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Flu With a Side of Fever to Go.., The

by Sloane
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The flu with a side of fever to go...

The flu with a side of fever to go...

by Sloane

TITLE: The flu with a side of fever to go...
AUTHOR: Sloane
EMAIL: kyi7@hotmail.com
CATEGORY: Sam and Jack
SUMMARY: Sam gets sick
STATUS: Complete
ARCHIVE: Heliopolis
DISCLAIMER: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. We have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the authors. Not to be archived without permission of the authors.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is for my sister Sciout, who's little on was under the weather this past week & a special thanks to DustDevil who helped me figure out where I was going with this.

Doctor Janet Fraser entered Major Carter's office without knocking, there was no time. She just got word from General Hammond that there was trouble with Sg-3 off world. Which meant that she had to leave, and had to leave now. Normally, Janet had a sitter for this sort of thing, well with enough time she could arrange a sitter, but today, well today there was no time, Janet could only hope Sam was free this evening.

"Sam, sorry to barge in on you, but I have a problem, I have got to go to PX8 954" Janet waited for Sam to acknowledge her before speaking again "I wouldn't ask unless I was in a tight spot, I can't get my regular sitter on such short notice, I was wondering if you ... well, maybe you were free tonight?" Sam looked at Janet, the stress was all apparent on her face at first glance. Janet was worried.

"Janet relax, really its okay I wasn't up to anything anyway, besides I love to hang out with Cassie, you know that" Sam waited as she watched the expression on Janet's face change from one of relief to mild embarrassment.

"Sam there is something else, Ahhh I got a call from the Cassie's school not 20 minutes ago, I was on my way to pick her up before the General caught up with me...." Sam's face changed, worry now evident on her own face. "Janet, your starting to freak me out here, is Cassie okay?"

"Yes Sam, well she will be, I think she has the flu,... I don't want her to be left with only a sitter, don't get me wrong my sitter is great, just not so sure she can handle a sick child" Janet checks her watch one last time before raising her worried dark eyes to met Sam bright blue ones.

"Janet, really it's okay, I'm done here anyway. Don't worry I'll go pick her up and take her home, we will wait for you there. I even know how to make chicken noodle soup, I've got us covered, really" Sam tried to look confident, feeling anything but.

Janet, sensing that Sam may not be one hundred percent sure about this entire 'looking after a sick kid thing' gave her quick hug before saying "You'll be fine, I'm sure Cassie will be feeling much better once she realizes she gets to spend the entire night with her favorite Aunt!" Sam smiled brightly at the word 'Aunt'.. turning to busy herself with putting away her instruments, as she hurried to get out of there and pick up Cassie, before the traffic really became a bear.

After hugging Janet one more time and telling her to have a safe journey, Sam quickly grabbed her coat and watched as Janet hurried out of her office, thinking to herself 'hey how hard can it be.... besides I'm a great Aunt' With that very thought running through her mind, Sam left her office with only a small binder, containing the documents she had planned to work on over the next few hours after she tucked Cassie safely into bed. Ahhh yes the best laid plans....

It took almost on hour before Sam made it too Cassie's school, she navigated the corridors like it had been her own school, well that is not to far off the mark. Sam along with the rest of SG-1 held great debate on the junior high school Cassie was to attend this year. Although they knew the bottom line was, if it measured up to Janet's standards then the deal was done. It took 5 schools before Janet was satisfied that they had picked the right one. Sam smiled to herself as she remembered the Colonel's comment of that day.

"Hey Doc are you sure about 'This School'... I mean there is virtually no athletics program at all... in fact none" Jack threw Sam a funny look before he spoke again "Let me guess Doc, you had help in picking this one out?" He watched Carter for any kind of sign that he may have guessed correctly, it didn't take long.

Sam's smile faltered slightly, as she raised her eyes to meet the Colonel's "Sir, this is a very good school, and they have a tennis program, its not like there are no sports.... " Sam waited for the Colonel to counter. "Oh yeah, Tennis right, I forget about that one... " Leaving his sentence to hang, he was not about to let these women turn a perfectly good street hockey goalie into a... well a 'Tennis Player' well not without a fight anyway. Jack didn't stand a chance.

Sam entered the Principal's office, and asked the direction to the nurses office, explaining to the receptionist she was here to pick up Cassie Fraser. After producing her drivers license as proof, as to who she was, she was giving the directions she needed, Sam thanked the helpful woman behind the desk and heading out. Thinking to herself 'Janet made the right choice after all... I can rent a car easier than picking up a kid at this school'

Sam knocked before entering the room marked "Nurse Aid" Sam's heart sunk in her chest, there lying curled up was Cassie, she was obviously not well, the bucket beside the cot, was a dead giveaway. Sam spoke softly, trying not to startle the almost sleeping Cassie.

"Honey, Mom couldn't make it today, so you got stuck with me" Sam stroked Cassie's fine hair gently. Cassie slowly opened her eyes and looked into Sam's face, before she spoke "Sam I feel horrible, I've been...." Cassie looked away ashamed, but continued ".... I've been sick, I just want to go home. Can we go now please!" It came out as a plead rather than a request. Poor thing was green.. actually green, 'Hey you don't see that very often now do you.' Sam thought to herself, trying to hide the now forming smile from her lips. "Honey, we can go anytime your ready... here, Cassie let me help you up, okay, I talked to the principal, he said your free to go, so lets get you home"

Sam helped Cassie out of the bed, the nurse had insisted that Cassie take the bucket with her, nodding at Sam first before speaking quietly.

