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Web of Deceit: Part 2

by Demon Faith
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Web of Deceit: Part 2

Web of Deceit: Part 2

by Demon Faith

TITLE: Web of Deceit: Part 2
AUTHOR: Demon Faith
EMAIL: rosabeth@hotmail.com
CATEGORY: Sam/Daniel friendship/romance, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
SPOILERS: A reference to my stories 'Baggage Check' and 'Web of Deceit: Part 1'. Minor spoilers for: Jolinar's Memories, Forever in a Day, Serpent's Song, Legacy Foothold, Fair Game and maybe a few I missed.
SEASON/SEQUEL: Direct sequel to Web of Deceit: Part 1. Not surprising really. Set in Season 3, between Jolinar's Memories and Shades of Grey.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Torture, violence, graphic images: you might need a tissue!
SUMMARY: Who's after Daniel this time?
STATUS: Complete
DISCLAIMER: I still can't believe they're not mine! But I suppose, if they were, Sam and Daniel would've got it together a long time ago...Anyway, everything belongs to who it should do and, most unfortunately, I didn't earn any money from this. You want the story, just ask first!
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This started as just an excuse to beat the crap out of Mackenzie. But the muses wouldn't leave me alone! Sorry I'm dragging this out folks!

Daniel just stared at the NID colonel, who was smiling smugly down at him. Mackenzie stood behind him, taking great pleasure in Daniel's discomfort.

"What do you want, Maybourne?"

The colonel just smiled, as a tranq dart sailed past him and straight into Daniel's arm. As the archaeologist keeled over, he managed to whisper:

"Jack's gonna murder you..."

Jack just wanted to strangle something, preferably Dr Mackenzie. If he had hurt Sam and Daniel...well, there'd be hell to pay! Jack was curious to just one thing: Mackenzie couldn't have done this alone. Who else was helping him? Teal'c was stiff in the seat beside him and Jack knew that he wanted to pound something as well. But what could they do? Absolutely nothing. Mackenzie wasn't going to advertise his location and they had no means of tracking them. They would have to go back to the base and wait. Jack hated waiting. He had had to wait many times before. Waiting for Daniel, most of it.

They were heading back when Jack saw something in the hedge. He screeched to a stop, nearly causing Ferretti to crash into the back of him. He leapt out of the car and ran to the roadside. He crashed onto his knees, where Ferretti and Makepeace joined him. He pulled the material from the hedge and then looked towards the door of the building.

It was part of a shirt.

Daniel's shirt.

Daniel came to in a cell. Or, at least, that's how it felt. He was in a small, windowless room with only a wooden chair and an exposed light bulb. It felt like a really bad prison movie, but this was frightening real. He was strapped tightly to the chair and could feel blood dripping down his forehead. Oh happy days! Daniel chewed nervously on his bottom lip, waiting for something to happen.

He wasn't disappointed. A few minutes later, Maybourne walked in, holding a pistol. Ooh, a big, freaky gun. I am sooo scared! Daniel raised an eyebrow. He saw so many weapons in his line of work that one little pistol wasn't going to intimidate him. Maybourne smiled sickeningly but Daniel just shook his head in disbelief.

"Jack is going to kill you."

"Yes, you said that already, Doctor Jackson. Unfortunately, if I'm not on this planet, he can't exactly reach me."

Maybourne gestured towards the door and Daniel turned.

Standing in the doorway, was someone Daniel had hoped he would never see again.


Jack gave the door a vicious kick. He roared with anger and kicked it again but the door wouldn't budge. Teal'c calmly pushed him aside and punched the door in a movement that would've broken a normal man's arm. But Teal'c wasn't a normal man and the door easily gave way. Jack only just restrained himself from rushing in, yelling. Instead, he motioned for his team to follow him, as he crept into the building. It was a grotty, little house and Jack was very cautious. He turned a sharp corner and yelled for his team. They skidded straight into the small room, Jack falling to his knees before Sam's motionless form. To his relief, her eyes quickly fluttered open and she smiled weakly.

"What kept you?"

