T L Kay [Contact]


Hi, my name is Tabitha Kronenwetter, i am 20 and a hard-core Stargate fan. i'm one of those people that sits around with other fans for hours on end discussing every little detail of what happened in an episode.

i'm a hardcore shipper, for SG1 it's Jack/Sam and Daniel/Vala for me (Daniel and Vala couldn't be more perfect for each other if they tried). for Atlanits it's Ronon/Teyla and John/Elizabeth. there are lots of people who try and say that there's something between John and Teyla, and to those people i say "have you ever watched the show!?!?" there's no way you can watch John and Elizabeth's interaction and not see that they're in love unless you're blind. but that is a discussion for another day.

I write cause i can't help but do it. writing is like breathing for me, it just happens. i don't just write fan fics, i've actually written two novels and am working on my third. i'm working on setting up an online journal thing for them and when i do i strongly encourage (and by that i mean beg) you to check it out and give me feedback, i'm starved for feedback.

well that's about it. shoot me a line if you like my stories. i love hearing from new people!


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Series by T L Kay [1]
Reviews by T L Kay [2]
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Stories by T L Kay

The Little Things in Life by T L Kay

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: John and his team have to deal with a "little" problem. Missing Episode/AU in season 3

Summary sucks, but didn't know how not to give stuff away

What Can Never Be by T L Kay

Rated: FAM • 11 Reviews
Summary: two friends must say goodbye to their friendship, and to the love that could never be...

Trust by T L Kay

Rated: FAM • 1 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: The team gets a tip from the Genii about an interesting find on a nearby planet. But what they find when they get there is nowhere near what they expected. They are subsequently led on an unbelievable mission that could possibly bring them to new allies.

The Other City by T L Kay

Rated: GEN • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Kate's discovery of a second Lost City of the Ancients leads the SGC to a decision to send a team to the Andromeda galaxy, but all does not go as planned, and a dark, familiar enemy lurks just around the corner, with the potential to wipe them all out forever. Follow up to The Other Sheppard.

The Other Sheppard by T L Kay

Rated: GEN • 3 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The Atlantis team gets a new member who turns out to be a blast from John's past.

Devolution by T L Kay

Rated: GEN • 1 Reviews
Summary: McKay is in an accident offworld that yields some interesting consequences.

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