Heliopolis Main Archive
A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site

Zusammenfassung: Twelve prompted drabbles, twelve glimpses of Daniel. Eras range from pre-series to S9-10. Slight spoilers for Stargate: the Movie, COTG, 100 Days, The First Ones, and the Ascension and Ori arcs.
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 0]
Kategorie: Daniel Jackson, Gen - Character Based
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill
Episode Related: 0101 Children of the Gods, 0317 A Hundred Days, 0408 The First Ones, Stargate - The Movie
Genres: Challenge
Holiday: None
Season: Pre-Series, Season 1, Season 3, Season 4, Season 6, Season 9
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderung: None
Serie: Speaking of SG-1
Kapitel: 1 Abgeschlossen: Yes
Wörter: 1309 Gelesen: 1310
Veröffentlicht: 2011.04.28 Aktualisiert: 2011.04.28

1. Speaking of Daniel by Fig Newton [Reviews - 0] (1309 words)

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