Jack returned her smile before motioning for Ferretti to look after her. He scanned the room for Daniel but there wasn't a trace. As he moved to get up, Sam feebly grabbed his arm.

"He g...got him. On the d...door."

Sam waved her arm in the direction of the door and Makepeace swung it closed. Everyone shuddered in horror.

Because, pinned to the door, was Mackenzie's corpse.

The plot thickens, huh? Daniel sighed to himself, as he was unceremoniously dragged to the second Gate. At least, I think that's where I'm going...Daniel thought wryly, why do the mean guys always pick on me? As he thudded along the floor, he began to notice the fact that he was probably in Area 51.

Daniel was very confused. Mackenzie had kidnapped Sam; Maybourne had used that to get to him, so that he could give him to...Apophis? Mackenzie and Maybourne he could get but Apophis? Surely, Maybourne must hate the Goa'uld as much as anyone. Unless...Daniel frowned. Maybourne wouldn't be that stupid, would he? What would he get for Daniel? Some advanced weaponry? Shield technology? A couple of ships?

All thought was stopped by a hard landing in front of the Gate. One of the Jaffa began to dial. Jaffa? Since when were there Jaffa? Apophis flickered into his vision, as the False God raised his ribbon-device...

"Mackenzie was killed by bullets to his head, abdomen and chest. It looked like he faced a sort of...firing squad."

Jack grimaced and Teal'c raised an eyebrow. Janet sat back down and they all turned to General Hammond. Except for Sam. She had insisted on being let out of the infirmary as soon as possible and had since fallen into a depressive mood, similar to Daniel's when Sam had gone missing. She hadn't said a word during the whole meeting; just sat there, nursing a cup of coffee. Janet kept shooting her worried glances but Sam refused to meet her eye. She's blaming herself, thought the doctor.

"So, Doctor Jackson wasn't in the house? Are we sure he even got there?"

"He was there. He said...he had to come, told me to rest, and then, he let himself be taken for me!"

Sam burst into a flood of tears and leaned forward onto the table, sobbing in to the hard wood. Janet got up and crouched down beside her, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Who took him, Sam? We need to know."

Sam looked up, looking extremely miserable.

"It was...Maybourne!"

So, here we go again! Daniel opened his eyes, to find himself tied to a long, white post made of a hard plastic. Thick, black straps held him firmly in an upright position that was extremely uncomfortable and he couldn't move an inch. He had lost his shirt and glasses somewhere back in Area 51 and the whole room was blurry.

He could just make out Apophis and a couple of Jaffa approaching. What the heck does snaky want with me this time?

#You are under my control now, Tau'ri. You will tell me who killed my wife, so I my have my revenge#

Sam swore loudly and threw her coffee mug against the wall. It shattered over Jack, who was just walking in.

"Y'know, those things are expensive..."

Sam scowled at him and turned back to her work. She was trying to hack into NID but it just wasn't working. Jack peered over her shoulder and neatly typed in a password. The screen changed, welcoming 'Harry Maybourne' to the NID database.

"How the heck did you get back?"

Jack winked at her.

"A little hacking of my own!"

Sam sighed and turned back. She clicked on 'Schedule' and her eyes widened.

0850: Arrange arrival of Trade
1120: Transfer to alien vessel
1905: Leave orbit

Sam checked her watch. It was quarter to seven. Jack was reading over her shoulder and his eyes were wide too. He took the mouse ad clicked on 'Notes'.

Daniel Jackson: Disruptive civilian, security risk, trade item
Apophis will exchange him for weaponry and technology. It is a fair swap.

Jack swore, as Sam scrolled down the page.

I will be taken as a representative to his home planet, where arrangements will be made. Doctor Jackson will be eliminated after a few hours of torture...

Daniel just stopped himself from screaming. Apophis was using some kind of electrocuter and Daniel was sure his side looked like a piece of burnt toast. Stupid! Don't think about food! Daniel had been standing there for hours, just being electrocuted and screamed at. He was getting very tired and hungry, but there didn't seem like an end to this kind of punishment.