"Ms. Carter, she can't have much left in her stomach at this point, but trust me, you'll feel better knowing its in the car"

"Okay, thank you Nurse Owens, I know Janet would thank you herself for taking such good care of Cassie for her." Sam smiled and nodded once before ushering Cassie out the door.

The trip back to the car was uneventful, Cassie was a bit wobbly, on her feet, but nothing Sam couldn't handle. She was almost sure of it. Wishful thinking from a woman who had no children of her own.

The drive back to Janet's house was without incident, Sam had the bucket handy if Cassie needed it, knowing what this car ride must be doing to the poor girls insides. After parking in the driveway and making sure she left enough room for Janet to squeeze her car into the garage when she returned.

Sam wasted no time in getting Cassie settled on the couch, she had her pillow from her bed as well as her comforter, for extra warmth, even though it was always warm in Janet's house. Sam often wondered why Janet kept the heat on so high, when the weather in the Springs had not dipped below 70 degree's for months now. 'Well she is a Doctor' Sam thought to herself with a small smile forming on her lips.

Cassie drifted off to sleep almost immediately. Sam had brought her binder in from the car earlier and had just started to open the cover when there was a soft knock at the door, sighing to herself, she quickly got up and headed to the door, checking the peep hole first, before opening the door. She was more than a little surprised to find the Colonel with his arms full of bags standing there shifting from one foot to another. Patience was not a virtue that the Colonel had in abundance.

Sam open the door quickly and placed a finger to her lips effectively shushing the Colonel's first comment before it could be uttered. Jack smiled at Sam, and nodded his understanding. Sam motioned to the Colonel to follow her into Janet's kitchen, at least in there they could get the pleasantries out of the way. Sam spoke first .

"Colonel, we weren't expecting you.... " Sam stumbled on her first attempt. Jack wasn't supposed to be here... unless.... "Sir, did Janet tell you Cassie wasn't well? I mean... " Jack smiled at Sam as she tried to make sense as to why he was here in Janet's kitchen.

"Carter, relax will ya... Janet came to my office to see if I could give you a hand tonight, actually I think she was worried Cassie wouldn't make it through the evening without at least one experienced 'parent' in the house" Jack was out right grinning now, as he watched Sam's face. Sam's face relieved everything. One look and he could tell she was not offended by his attempt at humor. Sam rewarded him with a slight smile, before she replied.

"That's very funny Colonel, Janet knows I can take care of Cassie, we've had 'Girl's night" at my house tons of times, this is a piece of cake.... You really don't have to stay Sir, I'm sure you have other things to do with your evening..."

"In fact Carter, I have nothing better to do tonight, there's not even a hockey game on..." Jack freigned sadness and Sam could only laugh and shake her head slightly, before noticing all the bags Jack had brought in and where now sitting on the kitchen table.

"Ahh Sir, what did you bring... there are what 3 bags there?" Sam's stomach had started to growl about 15 minutes ago, she couldn't help herself, she passed by the Colonel and quickly ducked her head into the first bag, pulling her smiling face up to Jack's.

"Sir, theses are mostly video tapes... you did bring food right.. I mean one of these bags has got to have food in it right?" Sam moved onto the next bag, frowning now as she noticed only beer and chips in the second bag, then moving slowly to the third bag, she noticed the tell tales signs of a frozen pizza. 'Yes food thank God' she thought to herself, before looking up at the Colonel once more.

Jack spoke before Sam could even comment "Sam, what did you think I'd let my two best girls go without food" he raised his left eyebrow, as Sam's head shot up and looked directly into Jack's beautiful brown eyes.

Sam smirked, thinking to herself 'okay he's up to something... "Are you sure there's not a game on tonight.. I know how much you enjoy Janet's 50" TV. and you did bring pizza, beer and chips" Sam watched the Colonel face carefully, waiting for Jack to give himself away. 'He always gives himself away with his eyes.' Sam thought to herself.

"Carter, I brought video's too remember, I thought if Cassie was up to it we could watch something, I stopped at the video store and picked up whatever was released new this week. "Hey I don't suppose the "Blair Witch Project" is viewable with Cassie... is it? Jack waited, excitement visible on his face.

Sam chuckled softly again "Sir, you can't be serious.. Cassie is 13... that show would give her nightmares, hell it gave me nightmares when I saw it at the theater. No sir, sorry that one is definitely out" Sam was smiling at her Colonel and it didn't' go unnoticed on Jack, he could only shrug his shoulders and mumble something not quite coherent under his breath. Sam's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Sir, what was that you said... I didn't quite catch all of that last part" Jack suddenly looked nervous. He spoke quickly "Carter, nothing I was just wondering if maybe we could put that pizza in, I'm starved" Sam crossed over to the stove, stopping at the sight of the monster Janet called her stove.

