
Alisa - The College Years by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Having left Atlantis to go to college in no way meant Alisa McKay's life would be normal. With Jack O'Neill's clone as her bodyguard, a confused best friend and knowledge of alien technologies, college isn't going to be easy. Sequel to Alisa.

Past, presnet and the Future by Adi-Arty

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: New Memebers are welcome to Atlantis but for one their past is about to jump on them and their Future will be written form a bed in the Infirmary....

The last engagement by Lt Col Virag

Rated: GEN • 1 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Sheppard got promoted, and became the leader of Atlantis. A new man arrives to take his place as a team leader. McKay discovers something, and suddenly Tod contacts Sheppard.

Sheppard On Top by awakethepassion

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews
Summary: Anything can happen on a late night run in the city of Atlantis.

Star Child Part 3 Finale by ChildOfWraith

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Here is the summary of Star Child 1 and 2. Tev'keta, Kalesh, and the SGA team are trapped on the planet and with only a matter of time until the Wraith find them, they have to find a way off, but the price may be higher than they thought.

Akaeda by ChildOfWraith

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: Akaeda is a young teenager who experiences chronic panic attacks that leave her screaming. She recieves help and some healing from someone called Kalgen. Sheppard and the team appear and have to go through a terrible night when the Wraith attack the planet. Why does Akaeda have these attacks? Who scarred her mind so badly?

Star-Child Part 2 by ChildOfWraith

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: It's the second part of Star-Child Part 1.

Star Child by ChildOfWraith

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: On a deserted planet, the SGA team finds Tev'Keta, a teenage girl with the mind of a young child who lives in a crashed Wraith hiveship. However, there's more to this girl than meets the eye.

To New Freinds by Jordan

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews
Summary: New to Atlantis, the alien Alastar Kar is shown around the city and the mainland by one of the teams members who saved him from the world where he had crash landed.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained by Darkstarsol

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jennifer Keller has a problem with Teyla's pregnancy so Teyla agrees to a concession.

The Curse of the Blue Jello I by StargateNerd

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: Colonel Sheppard is haunted by blue jello...

Nothing is as Simple as We Hope it Will be by Pandor4

Rated: GEN • 2 Reviews
Summary: Harry Potter X SG:Atlantis After the events of Last Stand the city is in great danger. The city is floating in the middle of uncharted space. With a countdown in place John Sheppard must do everything in his powers to save the city he calls home.

Second Chance by Wraith Queen

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: During the war with the Wraith, the Ancient city of Ismali comes under attack. When it's governor and her two sons become trapped by the Wraith, they loose all hope of stoping it before Atlantis.

Team Player by Madison

Rated: GEN • 0 Reviews
Summary: "Crap, she thought, I am about to die, the neurotoxin doesn't work and Rodney McKay was right.” How the rest of the members of the expedition are dealing with life in the Pegasus galaxy.

The 10,000 Year Old Electric Slide by SA

Rated: GEN • 1 Reviews starstar
Summary: Generally speaking, exploring the city was Very Far Down on the list of things that needed to be done at Atlantis.

Apologies by FumblesMcStupid

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Shock horror! McKay apologises! Rodney and Radek have a chat about fears.

In Sickness And In Hell by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: Someone once said that hell is other people, they were wrong

Weathering the Storm by Wolfdream

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: The events of 'The Storm' and 'The Eye' leave more damage done than was shown. Implied rape of Dr. Wier

Missing in Action by Belisse

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: The Genii had a plan, they will get back at the people from Atlantis at any cost.

Not Exactly a Day at the Beach by Emergencyfan

Rated: GEN • 3 Reviews starstar
Summary: What was supposed to be a pleasant day at the beach turns sour. Indiscriminate whumpage eventually ensues.

Box Of Surprises by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: "They actually managed to split us up and we didn't notice.”

Point of View by Oonagh

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: The attack on Atlantis from another point of view.

Atlantis Online by Wendy Parkinson

Rated: GEN • 3 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Rodney has some interesting reading material on his laptop. Sequel to my Sg-1 Danny Lurks stories.

Pretending by LE McMurray

Rated: 13+ • 1 Reviews
Summary: When you're hiding out in another galaxy you don't need to keep looking over your shoulder. Do you?

English by Jamira

Rated: FAM • 0 Reviews
Summary: Ok, so Earth's cultures were brought to all the planets in our galaxy, and that's why everyone speaks English. guess we just have to believe that. But what about the pegasus galaxy?

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Fortune\'s Favor by Offworlder FAM
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Alisa - The College Years by LE McMurray 13+
Having left Atlantis to go to college in no way meant Alisa McKay's life would...

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Pretending by LE McMurray 13+
When you're hiding out in another galaxy you don't need to keep looking over...