Suddenly, the door slid opened and Apophis stopped. Daniel looked up, to see an Asgard in the doorway. The little alien was dressed in loose, brown clothing that reminded Daniel of ancient smugglers and pirates. He tottered forward, his two massive eyes blinking about every minute.

"I am here, Apophis."

#Greetings Thor, my brother#

Daniel started. Thor? The peaceful Norse god? It couldn't be!

"I see you have Daniel Jackson. He is very valuable."

#Do you want him, Thor?#

"It would please me greatly, Apophis."

Daniel was feeling sick. These people were talking about him as if he was a trade item, let alone in the same room.

#But I must get my information first.#

"Allow me a few moments with him and he will tell all."

Great, thought Daniel, Get frazzled by the Goa'uld and then interrogated by the Asgard. What a wonderful day! Daniel wondered where he had got such a sarcastic mind. Probably too much Jack-exposure...

Apophis walked out, followed by his Jaffa and Thor walked up to him. Daniel was beginning to ache now and he could feel blood trickling down his torso.

"Greetings Daniel Jackson. I am here to rescue you."

Daniel blinked in surprise.

"You mean you're gonna help me?"

"Yes. Tell Apophis some false information and then I will take you back to Earth."

Daniel's brow creased into a frown.

"Why are you here, Thor? Don't you fight the Goa'uld? Don't they hate you?"

"The System Lords hate me but Apophis thinks I am a rogue Asgard."

Daniel nodded and then winced when it hurt. Thor strode back to the door, pressed a few buttons and Apophis and Jaffa walked back in.

#Will you tell me, Daniel Jackson?#

A thought sprang into Daniel's mind and he smiled inwardly. Kill two birds with one stone...

"Harry Maybourne killed your wife."

Apophis roared with anger and struck Daniel across the face.

#You lie! I can see it in your eyes!#

Daniel winced slightly and re-thought his plan.

"I killed her."

"Good job, people. But where could the Goa'uld land?"

George looked around the briefing room at the remainder of SG1. They looked very tired and haggard but they kept on working to find a solution. Sometimes, they amazed him with their determination and loyalty.

"Why did they have to ship in at all? Besides, we would've seen them."

Sam twiddled her pen between her fingers, trying to push away those awful words.

Doctor Jackson will be eliminated after a few hours of torture...

Sam shivered. What could they be doing to him? Was he even still alive? Sam closed her eyes to stop tears escaping, and continued.

"I think they used the second Gate."

Teal'c and Jack raised eyebrows but George nodded.

"NID are capable of anything. Unfortunately, it is unfeasible to attempt a rescue."

George held up his hand to prevent protests, and continued.

" Firstly; we don't know where he is. Secondly; we can't easily find out. Thirdly; we don't even know if Doctor Jackson is still alive."

Sam stood up, eyes blazing and tears streaming.

"I know he's alive, sir. He can't be dead. He's Daniel; Daniel doesn't die."

At that moment, Daniel was seriously doubting that. Apophis was in a massive rage and kept throwing things in his direction.

#How did you kill her? Tell me!#

"It was an accident, I swear! She was my wife too!"

At that, Apophis stopped and began to reconsider.

#Yes, she was. And you had to see her die by your own hand. A fitting punishment for murder#

Daniel thought the Goa'uld had really sick minds. He barely resisted from a sarcastic comment, but only just.

#You can take him, Thor. Make sure he dies with dishonour#

A Jaffa came up behind him and released his bonds. After so many hours of being tied to a post, Daniel just fell forwards, hitting his head hard. He closed his eyes, hoping that they thought he was unconscious.

"Bring him to my ship."

Daniel felt a vague sensation of movement before he was unceremoniously dumped on a hard floor, flaring up his bruises and cuts. Pain jabbed through him and blood flowed unhindered. Daniel heard a door being closed and some one weakly pushing him into a sitting position.

"We will be in orbit of Earth momentarily, Daniel Jackson. Please rest until we arrive."

Daniel nodded and slumped forward, falling instantly asleep.

