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Saving the World

by Miss Wendy
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Saving the World

Saving the World

by Miss Wendy

TITLE: Saving the World
AUTHOR: Miss Wendy
EMAIL: wendy.rhodes@ntlworld.com
CATEGORY: Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
PAIRING: Sam/other
SPOILERS: There maybe a few, don't know what though
CONTENT WARNINGS: male/female relationship, sexual situations
SUMMARY: Sam's life changes.
STATUS: Complete
ARCHIVE: Heliopolis
DISCLAIMER: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. We have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the authors. Not to be archived without permission of the authors. The character named 'Leo' is created by me and any similarites to anybody else was purely accidental. Please don't shoot!
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Well this one is kinda isn't really like my others, so in a way it's different.
Please send me feedback, be nice! :)
Oh and please try to enjoy the story, I know it's hard. But you'll try, right?

Samantha Carter walked down the street in a slight hurry, not wanting to really be late. She had to get to her car, before all the work she was carrying got wet.

But unfortunately for Sam Carter, instead of getting to her car, she bumped into a young man. Knocking her work, all over the place. Most of it only just missing the puddle. "Oh god!" she exclaimed. The young man looked at her for a second and then looked at the floor. "Oh sorry miss, I should have been looking where I was going." he appologised.

"No, it's my fault. I was in a hurry." They both quickly lowered to the floor and began picking the paper's up.

"I'll help you carry them, if you like?" he said.

"Well ... er." stuttered Sam, she couldn't help but take in this man's appearance. As far as she was concerned, he was the most gorgeous man in the world, and she would be stupid not to accept his offer. "Okay, that would be great." she said, smiling, shyly. They walked upto the next car. Sam looked at the car and then at him.

"Well I .... Thank you." said Sam, still smiling.

"It's been my pleasure." he said, mirroring her smiles. "Great car." he said, taking in her car and it's appearance. Sam grinned and opened the car and put her very wet papers in it. "Thanks." He was about to go when Sam pulled him back. "What's your name?" she asked. He bowed his head, as if he was shy and he said.

"Leo Edwards. What's yours?"

"Samantha Carter .... er..Sam."

"Hi Sam."

"Hi." Sam had a very huge grin on her face. "Um, I was wondering, er why don't I buy you a drink, I can thank you for being so kind." she said.

"I would love that, Sam." said Leo.

"Great ... Leo .... Is that because ... "

"No ... My star sign is Sagitarrius." he said.


"Listen, I'm really sorry about your work. Alot of it's ruined."

"I know, but it's okay. I'm more concerned with the fact that it WAS in alphabetical order." Leo looked really upset now. "I didn't mean that to make you ... "

"No, I tell you what ... when we get that drink ... I'll help you put it back. And re-write some of it for you." suggested Leo.

"Let's go, then. Shall we." said Sam. She let him into her car, and she drove off.

Colonel Jack O'Neill walked into General Hammond's office. "Hi, Sir."

"What can I do for you, Colonel?" asked the General

"I know this is gonna sound like I don't like aercheology. Don't get me wrong ... It's great ... But can we PLEASE have a mission where I get to DO something."

"Colonel, I shall see what I can do."

"Great. Have you seen Carter?" he asked

"No. I haven't seen her at all today." he replied "Why?"

"Oh it's just you know ... she's normally here."

"Well Colonel, maybe she realises that she doesn't have to come in, if there is no reason for her to be here." said Hammond.


"So why don't you go home, Colonel. There is no mission briefing until tomorrow."

"Okay, sir." Jack walked outGreat, Carter's not here. I only come to see her and she's not here.he thought to himself.

Leo sat beside Sam, at two computers, both of them typing. "A-Ha." said Leo, suddenly. Making Sam jump out her skin, and literally jump off her seat. She laughed when she saw his face of shock, at what she had done. "I've managed to get it to print."

"So have I."

"Great, let's see whose is first." said Leo, they ran to the printer. Here they were at some computer cafe shop, and they acting like children. Sam laughed as she waited to see whose was outOkay I am a Major in the US Air Force and I am messing aroung with a guy named Leo in a computer Cafe.she thought to herself. Leo looked upset when he saw it was Sam's that came out first. "That's only because my computer wouldn't work." said Leo. Looking like a child who had just lost his ice cream. Which made Sam giggle and laugh. Leo joined her and they grabbed all her papers. "Right, now. To put something in alphabetical order, you start with A, right?" asked Leo

"I guess so. Unless of course the alphabet starts with a B, in which case, you're wrong." said Sam.

It took then 1 and a half hours to get all her stuff back into alpahbetical order. "Oh, my. That's the last one." said Sam, looking very tired.

"Oh. This calls for a celebration." said Leo.

"Oh, really." said Sam.

"Yep, and I'd take you to my place for a drink. But I haven't cleaned up in a while." he said.

"Well, I'll take you to mine." said Sam, grabbing his arms and pulling him out of the cafe.

"Don't bump into anybody." said Leo. Sam grinned at him, in one of those sarcastic ways.

Sam parked her car in her drive and they got out. "Wow, this is a great house." said Leo, admiring her home. "Oh thanks. It's actually an old house. Don't ask me about it's history. I've got a friend who could find that out for you." she unlocked the door and they walked inside.

"Well I shall ask your friend." Leo replied. Sam smiled, as they walked into the kitchen.

"Would you like a drink?" asked Sam.

"Yes please."

"Okay, then. What will it be?" she asked

"Oh, could I have .... oh ... what have you got."

"Er beer, coffee ... "

"A beer, please." he said. Sam got one out the fridge for him, and she was about to get him a glass when he stopped her getting the glass. "Don't dirty a glass." he said "I'll just have it in the can."

"Oh okay." she passed him the can.

A few hours later, they were talking in the living room. The sound of happiness filled both their voices. "So come on, what do you do for a living?" asked Leo.

"I am a theoretical astrophysist." she replied. "And I am a Major in the Air Force."

"A major and a doctor, well. That's accomplishment." he said.

"What about you?" asked Sam

"I am ... well nothing at the moment. I've just bought this place ... It'shopefullyfingers crossed. That I can turn it into a club."

"Oh, that sounds great. When I was younger I always wondered what it would be like to have a club and make money."

"When I was younger I wanted to be doctor. Not your kind. The type that operates on people. You know .... "

"I can't imagine you as a doctor. You'd be covered in blood." she said, grinning as his face turned pale.

"Precisely why I decided against that career. Then I fell in love with the idea of being a guitarist."

"You can play the guitar?" she asked. Liking the sound of this one.

"Oh yeah. I always thought, still think, that it isthecoolest instrument." they both laughed. "No ... Cooking is the best. Can you cook, Sam?" he asked

"No, not really. I'd poison you." she said. "Can you cook?"

"Well I don't want to sound like I'm boasting ... but oh yes."

"You sound like you're boasting." He laughed and continued.

"I get it off my father, and he gets it off his father. It runs in the family. What runs in your family? Now come on, every family has a good trait, bad trait." he said.

"Well .... er ... maybe the military." she said, laughing. He smiled back. "I suppose there's the fact that we all argue. From time to time. My father and brother are great joke tellers. They could tell you a story that could keep you smiling for a week." Sam then changed the subject. "If you can play guitar, prove it."

"I haven't got mine with me." he stated, showing with his hands that his guitar was absent from the room. "I have one." she said.

"You play?"

"My mother did. She could play. She used sing this song to get me to sleep. I miss her ... and I miss that."

"I'm sure she still thinks of the song too." Sam looked at him.

"Oh, Leo she's er ... "

"Yeah, I know. But that doesn't mean she doesn't think. She could be in heaven." he said

"How did you know?"

"Your face told me." he said. "Your face speaks alot." She looked shyly at him. He then shook her out of it. "Where's that guitar then?" he asked

"Oh it's upstairs. I'll go get it." she ran upstairs.

When she came back, Leo was looking at the photo's on her fire place. "Great kids, are they yours?"

"Well, no. I'm an aunty. You could say the young girl there named Cassandra is mine."

"Oh, how's that?" he asked

"I share a joint charge with Janet, my friend. She doesn't live with me, though."

"Oh I love kids, there the greatest." said Leo, as she passed him the guitar.

"Oh so you are the broody type of guy." said Sam

"I'll have kids one day, I know I will." Sam smiled at him. "Now this guitar is in great shape, just look at it. The craftmanship is absolutely fantastic." This caused Sam to smile even more. "You know if you keep smiling, you'll knock your ears off."

"Just play something."

"Okay, don't laugh, please. I don't perform well with an audience." he said. He started to play a song, and Sam sat down. As she listened to the music she found herself staring at him. He was enchanting, it made a shiver go up and down Sam's spine. He started to sing. His voice was soft yet masculine, and she found herself caught up in the song and his voice that she didn't notice he had closed the distance between them. When the song finished she looked at him and stared into his greeny blue eyes. A smile played on both their lips. Sam then helped him close the distance even more, and there lips brushed. They were both kneeling on the floor, and they softly touched each other's mouths. Leo applyed some pressure to their kiss, and the passion that had once been in the music was now filling the room, like wild fire. Not taking his mouth off hers, he lowered her to the floor.

A few hours later, they were sat on the sofa, holding one another. They had not had sex, but they had been very close. But neither of them wanting tor rush into that, seeing as they had really only just met.

