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Double Trouble-Part 12

by Dani
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Double Trouble-Part 12

Double Trouble-Part 12

by Dani

Summary: Carrie comes state side and Cassie pushes Jackson to admitting his feelings.
Category: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance, Series, Other
Season: future Season
Pairing: Jack/Sam, other pairing
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: minor language
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).
Archived on: 03/13/04

Double Trouble-Part 12 ************************************************************************

Jackson was waiting in General Hammond's office most of the time the team was gone. The General was beginning to become quite annoyed and sent him out of there. Within two hours time he was back and complaining about no one else to bug.

"Jackson, I was wondering. Do you know how long you actually been here? You and Carrie?" Hammond asked the boy not evening looking up.

"Nearly four weeks, why?" Jackson set the book he'd been flipping through down. Hammond didn't answer and so, "George?"

"Within that time you've been managed to get yourselves in trouble," Hammond chuckled.

"Sir, I don't think this is a laughing manner," Jackson slouched in his chair.

"You ever see 'Where Angels Go Trouble Follows'?" Hammond questions Jackson.

"No sir," Jackson looks interested.

"Well I'm not saying you're an angel but Sam.Carrie, sure as hell is," Hammond says with a smile.

"What does that make me General?" Jackson questions his former superior.

"God forbid me to say this in your presence but an angel," Hammond replies and looks at a shocked young man. "Don't think that means anything cause it doesn't."

"Yes sir," Jackson forgot immediately what was just said. "So, when will we hear something?"

"I don't know son, all we do is wait," Hammond goes back to his paperwork.

"I'm going to go lie down for a while," Jackson gets up to leave.

As he nears the door the sound of the telephone burst through to their brains. Jackson turns back and looks the General straight in the eye. He returns the gesture and slowly picks the phone up.

"General, it's Daniel, Carrie's about to come out of surgery now," Daniel's voice is so loud and excited that Hammonds holds the receiver away from his ear.

Jackson hears the news and smiles.

"That's music to my ears Dr. Jackson," Hammond replies. "How is she though?"

"Not too good General, but she's pulled through the worst of it she'll make it through the rest. Is Jackson there?" Daniel wonders.

"He's right here," Hammond holds the phone out to Jackson.

"Danny, tell me some good news," he answers.

"You willing to take her to physical therapy?" Daniel questions his friend.

"As along as she'll be all right I am," he jokes. "How bad off is she?"

" Internal bleeding, fractured skull, broken wrist, extensive bruises and abrasions," Daniel regretfully replies. "And that's what I heard before she was officially examined."

"My God," he utters. "You seen her yet?"

"No, she's coming out of surgery now," Daniel said. "Here, Sam wants to talk to you."

"Okay...Sam?" he recognized her breathing.

"Jackson, she's gonna be all right," she exclaimed.

"I heard," he smiled into the phone. "What was the state you found her in?"

"Unconscious in a corridor," Sam told him. "I was in the OR with her. Surgery went well, long but well. She's going to have some cool scars."

"Obtaining them not so cool," he added.

"Janet's just come out, I better go talk to her. We'll talk to you when we get back okay?" Sam asked a rhetorical question.

"Go then and let us know if and when she can be transferred back State side," he said. "Take care."

"You too, bye," she hung the pay phone up and walked to Janet. "So?"

"With some major R&R plus a lot of physical therapy and good company she'll be just fine," Janet finally announced.

Jack had moved to where he had an arm around Sam and she turned to him, burying her face in his shirt. He threw his other arm around her too and held her tight.

"When can she be transported to the US?" Daniel remembered a question he had.

"Not for a good week, but it all depends on her progress," Janet informed them. "Sam, she was a awake when I left and was asking for you."

Sam looked up at the others and Jack let go of her. "Where is she?"

"They've moved her to their ICU. It's down the hall," Janet replied and went to sit down.

Sam moved normally down the hall and found the room Carrie had been settled in. The hospital smelled and it mad her want to puck. What made her want to puck even more was the first site of Carrie. The girl's face was worse than it had been. Her hair was still streaked red with blood but it had been cleaned away from her face. She edged closer to the bed. It looked as though she was asleep and so she took the purple hand in her's.

"Hi," Carries weak voice croaked.

"Thought you were asleep," Sam smiled at the girl. "How are you?"

"Feel like I just got hit by an 18-wheeler," she laughed and immediately regretted it.

"I spoke to Jackson not moments ago," Sam's mention of Jackson caused Carrie to jerk her head up.

"How is he? Is he okay?" she began throwing at Sam.

"He was shot in the head but he's fine," Sam assured her.

"What happened?" Carrie closed her eyes.

