Cuckoo In The Nest
by LE McMurray“How’s it going?” John asked, watching Carson and Janet move around the bed.
“It seems to be going well,” Sha’re replied, “Janet is confident that she may be able to stop the signal and then hopefully remove the implant. Did you bring Rodney’s sister?”
John nodded; not even perturbed by her change of subject, “O’Neill took her to see him. She’s not too happy to meet us.”
Sha’re laughed slightly, “Hopefully Rodney will change her mind. Did you also bring the information?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, “I’ll pass it to Peter before I go get some rest.”
As he headed out Sha’re called to him, making him turn back.
“Ensure that you actually rest, John,” she told him sternly, “Wandering the halls is not resting.”
John gave her a sloppy salute before leaving her to her silent vigil.
“This isn’t going to work,” Rodney snapped, wincing as Laura smacked his shoulder.
“Close your eyes,” Laura breathed in his ear, “And shut the hell up.”
He sighed but did as he was told, feeling her slide up behind him and rest her hands on his shoulders. He let out a soft groan as Laura gently massaged the muscles in his neck with her thumbs, continuing down his back. Laura kept whispering into his ear, nothing of any consequence but her voice was soothing and without realising it, he slipped into a restful sleep.
Laura lay spooned up behind Rodney as he slept, continuing to gently stroke his arm. Knowing if she stopped he would wake up before he’d rested enough. She hated it, hated that this man was tortured like this, hated that she was forced to keep seeing the consequences of the mistakes she’d made. She had thought she was doing the right thing, thought that working with the Andurians was the right thing but she had been wrong. The only thing that made her feel slightly better was that she managed to rescue Rodney and she stayed with him while they found a way to undo what Carter had done to him.
Part of it was because of her guilty conscience, she’d stood by for months before she got him out, the other was because of her own growing feelings for the man beside her. That was the most confusing thing, she had met Rodney before he’d started questioning Carter and he was the most egotistical, irritating pain in the ass she had ever had the misfortune to meet. She’d been assigned to help him move things one day and had spent the entire three hours thinking up ways of killing him and hiding the body. Which made the fact she was doing everything she could these days to keep him alive all the more ironic.
Rodney turned in his slumber and Laura found herself looking at his face, relaxed for the first time in days. She continued to gently stroke his arm but brought her other hand up to touch his face. She knew getting involved with him was something she wasn’t ready for yet but as long as she could do this, she had time.
Jeannie stared at Jack; a hard, penetrating gaze that he actually started feeling uncomfortable under. To distract himself, Jack took a long drink of coffee.
“So,” she finally said, “Are you going to tell me something? Or am I just sitting here until I get old?”
Jack laughed, “I was waiting until you seemed ready for the truth. You weren’t too receptive earlier.”
“I just want to know what is going on,” Jeannie whispered, “And what happened to my brother, what did you people do to him?”
“You still think we’re the bad guys?” Jack laughed harshly, no mirth in his voice, “Your brother was rescued by us.”
“Rescued from whom?”
“The blessed saint Samantha Carter,” Jack’s face twisted in disgust.
“But...she’s responsible for the world being at peace,” Jeannie replied.
Jack laughed again, “Actually, no she’s not. This entire world is occupied by an alien invasion and everyone just let them waltz right in.”
“That’s nonsense,” Jeannie cried, “The Andurians helped us stop the Goa’uld from destroying us all. They offered us technology and a better way of life.”
“They sound so good, don’t they? The ones who came to save us,” Jack shook his head, “Well Miss McKay, they came here to screw us. And your hero, Samantha Carter, is a traitor who sold us all out.”
“That’s...that can’t be...” Jeannie trailed off, “Everyone knows how she and SG1 negotiated the Andurians help, after they saved the leaders life.”
Jack shook his head, “The real leader of SG1 on that mission recommended that we lock out the co-ordinates to their planet and never go anywhere near them again. Carter went against orders and while on another mission went back there. I was relieved of command and she took over. Next thing the world is overrun by those bastards with me at the top of their hit list.”
“Because, Miss McKay,” Jack kept his voice even, “I’m the one who is going to kick their asses off this planet. They didn’t manage to destroy all the Tok’ra; they sent me things that I’m using to help everyone in this base.”
Daniel forced his eyes open, smiling as he saw his wife sitting waiting for him. He reached out and caught her hand, making her turn to look down at him.