"You're a good musician." she said, grinning.

"Oh thank you." he said. The phone rang which made them both jump in shock. Sam stood up and went to the phone. "Hello." she said, the voice on the other side's was Colonel O'Neill's.

"Hey, Carter, just phone to let you know that we're having a party before tomorrow's little ... trip. Was wondering if you wanted to join."

"No thank you, sir."

"Please don't tell me you are working?" he pleaded. Sam looked at Leo, who smiled at her.

"No, sir. I am not working what-so-ever."


"Goodnight sir." Sam put the phone down before he could say anything else.

Jack looked at Daniel and said "I think she's working."

"What makes you say that?" asked Daniel

"We she won't come and she seemed to be in a hurry to get rid of me."

"That doesn't mean she's working."

Over the next two weeks, Sam and Leo spent alot of time together. Sam had really been spending more time with Leo then she had originally intended to do, she found him more interesting than her work, and that made her feel slightly worried.

Sam sat in the briefing room, reading the notes, that she should have already read. Janet, Jack, Daniel and Teal'c both stared at her in amazement. "What?" she asked

"Carter, whatcha doing?" he asked

"Just catching up, on this." Janet grinned.

"You've been having to catch up a lot lately, haven't you?" Janet said.

"I've been busy." said Sam. Janet eyed her

"You've been very busy for the past two weeks." Janet's eyes twinkled in a mysterious way.

"I've had a lot of work to do."

"Oh, really. Tell me does this work come in the form of a man." Sam jerked her head up and looked at her friend. "No!" she said, unconvincingly.

"Sam, you know something, you are a lously liar." Sam looked at every member of her team, and then rested her head on the table. "I knew it!" exclaimed Janet.

"Knew what?" asked Daniel. Janet ignored Daniel, and carried on looking at Sam. Sam was laughing into her arms, that rested her head. "Who is he, what's his name, and how serious is it?" said Janet, the need to know the details took her over. Luckily for Sam, General Hammond walked in. "Major Carter, are you okay?" he asked, noticing her head resting on the table. Sam lifted her head up and she looked at the General "I'm fine, sir." she said, a grin threatening to form on her face.

The rest of the briefing went well. Janet didn't mention anything until she decided to walk with Sam to her lab. "So ... " Janet said as they walked into her lab.

"So what?" asked Sam,

"Don't play fool, with me, Sam. You're not dumb enough. What's his name?"

"His name is Leo."

"Leo, nice name." Sam sat down and grabbed her pen. "How serious is it?"Sam looked at her friend, with curiosity. "Janet.."

"Sam ... to get on in society you must dish the gossip. It's a fact of life, you cannot prevent it."

"It's serious, go away." she said.

"How serious?"

"Very." said Sam, she began writing her report.

"Can I meet him?" Sam looked confused.

"What do you need to meet him for?" she asked

"I need to know if he is the right guy for you."

"Janet, I'll be the judge of that." said Sam, getting impatient.

"Okay, okay. I do have some gossip for you."

"Oh." said Sam, sounding totally uninterested.

"Yeah, when I asked you if the work you were doing was man related, Colonel O'Neill's face fell a mile." said Janet. Sam looked up from her report.

"You were seeing things."

"Sam, I'm not telling you to forget Leo, and go for Jack. Hell no. You're better off with Leo. I'm just saying that perhaps you ought to tell him about Leo." said Janet

"I shall take your advice." said Sam. Janet, who was now satisfied that Sam had played her role in society she left. Sam found her thoughts on Jack, but they quickly went to Leo, and they stayed there.

SG-1 found themselves on another planet filled with lots of .... people. "My.. oh my." said Jack

"They weren't on the MALP." said Sam

"You know what, Carter. I think you're right there. Okay, Daniel you're up." said Jack. Daniel looked slightly shocked and then he took his stage and looked at his audience. "We are peaceful travellers from another planet. Very peaceful. We're explorers."

"That is what the others said." A person from the crowd shouted.

"Daniel, I don't think they bought it." said Jack. "I suggest you dial us home." Suddenly one member of the crowd pulled a gun at them. "Danny, now. Dial." Daniel quickly dialed the gate. The person from the crowd pulled the trigger, and it hit Sam. Sam fell to the floor, but unlike normal weapons there was no blood. "Oh crap!" exclaimed Jack, pulling Sam behind the DHD. "Jesus, Carter." The stargate opened and Daniel quickly sent the signal. Jack picked up, Sam while Teal'c protected Daniel. They went through the 'gate and as soon as they had arrived. Jack ran out of the gate room, with Sam and took her to the infirmary.

He layed her down on the bed, and Janet took over. "She's flatlining." shouted a nurse.

"Right, charge the paddles." said Janet. But Sam suddenly started breathing and her heartbeat started back up. Janet looked at Sam and then at the others members of SG-1. Sam started coughing and her eyes opened. "Leo." she whispered through coughs

"I'm afraid not, he's not here." said Janet, soothingly. Jack looked stunned for a second as if he had been kicked in the gut. Daniel noticed this, but he decided that he would go to Sam instead. "Hi, Sam. It's me, how are you?" he asked, Sam didn't answer.

"She needs her rest, why don't you all come back later on." said Janet. SG-1 walked out and Janet stayed with Sam.

When Sam woke up, she saw Janet standing beside her, stroking her hair. "Hi." said Janet "How do you feel?" she asked

"I'm fine. A little confused perhaps." replied Sam.

"Yeah well, so am I." said Janet


"What happened, and your recovery makes no sense, But then the stargate makes little sense." Sam smiled. "Hey, guess what."


"You and Leo must be really serious."

"What makes you say that?" asked Sam

"When you came too, you called out for him."

"I did?"

"Yeah." Sam thought for a moment.

"Could you call him for me, and tell him that I can't come tonight, please."

"What do I tell him, when he asks why?"

"You say that it's my classified job."

"Oh okay, will do." Janet smiled, at her friend.

Jack O'Neill sat down in his living room, with a bottle of whiskey.It's not like I would have ever got her.he thought to himself. A knock on the door, pulled him out of his thoughts. He slowly got up and opened the door "Space monkey."

"Hello Jack. Can I come in?" said Daniel

"Sure, knock yourself out." Daniel walked in and sat himself on a sofa.

"Jack, I just came to ask you if you still care about Sam?"

"Of course I care about her, don't you?"

"Well yes, but you care about her on a different level."

"Danny, she was never going to be mine." he said

"You never tried, you never found a way. Now some guy named Leo, has got her."

"She only met him two weeks ago."

"Yeah, but the way Sam talks about him, that doesn't matter."


"Jack, all I'm saying is.."

"She's spoke to you about him?" asked Jack

"Yeah, she has." said Daniel "Jack, she really loves him, and I think the two of you should talk this out before it ruins the team."

"Daniel ... I ... will." Daniel looked at him without being convinced he decided that it's best that he left.

General Hammond looked at the team before him and decided to speak. "I'm giving you all a week off, seeing as Major Carter needs a week." said Hammond "That means I want you to leave the base, get away from work." Hammond looked at them all, who were smiling. "That includes you, Major."

"Sir?" Sam was confused.

"Yeah, Carter, try to relax a little." said Jack,

"Sir?" she asked again.

"You are not allowed to do any work, at all." said Jack

"Sir, what makes you think I am going to do any work?" Sam asked, afraid of the answer

"Because you're Carter, you always do work. You need to relax." he replied. Sam felt a sudden burst of anger, but her military training prevented her from acting on it. "How is my beingCartergoing to make me do work?" she asked, pushing her anger deep into her body, denying it's exsistance.

"Carter, you are Carter, you don't do anything but work, you must love it." he said. Sam looked at everyone in turn. She felt terrible, they didn't know her, she suddenly stood up and walked away saying "Have a good week." She left everyone looking slightly confused.

"General Hammond."

"Yes Teal'c."

"Did you say dismissed?"

"It doesn't matter, dismissed." Hammond still watched the door that Sam had walked out of.

Sam walked into her lab and shut the door, she then grabbed the phone, and dialed Leo's number. She waited slightly impatient for him to answer. "Hello." came Leo's voice.

"Hi, Leo, are you near my house?" she asked, her voice was shaky

"I'm not far away, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just really need to see you."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

"Bye." Sam put the phone down, and sighed. Tears were threatening to fall as realisation dawned in, they thought she was a workaholic, they didn't know her at all.

As Sam got into her car, she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see it was Colonel O'Neill."Sir?"

"Carter, look I'm just making sure you're okay."

"I'm fine." she got in the car and shut the door and pulled down the window when she saw that he still wanted to talk.

"Really, then what was all that about in the briefing?"

"It was nothing."

"Oh well, you are not staying at the base?"

"Why, are you?"

"Well no, but I thought that ... "

" ... I would stay to do work?"

"Well yeah."

"You thought wrong. I have to go. See you next week." She pulled up the window and drove off.

Sam pulled up into her drive, she saw Leo was actually waiting for her at the door, when he saw her stop, he came upto the car and opened the door, and helped her out. "Oh Leo." Sam cried into his chest and he held onto her. Leo shut the door, but didn't let go of Sam, he then took her into the house and guided her to the sofa. He held onto her as she carried on crying.

