Genres: Alternate Universe

Other Results: 1 Series


Alisa - The College Years by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Having left Atlantis to go to college in no way meant Alisa McKay's life would be normal. With Jack O'Neill's clone as her bodyguard, a confused best friend and knowledge of alien technologies, college isn't going to be easy. Sequel to Alisa.

Returning Home by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Three years after she left Atlantis, Rodney's daughter returns home. AU sequel to Alisa.

The Definition Of Family by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: Trying to find her brother puts Jeannie McKay in danger. Sequel to Pretending

Finding Closure by Rocza

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: Updated first 11 chapters-Lt Ford has been missing for over a year. No one will tell the family anything beyond ‘Missing In Action-Presumed Dead’ and ‘I’m sorry.’ President Hayes intervenes and instigates a special investigation into the Lieutenant’s status.

Alisa by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 5 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: There's more than one McKay on Atlantis.

Toss Of A Coin by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: After an accident John finds himself in an alternate world - or is he. Could Atlantis have been all a strange dream?

Admissions by Alauralen

Rated: MA • 5 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: This is a continuation of a one-shot, The Conception, which can be found on this site. Set in The Kindred Parts 1 and 2, however there are spoilers for all of season four. Michael and Teyla find that there are consequences to their night of passion. This is how they deal with those consequences while having to make admissions, to themselves and each other.

The Conception by Alauralen

Rated: MA • 1 Reviews starstarstar
Summary: "When he was ready, he would use his newly formed connection to Teyla to call her to him. She would then understand just how much he loved her. She would rule the galaxy at his side." (Teyla/Michael) Spoilers for all of season four and all Michael-related episodes.

The Other City by T L Kay

Rated: GEN • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Kate's discovery of a second Lost City of the Ancients leads the SGC to a decision to send a team to the Andromeda galaxy, but all does not go as planned, and a dark, familiar enemy lurks just around the corner, with the potential to wipe them all out forever. Follow up to The Other Sheppard.

Consequences of Love by Dream Painter

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: Not all love stories have a happy ever after...

Fortune's Favor by Offworlder

Rated: FAM • 2 Reviews starstarstarstar Feature
Summary: Winner of the Atlantis challenge for the December 2007 fic challenge contest.

Knockoffs by Twobits

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Entry for the Atlantis challenge for the December 2007 fic challenge contest.

The Other Sheppard by T L Kay

Rated: GEN • 3 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The Atlantis team gets a new member who turns out to be a blast from John's past.

Strangers in Paradise by Karrenia

Rated: FAM • 1 Reviews
Summary: AU, the Earth and our universe went boom and the last best refuge is the Atlantis base on the other side of the Stargate. Crossover with Highlander: the Series.

Smooth by Beatrice Otter

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: What Rod didn't notice at the time

Sacrificial Memories by Abby

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews
Summary: All the people of Atlantis have lost their memory in some sort of freak accident. Can they now find themselves? Part 1 of 3 in this trilogy.

The Arrangement by Azar

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: When Rodney met Anya.

The Argument by Azar

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: If this keeps up, Rodney just might develop a taste for vengeance.demons. McKay/Anya.

Ends of the Earth by Azar

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: He just found her and already he's losing her. Daniel/Weir.

Cleansing Flames by Amanda Eros

Rated: GEN • 1 Reviews
Summary: After "The Gift" the Atlantis Team is still looking at locations for a possible Alpha Site. Upon checking out the latest Gate address, they make some rather odd discoveries.

The Nautian by Amanda Eros

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Inbetween "Before I Sleep" and "The Brotherhood" the Atlantis team checks out the different ZPM addresses left to them by the alternate Dr. Weir. However this particular address is different then the rest. It is under water.

George's Angels by Havocthecat

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: Sam, Janet, Elizabeth. Charlie's Angels. Crackfic.

Bonds by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Took your time getting here. Crossover with Dr Who. Sequel to Box Of Surprises.

Box Of Surprises by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: "They actually managed to split us up and we didn't notice.”

Saying Goodbye by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews
Summary: The last time someone like this had appeared at her door she'd received a video message from her brother.

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Fortune\'s Favor by Offworlder FAM
Winner of the Atlantis challenge for the December 2007 fic challenge contest.

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Alisa - The College Years by LE McMurray 13+
Having left Atlantis to go to college in no way meant Alisa McKay's life would...

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