Heliopolis Main Archive
A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site

Zusammenfassung: What happens when Carter is muddy and cold and wet after a mission, and there's no hot water or jelly beans? Who's gonna tell her? Is it gonna be Jack? Or is it gonna be a pass the buck thing?
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 0]
Kategorie: Sam/other
Charaktere: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Drama
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderung: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 Abgeschlossen: No
Wörter: 768 Gelesen: 836
Veröffentlicht: 2001.08.15 Aktualisiert: 2001.08.15

1. Last Bean!, The by Jolinar Carter [Reviews - 0] (768 words)

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