When her tears subsided a bit, she let go of him slightly and looked at his face. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?" he asked, knowing that he might not be able to get the full story.

"They don't know me, I've been with them for four years and they don't know me." sobbed Sam.


"They think that I always do work, and that I love my work so much that I don't have fun."

"Well I'm sure that there is a reason why they think that, maybe they don't spend time with you." he said.

"They don't."

"Well there you go. So why are you crying about it?" he asked

"I've been in a funny mood all day."

"Does it have something to do with why you couldn't come home two days ago."

"I suppose. No, it's more like my ... girlie thing."

"Oh its that time is it?" he asked. "Well I have just the medicine for that."

"You do?" he asked

"FOOD." She smiled as he took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

A few hours later they sat eating desert, while listening to music. "Well that was a fantastic dinner, you're a great cook." said Sam.

"Thank you, it's your turn tomorrow .... Unless of course you have to go to work ... "

"No, we've been given the week off." she said "But are you sure you want me to cook. I'm terrible."

"I bet your food is just as great as mine." Sam smiled.

"You will be proved wrong tomorrow night." Leo shook his head and led her to the living room. They sat down on the sofa, and she burried her head into his chest. "You should be more positive." said Leo. "Whether I am positive or not, makes little difference. I still can't cook."

"I'm not gonna make you think otherwise am I?" he asked

"No you're not." she said. Laughing in his shirt.

Half an hour later, Leo noticed that she was asleep, sighing he gently picked her up and carried her upstairs.

When he came down, he started the CD again. And fell asleep listening to sweet string instruments. Dreaming of Sam.

He woke up to the smell of coffee. He opened his eyes and saw a mug of coffee in front of his nose. He looked up and saw Sam. She was smiling, he took the coffee and smiled at her "Thank you."

"You could have stayed upstairs with me." she said

"I know, but I wasn't sure what you would think if you woke up next to me." Leo said. Sam sat down, practicaly sitting on his knee. "I would thinkpositivethings. Now you see I took your advice, and I am going to be positive, so I am going shopping, to get you some stuff for tonight. You can't come because it's a suprise." she said, smiling.

"Okay." he said, and kissed her cheek.

"You can use my shower." she said

"I'm taking the hint." he said. Runnig upstairs, as Sam put on her coat and walked out the door.

Sam walked around the supermarket, taking her time to choose, she hadn't really cooked before. But for some reason she wanted Leo to like her cooking. She wanted to treat him, they had only known each other a short while, but she felt like the world when she was with him. She was near the herbs when Janet Fraiser taped on her shoulder. "Oh hi, Janet." she said, with a smile.

"Hi Sam, hey I heard what happened in the briefing from Daniel. Are you okay?"

"Yeah why shouldn't I be?"

"Well Daniel said that you seemed upset by what Colonel O'Neill had said."

"I was in a mood."

"I'm sure you were." Uncovinced. Janet continued "What are you doing here?"

"I'm deciding on whether to have Rosemary or Parsley." Janet smiled.

"Well it would depend on what Leo likes." Sam grinned "It's for him, isn't it?"

"Yeah. He cooked for me, and so I'm cooking for him. Except I'm not that much of an expert at it."

"I don't think you need to be an expert to cook for Leo."

"Yeah but he CAN cook."

"Well get him to make it."

"No I want to make it."

"Okay okay." Janet held up her hands, in defeat.

Leo stepped out of the shower and dryed himself. He walked into Sam's bedroom and got dressed. He then pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it. Smiled and then he closed the box and put it on Sam's pillow. He was about to go back into the bathroom, when he heard a knock at the door. He walked out of her room and down the stairs and opened the door. "Hello." said Leo.

"Hi, I am looking for Carter." It was Jack. "Maybe I got the wrong address."

"Carter? Do you mean Sam?" said Leo, not used to calling her Carter.

"Yeah I mean Sam." said Jack.

"You haven't got the wrong address. But she's not here at the moment."

"Oh well, who are you?"

"I'm a friend, who are you?"

"Colonel O'Neill."

"You're Colonel O'Neill? She doesn't really want to see you."

"You must be Leo, Do you mind if I wait for her?"

"Yes I mind, she doesn't want to see you, at all." said Leo, angrily.

"But .... "

"Look, I'm not really sure what is it that you do in that mountain. But I do know that Sam was upset because you haven't really gotten to know her."

"What? Of course I know her."


"Yes, really."

"What does she do in her spare time?"


"Sorry, wrong answer." Leo started to shut the door. But Jack stepped his foot in the door. "Look ... "

"I really need to see her." Jack was desperate "I need to appologise."

"Colonel O'Neill, she is not here."


"She went shopping."

"Which shop?"

"I don't know."

"Tell her that I came." said Jack walking off,

"You can count on it." whispered Leo.

"So have the two of you ... You know." Started Janet, as she and Sam walked down the street, carrying bags of shopping. "Have we .... what?"

"You know .... together ... " Sam clicked onto what she was hinting at.

"You mean ... have we had sex."

"Yeah, I mean that."

"No .... I want to ... But I don't know if he wants to." Sam looked at her friend curiously.

"It'll happen when it's meant to."

"Why did you want to know?"

"Well .... Gossip..remember?"

"How could I forget."

Sam was cooking in the kitchen when Leo came in holding a very large bunch of flowers. "Leo, what are those?" she asked.

"Although I wish I could take the credit they are not from me."

"Who are they from?"

"Colonel O'Neill ... I think he cares about you."

"Well .... "

"It doesn't matter, where do you want them?" he asked

"They can go ... over there." she said, pointing to the sink "For now." Sam turned to Leo "I said it was a secret." Sam was refering to her cooking. "Now go." He ran out the kitchen. Laughing as he did so.

"That was a fantastic meal." Said Leo, smiling at Sam across the table. As a huge grin spread across her face. "Really?"

"Yep, the best I have ever had." Sam stood up and rushed to him, and enveloped him a tight hug.

"Thank you." she said "Are you joking?" worried for a second that he might be being nice.

"I am very serious. I don't know why you doubted yourself."

"Thank you thank you thank you."

"Can I take that as a thank you?" he said, with a slight hint of sarcasm. Sam smiled and dragged him off his chair. "What?" he asked, but she never answered. She took him into her living room, and sat him down on the chair, and then she sat on his knee. "It's more comfortable here."

"I can think of somewhere else more comfortable." Sam eyed him for a second, unsure of what he meant. "I didn't mean to make you uncom ... "

"No, Leo ... It's not that, I didn't think that you .... "

"Well I do."

"You do?"

"I do." he kissed her with as much energy as he could. He then picked her up and took her upstairs.

In the bedroom, he laid her on the bed, and he picked up the box, he had put there that afternoon.

"What's that?" Sam asked as he passed her the box.

"I got you a present." he said. Sam opened the box, and there was a pair of gold earrings with diamonds.

"O Leo they're beautiful, thank you." she said. kissing him on the cheek.Leo took them off her and put them on the bedside table. "YOU are beautiful." he said, as he started to kiss her neck, as they both took off each others clothes ... When he finally made his entrance into her body, she managed a moan as the feeling and passion overwhelmed her ... They made love more than a few times.

One week later (End of down time)

Sam Carter walked into her lab to find Janet all ready there. "Hi." she said. Janet smiled at her friend and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm confused." said Sam.

"Hi, to you too. Did the dinner go well?" Sam's face lit up, and Janet got the answer that she had needed. "Tell me it was safe sex!" she demanded, Sam laughed, a grin spread across her face.

"Lots ... All week. " she said, while nodding.

"I'm happy for you. I'm a little jealous but I am so totally happy for you." those were the words that Jack O'Neill heard as he walked in. Janet looked at Sam and Sam nodded. Janet left them alone. "So it must be good news." said Jack, once she had gone

"What makes you say that, sir?"

"Well she's happy for you. You can't be ill." Sam smiled.

"Um sir, I heard that you came to see me, and you sent me flowers."

"You heard correctly, so he told you?"

"Yes, he did."

"Sam .... When we were having that Zatarc test thingy .... I meant what I said, I still mean it."


"You said just about the same thing."

"I know I did, sir. But things change."

"How can things change?"

"Because life moves on. I accepted that *us* would never happen."

"When did you .... "

"Not long after the Zatarc test." she said.

"How come?"

"Sir, I still care about you, but .... "

"You like Leo more."

"Alot more .... I am sorry to hurt you, but we would never have been together, at all." Jack looked deeply upset. "Well, er .... " he began "Good luck with you and Leo. I'm sure you are well suited." Jack walked out of her lab.

By the end of the day things had not been any better. Sam was about to give up and ever getting the chance to speak to him again, when he came upto her in the car park. "listen Carter, what I said earlier."

"Sir, I was actually out of line ... "

"No I was. I meant what I said, about Leo. He seems like a great guy. I'm sure it will work out between you."

"Thank you."

"So you still be able to help me, when I get my maths or stuff in a muddle, or I get confused. Right?"

"Sure." she said "See ya later, sir. Goodnight." Sam got into her car, and watched him walk off.Great, he just wants me, so I can help him with his stupidity, and pick him up when he fallsshe thought to herself as she drove home.

