Episode Related: 0110 The Storm


The Nautian by Amanda Eros

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Inbetween "Before I Sleep" and "The Brotherhood" the Atlantis team checks out the different ZPM addresses left to them by the alternate Dr. Weir. However this particular address is different then the rest. It is under water.

Mud by Madison

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: In the aftermath of The Storm, the team gets an opportunity to unwind a little – just some nice clean fun . sort of!!

Incalesco by Magnavox

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Why is she so cold?

Weathering the Storm by Wolfdream

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: The events of 'The Storm' and 'The Eye' leave more damage done than was shown. Implied rape of Dr. Wier

Beautiful Prison Part One by NatalieJ

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Sora has been stuck in prison, but receives daily visits from a nameless stranger.

Never Did Run Smooth by Weirdgirl42

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: After the events of "The Storm" and "The Eye", Rodney and Elizabeth's relationship changes forever. But the course of true love never did run smooth.

CHANGES by Steve H

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews
Summary: The Wraith draw near & Major Shepherd is beginning to feel the pressure of change

Entwining Options by Rotem Shahar

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: Sheppard's and Weir's thoughts during the last scene of The Storm

Retribution by Espiritu

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: The Gennii are back and there's going to be trouble. It's payback time and Major Sheppard is at the top of their list.

After The Storm by Gater101

Rated: AO • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: John and Teyla after the storm. Author's note inside

Drabbles by Luveykat94

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: A series of drabbles. How "The Storm" could end. Angsty

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