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Name: Tribal Matriarch (Signed) · Datum: 2008.02.20 17:55 · Für: Ancient Thoughts

Very Interesting!

I actually cried in a couple of places. Hope you update it soon and we see what will happen.

Author's Response: Thank you...I do have more to post as soon as my beta runs her critical eye over them. And I'm working on what I sincerely hope is the final story--my health, house, and children are all suffering because this story is rather consuming! LOLrnrnI do have to say, I laughed when I saw your review as the other night while not quite able to take the plunge and write a particularly harrying scene, I read your "Left Holding the Baby". I didn't get around to writing a review but I meant too...I enjoyed it a lot-a very enjoyable story : )

Name: StarnightSam (Signed) · Datum: 2008.02.20 00:17 · Für: Ancient Thoughts

This is absolutely wonderful.  It not only meets your excellence in inagination, but exceeds it.  It is amazing how you have taken us into the mind of Ally and filled us with the same dread and fear that she feels. 

 Great story!  Great writing. 

Author's Response: Thanks...for the kind reviews and more importantly for letting me bounce my ideas back and forth with you. I'm quite sure you'll recognize some of your insights into character motivations popping up in these next few chapters : )

Name: Tee (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.02.07 21:50 · Für: Ancient Thoughts
Wow - what a great story.   My heart was just breaking for Ally.  To be so little and know so much.    I hope that she can come to some sort of resolution as she ages, and lead a somewhat happy life, as much as that is possible.

Author's Response: Oh, me, too!!! I'm trying, but this story really does have a mind of its own...

Name: Anne Trembley (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.02.04 21:50 · Für: Ancient Thoughts
GREAT story, fits into canon in a way so few stories do that take such a big step.  I enjoyed it a LOT,truly surprisd you never hit on the Autism Diagnosis, since so much of her behavior easily fits into the spectrum and makes an EASY cover story.  It's a diagnosis that could be used for many years as cover.

Author's Response: I'm really glad to hear you like the story. So far I've tried to avoid giving an official diagnosis for two reasons (well, three if you count the fact I'm too lazy to do the research to see how true mutism would change or feed into autism!). First, the diagnosis really can't define Ally...what she appears to be to the outside world has nothing to do with the reality of what she is or will be. Second, to me, officially labeling her autistic means she should be getting intensive intervention which I have no experience to write about, would be pure torture for Ally, and would open her up to outside scrutiny that she cannot afford. And I don't know how to write it because I still don't have a clear picture in my own mind of what Sam is thinking...does she have complete faith that Ally is just what she should be and is going to grow into a functioning individual? Is she deep down afraid that Ally's life will never improve, that the miracle she's hoping and waiting for is just a pipe dream? She can't read Ally's mind or the future. Does she believe in what she's doing with enough faith to resist the pressure (from drs, therapists, Janet, etc. and from her own parental guilt and accountability) to not seek her daughter any and all possible help? As a mom could she really deny Ally the possibility that behavioral therapy might make her life more bearable now, could/would she be willing to leave Ally in solitary torment when there might be ways to reach her??? Sigh...at this point, I just don't know so am avoiding the issue as much as possible, lol.

Name: Diana Torres (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.02.04 10:41 · Für: Ancient Thoughts
What a beautiful story!  My heart ached for all the characters- Pete, for not getting the love from a child he so desperately tried to win over.. Ally, for the pain of being in a world she didn't understand... Sam, for the pain of being a mother who couldn't fully comfort or understand her child...  The grandparents.... Great story!

Author's Response: Thanks very much for your feedback. It helps a lot to know what people relate to!

Name: dipsofjazz (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.02.01 15:56 · Für: Ancient Thoughts
I loved both of these stories. Please write more and tell us  what happens next.....I need to know!

Author's Response: LOL...I'd really like to know, too! I'm working on it, but so far it's fairly slow going. rnrnThanks for letting me know you enjoyed them: )

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