Over the next few months, Sam found herself hating her job, and not just because she felt she wasn't really wanted unless somebody needed her to do the impossible. She also felt unappreciated. Prefering her time with Leo, she made sure she got to spend as much time with him as possible. She also helped him in his planning for his club, just because she wanted to not go to work.

As she walked down the corridoor of the SGC, she bumped into Colonel O'Neill "Oh sorry sir."

"It's okay, hey Carter, I was looking for ya." Sam felt a sudden rush of relief. He was looking for her, maybe she was wrong. "You were, sir?"

"Yeah, I need your help with something." Sam thought she had never felt such dissapointment in her life. "What do you need my help with?" she managed to choke out.

"It's a little thing about the stargate."

"What about it?"

"I was wondering if ... " Sam wasn't listening to the rest of the question. She just answered with a yes regardless of what it was.

"We have an incoming traveller." said the technician. Sam watched in wonder at who it could be, she was really relieved when she heard it was her father. (hopefully) "It's the Tok'ra, sir."

"Open the iris." said Hammond, and he and SG-1 walked into the 'gate room, Sam practically ran, when it was her father, to which she was happy about she grabbed him and clung onto him as if she hadn't seen him in years. "Woah, Sam. Give me room to breathe." Sam let go of her father, and looked at him, and then at her team. "Sorry!" she said.

"Can I take it you missed me?" Sam nodded.

"Jacob, what can we do for you?" Sam wanted him to say 'I've just come to see my daughter' but he said "We have a little mission for SG-1." Sam really was more disappointed than before. There was always some little mission for SG-1.

Sam sat in the briefing room and listened to what it was that had to be done this time. "We've recieved word that Apophis is heading for a remote planet near this system. If they do manage to ... " started Jacob.

"We would be in serious trouble." Daniel finished for him.

"What could we possibly do?" asked Jack.

"The ship that is going there, is a ship with a tok'ra on board. They can take out that ship, but they need a way to stop the Jaffa that go to the planet. Do you think SG-1 is up for it?" said Jacob

"Well if we don't the world will be in more danger." said Daniel

"If we are to continue this race, and save this world, from the Goa'uld we must go on this mission." said Teal'c. "I think we should go." said Daniel "They could come here."

"So you two agree, what about you Carter?" Sam didn't answer, she sat there with her head in her hands. "Carter?" said Jack, impatiently.

"Sam?" Jacob was worried, he walked upto her and crouched beside her. He put his hand on her arm and slowly pulled her hands away from her face. "Are you okay?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. A little dizzy perhaps." she replied.

"What do you think?" asked Jack

"To what, sir?" Sam asked

"To saving the world, again .... Our plan ... Jacob's plan."

"Were you listening to any of that?" asked Jacob

"No, not really." said Sam, spitefully, more than she had intended to do.

"You weren't?" asked Daniel, in shock. As a matter of fact everyone was in shock, mostly because of the way she had said it. "No, I stopped listening after the words *Save this world*."

"You don't think we should save this world, Major Carter?" asked Teal'c

"I think YOU should save the world, not me." Jacob couldn't believe his daughter. Sam stood up and started to walk out, but was stopped by Jacob pulling her back. "Sam? What's wrong?"

"That's the point."

"Can I have a hint? Please?"

"If you were here more often, you would know. But the only time you come here is when you have a little mission for SG-1." Jack was amazed, as was Daniel. Hammond looked slightly annoyed while Teal'c merely raised an eyebrow. Jacob looked like he was about to lose his temper. "Sam? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I don't want to be apart of this, anymore."

"What? Why?" asked Daniel

"Because I don't." Hammond stood up and looked at Sam.

"Major, why don't you go home, relax. Don't do any work, take a day off to think about this. SG-1 can do this mission without you.If they have to."

"That's what I am talking about."

"What do you mean?" asked Jacob

"You all think I'm some sort of workaholic. Like I have no life. You only need me if you need to use my brain. How do you think that makes me feel?"

"Sam, that's not true." said Daniel

"Yes it is. I've seen it, I've lived it. I'm going back to my non-exsistant life." She started to walk out when Hammond stopped her.

"Major, come back in a few days, please." When she was gone, Jacob fell into the chair that she had once occupied. "Okay, what's been going on?" he asked

"I'm not sure." said Daniel

"It appears she is no longer satisfied with the life that she has at the SGC." Said Teal'c.

Sam walked into her house and slammed the door behind her. Only to be really shocked when Leo knocked on the door. She opened the door to let him in. "I saw you drive through town, and I also saw the very angry look on your face." he explained. "What happened?"

"Oh Leo, I messed up, big time." She walked into the front room and sat on the edge of the chair. Leo bent down in front of her and looked up at her. "How did you mess up? If you can tell me." He was referring to the classification of her job. "Well I got angry, really angry."

"Why?" Sam looked at him.

"I really can't tell you."

"Oh ... "

"I want to. But ... "

"No Sam I understand, really. Just tell me what you can."

"They wanted me to do .... this job. But I am fed-up of doing that job. That's all they ever want me for. It's the only time I see my father. I wish my life was normal." The tears that had been threatening to fall, did. Leo held onto her as she cried. When she had finished she looked at him. "I'm sorry." she said

"What for?"

"Well look at what you got. Some woman who's fed-up with her life."

"This woman just so happens to be The best person in the world. I AM VERY pleased that I have got you."

"You are?"

"Yes, I tell you what. Let's go and do something that's different to your job."

"Like what?"

"I don't know .... "

" ... Take me to that place where you're going to have your club."

"It's messy." he warned her "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I don't mind getting my hands dirty."

"Good." Leo kissed her cheek. He got up and pulled her up and got her coat for her.

They walked upto the door, of a slightly big building. It was 2 story's high. Leo unlocked the door and led her in. "Oh you're right, it's dirty." Said Sam, taking in the whole place. It was dusty and the bar was covered in clothes as was the tables and chairs.

There was stage at the front, which looked quite spectacular. "All it needs is cleaning." she said. "Then you would be able to get it going, wouldn't you?" Leo looked at her and smiled.

"Precisely, I can never clean up, without finding myself being really bored."

"Can I help you?" she asked

"Oh Sam, I didn't want you to have to helpclean up."

"Please? It'll be fun, especially if we cleaned up together."

"Alright, you're on."

Sam and Leo were scrubbing the floor together. Laughing as they did so. As they swished the water around on the floor, on their hands and knees, they kept bumping their hands into one another.

At the end of two days, the place was clean. Although the bar had nothing in it, yet. Not even any glasses. The place looked great. "Well this calls for a celebration." said Leo, grinning. He held out his arm, "M'Lady." he said, she took his arm, and smiled at him, he lifted his head up high as they walked out. He locked the door, and they walked off laughing.

Two days later:

Jack O'Neill walked into the briefing room, where he saw Jacob, Hammond, Fraiser, Teal'c and Daniel deep in conversation. "So .... still no word from Carter?" he asked.

"No." said Hammond. "She should come back, she may just find herself in serious trouble."

"George, I seriously think something is wrong." said Jacob "She has never, never done this before."

"Maybe it was Leo." suggested Jack.

"Jack, don't be stupid." said Daniel.

"Really, it all started when she started seeing him."

"Who's Leo?" asked Jacob

"Her boyfriend." replied Janet, everyone looked shocked. "And it's not him."

"What makes you say that, Doctor Fraiser." asked Teal'c

"Well I believe she may just be being normal."

"Normal? Doctor unless you hadn't realised but her behaviour is a far cry from normal." said Hammond

"Maybe not normal for an air force officer, or a scientist. But for the woman, it is very normal."

"Are you saying it's hormones?" asked Daniel

"No, I'm saying that she probably wants to settle down, start a family. It happens to us all. And her being with Leo has made her realise that that goal is now attainable." explained Janet.

"Leo is her boyfriend???" Jacob asked still shocked about that. "How come I never .... "

"You weren't here." said Janet "You told me those were one of the things she had said."

"Yeah she also said that he's only here when he has a mission for SG-1." said Jack.

"Well ... I'm busy." said Jacob.

"You also said she didn't want to *save the world*. Well that's a sign that she wants to settle down and lead a normal life." said Janet. "We should give her time .... " Sam Carter walked in the door. "Hi Sam."

"Carter, whatcha doing here? I thought you had decided to leave. Or have you changed your mind ... " Jack started. "Colonel ... you are not helping." Warned Hammond. Jacob walked upto his daughter.

"Sam ... "

"It's okay." she said quietly "I'm sorry. I ... er ... I was ... being silly, I guess. It's just I keep thinking that you all just ... need me for work."

"Well honey, I think you need to know that's not true."

"Major, please tell me that you are not leaving SG-1." said Hammond, with hope in his voice,

"I am not leaving, SG-1." There was a sigh of relief around the whole room.

The mission was a success, and if she was honest to herself she actually enjoyed beating Apophis. Although they don't believe he is actually dead, which is a shame. Today, her father was going to meet Leo. He had begged with the Tok'ra high council to let him stay on Earth for a few days to spend time with his daughter, and question her boyfriend, to make sure he was honest enough.

"Dad, please tell me you are not going to give him the third degree." begged Sam. As they drove away from the SGC. "I can't promise that." replied Jacob. Sam looked upset. "I promise that I will go easy."

"Dad, I know you will like him."