“Good morning, my love,” Sha’re smiled, leaning down and gently kissing him.
“Did it work?” Daniel croaked, smiling his thanks as Sha’re placed a straw to his lips so he could sip some cold water.
Sha’re nodded, “Janet managed to stop the signal,” a relieved smile covered her face, “And they removed the implant. She says you will start to feel the difference almost instantly.”
Daniel dropped his head back with a sigh of relief, “Good. Can they fix Rodney too?”
Sha’re nodded, “Janet will try after the next move. But you should not be worrying about anyone else, my Dan’iel. You need some more rest and then you need to start working on being able to walk again.”
Daniel pulled her down to him, “It’s not walking I want to work on.”
Sha’re laughed and kissed him, “That is something I want you to work on also.”
Daniel held her, relieved she was smiling. After everything, she deserved to smile more than anyone.
Daniel groaned as he struggled towards consciousness, confused as he felt someone hold his hand and stroke his face. He forced his eyes open to see the amazing sight looking down at him.
“Dan’iel,” she breathed happily, “You are awake,” she turned to someone he couldn’t see, “He is awake.”
Bright light was shone in his eyes and he winced, answering each question Janet asked absently as he stared at his wife, “Sha’re?”
His wife looked down at him with a shy smile as he reached out, just wanting to touch her; just wanting reassurance that this time it was real. He heard the others talking but his focus was on the woman sitting at his side gazing back at him.
“You look stunned,” Sha’re whispered to him, “I know what you went through, Dan’iel and I am so sorry but Teal’c fired his zat-nicktel instead of his staff weapon.”
“And you’re here?”
“I am here.”
“Forever right?”
Daniel sat up and caught her lips with his, pulling her into a deep kiss and back onto the bed with him, smiling more than he had in years as she giggled.
Daniel lay on his side in the early morning light watching his wife sleep.
“Stop it,” she told him, opening her eyes and looking up at him.
Daniel shook his head, “Nope.”
Sha’re laughed, snuggling close to him as she listened to the sounds of the Abydonian morning starting. Once Daniel had been deemed fit by Janet, they had returned to Abydos to spend a few months together alone. It was coming to the end of their vacation and Daniel was looking forward to going back to Earth and seeing his friends but he had loved being here with Sha’re with absolutely nothing to do but spend time with his family and help his wife get over everything.
“We should move and get some breakfast,” Sha’re murmured sleepily.
Daniel pulled her closer, “Or we could skip it.”
Sha’re giggled, it was something she did so often these days and Daniel loved making her laugh.
“Dan’iel,” Kasuf’s voice floated into their home, “You have visitors.”
Sha’re groaned slightly before smiling as Daniel kissed her before he jumped up; “Just a minute.”
He grabbed his robe and watched his wife as she slowly dressed, she shooed him out so he could find out who was there while she finished getting ready.
Daniel walked out of the tent, stopping in surprise to find his team standing there. All looked grim while Jack held a small bundle in his arms.
“Danny,” Jack said softly, “Where’s Sha’re?”
Ice filled Daniel as he took another glance at Jack carrying something wrapped a regulation blanket, “She’s getting dressed. Hold on and I’ll see if she’s ready.”
He walked slowly back into his home, finding Sha’re fixing her hair. She glanced up at him and gave him a smile, she returned to brushing her hair for a second before the look on his face filtered into her consciousness.
“Dan’iel?” she whispered fearfully, “What is happening? Who is here?”
“Sha’re,” he moved to her, “Jack is here, he needs to talk to you. Can he come in?”
She nodded, fear filling her eyes as Daniel moved to call in his friend. Instantly she knew why Jack had come as she saw him carrying the bundle and felt Daniel’s arms wrap around her.
“I’m sorry, Sha’re,” Jack whispered, stepping forward, “We were too late. The servant Ammonet sent left him in a small temple but she was killed leaving him alone. I’m so sorry.”
Tears filled her eyes and Sha’re sat down heavily, “I want to hold him.”
“Sha’re...” Daniel started.
“I want to hold my son,” she stated again firmly and Daniel nodded to his friend.
Jack gently placed the bundle he had carried and never released since he’d found him into Sha’re’s waiting arms. With shaking hands Sha’re removed the covers so that she could see her son. She stroked his face, sobbing as Daniel held her close.
“Awake at last.”
Rodney looked over to where Laura was standing in the corner, “How long?”
