing can go wrong, why are two of you here?"

"Because..." Rodney began to answer, but stopped when he couldn't think of a good fib.

"Because Dr. Weir wanted it that way." John completed the lie.

Carson didn't believe him for a second, but kept that fact to himself. Without warning a strange noise occurred; a cross between a kazoo and a car horn. He opened his eyes and with a half-scared half-pained expression he asked, "What did I do?"

"Relax, the noise was the indicator we decided to use," Rodney explained as he pushed some buttons on his laptop. "Congratulations," he added. "You turned the jumper on."

Carson relaxed a little. "Oh, good."

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" John asked. "Now you need to activate the manuevering engines."

"Those are the ones used for short distances, right?"


"Ah." Once again Carson closed his eyes and imagined he was in a car.

It took a little longer than before, but the kazoo/hum sounded again.

"Those were the drive pods," Rodney said as he checked the laptop. "But you were close. Try again."

For the four time Carson closed his eyes and focused on turning on the correct engines. Since he hadn't had any lunch that day, his stomach began to growl. He tried to ignore it, so he could continue thinking about the engines.

The ship, on the other hand, didn't ignore his stomach noises. A strange mechanical whrirring began emmanating from one of the side panels. It was followed by a series of three short 'dings'.

Carson snapped his eyes open. "I didn't do it!" he said quickly.

John, ignoring him, turned to Rodney. "McKay?" he asked slowly, almost accusingly.

"Hey, it wasn't me," Rodney said defensively as he typed on the laptop.

"Then what was it?" There was a tiny hint of annoyance in John's voice.

"I think Dr. Beckett might have accidentally activated something we didn't convert."

"Oh no." Carson groaned slightly, "Not again."

"Do you know what it is?" John asked.

"No." Rodney turned to Carson. "Carson, what were you thinking of just now?"

"I was trying to ignore my 'manly-hunger'."

John tried unsuccessfully to mask his laugh as a cough.

Rodney gave both of them a scowl. "Ha ha. Very funny," he said dryly.

Dawning on John what Carson had accidentally activated, he said, "you didn't," with disbelief and mock anger.

"Didn't what?" Both Rodney and Carson spoke at the same time.

John reached across to the pilot's left wall panel. He lifted a barely noticable sliding door, reached in, and pulled out the object currently in the compartment. It was a turkey sandwich on a plate.

~*~ A/N2: Well, there you go. I know it probably doesn't make a lot of sense. Although I am pretty sure it's better than my first Atlantis fic. Please review

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