"I hope so, kid."

"And don't let Selmak do any talking." Jacob shook his head, while a grin formed on his face.

They met up for dinner and as Jacob and Sam waited at the restuarant for him, she kept reminding him to be nice. "Sam, if I say I won't ask questions you'll stop asking me." Jacob said

"You have to .... Oh he's here." Sam quickly stood up. Jacob had never seen his daughter move so fast. Jacob watched as she went to meet the man that had just been talking about. He watched them kiss and greet one another and then they came to the table. Sam did the introducing. "Dad, this is Leo. Leo this is my father." Jacob and Leo shook hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." said Jacob

"The pleasure is all mine." replied Leo. They all sat down and the waitress came upto them.

"What will it be?" she asked.

"Can I just have an orange juice please?" said Sam. The waitress wrote down the details of the orange juice. "Small or large?"


"And you sir?" she asked Jacob

"I'll have a beer." he said. The waitress turned to Leo. Continuing to write in her pad.

"A beer." he said "Please?" The waitress nodded and walked off. "You just want an orange?" asked Leo

"Yeah. I'm not really thirsty." she said.

"Oh, are you okay?" asked Leo.

"I'm fine." That wasn't true, she was worried, what her father might ask him.

"So Leo." started Jacob, Sam held her breath, without realising it."How long have you known Sam?"

"A ... oooh we're talking a few months." he replied.

"Oh. So tell me what's your job?" Sam shook her head.

"I own a club .... that still needs to find it's feet."

"Oh .... "

"Yeah, as a matter of fact your daughter has helped get it organised. All we need to sort out is stock."

"That's great." Jacob decided he like this guy and secretly winked to his daughter. Sam found herself letting out that breath.

Sam walked upto Leo and smiled at him, as he lay half asleep on her sofa. "You know, I think my dad likes you." she said, sitting down beside him.

"Yeah, I think he's a nice dad, better than mine."


"Well my dad only cares about money."

"What about your ... "

" ... Mother? She agrees with my dad. Guess they were a great young couple." Sam smiled."So where does your dad live."

"Very very far away. He can only come accasionally."

"That's a shame." Leo kissed her on the cheek. "Can I assume you sorted out your problem at work. You went on a mission. So it's good now yeah." Leo sounded very concerned and worried that she hadn't really sorted it out. "I have, it's okay. I realised I was being silly, and picking out little things."

"Good, I am pleased to hear that you're okay, now."

"Thank you for helping me."

"I will always help you ... I love you." Sam looked at him. It was the first time he had really said it. Sure he said it when they were making love, but this was different. His eyes were filled with emotion. "Oh Leo, I love you too." She kissed him. And there and then on the sofa, they made love with far more passion than before.

When they were later, sitting wrapped up in a blanket. With their clothes scattered all over the floor. "That was wow." said Sam.

"I know." he said, kissing her neck and collar bone, both of them still in the after flow.

Suddenly Sam started laughing. Leo stopped kissing her, and looked at her in a curious way. "Look at your T-Shirt." he looked to where she was pointing and started laughing as well. His T-Shirt was on her conifer tree, and it looked like the tree was wearing Leo's t-shirt. "I knew you were talented when it came to throwing my clothes around the room." said Leo. This caused them to laugh even more.


"We did meet some people who were willing to share there technology with us." said Colonel O'Neill in their mission de-breifing from P3X GH8 "But .... " said Hammond

"There weren't exactly advanced when it came to technology." he replied.

"But we are keeping up relations with them, as they said they may wish to join our battle against the Goa'uld." said Daniel

"They could be great allies, even if there technology is inferior." said Teal'c.

"Good, anything else?" asked Hammond, everybody shook their heads. "Dismissed then people. Major can I have a word?"

"Yes Sir," Sam followed him into his office.

"Major ... Sam are you okay, you seem a little quiet."

"Oh ... I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I don't want a repeat." Referring to her recent behaviour, that practically reached insurbordination

"You won't get one, sir."At least not quite the same, anyway.

Sam sat in her lab, staring into space. Thinking of the planet they had just been to. She had loved it their. Every body had simple lives. She even got to help the women make dinner one night. And even though they had technology, they chose to use simple cooking techniques. There was one women who had recently had a baby. At first Sam was hestitant to hold the child, but when she did, she felt really attached, and she suddenly began wondering what her life would be like with a child. Leo's child. And as she knew what Leo's feelings about children really were, as that was one of the first things he had said. She knew he would love the idea as well. "Oh I love kids." he had said "They're the greatest. I'll have kids one day, I know I will." Sam smiled as she remembered the day they had met. She got woken up by Janet waving her hand in front of her face. "You okay?"

"Oh ... er ... hi Janet."

"Hey, you looked really far away then."

"I was." she replied.

"Where were you?" she asked

"In heaven." she said, "Or maybe somewhere a little bit more down to Earth. I'm not sure."

"I'll bet Leo was there." Sam smiled. "I heard from Colonel O'Neill that you had a wierd experience on the planet you've just been to."

"Wierd experience?? You mean with the baby."

"Yes. With the baby."

"Oh Janet. Now I know I am being silly." Sam said. Janet sat beside.


"Ever since I saw that baby, and held her. I just want one of my own."

"That's not silly."

"Well, what would you call it?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe a way of life. Besides you told me Leo likes kids."

"He does, and I just don't know if he wants them with me."

"I think you'll find he does." said Janet.

"Like I said, silly."

"Sam, i suggest you try for one."

"Are you suggesting that as my doctor or my friend."

"Maybe a bit of both. More friend than doctor, but still .... "

"Janet ... You're great do you know that?" Janet hugged her.

"And did you know that you've changed?"

"Changed?" asked Sam, confused

"Yeah you seem more interested in your life than science."

"Well I feel different."

"Good. That's good. Go .... be happy." Janet had a cheeky look on his face.

"What?" asked Sam

"Oh nothing!" replied Janet

"You're lying, you're not leaving until I get an answer."

"I just got a phone call from Leo, he wants to see you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Sam. Closing a folder and standing up.

"I was going to but I found you staring into space."

"Why does he want to see me?"

"He said he'd meet you at your house at 7."

"Really?" Sam looked at the clock. "It's 6."

"Yes it is. Go." Sam ran off. Janet grinned, she hoped Leo wanted her for the reason that his voice had let on. She'd get the answer she wanted then.

Sam sat in her house, the clock read 6:55. Although Sam knew it must be something important as Leo doesn't normally do something like this, she still thought it may just be that he wants to just be at her house, as he likes it here. 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Sam rushed to the door to answer. She was stunned when she took in Leo's appearence. He was wearing a neat suit. with a tie to match. He came in and kissed her on the cheek. "Go upstairs and change. I'm taking you out to dinner."

"You are?"


"Okay." Sam kissed his lips and rushed upstairs. When she was getting dressed Leo pressed his suit coat pocket, checking it was still there. It was.

When Sam came downstairs, she was wearing a blue dress, with the earrings he had brought her not long after they were together. He smiled at her. "You look stunning." he said. He kissed her gently and then he opened the door for her, and led her to his car. He opened the door for her. Sam just grinned. "You are the gentleman aren't you?" Leo kissed her again, and shut the door. When he got in, he looked at her and then he started the engine. "Are you going to tell me where we are going?" asked Sam

"Now now, miss .... Major ... please be patient. It's a suprise."

"You've suprised me!" she said, smiling.

They drove a long way. They went inside what looked like a very posh restuarant. "Leo." she whispered as the place was very quiet. "Where are we?"

"I have brought you to this restuarant that's made to look more expensive than it really is." he also whispered.

"Why is very one quiet?" she whispered back

"It's because of the view."

"View???" Leo turned around and she could see everything. House's, River's. It looked so natural. The sky was clear and the stars were absolutely bright. "Oh my!" she exclaimed.

They ate dinner, also as quietly as the others. Sam couldn't help but notice that Leo looked nervous. "Are you okay?" she asked

"I'm fine." he replied. He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

An hour later, Leo took her for a walk. "So come on." said Sam, as they walked. "What's going on?" Leo stopped and held on to her arms. "I have to ask you something. I will understand if you say no."

"Tell me." she said. He put his hand in his pocket and removed a box. Sam looked at the box and then at Leo "Leo?" she asked. He opened the box, so that she could see. It was ring.

"Will you ... marry me?" he asked, you could just feel he was nervous. Sam looked at him and then at the ring. It was beautiful, she then decided to put him out of his misery and answer his question "I will. Of course I will." He kissed her lips, and took the ring out of the box and put it on the correct finger.

"I love you." he said, smiling at her, as they put their foreheads together.

"I love you too." Sam kissed him. And wrapped her arms around his warm body.

Leo walked his fiancee back to the car, and noticed she wouldn't take her eyes off the ring that was now on her wedding finger. "Leo, you have one hell of a way at proposing."

"Is that a compliment?" He asked as he guided her along the street, knowing full well she wasn't really looking. "That's exactly what it is. Thank you." He kissed her hair. "Leo, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can."

"You remember when we met and you told me that you want kids. Is that still true? Do you want them with me?"

