Pretending von LE McMurray

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Author's Notes:- Thanks to Stonedtoad for betaing.

Sorry this took so long but I knew what was happening but as usual couldn't get it down properly.

I'm working on Part Seven Enjoy


Rodney stared at the device in front of him, noting down everything he had discovered about it. He had to admit that if he hadn't been hiding out here he would have wanted to do this anyway, he loved discovering things to work out how machines worked, how the universe worked.

The peace of his lab was shattered suddenly as Parker and Jarod arrived arguing as usual. The past few weeks had seen both of them vent at each other at every opportunity making him wish they'd just get over it and admit how much they cared about one another.

"Do you two mind?" he snapped after five minutes of listening to them, "Some of us are trying to work."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Parker asked an amused twinkle in her eye.

"Of course he doesn't," Jarod chimed in, "He hasn't left this room for a week."

"What the hell are you two?" Rodney demanded, "The work police?"

"Come and get something to eat with us," Parker said, Jarod noticed that she had smiled so much more over the past few weeks than she had in a long time, her mischievous side appearing from it's long hibernation.

"I need to catch up." Rodney told her, "Since you two arrived I haven't been able to get much done and like it or not I still have a job to do."

"We know that," Jarod replied leaning his head on Rodney's with a sulky look, "But all work and no play..."

"Makes Rodney boring as hell," Parker finished for him as she leaned against Rodney's other side.

"Alright," he gave up shrugging them away from him and getting off his seat, "Let's go."

As they walked through the corridors Rodney relaxed, joining in with the discussion before falling into silence as Sheppard appeared in front of them. With his injury there had been no missions so Rodney hadn't seen him much since the briefing where he'd protected them.

"Hey," Sheppard greeted them with a slight nod.

"How's the leg?" Rodney asked noting he was using a stick rather than crutches.

"Pretty good," Sheppard replied, "That machine Beckett found works pretty quickly."

"What machine?" Jarod asked intrigued.

Rodney turned to his friend, "It heals though we only use it at low settings as there have been a few bad experiences with machines that heal," he turned his attention back to the Major, "We're going for food. Want to join us?"

Sheppard tilted his head for a second thinking before shrugging, "Sure, why not. We can swap Rodney stories."

"Sounds fun," Parker said the mischievous glint reappearing in her eyes.

"On second thoughts..." Rodney started but never got a chance to continue as he was dragged through the corridors with the others.


"Explain this one to me again," Sheppard said as they sat in the mess hall empty except for the four of them, "You," he pointed at Jarod, "let someone chain you up and try to drown you?"

Jarod laughed, "I had a lock pick."

"You're nuts," Sheppard told him.

"I've been saying that for years," Parker rolled her eyes at them.

"Were you really a yoga instructor?" Sheppard turned to Rodney, "I just can't see it." Rodney smiled, "I could teach you how to relax Major. Especially after a Wraith attack."

"Says the man who has palpitations whenever we're in near misses," Sheppard laughed.

"Playing a part Major," Rodney replied with a shrug, "It's what I do remember?"

"That's another thing that confuses me," Sheppard mused, "Why keep up the act? We're in another galaxy."

"And even here someone's found me," Rodney reminded him harshly, "Even in another galaxy I've got someone trying to get to me, someone who's even hurt you. Now tell me I should just march up to Elizabeth and tell her I'm not Dr McKay."

"Rodney," Parker said softly placing her hand on his arm to calm him before turning to Jarod her eyes signalling him to change the subject.

"Did I tell you about the time we got caught up in a bank robbery?" Jarod asked quickly.


"Are you alright?" Parker asked moving to sit with Rodney after he slipped away as Jarod and Sheppard swapped stories of insane things they'd done.

Rodney sighed, "I thought I was safe. I thought I could live here away from them but I was wrong."

"We all want to get away from the Centre," Parker reminded him, "But its part of us."

"A part I don't want," he snapped, "And if I recall correctly neither do you."

She sighed resting her head against his shoulder, "I tried to leave Rodney but they stopped me. They took someone from me that I loved and I despise them for that but all I have left is at the Centre."

"That's not true," Rodney whispered squeezing her hand, "Jarod isn't at the Centre and neither am I. We love you Parker. Jarod loves you."

She looked at him shocked.

"I know you two remember," Rodney reminded her placing his arm around her and hugging her, "You can hide from each other but not from me."

She let out an annoyed laugh not moving from her position.

"Hey we could even start calling you by your name," he teased, crying out in surprise as she shoved him.