"Ahh Sir, how are you with 'cooker's". Sam turned to stare directly into the eyes of her commanding officer. She felt the blush rise in her cheeks, she attempted to look away, suddenly she heard Cassie cry out to her, she sounded frightened. Jack was the first to move, he was now closer to the living room than Sam was at that point. Jack burst into the room to find Cassie sitting straight up on the couch, looking pale and scared. Jack spoke so softly Sam wasn't sure she heard correctly.

"Cassie, honey we're here... it's okay we were just in the kitchen" Jack spoke so softly, Sam had never heard that specific tone before and she had spent alot of time with Jack and the rest of the team. She smiled to herself, not aware that her color had again rose to her cheeks. She hurried over to Cassie and placed and hand on her forehead. The frown was instant as she shot a look to Jack saying without words 'this can't be good'

"Sir, can you please run us a tub. Luke warm water only" then added, "Make it cool to the touch, but not cold Colonel" Jack didn't hesitate a moment before he was heading up the steps to the second level bathroom, the look on Sam's face told it all. It was not good, Cassie had a very high fever, Carter was dead on with the tub though.. it always worked on Charlie when his fever was way to high. Jack tried to keep his thought on the problem at hand, fill the tub, grab some clean towels from the closet, once that had be done, he quickly made his way back down the stairs to the living room.

Sam shot him another 'Thank God your here look' before speaking quietly to him. "Colonel, I need to get her into the tub right away, would you mind picking her up for me, I'll be right behind you I want to grab my bag from the car, I'll be right there" She attempted to smile but it didn't reach her eyes, again Jack thought to himself, 'Sam, your eyes give you away everytime'. He merely nodded and went towards the couch, whispering words only Cassie could hear, her eye lids flicked open twice then settled in the closed position. 'Carter hurry up' Jack had just finished that thought when Sam came back into the house, with her travel bag over one shoulder.

The Colonel careful walked the stairs again, this time with Cassie wrapped tightly in his arms. Carter was right behind, She asked Jack to put Cassie down just inside the bathroom door, Sam circumvented Jack at the doorway, with her hands on the shoulders of Cassie to support her weak body. Sam looked away quickly, before smiling shyly at Jack, before speaking. "Sir, ahhhh I've got this part" Sam shot Cassie a quick smile to reassure her everything was under control. 'I hope Cassie is buying this, cause I'm not sure what happens next if this doesn't reduce her fever, it's not like we can just take her to the hospital' Sam thought to herself. Sam looked up once again at the Colonel before finishing. "Sir, would you mind going down and putting that pizza in, maybe check if Janet has any apple juice as well?"

The Colonel to his benefit understood perfectly, he merely nodded twice, then leaned towards Carter speaking softly "Sam, call out if you need a hand, okay I'll be downstairs. When your done, don't try and pick her up, call me, I'll carry her." Sam smiled. She was glad Janet had thought to talk to him as well. 'I've got a degree in Astrophysicist and I'm a Major in the US. Air Force, what I don't have however, is a clue what to do with a sick girl, well okay I knew enough about the tub thing, but that is used mostly with smaller children. God, this better work'

Sam prayed silently, before closing the door and turning to Cassie, talking quietly, as she undressed her, slipping Cassie into the cool water, taking a large sponge Sam went about soaking Cassie's back and face trying to cool her down, running the sponge over her at a steady rate. Sam kept Cassie in the tub for about 7 minutes, touching her forehead and back, before being satisfied that her fever had gone down significantly. "Cassie, honey where do you keep your robe, is it in your room?" Cassie only nodded her head yes. Sam, gave her best 'I'm in control, no problems here' look before quickly darting out the room to hurry down the hall to grab the robe, once retrieved she quickly made her way back to the bathroom. Sam could hear the Colonel below call out to her. "Sam, how are you two doing up there, do you need me yet?" Sam smiled to herself, before calling out to Jack. "Sir, we're just about done here, give us two minutes Cassie is just coming out of the tub now, okay?" With that said Sam entered the bathroom, shutting the door as quickly as possible. Sam helped Cassie out of the tub and wrapped her in one of the large white towels the Colonel had laid out, taking the smaller one to rub threw Cassie's wet hair, removing as much moisture as possible, Sam set Cassie down on the side of the now empty tub, before pulling her overnight bag closer to herself, Sam quickly reached in and grab the worn black T-shirt, which read 'Air Force Academy' in bright yellow, slipped it over her head as Cassie tugged it on with Sam's help, then wrapping her tightly in her own robe, Sam gave her a bright brave smile and hugged her closely, kissing the top of her head before calling out to the Colonel, who she know would be at the door by now.

"Colonel the coast is clear, you can come in now" The door slowly opened and Jack popped his head in. He gave Cassie a bright beautiful smile before he spoke. "Cassie you look like a drowned rat.... What has our Major done to you?" He wagged his eyebrows at Cassie, and to the delight of both Sam and Jack, Cassie managed to giggle softly. Jack raised his left eyebrow at Sam, who could only stifle her own giggle. They both recalled the last time the topic of giggling came up. Sam could feel the color raise to her cheeks and avoided the look the Colonel was now giving her.

"Sir, if you can take her back downstairs we can keep her on the couch, with us it will be easier than all of us crammed into her room, besides Janet keeps this house so warm, I don't think it would matter which room she was in, at least on the couch we can both sit with her until she falls back to sleep, which I don't think should be to long" The Colonel agreed with a nod of his head, as he stepped into the bathroom and collected the now slightly cooler Cassie in his arms. He gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head before turning and walking out the door.