"It is still true. And you'll find, you are the only person that I want children with." Sam smiled "Why?" he asked

"I just lately ... I just feel like having ... you know ... a baby. I know we won't have one like for ages but ... "

"We can have one whenever you want one. I'm waiting for you." He said as he wrapped his arms around her, he walked behind her. But he was more like waddling than walking. When they got to the car, she turned to face him. "Can we try for a baby?" she asked.

"Well not here." Sam laughed.

"No, I meant ... " He put his hands on her waist

"I would love to have a baby with you, Sam. And I certainly don't mind trying." Sam laughed again. They got in the car and drove home.

While they were in the car, Sam decided to ask another question "Does this mean, you'll move in?"

"Into your place?" he asked

"Unless of course you really like your dirty appartment."

"When you remind me of that, of course I'll move in."

Sam and Leo walked upto a very huge house. "Leo?"

"Yes." he replied, as they got to the door.

"Do your parents really live here?"

"Don't worry, if you don't touch anything, you'll be okay."

"Do I look worried?" she managed to say. A butler opened the door.

"Master Leo, please do come in." he said. "And you have brought a lady friend." Sam grinned.

"My name is Sam, hi." she said. trying desperately not to laugh at this mad man.

"Hello miss Sam."

"It's Major." she said. "Just call me Sam, though." Leo smiled at her, and then at the butler.

"I shall take you to the main seating room." he led the way, and Leo held onto her hand to make sure she didn't get lost.

They walked into a very huge living room. Sam gasped as she looked up and saw the roof. "I know."

"How come your appartment is so ... cheap compared to this. If they ... " said Sam, shocked.

"They would never give me money." he said. Then two people walked in. Wearing quite expensive clothes. The Butler followed behind them "Mother, Father how are you?"

"We're fine." replied his mother. His father nodded.

"I would like you to meet Sam." he said, pulling Sam foward. All she could do was smile at them.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you." said His father. He held out his hand and she went to shake it. But he kissed it instead. Sam raised an eyebrow and looked at Leo. His mother didn't do anything to meet Sam at all. "So .... Sam, how come you know my son." said his father.

"Well .... um ... "

"Father, this is my fiancee. Sam. The one in the letter."

"Oh you're Sam." said her mother. Standing up and standing directly in front of Sam. Sam had this terrible feeling that she wasn't going to like them very much. "So what is your job?" she asked

"I'm a Major in the US Air Force." she replied, quietly "And a theoretical astrophysist."

His parent's looked confused. "What's that?" asked Leo's father

"It's ... something that would take a long time to explain to you."

"So you have a decent education, this pleases me." he said, in a very posh voice. Sam looked at Leo, who had never let go of her hand.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"I like people who actually had the decency to do their school work, and get themselves a life." he replied.

"So are you staying for dinner?" asked his mother.

"Well actually ... I have to go to briefing in a hour or so, so I have to get back to base. I'm really sorry, i just wanted to meet you." replied Sam, looking at her watch.

"Base? Which one?" he asked

"A very classified one." she replied. Leo kissed his mother on the cheek and shook his father's hand.

"Goodbye." he said,

"Yes thank you." said Sam, and they walked out.

When they got to the car, Sam started laughing. "What?" asked Leo, with a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry." she said "It's just there voices .... they are nothing like you."

"I know." he said, also laughing.

SG-1 waited in the briefing room for General Hammond. The Nox were visiting Earth, with the Tollan. They were asking about some piece of technology that had been stolen. As Janet sat beside Sam, Sam was again catching up. "So?" said Janet.

"So ... what?" asked Sam, confused.

"What did Leo want?" Sam looked at her friend, and then at the rest of SG-1.

"Why do I always get the third degree?" Sam asked. Jack looked at her and then smiled.

"Come on, Carter, you know the doc. She just likes gossip."

"You're telling me, sir." said Sam.

"So, tell me." said Janet. Suddenly the Nox, Tollan and General Hammond walked in.

"Right people, let's get to the point. The Nox and the Tollan have asked them to help us find out who has been stealing from them. So SG-1 you will be going with the Tollan while SG-2 will be going with the Nox." The person from the Tollan, shook hands with the members of SG-1. When he shook hands with Sam he held out his left, so she had to shake with her left hand. That's when Janet noticed the ring. Of course she didn't say anything at the time, but she planned to. "I look forward to working with you. I have heard much about you. I just wish it had been under better circumstances." Said the Tollan. Jack didn't like it one bit, but then he never did like the Tollan.Why couldn't we work with the Nox.he thought.As least we are young to them. Not primitive.

SG-1 stepped onto Tollana, and met Travell. "Hello." she said. "I am pleased that you can come and help us."

"Well we can only try." said Jack. Sam didn't look to happy with Jack's comment, and he could have sworn she had the look of disapproval. That was when he noticed she was wearing a ring. He couldn't believe it. Even though they had sorted out there differences he still didn't want her to be with Leo. Let alone marry him. But he did want things to be cool between them, so he was just not saying that he didn't really like Leo.

As they walked down the corridoors of the Tollan homeworld, Daniel walked upto Sam and said. "So I take it Leo asked the big question."

"Huh?" Sam was confused. He looked at her finger and she got the message. "Oh yeah, he did." Sam smiled at him, and Daniel could see she was happy. "Oh good, I'm really happy for you."

"You are?"

"Of course, I just don't think Jack is."

"No, I don't think he is .... you mean he knows?"

"He's seen it."

"I was going to take it off, until I told you, but I didn't want to. I've heard it's a bad thing to do that."

"Who said that?"

"My mother." Daniel looked at her and said

"Your mother is right." he said, grinning.

"She always was."

"So have you had any visitors lately?" asked Jack, as he sat with Travell.

"No. None." she replied.

"So when was this supposedly stolen?" asked Teal'c.

"3 days ago."

"Yet you haven't had any recent visitors." said Sam

"That is correct."

"Maybe it was some tollan person." suggested Jack. Travell looked disgusted. "They could have turned to the dark side."

"Maybe not everybody on Tollan is an honest or self respecting person such as yourself." said Daniel

"We asked for you help in solving this problem, we did not expect you to suspect one of our own. It is not even possible. So do not think about it." Travell shouted.

"Okay, we won't but I think you should." said Jack. "What did this person steal exactly?"

"A weapon."

"I didn't think you had weapons." said Sam.

"They are used in self defence." said Travell, suddenly Narim ran in. "Narim?"

"A group of Tollans are staging a protest outside the main city." said Narim.


"And one of them has the weapon that was stolen."

"Just how many times have we been right?" Nobody answered Jack's question. Instead they all ran out to see what was happenening. "This is impossible." said Travell. "We are a peaceful people."

"You don't really look it at the moment, do you?" said Jack.

"Will you help us?" she asked. Jack looked at his team members and then at Narim and then finally his attention was back at Travell. "Now you know we would help. But we cannot get involved because we have policies too, and it just so happens that these people are your own. So ... No we won't help you." Travell's face suddenly shaped into a small smile, somthing Jack wasn't expecting. He'd just turned away their plea for help. "You are right stick to your policy." Travell turned to Narim. "Escort them back to the Stargate." Narim did one of those tiny nods and then he took SG-1 to the Stargate.

As Narim looked at them he noticed that Sam wore a band around her finger. "Does that ring mean something?" he asked. This made all of them look at her expectantly. Except Daniel, he had already spoken to her about it. Jack had said nothing even though he noticed. "Um yes it does mean something." she replied. Narim looked confused when she didn't continue.

"What does it mean?"

"Well it means that I am getting married soon. It's an ... engagement ring." Teal'c raised an eyebrow.

"Does this mean that you and Leo Edwards will be getting married soon Major Carter?" he asked

"Yes it does." she said, smiling. Couldn't help it really, he mentioned his name and then set it off.

"I am pleased for you, Samantha." said Narim.

"Thank you." The gate opened and SG-1 stepped through.

Sam walked into her house with a box of Leo's Stuff. With Leo carrying an even bigger box, behind her. "Are these the only box's you've got?" she asked

"I don't own alot of stuff. Mind you, lots of stuff that Iownis at the club." he said. She grinned.

"This won't take you long to unpack then will it?"

"No it won't. It'd be even quicker ifweunpacked it together."

"Okay okay." She helped him unpack his stuff.

Leo put the phone down and looked at Sam, he looked like he was about to cry. "What's wrong?" she asked, running upto him, and holding his arm. "She's ... he's ... they're not coming." Leo said, tears threatening to fall. "Who's not coming? And to what?"

"My parents, they aren't coming to our wedding." The tears fell, it hurt. If he was with anyone else, he wouldn't have entertained the idea of crying. Sam held onto him as he very quietly sobbed. He trusted her not to make him worse. And he trusted her enough to let his emotions fall in front of her.

Two months later.

"I think I am going to be sick?" said Sam, nervously. Janet looked at her white dress.

"You won't be sick, you're not pregnant yet!" Sam laughed.

"As a matter of fact ... " started Sam

" ... Oh my god! Sam congratulations." Sam grinned.

"I know it's great."

"Does Leo know?"

"I only found out a few hours ago, and I'm not allowed to see him." she moaned. "But look ... "

Sam did a little turn in her dress for her.

"Simple, but beautiful." said Janet. Sam only wore a white dress that reached her lower thigh. There was embroidery, but Sam didn't want a huge dress that she probably couldn't walk in. "God, I hope I don't throw up."

