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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained by Darkstarsol

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jennifer Keller has a problem with Teyla's pregnancy so Teyla agrees to a concession.

Nothing is as Simple as We Hope it Will be by Pandor4

Rated: GEN • 2 Reviews
Summary: Harry Potter X SG:Atlantis After the events of Last Stand the city is in great danger. The city is floating in the middle of uncharted space. With a countdown in place John Sheppard must do everything in his powers to save the city he calls home.

Not Exactly a Day at the Beach by Emergencyfan

Rated: GEN • 3 Reviews starstar
Summary: What was supposed to be a pleasant day at the beach turns sour. Indiscriminate whumpage eventually ensues.

Never Did Run Smooth by Weirdgirl42

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: After the events of "The Storm" and "The Eye", Rodney and Elizabeth's relationship changes forever. But the course of true love never did run smooth.

Nothing Hurts Like Love by Lucy Maria Elmer

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: A celebration on Atlantis goes awry and leaves many realising their true desires.

Not Another Drone by Mermaid2bseeker

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: What happens when Dr. Carson Beckett tries to use Ancient's technology again.

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Fortune\'s Favor by Offworlder FAM
Winner of the Atlantis challenge for the December 2007 fic challenge contest.

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Alisa - The College Years by LE McMurray 13+
Having left Atlantis to go to college in no way meant Alisa McKay's life would...

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After The Storm by Gater101 AO
John and Teyla after the storm. Author's note inside