They had settled Cassie on the couch, she was able to drink a little apple juice, Jack had watered it down a little, saying something about it been easier on her stomach. Sam thought to herself 'Wow, he is good at this' before letting that thought slip away. 'Can't go there Carter, definitely can't go there' she chided herself. The rest of the evening was rather uneventful, Cassie managed to keep the juice down, and put up little resistance when the Colonel insisted she take 2 more ibuprofen, before she slowly drifted off to sleep, with her head on Sam's lap. Leaving Sam completely immobilized on the couch. Jack had come back into the living room moments later, after returning the ibuprofen to the cupboard in the kitchen where he had found them. He stopped when he crested the doorway, watching as Carter fought to keep her own eyes open. Sam was loosing that battle. The Colonel shook his head and smile, it's been a long day for them all.

Jack sat down at the only end available on the large couch, he tried not to jostle the now sleeping women in his care. He had to keep his left arm across the back of the couch, in order to get comfortable, Sam was right next to him, practically in his own arms now. Jack had flicked on the TV. before settling himself into position, he mindlessly flipped through the channels, finding nothing on, as usual.

Jack slipped lower into a more comfortable position before finally closing his own eyes. He felt Carter shift, moments before he felt her head rest gently against his shoulder. He smiled to himself and let sleep take him over.

It was several hours later when Janet came home, only to find Major Carter sleeping peaceful sprawled on the couch in Colonel O'Neill arms . She had to smile, "This just keeps getting better and better" she thought to herself. Janet wasted no time in heading up to Cassie room, she needed to check on her, the mission was hard enough to concentrate on when she knew her daughter was sick at home, the only comfort came in the fact that her good friends where with her.

Sure enough Cassie was all tucked into her bed, as Janet entered the room, Cassie stirred, murmuring what Janet thought was "mommy" Janet quickly cross the room to her now waking daughter before she put her hand to Cassie's forehead checking for a fever. Cassie's eyes opened and looked at her Mom. She favored Janet with a bright warm smile, before speaking quietly. "Mom, did you see Jack and Sam on the couch".. she was giggling now, Janet couldn't help herself, she smiled back at Cassie and she found herself giggling with her. "Yes honey, I saw... they both looked exhausted, how long have they been sleeping out there, and when did you get to bed? I saw your blanket down on the couch still so I assume you were with them at some point?" Cassie still smiling up at her Mom, and continued. End of part one...

"Mom, Sam and Jack were great tonight, Sam had to put me into the tub to get my fever down, and I felt so much better after that, Jack made me take ibuprofen, I only took them cause he said he wouldn't take me to the park if I didn't" Cassie got suddenly serious, looking into her Mom's smiling face. "Isn't that blackmail Mom... I mean what Jack did to me, with the ibuprofen I mean?" Janet had to stifle her own laughter at Cassie's last statement. She shook her head to indicate yes. "Well that's what I thought so..... " Cassie never finished her comment she only smiled more brightly and reached for her night stand. Cassie produced a Polaroid of Jack and Sam sleeping on the couch Jack's arms clearly wrapped around his Major's, it even appeared that Sam was smiling.

Janet couldn't contain her laughter any more, hell she didn't want to, this was just to good. Not only had Cassie figured out the whole "blackmail" thing she came up with her own blackmail plan. Janet regained control of herself before speaking once again in hushed tones. "Cassie, and just what do you think your going to do with this picture Hmmm?" Janet thought to herself ' I hope the General never gets a good look at this one' waiting for Cassie to respond, she could se her daughter was in deep thought, her brow creased, weighing all her possibilities.

It was several moments later before Cassie continued. "I'm not sure yet Mom, but I bet I can make the Colonel sweat for a while, don't ya think?" Cassie was wagging her own eyebrows in the same fashion Jack had done earlier this evening. Janet couldn't stand it another minute longer she reached down and hugged her daughter speaking into her shoulder she said. "Cassie honey, I love you, but you may be the death of me yet. Now you better get back to sleep okay, I'll be up in a little while, I've got two officers that I've got to wake up right now" Janet thought to herself 'this is going to be too much fun indeed' she left Cassie's room shutting the door quietly behind her before one last look at her daughter before heading down the hallway to the stairs.

Janet came into the living room and noticed the sleeping couple had not moved an inch, quietly she made her way to the front of the couch. She looked down and smiled. She knew she had done the right the thing when she asked the Colonel if he wouldn't mind helping Sam out. 'Just a little push in the right direction, never hurt anyone' She thought to herself before clearing her throat loudly.

Sam was the first to wake, followed closely by the Colonel. Neither had registered yet, the compromising position they had just been found in. Sam quickly looked down for Cassie noting she was no where to be found. Sam looked up quickly to Janet's now smiling face before she spoke.