"Sam." warned janet. "You are not going to be sick. I think you'll find that your nerves will settle."

"I'm not nervous!" Sam defended. "Well maybe I am, a little. But not about marrying Leo. I'm more nervous about making a mistake in front of everybody."

"That sounds normal."

"Really? Good, I want normal."

"I've noticed."

"Oh I'm happy." said Sam, full of joy.

"Where's he taking you, for the honeymoon." asked Janet

"That I don't know. It's a suprise apparently."

"Oooh How romantic." Just then Jacob walked in.

"Hey." he said "You look beautiful, are you ready?" he kissed his daughter on the cheek.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Jacob led his daughter out if the changing room.

Leo waited nervously at the alter. Jack stood beside him, laughing at him. While a man named Mark Carter stood there as well "Hey, Leo nerves setting in?" said Jack, patting him on the back. "Yeah, I just can't wait. Excited mostly."

"Good. Now you had better be good to her." Leo turned to Jack, about to respond when he heard a cheer, he turned around to see his beautiful wife-to-be wearing the most beautiful dress he had ever seen walk down the isle with her dad in arm. When the reached the alter, Jacob gave Leo her hand and they stood beside Jack. Sam grinned, she couldn't help it. Leo matched her grin.

"We are joined together today to witness this couple be joined together in holy matrimony .... Do you Leo Edwards take Samantha Carter to be your lawfull wedded wife to have and to hold, to love and cherish, from this day forward. Till death do you part." Leo looked at Sam, and smiled

"I do." he said.

"Do you Samantha Carter take Leo Edwards to be lawfull wedded husband to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, from this day forward. Till death do you part."

"I do." she managed to say, still feeling sick.

"Well then I declare you husband and wife." Everyone in the room smiled. Jacob had a big grin on his face. He couldn't help it. Mark also smiled. "Now you may kiss the bride." Leo looked at Sam and cupped her face in his hands and gave her sweet kiss. Everyone cheered as he did so. Sam wrapped her arms around his neck. When he let go of her lips, she looked at him and smiled.

At the dinner, Sam sat next to Leo and she was kissing his cheek as his mother walked upto him. "Hello. I decided to come in the end." she said

"What changed your mind?" asked Leo.

"I realised that what I was doing was wrong. You are my son." Leo smiled

"Yes I am." he said. Sam wanted him to tell her about their baby, but since she had really only just told Leo, she realised that he may not say anything yet.

Sam sat with Leo in a hotel room. Looking out of the huge windows, and the very sunny view. "Oh this is a great place." she said, as he kissed her hair.

"Yeah I know."

"Are you excited about this baby?"

"I am, I just wish I could have seen you when you found out."

"Yeah but I told you when we were cutting that cake. It was a suprise." she said, grinning at him. He grabbed her tightly and kissed her. "And it was really sweet of your mom to come and say sorry. In perhaps a twisted way. Depending on the way you look at it." Leo grinned.

2 months later.

Sam, wearing a white polar neck, and stone coloured trousers walked into General Hammond's office. "Major ... What can I do for you? Why are you out of uniform?" he asked. she handed him a piece of paper. "Um sir. I've come to hand in my resignation." she said.

"Major, I won't accept it. I thought we had sorted this out." he said, putting the paper on his desk.

"Sir, I'm ... pregnant and I want to leave."

"Major, I'm sure we can accomodate you. You can have leave until the baby is born." he said.

"Sir, I want to look after my baby, and live with Leo. I just married him, and ever since we finished our honeymoon, all I've done is work."

"But Major .... "

"Sir, this baby deserves a mother who doesn't leave him/her with a nanny while she goes to work. Or stays with her/his father until mummy comes home. Sir, if you don't accept it. I will retire instead." Hammond wanted to argue some more, but he knew good and well that this had been coming for some time.

"Well Major, in that case. I hope you enjoy your life. And congratulations on the baby."

"Thank you." she smiled at him.

"I'll make sure that your father comes to see you."

"I was counting on that." she said. Sam smiled as she walked out.

"Where's Carter?" asked Jack, as they all sat down, in Hammond's office.

"She's already been." he replied "But she is the reason you've been called here."

"She is?" asked Daniel

"What is the reason?" asked Teal'c

"She has resigned." said Hammond

"What?" Jack and Daniel said.

"Yes, effective immediately."

"Why?" asked Daniel

"Well she wants to take care of her child."

"Major Carter has a child?" asked Teal'c

"I mean she's expecting one." replied Hammond

"Why can she not look after the child in the SGC?" asked Teal'c

"Well she wants to be with it." replied Hammond.

"Carter's having a baby?" asked Jack

"Yes, to that end, she is now in her lab, packing her stuff. Perhaps should all go and help her."

Sam stood putting books in a box. As Jack and Daniel and Teal'c walked in. "Hey Carter." said Jack.

"Oh hi, sir." she said.

"So you're really leaving?" asked Daniel

"Yes." she replied. She started to pick up the box, when Teal'c took it off her.

"When a female is expecting a child she should not pick up heavy things." he said.

"Thank you." she said grinning. "So he told you?" she asked, as Teal'c walked out with her box.

"Carter, you know you'll come back." Sam picked up the bag that contained her laptop.

"I know I won't." she replied. As she walked out, as Teal'c was carrying the last box.

"Oh come on." said Jack "You'll miss the action. The work."

"That's the one thing, I definently won't miss." They walked into the elevator.

"Colonel, you are not going to change my mind." she said. Pressing number one on the control panel.

"Carter, surely Leo ... your husband can look after the baby."

"I want to as well." she replied.

"Jack!" warned Daniel he walked upto Sam and gave her a cuddle.

"I'll miss you." he said.

"I'll miss you too." she replied. The elevator stopped and they walked into the car park. Teal'c quickly took the box to her car. Sam opened her car, so Teal'c could put the box in. There were only a few boxes, as Sam wasn't really allowed to keep her research on the stargate or any other alien stuff. she had given that to Hammond and told him to make sure it doesn't get any where near any one who would use the research for there own. Teal'c stood in front of Sam, and then qiuckly engulfed her in a very tight embrace. "You will be missed Major Carter."

"Thank you. I'll miss you too, Teal'c." Sam looked at Jack and smiled, she then opened the car door, to get in, when Jack turned her around and held onto her as well. They didn't say anything. Sam got in the car and drove off, and waved to them as she passed them. "I can't believe she's gone." said Daniel

"Neither can I." said Jack. Teal'c looked sad. He was really going to miss her.

Leo took the last box out of the car, and walked into their house. "I can't believe you left!" said Leo

"I think it was coming for a long time." said Sam, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You know what, I think you're right. Have you eaten anything?"

"As a matter of fact .... No! I was going too."

"I'm sure you were." he said with sarcasm.

"Hey?" she hit his arm playfully, and before long they were messing about on the sofa.

A few days later,

Sam sat in the living room, while Leo was at the club. There was a knock on the door and Sam got up to answer it. When she opened the door she was suprised to see it was her friend. "Hey, Janet, how are you?"

"Hi Sam, can I come in?" Sam moved aside to let her in. They went into the living room and sat down. "Now, earlier on I got a phone call from Leo saying you had a very bad stomach ache. But you don't want to go to the doctor you've been given. You know I'm not your doctor anymore."

"Janet, I don't like that doctor."


"He's .... I don't know. There's something mean about him."

"Mean? I can see you are no longer in the military." Sam laughed. "Alright, let me have a look." Sam lifted up her top, and Janet felt her stomach. "Well I can't feel any thing wrong. Let's listen to baby's heart beat." Janet used her stethoscope. Which she had brought with her, knowing full well she'd end up using it. "Well I can't be sure .... " she listened some more. "But I think there are two heartbeats."

"As in .... "

"As in I want you to book for a scan."


"Because I do."

"I won't do it until you tell me why?"

"I think you have two babies in there. But i can't be sure."

"Can't you do the scan?"

"Sam, why don't you like the doctor, huh?"

"I don't know. It's just when I met him, it was like he was ... I don't know ... looking at me, alot. You couldn't have got me a female doctor."

"I hate to say it, but they are harder to find."

"You shouldn't have said it."

"Sam, book for the scan."

"Not unless you do it."

"Sam .... Tell me this is the emotional part of the pregnancy and this is the only reason you are being awkward."

"It is. Please?"

"Fine, get your coat." Sam jumped up, immediately regretted that move as she caused pain in her stomach. And that sick feeling to return.

In the infirmary at the SGC, Janet was performing the scan while Sam watched. "Well Sam I was right, you and Leo are having two."

"We are?" Sam looked at the screen "My god!"

"Would you like a photo to keep?"

"Yes please." Janet printed off a photo and gave it her friend.

When Sam was dressed Janet walked with her to her car, but on the way they bumped into Colonel O'Neill. "Hey ... Carter ... Sam. Whatcha doing here?"

"She's just having a test colonel, apparently I'm to finish off being her doctor for the pregnancy."

"How is that by the way?"

"I'm fine." said Sam.

"Now Sam i know that the baby doesn't kick yet but can I feel?" Sam nodded and Jack put his hand on the very tiny bump that was where her twins were. "They're babiesactually." she said, stressing on the 'ies' (The plural part). Jack looked confused and shocked and stunned ....