The room was silent. Sam collected her papers and went downstairs. Jack and Teal'c rose to follow her.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light from the Gate Room and Sam yelled. She thundered down the stairs and crashed to her knees. Daniel was lying unconscious on the ramp, looking very tired and beaten. Sam gently drew his head into her lap, fondly stroking his short, brown hair. Jack ran in and Teal'c took the phone from the wall.

"I require Doctor Frasier in the Embarkation Room. Daniel Jackson has returned..."

Jack landed beside Sam and began to check Daniel over.

"Dammit! Why does Space Monkey have to get in so much trouble?"

"Do you have to call me that, Jack?"

Daniel coughed slightly and his eyes flickered open. Sam smiled tearfully at him and his lips curved upwards. Janet and her medical team entered the scene and Daniel was lifted onto a gurney. Jack pulled Sam to her feet and she hurried after Daniel.

"When are they gonna come out?"

Jack thumped the door and it shuddered. Teal'c was trying to meditate and Sam was hunched in a corner, pretending to be asleep.

The infirmary doors opened and Sam looked up, wide awake.

"Well, it's about time!"

Jack charged through the open doors, followed immediately by Sam and Teal'c. A very frazzled Janet tugged the to one side.

"He took a hell of beating but should make a full recovery. Psychologically, I can't say but he appears happy enough."

"Janet! Are they here yet?"

Daniel's whine cut through the infirmary like a knife and Sam was gone in a second. She rushed to his bedside and he smiled up at her.

"Hello there. So, how are you feeling? Mackenzie wasn't too cruel to you, was he/"

Sam laughed. After all he had been through, she was the one he was most concerned about!

"Me? Are you alright?"

"Yeah fine. Nothing too bad this time."

Sam raised an eyebrow but Daniel inclined his head slightly. Sam turned, to be faced with one very angry colonel.

"What were you thinking, Jackson? Rushing off to rescue damsels in distress without any back-up! Are you cracked?"

Daniel cringed slightly, as his headache started to thunder again. Suddenly, a slap echoed through the infirmary.

"I am no damsel! And I don't think Daniel's cracked at all!"

Daniel opened his eyes, to see Sam, hand still raised. Standing in front of jack, who was clutching his face.

"Hello? I can speak for myself, believe it or not!"

They turned back to him, looking decidedly embarrassed.

"I had to rescue Sam and nothing could've stopped me. It is my fault that all this happened and therefore I should be blamed, not you."

"That's rubbish, Daniel," said Sam and Jack, in unison.

Daniel smiled, as Jack sauntered off to find Janet. Sam sat beside Daniel and he took her hand.

"I nearly lost you today, Sam."

"And I nearly lost you."

Daniel looked down at his hands, trying to say something. Sam took over instead.

"I don't want to lose you again, Daniel. I nearly didn't have a chance to tell you and I couldn't bear you not knowing."

Daniel looked up, eyes shining with expectation.

"I love you, Daniel. I want us to be together."

Daniel pulled Sam into a hug, ignoring the pain it caused him. Sam felt the same; glad to be in his arms, even if her ribs protested.

"I love you too, Sam."

"Ah, love! Ain't it just great? So, when's the wedding, kids?"

Daniel and Sam broke away from each other, to stare accusingly at Jack and all the other nursing staff.

"Sam, you really should be in bed. Of course, we don't have a double, so if you can bear to be without Daniel for a few days, we'll move you across the way."

"Unless we push two together. Then they could..."

"Not in my infirmary, Jack O'Neill!"

"Oh yeah? What about when...?"

"I do not wish to hear this tale, O'Neill."

"Me neither, Jack."

"Ditto, sir."

Janet smiled at him and flounced away, apparently forgetting the idea of moving Sam.

"You really should rest, Sam. I don't want you to get ill."

Daniel looked at Sam in concern and she smiled tiredly.

"Okay, if it makes you feel better, I'll sleep. But I'm not moving from this chair."

"I wasn't going to ask you to."

Daniel lowered Sam gently forward onto his chest, stroking her hair absently.

"I could get used to this, Daniel."

"So could I, Sam," he murmured, "so could I."


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