Genres: Romance

Other Results: 3 Series


The Definition Of Family by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: Trying to find her brother puts Jeannie McKay in danger. Sequel to Pretending

Braver New World by susieqla

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: Teyla and John explore a different city.

Let Go by bekahs

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews

Romance between Ronon and Doctor Keller, but can they last?

Ronon’s natural respect and care for women are very different to what Keller is used to.

Keller’s likeness to Ronon’s last partner [Melena] back on Sateda is a problem.

How Rodney Proposed by sadiekate

Rated: FAM • 1 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: How would Rodney propose? Short and sweet, definitely McKeller!

Toss Of A Coin by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: After an accident John finds himself in an alternate world - or is he. Could Atlantis have been all a strange dream?

Whispers in the Dark by Emagen Laile

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews
Summary: When Merry Steel goes off-world on a routine mission, she never expects to be captured by barbarians with the military commander of Atlantis.

Admissions by Alauralen

Rated: MA • 5 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: This is a continuation of a one-shot, The Conception, which can be found on this site. Set in The Kindred Parts 1 and 2, however there are spoilers for all of season four. Michael and Teyla find that there are consequences to their night of passion. This is how they deal with those consequences while having to make admissions, to themselves and each other.

One Kiss Is Not Enough by Evita

Rated: GEN • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Coming back from a mission John surprises Teyla by kissing her.

What Can Never Be by T L Kay

Rated: FAM • 11 Reviews
Summary: two friends must say goodbye to their friendship, and to the love that could never be...

The Conception by Alauralen

Rated: MA • 1 Reviews starstarstar
Summary: "When he was ready, he would use his newly formed connection to Teyla to call her to him. She would then understand just how much he loved her. She would rule the galaxy at his side." (Teyla/Michael) Spoilers for all of season four and all Michael-related episodes.

Consequences of Love by Dream Painter

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: Not all love stories have a happy ever after...

Too Many Maybes by JD11

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: After a traumatic event sends Rodney back to Earth, he finds comfort- and dare he say friendship- with a certain Colonel Carter as they join forces to figure out a mysterious device.

The Gathering Storm by Turtler

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: It began as a simple, diplomatic meet-and-greet with representatives of the last of the members of the 'Grand Alliance;' the shadowy, elusive Furlings.

It ended with SG-1 and SGA-1 being pulled through the Stargate during an apparent malfunction to a destination unknown.

However, there is a storm that looms in the distance, a doom that clouds out the rays of hope.

In the background, a shadow moves with impunity; unseen, unknown, unheard of. And, from the gloom of the unknown, a plot is in motion that threatens all of humanity. And so much more. And the knowledge to combat these dark machinations, or even to merely survive, does not come easily nor cheaply.

Only those that ascend to the keep of the Citadel of the Immortals, the height of mortal fears, can learn the truth.

Or hope to Live.

First of the Nemesis series.

Trying to Find Atlantis by Abby

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: a Stargate: Atlantis/House MD Crossover. I'm hesitant to say more, but it will also include some elements of SG-1 as well.

Sacrificial Memories by Abby

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews
Summary: All the people of Atlantis have lost their memory in some sort of freak accident. Can they now find themselves? Part 1 of 3 in this trilogy.

Unbetting by Belisse

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The bets had caused the troubles, how the hell John Sheppard will ask for forgiveness.

The Bet is on! by Belisse

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: A small fic about what is going on inside Sheppard, Weir and McKay's head when things they do for fun go against them.

Game, Set, Match by Azar

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: McKay plays matchmaker and tables get turned, but on whom?

The Argument by Azar

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: If this keeps up, Rodney just might develop a taste for vengeance.demons. McKay/Anya.

Surprise by Azar

Rated: FAM • 2 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Carson gets a very unexpected visitor.and discovers that home isn't so inaccessible as he thought. Beckett/OC

Life Lessons by Azar

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: These are the moments that have shaken and shaped the very core of who she is.

Ends of the Earth by Azar

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: He just found her and already he's losing her. Daniel/Weir.

Aliens Made Them Do It by Navylady

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews
Summary: Ronon and a team mate go off world where women are treated as slaves with it ruin thier realtionship or strengthen it?

Shonis: Best Friends by Zaahn

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: This takes place after the episode, Suspicion. I simply borrowed the characters; they are not mine. Don't sue me. I have nothing but my imagination.

Panther by ChelleyBean

Rated: AO • 4 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Not even wild cats, snakes and alligators can prepare a girl for someone like Ronon Dex.

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Panther by ChelleyBean AO
Not even wild cats, snakes and alligators can prepare a girl for someone like...