"Theres two." said Sam, grinning. Jack also grinned. Janet shook her head and Sam got into the car.

"Bye, Colonel ... Jack." she said.

"See ya, later." he said, and Janet drove off.

Leo walked into their house and smiled as he saw Sam asleep on the sofa. He knelt beside her and stroked her face, gently. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the best man in the world. "Hey." she said, groggily. He kissed her on the lips, long and soft.

"Hey, yourself." he said. He helped her sit up.

"Leo, I have something to tell you." she suddenly said excited.

"What?" he said, when he saw the happiness that just radiated from her. She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the kitchen, laughing as she did so. She picked up a photo from the side and showed it to Leo. He gasped "Does this mean, what i think it means?"

"What do you think it means?" she asked.

"That we are having two ... I can't really tell. As they don't look much like babies."

"Yes we are, and they won't yet, they have to grow."

"I know." he said wrapping his arms around her waist. "I took biology."

"Oh yeah, you originally wanted to be a doctor." she said, kissing him. "Are your parents coming then?"

"Well I asked them."

"What did they say?"

"That they are going to a party tonight." he sounded disappointed, yet he also was okay with it because he knew his mother would make a fuss over Sam.

6 months, 3 weeks, 4 days and 5 hours, 18 minutes and 23 seconds later (Hey, you know they can't always be exactly 2 months or so, can they?)

SG-1 were in the briefing room, when a flash of light lit up the room, and when the light was gone, Thor was sitting beside Colonel O'Neill "That get's me everytime." said Jack.

"We are here to invite SG-1 to ceremonial celebration." said Thor.

"You are?" asked Jack

"What are you celebrating?" asked Daniel

"It is for ceremonial purposes only. A new child has been born to me, and wish for SG-1 to join in the celebration." said Thor.

"So you're a daddy, now?" asked Jack, his question was ignored.

"Where is Major Carter, she is to come as well." said Thor.

"Major Carter is no longer in SG-1." said Teal'c.

"She is to attend, she also helped defeat the replicators. All of SG-1 is to attend." he said.

"We're really sorry Thor ... but ... "

"Why can she not attend?" asked Thor.

"She has a reason to stay on earth, she doesn't want to be in SG-1." Thor looked like he had an idea to get her there.

Sam and Leo stood talking about baby stuff in the kitchen while drinking coffee. When Suddenly Leo disappeared in a bright white light. When he was gone, Sam who had immediately recognised what had happened. Screamed in anger and threw her cup on the floor, she then ran out the door.

"Thor what did you do?" asked Jack

Thor did not answer. "Now Thor, you have to tell us."

"I am sorry, you must forgive. I realised how to get her to come, she will come now. I did this because I am desperate." said Thor, suddenly a heavy six months pregnant Samantha Carter-Edwards walked in, not looking to happy. She quickly went up to Thor and bent down to him, in a slight mad way. "What did you do to Leo, where is he?"

"Major, care to explain." Sam looked at Hammond, and then looked at Thor.

"He had just beamed up Leo to god knows where. "

"Thor?" asked Jack.

"He said he was desperate." said Teal'c

"Desperate for what?" asked Sam, still angry, and that anger was showing.

"He wants us to come to a party." said Jack. Sam looked at Thor. Thor looked innocent.

"I want him to bring Leo back, and I am not going to any party."

"It is in celebration of my child." said Thor.

"Listen to me." said Sam bending down so she was directly looking at him. "I don't care about a celebration, you bring him back. It's bad enough I have to explain this to him." said Sam, more quiet than before, the anger dying slightly.

"Very well, but we still want you to come to the celebration."

"Now, bring him back!!" Leo appeared in a flash of light, next to Thor.

"Er .... " he managed to say "I'm confused. Very confused, where am I?"

It took hours to explain to him who Thor was, he then noticed the Stargate and Hammond had to get the president involved, Leo then was told about that. Now Thor still wanted Sam to go to the celebration. "Will you come now? We must leave if you are to see my child be born." said Thor.

"That's why you were desperate." said Daniel

"You know if you had said, we could have just phoned her." said Jack.

"What baby? Please don't telll me your talking about mine." said Leo

"No, Thor's having a baby." said Jack, grinning. "He wants SG-1 to go onto his ship and go to where this is happening."

"Oh, so what ... why was I .... ?" asked Leo, or at least he attempted to.

"Because Major Carter is apart of SG-1, even if she had recently left." said Thor

"It's not recent." said Sam "I left nearly seven months ago."

"Sam, why don't you just come with us?" said Jack "It'll be like the old times."

"I don't recall being pregnant last time."

"Could I come? Would you go if I went?" asked Leo. Everybody looked at Thor, who nodded. (He figured out the head nod) and then at Hammond. "I have no objections, you've just about been told everything." said Hammond, probably annoyed. The president didn't exactly authorise this, but what the hell. He knows now. Leo smiled, Sam just managed a smiled. And all of a sudden, SG-1 (including Sam and Leo and Hammond) were beamed upto Thor's ship. "Well I'm back in this wierd place." said Leo, quickly taking Sam's hand, making her grin. Jack shook his head. "Major Carter." said Thor.

"Retired." she shouted back, as she took Leo for a little look around as he wouldn't let go of her hand. "Thank you for coming." he said. She turned to him and then looked at the others.

"You're welcome." she said, smiling. "Oooh!" she said, grabbing her stomach.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Leo, holding her shoulders

"Your children are kicking me." she said, jokedly. Daniel looked at Jack, who grinned, while Leo helped her to sit down on the floor.

Leo stroked her hair, as she slept in his arms. Sitting between his legs, with her legs leaned over his thighs, with her head in the crook of his neck, she shifted comfortably, while Leo struggled with the hardness of the floor. "Hey Leo, are you comfy?" said Jack, sarcastically.

"Well ... I'd be lying if I said yes." said Leo.

"Maybe it's the way she is leaning on you?" suggested Teal'c.

"No, this is normal. I just don't normally sit on the floor." said Leo. Everyone nodded. They were bored. Very bored. Sam made a crumbling noise, which could be heard by everyone there. Even Thor looked confused. "Is she trying to say something?" asked Daniel, with a hint of fun in his voice.

"Probably." said Leo "They're probably kicking her."

"We will be arriving shortly." said Thor.

"We will?" said Jack jumping up. He could see the planet they were headed. He turned to look at the other and he said "We're nearly there, look. No actually we're here." Leo couldn't see, while Janet and Hammond looked amazed. Daniel just looked grateful. Teal'c raised an eybrow.

"Perhaps you should wake her up?" said Daniel, looking at Leo and then at Sam. Leo gently moved Sam's head so he could see her. "Sam? Wake up." he said, whispering in her ear. "Oh." He shook her gently and she stirred in her sleep. "Come on." he said, louder than before.

"Here let me try." said Jack, walking upto them. But he didn't get the chance, Sam opened her eyes.

"I think she knew you were coming, O'Neill." said Teal'c. Jack looked disappointed. He wanted to wake her up.

They stood next to the Asguard who had a wierd pouch on her back, and was pushing the baby out. There was blood everywhere (If you could call it blood), making Sam want to throw up. Leo held her as she buried her head in his chest not wanting to see the horrible image. The 'baby' flew out of it's mother and landed in Thor's thin arms. "O'Neill, you and your team are the first to see my child." said Thor. "Ahh Shucks! It's an honour." said Jack. Leo made Sam look.

"It was a pleasure." said Hammond.

"Yeah." agreed Daniel.

The new born 'baby' was given a 'celebration' as Thor had said it would. And they were on there way home. Sam was sat on the floor when she felt a contraction. "Ouch!" she suddenly said. Making everyone look at her, Leo came upto her and spoke softly. "What's wrong?"

"I think ... I think I'm having ... " she couldn't finish her sentence, she fell backwards. Janet ran upto her and felt her gently.

A few hours later, Sam was finally ready to push. As she sat between Leo's legs, he kept wiping her forehead. Thor was watching, he found it interesting that was going to witness the birth of a second and third baby in the same day. Hammond, Jack, Daniel and Teal'c sat in another room.

"Now Sam when I tell you I want you to push as hard as you can." said Janet. Sam nodded.

.... Some time later, when the first baby is nearly out "Sam, come on."

"No I can't." the need to sleep was in her voice, as she choked her words out.

"Sam, do it for me. Please? You've got to get them both out for me." said Leo. Kissing her hair. Sam pushed hard and baby number one was out. Janet quickly helped the baby to cry and then wrapped HIM up. "Right Sam, he's out. When I tell you and not before bring baby number two out for me."

.... again some time later. Sam gripped Leo's arms as she pushed and screamed and pushed and screamed, and then a baby girl came into the world, or universe. Jack and the others came in when they heard the baby cry.

Sam and Leo sat side by side, Leo was holding the girl while Sam was holding the boy. They had decided to name then Matthew and Claire. Mainly because those were the names they both liked. So Leo was holding Claire whole Sam was holding Matthew.

1 year later

Everybody looked down at the twins and smiled at them as there was loud chorus of "Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday dear Claire and Matthew, happy birthday to you." Sam and Leo picked up their babies, while Jack decided to take a photo, he grabbed the camera and caught Sam and Leo kissing with their babies watching and smiling.

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