"Well, you know your neighbor, Bleighton?" Sam saw Carrie's slight nod. "He was the babysitter. You know you had to have one and it was him. Anyways when Jackson was being attacked he intervened and barely saved him."

"Okay, lets get this straight," Carrie's eyes remain closed. "Jackson gets shot and is out of the bed already?"

"Yes ma'am," they hear Jack's voice from the doorway. "The luck of the Irish I say...How you holding up kid?"

"Sir," Carrie warns.

"I know I know, you're a grown woman trapped in a teen's body but you're the kid along with Jackson...though he may hate it, and Cassie," Jack explained as he walked over to the pair.

"He would hate it and I just resent it," she smiled at him and closed her eyes again. "Tell me, where am I?"

"Germany," Sam replied.

"Always wanted to come back here, beautiful country," Carrie states with eyes closed. "How did you find me?"

"Government was keeping a watch out on everything around the world," Jack explained. "A woman contacted the police and news. We went on the lead and came here."

"When can I get home?" her voice was growing tired.

"Depends," Jack tells her.

"Okay, tell Jackson I hope he okay and animals..." Carrie began to mumble incoherently.

"Jack lets let her get some sleep," Sam nudges him and they slowly leave.

It's another week until Carrie can be moved back to the States. She was having a hard time recovering, was on pain medications 24/7. Jackson still hadn't spoke to her. General Hammond had called Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c back to the Mountain to deal with some business with the Tokra. He didn't want to bother Sam since her dad wasn't with them and he wanted her to stay with Carrie.

Carrie was ecstatic when she got word she was being sent home; well an American hospital was, as close to home she'd get for a while. Sam explained that Jackson went back to school and everyone had gotten a cover story. 'Supposedly' they were unfortunately in the apartment while it was being robbed and got in the middle of the scuffle. She thought it was a poor excuse but as long as it was believable.

"How is he doing colonel? Head okay?" Carrie worried on the long-distance telephone call.

"Is on pain meds and says he doing fine when I talked to him yesterday evening," Jack tried to sooth her worries.

"You tell him I was coming home?" her voice perked up some.

"Yeah, I'm not supposed to tell you but he and Daniel are organizing a welcome home party with the hospital in Denver," she could hear his grin.

"Denver? Janet isn't going to be there then?" her mood changed again. "Oh, I'll deal with it, I've got to learn I'm not Sam and I'm not going to have everything she does."

"Carrie, think about it, you've got Jackson!" his sarcasm made her smile.

"I do don't I? I haven't noticed many differences between you two yet," Carrie teased him.


"Really, he still calls me Carter, sarcastic as ever but seems to like my cooking recently!" she chuckles.

"He said you'd been in a homemaking class or something," he heard her 'I can't believe you' exhale and laughed. "So, how is everything there?"

"Cold and quiet, I was moved to a private room a couple days ago," she explains. "Janet says that I've made remarkable progress but that there's a long ways to go yet. I know that she speaks the truth. I've only regained complete feeling in my right arm. Oh guess what, the swelling in my knee is gone! I can bend it again!"

"That's good to hear," he was happy she was getting well. "Obviously you're happy enough."

"I wouldn't say enough seeing as I'm in this bed, but quite content," she thought was the right wording.

Sam began to stir on the pull out couch she'd been staying on. "Sam's waking you want to talk to her?"

"Sure," he said.

"Be warned, not being in a real bed has made her cranky," Carried advised. "Hey Sam, it's the Colonel!"

Sam slowly shuffled on to her feet and took up the phone. "Hi, how are you doing?" she yawned.

"Good, and you?" he retaliated.

"Back hurts...I can't wait to get back home back to you," she added, Carrie heard and batted her eyelashes at Sam who smiled.

"I miss you too Sam," he replied. "How about when you get home I make you dinner and we don't leave the home until someone drags us away?"

"Sounds like a plan," she pulls the telephone cord over to the couch and plops down. "We should go, running up one hell of a bill on the SGC's part."

"I guess you're right," he agrees. "Tell Carrie see her tomorrow and you too."

"I will," Sam says. "Love you."

"Love you too," a sweet smile plays across her face at hearing those words from him. "Bye Sam."

They hang up the receivers and go back to their business. Before Sam knows it it's time for Carrie, Janet and herself to leave. They said their goodbyes to the nosey hospital nurses and Carrie's doctor. The flight back was extremely long and quiet. Carrie slept most of the time; Sam read a book as well as Janet. Once in a while Janet would check on Carrie. She was beginning to think that she'd never have a normal life. Being kidnapped and being shipped back to your country, as a patient didn't really count as normal even if she hadn't been through the Stargate in a month!