"Ahhh Janet your home.... We ... I.... ahhh where is Cassie?" was about all she could mange, still recovering from her long sleep. Jack seemed to come around and took a moment to survey the situation. The last thing he remembered was finding nothing on the TV. then waking up with Sam in his arms at some point, he was pretty sure he heard a camera flash go off, but then dismissed that thought, 'it must be a leftover dream from earlier, man do I have some odd dreams'

Janet looked from one face to another before finally commenting to the sleepy couple. "Hey you guys comfy? can I get you another pillow maybe?" Janet raised her left eyebrow and watched as the two on the couch realized they had not made a move to sit up and untangle themselves from each other. Sam practically jumped off the couch. Janet had to turn away, or she would have lost it completely. Regaining control of herself, before turning back, she noticed that Jack hadn't made any kind of move at all, he was still sprawled across the one end of the couch, while Sam busied herself with righting her sweater and running a hand through her short hair, she hadn't even looked at the Colonel yet. 'This is classic, I can't wait to tell Daniel and Teal'c and with that Polaroid of Cassie's they will never live this one down, of course we can't have the rest of the base find out... but we can certainly bring this night up and the photo out when ever we're off base' She thought to herself. Oh yes this will be fun indeed.

Jack stretched first before attempting to stand sliding a quick glance over at Carter, she looked well beautiful, her hair all mused, her eyes still puffy from her sleep, he smiled shyly up at her when she finally managed to find the courage to look him in the eye. Speaking softly "Ahhh good morning Colonel... I guess we fell asleep huh...."

Sam watched the Colonels face for his reaction to waking up with her lying on him. 'He seems okay with it, well it was innocent enough, its not like we planned on this, it just sort of happened!' Sam thought to herself, before going into the kitchen to find coffee, which she desperately needed at this point. Coffee always helped. Maybe it will clear her head. Sam suddenly felt unsteady on her feet, clutching at the door to keep herself upright, this had not gone unnoticed by the Colonel who came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder to steady her. He turned here to look into her eyes before he spoke.

"Sam, you okay, you look... well you don't look so good" Sam closed her eyes in hopes that it would help. It didn't. She opened them a few moments later, staring into the Colonels worried face. She felt herself sway as Jack called to Janet.

"Sir, I think she picked up whatever Cassie had" Janet had told the Colonel as he looked on, worry present on his face once again. "Janet can I take her home, I've got to leave her car here, but I can come and get her in the morning and pick up her car, if she's up to it okay?" Janet nodded in agreement She certainly didn't want Sam to attempt to drive anywhere if the flu bug was about to hit her. As an after thought Janet said "Sir, I'm pretty sure it's only a 24 hour bug, I was just up with Cassie, and she is feeling much better than she had earlier today when I spoke with her."

"Okay then Carter where did you leave that bag of yours? We are heading out, and your with me" Jack held up a hand as Sam started to protest. "No, Carter I'm driving and that is it. No argument, we'll come back for your car tomorrow" Sam had virtually no fight left in her, she shrugged her shoulders once and was lead to the front door, Jack had collected her things and waved a good night to Janet before putting his arm around a very wobbly Carter and lead her to his Jeep. Janet smiled at the couple leaving thinking to herself 'well at least she's in good hands' Janet closed the door as the Jeep pulled away from her home.

They hadn't made it too far before Sam asked in a somewhat muffled tone for the Colonel to "Pull over". Sam had barely gotten the door open before she lost what little lunch she had that day. Jack came around the passenger side to find Sam leaned over with a hand against her mouth. She looked quite green. He had seen that same color earlier on Cassie small face. At that point Jack decided Sam was not going home but to his house. He couldn't very well leave her at home to be sick all by herself, and beside he thought to himself 'Janet will kill me if I just dropped her off like this'.

Jack pulled out a tissue from his pocket and extended it to Sam without looking up she took the proffered Kleenex and quickly wiped her mouth. She looked up at Jack and attempted a smile. Jack was not buying it for a second. He waited until Sam was ready and placed her careful back into the Jeep, heading towards his own house now. Carter didn't even seem to notice he wasn't heading in the direction of her home. They had to stop twice before finally pulling up to his home, Sam came around and realized they were at his home and not her place. She shot him a quick look, but before she could formulate an coherent comment, Jack spoke up.

"Sam, your obviously got that flu, I can't leave you at home, Janet will kill me If I did, so I'm having a house guest tonight. I'll call Janet and let her now we never made it incase she is worried and calls your place" Sam resigned herself to the fact that she just didn't have the energy to argue. She smiled shyly at her Colonel and was lead up to the front door. Jack had Sam's bag over his shoulder and Sam tucked securely under the other. He managed to get in the key in the lock and opened the door quickly, ushering then both through the doorway at the same time. After closing and locking the door behind him, he took Sam over to the stairs and led her up to his bedroom. He could feel Sam tense next to him. When he spoke again his tone was much softer, similar to the tone he used when talking with Cassie. Sam smiled.

"Sam, this is the warmest room is the house it also has a private bathroom, you'll be much better off in here. I will be in the guest bedroom right next door okay, if you need anything I want you to call out, I'll check on you in a little while" He finished his last comment as he deposited her on his bed, Thankful that he had taking the time to make the bed this morning before heading to the Base'. Sam hadn't attempted to move, not to take off her shoes or even her jacket. Jack sighed softly as he crossed the room again.