"Don't you dare," Parker swatted him making him laugh.

"It's not that bad," he grinned trying to keep out of the road of her playful whacks.

"Rodney, I know how to hurt you," Parker threatened.

"Alright, I give in," he smiled at her, "It's good to see you with a smile on your face Parker. You grew to be so hard."

"I work for the Centre," she reminded him all trace of their teasing gone; "It's not the friendliest place. And Chuckles over there doesn't make life any easier."

Rodney looked back over to where Jarod was still talking to Sheppard, "He wants to find his family but he doesn't want to lose the family he once had. You and Angelo are who he grew up with and Sydney he sees as a father. You guys are all he has."

"He has you too," Parker reminded him.

"But we weren't able to remain in touch," Rodney told her sadly, "He's here instead of looking for his family like he should be, that's my fault."

"Jarod wanted to make sure you were safe," Parker rested her arm around him, smiling as he hugged her.


"Major, any preferences to who's on your team?" Elizabeth asked as they stood on the pier looking out across the ocean.

"For exploring unknown parts of the city," Sheppard mused a small smile appearing, "Well McKay for one and I guess Starr and Parker would be helpful. I'd suggest Captain Haines, Lieutenant Ward and Dr's Zelenka and Jones for team two."

Elizabeth smiled amused, "Well try and stay in one piece. Dr Beckett's on the mainland with Teyla and Ford for the next two days."

"I think I can manage that," Sheppard grinned, "And if McKay can keep his mouth shut I doubt he'll have any injuries as well."

Elizabeth laughed, "Try and behave yourselves children."

Sheppard gave her a hurt 'who us?' look before grinning and heading out the door.


Rodney walked behind Sheppard with Jarod and Parker walking behind him. His mind was still going over and over everything that had happened since his friends had arrived. He just couldn't work out who it could be; he hated to have to think that one of the people he had worked with for so long had betrayed him.

How much easier it would be if he could just walk up to Elizabeth and tell her everything, he wondered before deciding that if he did that would place her in danger also. Rodney was amazed by how well Sheppard had taken the news as well as everything else they'd told him about who they all were.

"McKay," Sheppard called to him, "Are we ready for a little exploration?"

"Are we taking a transporter?" Rodney asked, "Since to get to section 51 would take us the best part of three hours."

"Not up for a little stretch of the legs?" Sheppard asked with a grin.

Rodney gave him a look of amusement, "Do you really want to get into that conversation with me Major?

Sheppard grimaced, "You know you're not as much fun anymore."

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you," Rodney replied heading to the transporter, "Are we going?"

"A minute," Sheppard held up his hand before activating his radio, "Haines?"

"Yes Major?" the cheery voice of Captain Freda Haines came over the radio, "What can I do for you?"

"Are you guys ready to move out?"

A laugh came across the radio, "More than ready Major. First one to find something interesting buys dinner."

"I look forward to winning that," Sheppard told her, "Keep in touch."


Rodney frowned as he walked through the unexplored corridors of Atlantis. It was like an itch on the edge of his mind that he couldn't get rid of or catch hold of, unfortunately it was a feeling he knew well and it very rarely led to good things.

At his side Parker was watching him intently, her dark eyes boring into him as she walked deep in thought.

"It's nothing," he told her.

Parker gave a sharp laugh, "That's why you look like someone killed your puppy."

Rodney shrugged, "Something is nagging at me but I don't know what."

"Well if something's nagging you," Parker said her voice low, "I'm worried."

"It's nothing Parker," Rodney assured her, "I just get jumpy when I'm in the outskirts."

"You don't just get jumpy," Parker grimaced at him, "Rodney, is something wrong?"

"I wish I could say Parker," Rodney breathed worry in his eyes, "But I'm not sure."

He saw her hand grip her gun slightly tighter making him grimace even more but he knew there was nothing he could do until he got a better 'feeling' for lack of a better word.


Elizabeth walked through the control centre watching the people around her as they worked away, she was proud of everyone there, they truly were the best Earth had to offer.

"How's the diagnostic coming?" she asked Grodin when she passed him laying half-under one of the consoles.

"It's coming along fine," Grodin moved to sit up so he was facing her better, "We're still learning about these systems but I think we're getting closer though."

Elizabeth laughed before nodding, "As soon as Major Sheppard or Captain Haines check in call me. I'll be getting something to eat."

"Of course Dr..." Grodin trailed off frowning.