“Five hours,” she told him, a smile split her face, “I just spoke with Sheppard, they managed to remove the implant from Daniel.”
Shock filled his eyes, “What?”
Laura sat on the bed at his side and took his hand, “After our next move, they’re going to remove yours.”
Rodney started to laugh, relief filling him before he remembered what had happened and he sobered quickly.
“Where’s my sister?” he asked, pulling himself up and snagging his wheelchair over. He moved himself over; he’d had a lot of practice over the past few months.
Laura didn’t move to help him because he hated needing help, “Colonel O’Neill has her with some of the scientists. We can meet them for lunch?”
Rodney nodded.
Jeannie had spent the past few hours talking with scientists who had told her how they escaped from Carter. She didn’t want to believe any of this, didn’t want to believe that she was so gullible but with each story it became more and more probable to her.
She could see Jack in the background, watching her as she spoke with several people. She focussed on one of the scientists speaking, jumping a little as a plate was put in front of her.
“The food isn’t actually that bad,” Jack told her as he took a seat at her side, “You might want to eat before Rodney gets here. You probably won’t have an appetite after.”
Jeannie ate very little; her stomach was churning from everything she had been told already.
“Hey,” a woman said making Jeannie look up and sigh relieved to see her brother arriving.
“Mer,” Jeannie whispered, grabbing his hand when he was close enough.
“Hey, Jeannie,” Rodney breathed, pulling her into a tight embrace, “Sorry about getting you involved in all this.”
Jeannie hugged him back tightly before moving back to her seat, “Just tell me what happened?”
“Dr Carter.”
Sam let out an annoyed breath but managed to smooth her face into a look of interest as the man who had called her caught up.
“Yes, Dr Kavanaugh?” she asked with the hint of a smile.
“You wanted to be alerted when we found something,” he reminded her, “Well, we may have something.”
Sam favoured him with a beaming smile, “I have an appointment just now but I will join you in your lab in about an hour.”
Kavanaugh nodded, “That’ll give us time to get everything in order for you.”
Sam watched him leave, a small snarl curling her lip in disgust at the human scientist. With renewed purpose she started towards her office once more. When she entered she locked the door before entering her code into the computer and waited.
“Samantha,” the Andurian Council Member greeted her, “Your report.”
“We’re getting close to discovering the Ancients legacy on Earth, Ithin,” she told him, “Unfortunately O’Neill is still recruiting people and causing problems.”
“Did the staged attack not turn people against him?” Ithin demanded.
Sam sighed, “Even still they’re managing to get people to join them. It may be time for something bigger. I wanted to make sure that I have permission to do what is necessary.”
Ithin nodded, “You are the commander of the Earth forces, Samantha. Remove them in whatever manner you feel is required. Just remember that we need the technology left on Earth by the Ancients. We must find the lost city so we can remove every other obstacle.”
Sam nodded, “Of course. I have been informed by one of the scientists that they may have found something. This could be over sooner than we expected.”
Ithin nodded, “Do not get over confident, Samantha. That is how you lost your other information sources.”
Sam felt her cheeks flame as the screen turned to black, rage filling her but she managed to get a hold of her emotions. She had to remain calm if she was to get what she needed; besides there were others who would take her display of any emotions as a sign of weakness and try to remove her from her rightful place.
Grabbing her computer padd once more, Sam marched out of her office and towards the labs.
“Here on P4R T11,” Kavanaugh pointed out, “SG4 found writing that...”
He trailed off as Sam held up her hand, “Have you found a location?”
“No, Ma’am,” he replied, “But we have a lot of possibilities.”
Sam gritted her teeth, “Doctor, you told me you had something concrete. Now, I want actual answers not possibilities. You assured me that you were as efficient as Dr McKay in these situations, now is your time to prove that to me.”
Before Kavanaugh could say anything else, she turned and left the room.
Jeannie sat on the bed in the small room she’d been shown to, completely overwhelmed. She knew there were guards outside her room to ensure that she stayed in here but she had no idea where she could possibly go.
“Come in,” she sighed when someone knocked on the door.
“Hey,” John said as he appeared in the open doorway, “Thought I’d come see how you were. So, how are you?”
Jeannie started to laugh, “Well that’s a really dumb thing to ask. Tell me,” her arms folded across her chest and her voice hardened, “Do they teach that or is that a natural talent?”