Taking first her left foot in his hands he slowly started to undue her laces and remove her shoe, moving on to the right foot he did the same, then reached for her jacket. He never got a chance as Sam bolted from her spot on the bed and headed for the bathroom, Jack could hear through the door and knew she was sick again. He headed back downstairs praying he had some apple juice in his fridge. Jack got lucky he found an unopened container near the back, then wondered to himself if apple juice ever goes bad, well there was no expiry date so that was a good sign. He took a small glass from his cupboard and poured the juice 3/4 of the way to the top leaving enough room for a little water. He also grabbed his ibuprofen container and Sam's bag and headed up the stairs two at a time.

Sam had finished in the bathroom and was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking nervous. Jack knocked before entering but didn't wait for a reply, he simply walked in and took one look a Sam and his heart fell. She looked so small, and so.... well green. She had managed to remove her jacket, but that was all. Realizing he still held her bag, he brought it over and put it on the bed next to her, before speaking.

"Sam, you look terrible" Jack spoke softly. "I feel even worse than I look Sir" Sam attempted to smile, but failed miserably. Jack moved his hand up to her forehead to feel for a temperature, he pulled his hand back quickly. "Sam your burning up, you should get into bed... Can you manage?" He felt his own color raise to his cheeks as he looked at Sam and notice the flush color deepening. "Yeah I'll be fine Sir, but I could use a T-shirt I gave the one I had in my bag to Cassie earlier, would you mind if I borrowed one of yours?" Jack smiled, turned and went to his top drawer and pulled out the first thing he thought would fit her the best, not that everything wouldn't hang off her small frame properly, but he made the attempt anyway. He settled on a old hockey jersey he had in the back, It had gotten to small for him a few years ago but he couldn't seem to throw it out. It was one if his favorites.

As Jack turned around to face Sam, he noticed the lovely shade of green leave her face only to be replaced with a sickening pastie white, he watched as she slowly slipped off the bed towards the floor. Jack moved quickly to catch her before she landed. He managed to get to her fast enough but she was out cold, and burning up. Jack had to make a decision. He knew what he had to do, he just wasn't sure how he was going to pull it off. He gathered her in his arms and walked into the bathroom. He kicked off his shoes and balancing Sam in his arms, he turned on the shower. Thinking to himself 'Please don't wake up until I get through this Sam... please'.

He stepped into the large shower with Sam still in his arms, both still completely clothed. The water was cool to the touch, he shivered a bit as the water washed over them. He was careful to make sure Sam was still unconscious, then a thought occurred to him as she murmured something incoherent into his shoulder. He held her tighter as he watched the water fall over her face and body.

'So you thought of everything huh Jack old man....' Well not quite everything, you managed to get passed the immediate problem of cooling Sam down, but what about when your done in the shower. 'Didn't think that one all the way through did ya Jack?' He scolded himself. No he hadn't given it a thought, he was more preoccupied with getting her temperature down, then to what will follow after the shower. Sam would be completely soaked and that meant she needed to get out of her wet clothes. All of her clothes. Jack groaned softly to himself. Looking up, he whispered to one on in particular "This is a test isn't it".

After spending more then 10 minutes in the shower, his arms were beginning to cramp with the weight of Sam in his arms, worried he was going to drop her before he got her back to bed, he left the water running as he stepped out and gently settled Sam on the chair propping her up, but never letting go of her shoulders just incase she decided to do another floor dive. Jack, looking down now at a very wet Sam Carter, couldn't help but smile. He quickly touched her forehead and was relieved to find she had cooled down considerably. 'Okay now for step two'. Silently praying for the same good luck that had kept her unconscious through the shower, would still keep her just as unconscious for the next step. He really had no choice. He stripped down to his boxer shorts, leaving Sam only to pull on dry clothes, and only after he was sure she was propped up and would not fall over if he let her go even if just for a few minutes.

Jack re-entered the bathroom with his old worn jersey, a few fresh towels, and his robe. Thinking to himself 'Okay I can do this.... I can be clinical and detached' unfortunately no matter how often he repeated those words, the occasional thought of a very naked Sam would creep into his mind. He worked very hard to shut those particular thoughts out, again repeating 'clinical and detached' clinical and detached'. Now to the business at hand.

Jack moved with care, he placed a towel over Carter's wet head and rub gently a few moments, praying silently for the strength he knew he would need, to get through this with both of their dignity in tact. This was not going to be easy, but it had to be done, with that last thought he knew Carter would understand, actually he hoped she would understand.

Jack started with Carter's sweater, which at this point weighed about 10 pounds, with deft hands he pulled it over her head, holding her head from underneath the sweater for support. He looked down without even thinking, then looked away almost as quickly. 'Jack don't look there, just don't look there'. The thoughts 'clinical and detached' continued to run through his head. It wasn't helping.

Okay, the bra.... 'If I slip the jersey over her head and shoulders I can get the bra off from behind' a good plan he thought until he reached around the back of Carter and realized there was no clasp at the back. "oh God" he mumbled, more to himself when he realized the clasp was in the front. 'If this is a test....and I'm going to fail miserably at this rate' he thought. Clearing his mind he reminded himself this had to be done. It didn't, however make it any easier, he knew that if Carter woke up right now, she would most likely kick the ever living shit out of him, and that would be no fun either. He continued anyway.

