Simon Says by Oonagh
Summary: Two friends chat.
Categories: McKay/Weir Characters: None
Episode Related: 0119 The Siege Pts I and II
Genres: Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Other
Holiday: None
Season: Season 1
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 604 Read: 1579 Published: 2005.04.29 Updated: 2005.04.29
Story Notes:
kinda mckay/weir friendship.

1. Chapter 1 by Oonagh

Chapter 1 by Oonagh
Author's Note: I know this is nonsense but I wrote it anyway. Sorry. Set very shortly after the SGC reinforcements arrived.

Elizabeth Weir looked at the sheet of paper in her hands. She re-read the short letter that Colonel whats-his-name had brought her along with her orders. She was vaguely shocked that the orders had upset her more than the contents of the hand written note had. Four lines. That's all he gave her. Then she remembered her videotape and grimaced. Probably she couldn't expect more. She sat trying to analyze her reactions, her feelings, her apathy, concentrating so hard that she missed the knock on her door. McKay stuck his head into the room and then followed it with his body.

'Hey you got a letter too. I think most people did. Is yours from whats-his-name?'


'Yeah. So what does Simon have to say?'

'Nothing much.' Rodney noted the cool tone in her voice and backed off.

'Sorry. Didn't mean to pry. Sometimes I don't think before I speak.' This drew a small smile.

'Only sometimes?' He scowled good naturedly at her and she continued, 'its OK Rodney. I don't mind you asking. And I meant what I said literally. Simon didn't say much. Just four lines.'

'Oh. I see.' Despite his words Rodney sounded confused.

'No. You probably don't.'

'Yeah you're right. You lost me. I mean the man hasn't seen you in almost a year and he can only manage four lines? Maybe the rest of the letter got lost. It wasn't like we had the most reliable post man.'

'Nope four lines was all he needed to say what he wanted to.' Elizabeth glanced at the note in her hands and Rodney fought the urge to ask what, exactly, it contained. Elizabeth put him out of his misery.

'Actually he probably could have done it in two words, if he'd put his mind to it.'

'Uh huh.' Rodney hated being this confused. Life would be so much easier, he thought, if people were machines - then he could open them up and see what was going on inside.

"Yep. Two words. Dear John. That's all it would have taken.'

'Oh. Oh!' The light dawned and Rodney grimaced. He wasn't very good at this sort of thing. But he knew he had to speak.

'Well it certainly would have saved on ink.' Doh! Way to go Rodney. That'll make her feel better. Elizabeth looked up at him and, to his shock, she smiled.

'True. And at times like these I feel its important to be aware of environmental considerations.'

'Personally, I've been concerned about the depletion of the earth's ink reserves for years now.'

'Ah. So that explains why I never get any post-mission reports from you.'

'Yup. I'm a conscientious objector.' Elizabeth laughed out loud and set her letter down.

'You're a strange man Rodney Mckay.'

'Hey! I wasn't the only person in that conversation.'

'Well.... I feel its important to sometimes humour my staff. Good for morale, you know.' He rolled his eyes at her and turned to leave the room, happy she was smiling. At the door he turned back, just to make sure.

'Hey, Elizabeth?'


'You Ok with.... You know, with what Simon says?'

'Actually yes. Some things just come to a natural end. ' He nodded, satisfied, and opened the door.

' Oh and Rodney.....Thanks.'

'Um. Anytime. Not that I actually..... I mean I didn't....Whatever.' She grinned at his retreating back. Really, she reflected, from a practical viewpoint nothing had changed. Now all she had to deal with was the coup currently being plotted.............

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