At the airport the remainder of Sg-1, General Hammond, Cassie and Jackson were there to greet the three women. Janet went ahead and brought the wheelchair back for Carrie. Sam followed behind the two with a few bags. The minute they three exited the hall and were in the waiting area they saw the others.

Sam moved away from Janet and Carrie, to Jack and threw her arms around his neck. They stood that way until Carrie was wheeled up.

"Well this is new," she raised her eyebrow.

"Nah, you weren't here before they left for Germany," Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Thought you among all wouldn't have minded," Carrie slowly said that making sure she said it correctly.

"They're old though," Cassie accidentally blurted out.

"Hey," Sam objected with a half smile.

"Sorry," Cass rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I've got to get Carrie checked into the hospital. Why don't some of you go get something to eat while I get her over and settled in," Janet suggested.

"Lord knows I'll be there long enough!" Carrie sighed as Janet moved to push her and shakes her head 'no'. Janet slides away toward the group moving away. Carrie looks from the group to Jackson and smiles.

"Bump you head?" she raises and eyebrow once again.

"Yeah on the receiving end," Jackson rocks on his heels. There is a long awkward silence. "It is really good to have you back."

"It's awful good to be back!" she beamed then she looked away. "Jack...when I heard you had been shot I felt as though...I don't know the life had been sucked out of me."

Jackson watched her face intently; her blue eyes began to glimmer with tears. "Hey I'm okay," he tried to ensure her while he kneeled down in front of her.

"Yeah I know, just," Carrie stared at something behind him, then all of the sudden she tossed an arm around his neck.

"I know Carter," he held her close to him for a few minutes then broke their silence. "We better get going." Carrie pulled back and nodded to him.

It was another two weeks before Carrie was finally released from the hospital in Denver. During the time Jackson had visited her everyday and the others about twice a week. Janet and Cassie came up on the weekend to stay with Jackson so they could visit and try to make up to the time Sg-1 could come up.

The night before Carrie would come home Janet and Cassie had come up once again. Sg-1 was yet stuck on another planet. Janet reported that they'd met some unfriendly inhabitants and were trying to smooth over some misunderstandings. Jackson laughed when he heard it was about there only being on female on the team and that the inhabitants thought that they were sexist. While on the team he'd encountered people against Sam being on the team with three males, but never did they have a problem with no other women.

Jackson sat in living room with low music on. The night was cool and quiet. Cowboy sat next to him like he owned the couch. He felt there was something was going on without his knowledge but couldn't put a finger on any specific thing. 'Maybe the unease of Carrie coming home,' he thought to himself. 'No I'm practically twitching with anticipation! Those two aren't telling me something...I'm not alone anymore.'

Just as he thought those final words he turned his head to find Cassie standing in the doorway watching him. "What's up kid?" he saw her smile at his words.

"Nothing," she replies plopping down on the other end of the couch. "Why?"

"Why what?" he was totally confused.

"Why haven't you done anything?" she added like he should know.


"Jeez do I have to spell it out for you?" Cass rolled her eyes at him and threw her arms up. "With Carrie? She isn't under your command anymore and you have an extra 15 years to be with her."

"Cassie you're talking like a mad person," he looked at her but not in the eye. "Carter is..."

"Carrie, her name is Carrie!!!" Cassie cuts in.

"Carrie," he pauses to see Cassie smile. "She's got a lot to look forward to. And I'm just someone she got stuck with."

"You're both as stubborn as the other! It's going to take you years to see each other as available because you want the best for each other when you are the best for each other!" Cassie exclaims. "Don't you see that's why Jack is going ask Sam to marry him?"

Jackson's ears perked up at that and turned to look at Cassie's wide eyes. "He is?"

"Yes," she said hesitantly. "He told me the other day; has had the ring since Sam came out of the coma."

"That's over a month!" Jackson was astonished. "Hell I'd have asked the minute she woke up ring or no ring." His outburst made Cassie smile.

"Ah ha, you do love her," Cassie pointed out. "Carrie is Sam and you love Sam so you love Carrie."

"Cassie stop."

"No, you are going to deprive yourself of happiness because you're a stubborn ass," Cassie remarked.

"Cassie I love Sam," Jackson said with a solemn face. "Carrie and Sam were the same until Carrie was created. Now she is a different person. Yes I have feelings for Carrie, very strong ones indeed. I just want to let things happen because we want them to not because the colonel and the major did now they are definitely not in the same command...Do you understand where I'm coming from?"

"Sort of, yes," Cassie frowned and nodded at the same time. "She has feelings for you too, she told Sam. Work on those not the ones you had for Sam." She stood and walked towards Carrie's room and smiled at him. "Go to bed."

"Goodnight," Jackson says to her retreating back. ************************************************************************ To be continued....

Dani Marie

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