Jack carefully wrapped a towel around the front of Sam, the jersey was over her head, all he had to do now was find the clasp and release it. He didn't move. 'Come on Jack you can't leave her like this she is still in her wet jeans, be a man for Christ's sake' with that thought Jack smiled to himself. He reached under the towel and with shaking hands managed to find the clasp, in the process he also managed to brush a finger against Sam's now exposed breasts. He felt his face burn, as he chided himself for thinking such thoughts about his Major. 'His Major' the thought ran though his head before he could stop it. 'No, Jack, back on track old man. You can't think that, and you definitely can't be thinking of that right now'.

After a couple of attempts he managed to undue her bra, and slipped the straps off her shoulders one at a time, while holding a towel to the front of Sam the whole time, making sure she was covered. 'Hey that wasn't so bad' he thought, now the jeans were going to be an even bigger challenge. With the jersey now in place and her arms and hands completely hidden in the long sleeves, Jack debated how he was going to get this done. The good news was the jersey was way big on her, hanging way past mid thigh. 'thank God' Jack thought as he grab a towel and headed for the bed. Jack had a plan.

He laid out a very large, very soft towel on the bed. He went back into he bathroom and collected Sam in his arms, he headed back to the bed, then gently laid Sam out, pulling down the front of the jersey which he noticed had slipped up exposing part of her stomach. 'Don't even go there Jack your almost done... Concentrate Jack.... Concentrate' He chided himself again, he was too close to getting this done to lose it now.

Taking his robe he covered the still unconscious Carter. Okay the top button came away with little effort, the zipper followed. Okay this is getting easier. Jack reached under the robe and located the waistband, grabbed both sides and attempted to tug them down. They wouldn't budge. Not an inch. He tried again, this time he felt them give way, he slowly worked them down her thighs and to her ankles, pulling one pant leg off at a time. Jack breathed a sigh of relief. He managed to accomplish this whole nightmare ordeal with what... only a brief touch of her breast, and that was completely by accident. Honest.

Jack looked down at the wet jeans at his feet and something caught his eye. He reached down without thinking and pulled up to eye level, a very sexy pair of dark blue silk high cut panties. Jack's groan was audible. He looked down at Sam, and spoke outloud for the first time in 20 minutes "Clinical and detached.... you've got to be kidding me". Jack quickly bent down scooped up the wet jeans, and quickly headed to the bathroom to hang them with her other items.

Okay, now her legs would need towel drying, but that is easy, I can do that. Jack hurried his way through, trying to be as thorough as possible, without losing what little of his mind he had left. Okay, all that's left is to roll her off the towel that is under her and roll her back to the edge once the covers are pulled back. I can do that in two moves. Jack pulled back the robe which still covered Sam. He looked down again. 'Damn it Jack'.

He quickly cleared his mind from the site which greeted him, telling himself to think about hockey! 'Yeah hockey, the playoffs are coming up soon' He started to run his mind through the list of teams still vying for a play off spot. "Edmonton Oilers, Calgary Flames, Colorado Avalanche, the list continued until he had successfully completed both the roll away maneuver as well as the roll back. Jack surprised himself at the ease of it all, thinking to himself 'Why I never thought of hockey teams during the undressing process is beyond me, I could have saved myself all that anxiety' .

With Carter now safely tucked under the covers, he went and grabbed another comforter from the hall closet, placing it gently over Sam. She stirred but never woke. He touched her cheek first then her forehead. Good, still cool to the touch. He slipped from the room quietly, turning the light off as he went.

Jack stretched out on the couch downstairs, after what he had just been through, there was no way he would sleep again. He needed to watch something, something with action, with blood and guts, the more blood and guts the better. He finally decided on 'The Dirty Dozen' he loved that movie. Good ole Lee Marvin can save me from myself. He was sure of it. After grabbing a cold beer and shifting into a more comfortable position he hit the play button, the opening credits rolled across the screen. He took one last look up to where his bedroom was located, shook his head, and attempted to concentrate on the movie playing infront of him.

Sam woke up 2 1/2 hours later, she wasn't quite sure where she was at first, this definitely wasn't her bed, theses where not her sheets or even her pillow. She tried to recall the last few hours of the previous evening. Realizing now that she was at Jack's house, more to the point she was in Jack's bed. Sam bolted upright in bed. She slowly lowered the blankets which still covered her. 'Oh my God' was the only thing going through her mind. "Oh my God...." this time she said it outloud. Sam could now hear the television on downstairs. She slipped her bare legs over the side of the bed, and attempted to stand. 'Okay I'm a bit wobbly, but it will pass.' She thought to herself. Grabbing Jack's large robe she found at the foot of the bed, she slipped into it and secured the belt. She headed towards the sounds of gun fire, knowing full well the Colonel was on another 'Lee Marvin' kick. Funny he only watched Marvin movies when his stressed.

Taking her time moving carefully down the stairs, she found the Colonel knee deep in 'The Dirty Dozen', he hadn't heard her enter the room. Sam cleared her throat. Jack practically jumped off the couch turning at the same time to see a very flushed, if not slightly embarrassed Sam Carter standing in the middle of the room, wrapped in his robe. It was quite a sight. Jack smiled and waved her over to the couch. He spoke first. "Sam how are you feeling? I've got some apple juice in the fridge I'm pretty sure is still good..." he stopped at that point realizing he must be babbling. He waited for Sam to speak.