John grinned, “You guys are very alike.”
Jeannie sighed and slid to sit against the wall pulling her knees up to her chest, “So, how did you get involved in all this?”
John’s mask of jovial indifference slipped for a second and Jeannie caught a glimpse of the weary, heartbroken man behind it.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Jeanie said quickly when she saw his pain.
“Well, you’ll be hearing a lot of stuff now you’re here so I may as well get this out now,” John took a seat next to her, “I was Air Force and I was picked along with my fiancé, Meg to work at the Campus. She was ecstatic; we’d heard all about the SGC and what they’d done, Meg believed in Carter and the peace the Andurians promised. I was happy flying wherever they sent me.”
“So what changed?” Jeannie asked.
“Meg discovered what Carter was doing to Dr Jackson,” John’s eyes hardened, “She managed to get a message to O’Neill but Carter caught her,” he paused for several moments, “Meg was killed in a supposed terrorist raid.”
“And that’s when you joined up,” Jeannie said understanding.
John let out a harsh laugh, “No, that was when I decided to turn my back on everything. I refused to help even when O’Neill came out of hiding to talk to me. Something he doesn’t do very often.”
Jeannie leaned forward slightly, completely wrapped up in his story, “What changed your mind?”
“Sha’re Jackson,” John said softly, “Compared to everything she’s been through I felt like a coward for giving up while she was still fighting. I was a recruit before she even finished speaking.”
“What did Dr Carter do to her?” Jeannie asked, afraid of the answer but needed to know.
John shook his head, “She’s the best person to ask. Look, get some sleep and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
As he started to leave Jeannie let out a sigh.
He turned back to her, “Yeah?”
“I don’t want this,” she whispered, “I want to go back to the way it was before.”
“You’re not alone,” John sighed before he left shutting the door behind him.
Jack sat going over the reports from the team of scientists that were part of his resistance, he had never thought he’d end up doing this. There were still days he woke up and hoped that it was all a bizarre nightmare but it wasn’t. Carter, his trusted 2IC, his friend had betrayed them in more ways than he could count.
“You should get some sleep.”
Jack looked up as his friend hobbled over to him, “Crutches, already? You just had surgery this morning.”
“I heal quickly,” Daniel shrugged, settling into the seat next to Jack, “Besides Sha’re made sure I would be able to walk once we got that thing out of me.”
Jack smiled slightly his attention returning to the reports sitting in front of him.
“Missing Hammond?” Daniel asked astutely.
“Missing everything about the old days,” Jack told him, “I still wonder if there was some way I could have seen this coming and stopped it.”
“Jack,” Daniel rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder, “None of us would have seen this.”
“You would,” Jack reminded him, “Why do you think she found a way to keep you away from Earth for those last few months.”
Daniel dropped his head but remained silent. The two friends sat like that for several minutes, neither speaking but comforting each other with their presence.
“Jack,” Daniel finally spoke again, “You know how I said things were fuzzy when...before you guys got me out?”
“Yes?” suspicion filled Jack’s voice.
“It’s not fuzzy anymore,” Daniel told him.
Horror filled the older man but he remained silent as he knew it was the best way for Daniel to tell him what had happened.
“Carter’s looking for something,” Daniel told him, they never referred to her as Sam anymore – Sam had been their friend, she wasn’t.
“Like what?”
“Something connected to the Ancients,” Daniel told him, “It’s still unclear but I’ve a feeling that she wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t remember if I got out of there. It’s more than likely Rodney holds more clues.”
Jack frowned, “Fraiser and Beckett will get that thing out of him. Work on what you got till then.”
“I will,” Daniel promised.
“Why are you still up?” a sharp voice made them both turn guiltily as Sha’re marched towards them.
“I just needed to talk to Jack,” Daniel told her, his blue eyes innocent.
Sha’re shook her head and took a seat beside him, “Janet said you need to rest more, Dan’iel. Please do as she says.”
“Okay,” Daniel smiled up at his wife; he grabbed his crutches again and pulled himself to his feet, “Night, Jack,”
“Night, kids,” Jack smiled at the couple, watching as Sha’re continued to berate her wayward husband while they walked slowly through the corridors of the base.
Once alone again, Jack returned to his reports but now he had something to focus on. They’d never had any idea what the Andurians wanted on Earth but this could be it.
Now all they needed was Daniel and Rodney to remember.
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