"Peter?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm not sure yet," he jumped up to his seat tapping what to Elizabeth seemed like random buttons, "This is bizarre. We need Dr McKay or Zelenka back."

"Give them a call," Elizabeth ordered, "They can explore another day."

Grodin laughed before touching the button for his radio, "Dr McKay," he waited for an answer frowning as none came, "Dr Zelenka," he tried before pulling off his radio and moving over to the next console, "Dr McKay, Dr Zelenka can you hear me?"

"Is there something wrong?" Elizabeth asked coming over.

"I can't get through to them," Peter frowned, "From any radio."

"Is something jamming us?" Elizabeth felt herself start to panic but managed to keep the worry from her voice.

"I can't tell," Grodin however was starting to sound worried, "Try and contact a member of the team."

Elizabeth nodded, "Major Sheppard? Major Sheppard can you hear me? John I need you to answer me now."

At the silence she frowned, "Dr McKay, Dr Zelenka, Captain Haines? This is ridiculous."

"I don't understand," Grodin frowned, "They should hear us."

"Fix this Peter," Elizabeth ordered, "I want to be able to talk to them as fast as possible."

"Yes ma'am," he nodded starting to work.


"Hey look at this," Rodney grinned, "Much bigger than where we're living at the moment."

"Though the commute is a bitch," Sheppard replied.

"Transporters are always available," Rodney reminded his friend.

Before Sheppard could make a reply Rodney had moved on. Sheppard shook his head; Rodney really was not as much fun anymore now that his secret was out. He really was a chameleon and that fact, now that he had time to process it, was actually quite scary.

"Haines," Sheppard called over his radio, "How's it going?"

"Not bad Major," Haines replied cheerily, "You?"

"Well McKay may be moving but other than that nothing to report," Sheppard glanced over to where the two Pretenders and Parker were looking around, "Keep in touch Haines, I want you to know when you owe me dinner."

"You wish," Haines laughed.

"Come on you three," Sheppard called over to them, "Let's go. I don't want have to owe Haines anything so since you Rodney have a knack of stumbling over unusual things," he paused and frowned, "Only no nanites please. I don't think we can lose anymore Naquada reactors."

Rodney rolled his eyes and took the lead.


It started again, that nagging at the back of his mind.

Something was wrong but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

He stopped walking and closed his eyes to try focus on what it was.

"Rodney?" Parker's smooth voice broke into his thoughts, "What's wrong?

"I..." he started trailing off as Haines started yelling for help over the radio.

"Haines?" Sheppard yelled joining them, "Haines what is your location?" The only answer was a scream and gunshots making all four stare in horror.

"They weren't that far from us," Jarod reminded them, "We should be able to find them."

"Are you three able..." Sheppard trailed off as all three armed themselves professionally, "Dumb question. Let's go."

Rodney stopped suddenly outside one of the rooms placing his hand slowly on the door closing his eyes.

"Are they in there?" Jarod asked softly taking extra care not to break any connection Rodney had.

"No," Rodney murmured, "But there is something."

"Forget it we have to get to get to Haines and the others," Sheppard told him sharply.

Rodney frowned, "No, I need to check this out. This is connected to them."

"How?" Sheppard snapped.

Rodney turned to his friend as realisation spread over his face, "One of them was sent after me."

"Are you sure?" Parker demanded.

He nodded, "Look go find out what happened," Rodney told them, "I'll be fine here."

"Rodney!!!" Sheppard and Jarod said in unison

"Go," Rodney snapped, "I need to do this."

Sheppard saw the look in his friend's eyes and nodded, "Come on you two let's go."


Rodney watched his friends leave before turning to the door once more, behind this he knew were answers and he wasn't sure if he wanted them.

Opening the door he tried to stop the shivers running up and down his spine, walking in to find it seemingly empty. The pillars at the other side called to him and Rodney walked slowly towards them his gun held tightly in his hand. From what he'd learned from Sheppard Rodney slipped into Pretender mode allowing the gift he had to come through.

Reaching the pillar Rodney saw what had sent the shivers down his spine; a bomb was latched onto the pillar closest to the windows.

"Dammit," Rodney snapped, he replaced his gun and pulled out his pad. He had to deactivate this.

As he worked he winced as he felt something jab him in his ribs, knowing it was the barrel of a gun Rodney slowly turned to face the person who had come to destroy everything.

His eyes widened in astonishment seeing the man standing there holding him at gunpoint.

After several moments staring Rodney finally managed to get out the name.

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