"Sir...." Sam looked around the room before finally turning and looking into the face of her Commanding Officers. She had to ask, she was pretty sure she knew the answer but had to ask anyway. "Sir, about my clothes.... did you get Shelly to come over and help you...." Jack looked mortified. He hadn't thought about going to get his neighbor Shelly, she was a great neighbor, always watching his place for him while he was away, he just never thought about asking her to help him with Carter. "Sir..." Sam, asked again more quietly this time. Jack cleared his throat once before answering.

"Ahhh actually Sam... no Shelly wasn't home" Okay he lied, it was a small lie but he couldn't very well tell her it never occurred to him, now could he. No, that would not do. So he hoped that small lie would work. Sam looked away embarrassed. Jack put a hand gently on her shoulder before he spoke again. "Sam, I and no choice you were out cold and burning up so I took you into the shower...." Sam's head shot up at his last comment, if he thought she looked embarrassed earlier, this was nothing like the look he was getting now. Jack quickly raised his hands saying "No, no... nothing like that... we were both fully dressed." Sam seemed to relax at his last statement, it took her a few minutes before she could look at him again, when she did, she found herself asking "How...?"

"How.... you mean, how did you get out of your wet clothes and into my hockey jersey...? Jack's turn to look embarrassed. Sam wished for a quick death. She heard Jack speaking, but could not look at him. "Sam, really it's okay, I never saw anything...." Sam groaned outloud and brought her hands up to her face. "Oh God" was all she could manage. Jack chuckled. Sam shot him a 'Your a dead man O'Neill' look, then quickly turned away. This was not going well.

Jack got up from the couch and went into the kitchen looking for another clean glass, he would busy himself with getting another juice for Sam, leaving her to sort out her thoughts in the living room. He came back in and noticed firstly that she no longer had her head buried in her hands, and secondly, she had a slightly embarrassed smile forming on her face. She thanked Jack for the juice, drinking it slowly. After she finished the juice she placed the empty glass on the table in front of her. She turned to look at Jack. Clearing her throat first before she spoke.

"Sir, I realize you had no other choice, Thank you for looking after me" the last part came out in a whisper. Jack smiled to himself. He felt better already, sitting here the last 2 1/2 hours, Jack ran scenario after scenario thought his mind, each one worse than the last, until he resigned himself to the fact that he was either going to be shot on site by Carter herself or be fed to the dogs during a court martial, but a thank you he never counted on. He could only mumble "Your welcome" before getting up quickly and extending his hand to Sam, she looked up slightly puzzled. "Come on Sam you should be in bed, I'll grab you some ibuprofen and more juice, but first you should get to bed"

Sam smiled fully this time, thinking to herself 'He's so cute... look at him hell, he looks more embarrassed than I feel.' as he ushered her back up the stairs and into his bedroom. He turned around as Sam began to remove his robe. Waiting more than enough time, until he finally heard Sam speak quietly. "It's okay Colonel you can turn around now" Sam looked up at Jack smiling now, with drowsy eyes as he moved his hand over her forehead, touching her cheeks gently as he lowered his hand, making sure her temperature had not gone up again. It hadn't. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll be right back Sam, I'm going to get you some ibuprofen and a little more juice, your stomach seems to be holding down the last glass... okay I'll be right back" Sam watched through half closed lids, as the Colonel, left the room. She snuggled down further in the bed, very aware of the aroma of room, the pillow was especially nice. Sam smiled softly and took in the smell that was simply 'Jack'.

Jack walked in quietly rounding the bedpost, he stopped without making a sound and just watched as Sam's face seemed to smile, as if it had just found something wonderful, but he could see her eyes lids were closed. He spoke in a hushed tone. "Sam... you still with me here" he waited, watching her face, it still held that same sly smile. He leaned in closer "Sam... " he watched as her blue eyes opened slowly, looking directly into his brown, their faces only inches apart. Jack blinked. "I brought you some tablets, and more juice, Sam can you sit up for me?" Sam released the pillow she was clutching and squirmed to a sitting position. She adjusted the covers just as Jack was reaching for them. He stopped, when he realized how close he had come to doing that exact same thing. Sam looked up again and smiled at her Colonel before she spoke.

"Sir...." Jack stopped her in mid sentence with a quick wave of his hand. "Sam... your in my bed, not to mention one of my most valued hockey jersey.... do you think you can call me Jack... we are on down time after all" Sam blinked once before speaking again. "Jack.... I wanted to thank you again for taking such good care of me... I ...well I just wanted to say thank you..." She felt like an idiot. Worse a babbling idiot.

Jack watched as Sam's face fell, he knew what she was doing, he did it often himself. She was berating herself for saying something stupid. Jack knelt down so he was once again at her eye level. He looked directly into Sam's blue eyes then spoke. "Sam.... Thank you for calling me Jack" before he leaned in and brushed his lips against Sam's for a brief moment. He was still looking deep into her eyes as he raised his right hand up to gently touch her cheek. "Sleep now, I see you in the morning okay." Sam could only nod. Her eyes staring wide, watching this man in front of her. She was stunned to say the least. She managed to find her voice as he was closing the door behind him. "Jack...." He poked his head back in. "Yeah Sam" She was smiling again "I'm keeping the jersey..." He was beaming back at her now. "We can talk about that in the morning too" he closed the door quietly behind himself.

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