Left Holding the Baby
by Tribal MatriarchDaniel again
"I have both General O'Neill and Colonel Carters' DNA profile on store, so I can run a comparison, but the question is, who would want to do this?" she asked
"The Asgard" Daniel answered, he continued when the doctors face seemed to be asking for more information. "They have always had a soft spot for Jack, they think he is advanced and Thor is a close personal friend, and Sam has got them out of several nasty scrapes, in fact she saved their whole race more than once"
"But the Stargate programme is only 9 years old, how could they have made a 17 year old clone?"
"The programme is actually quite a bit older, but that is beside the point, there are several methods available to advance races to quickly age people. We went to one planet where people only lived for 100 days, a one day old child was walking and talking"
"So why would they stop at this age?" she gestured to the babies
"Jack has been 'protected' by Thor, so a full sized, fully mature clone cannot be made of him, that is why Jon is only 16, he couldn't mature past about 14-15 artificially"
"It will take until this evening to finish the DNA test, I actually started it before I contacted you, but now I have something to match it to it will save time, that is if it IS them"
One of the babies started screaming and nothing the nurse did would keep it quiet, they backed out of the room slowly so they could continue the conversation. "I need to know the second you have the results doctor" the General said "I will inform the President of what we suspect and get hold of General Hammond, so he can take over at homeworld security for a while"
"For 50 years?" Daniel asked, then remembered something "actually we could get Jon to run it, that would look good" he smirked "or if the babies really ARE Jack and Sam, and they have had a conscience transfer Jack could go back to work as soon as he can talk"
Landry chuckled at the thought of one of the most powerful people in the country running around in a pair of dungarees being potty trained and ordering the acquisition of Naquadah , and an attack by 303s on a Goa'uld stronghold.
The nurse with the crying child came out, "Doctor, I don't know what's wrong but he won't be quiet" both men and the nurse were looking at her and she scowled
"Don't look at ME," she said "I have no idea about children" she picked the baby out of the nurses arms and handed him to the General "You have some experience, see what you can do" Daniel wondered how she knew he had experience, but then, she was his doctor.
Just then SG13 trouped in with the red-headed archaeologist Balinsky bleeding from a gash in his forearm, Wells was holding his arm high, Bosworth was propping up his other side as Wells kept pushing him over trying to get the arm as high as possible and Dixon was walking behind looking…paternally annoyed. The same look Jack used to get when Daniel got hurt doing something he considered silly.
The doctor ran over to see to the young man while leaving Landry literally holding the baby, he tried putting him to his shoulder, jiggling him, shushing him, nothing seemed to work!
Dixon turned around "If you don't stop that baby crying you will have a case of colic on your hands" he said "and believe you me, that is NO fun" the doctor looked at him, the General looked at him and Daniel smiled at him, the team leader stared to look worried.
"Colonel" the commander of the whole SGC said "You have a new assignment" he carried the baby over to him and handed him over "…baby sitting"
"Oh for gods sake!" he exclaimed "I come to work to get AWAY from the little horrors!" but he automatically rested the baby in his right arm, rubbing his stomach with his left hand in a circular path and the baby stopped crying!
"She's just started Doctor" said the second nurse coming out with the little girl. She saw the man with a quiet baby and immediately gave him her burden too, as soon as she handed her over the child settled down and gave a yawn.
Everyone beamed at the Colonel and he swore under his breath.
"Looks like you will be waiting for a member of your team to heal anyway Colonel," everyone was now speaking in low tones to avoid waking the children, "so I expect you to be available until further notice" everyone got a glare from the man and his second in command took pity on him and lifted the baby girl from his arms, she never stirred.
"I guess that answers the transference question" Daniel said "I'm sure he wouldn't have been screaming if he was 'in there'"
"Who?" Asked the SG13 leader looking at the child he was holding
"We think, that in your arms at the moment you have," he paused for dramatic effect "Major General Jack O'Neill"
Dixon looked up and saw Landry nod at him, he closed his eyes and spoke the immortal words "Oh for cryin' out loud!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Several hours later and there was still no sign of the adult versions of the former SG1 military arm, Dixon had worked out that the nurses had forgotten to heat the babies bottles to the correct temperature, causing the stomach pain, he was giving them lessons in how to change and feed, and wind the babies so he could go home and do it all over again at the end of his shift. Wells had run into the Springs to get some baby clothes and creams and things, so that if there was an accident it would be fixable. The president was in two minds, he didn't know whether to laugh at the thought of Jack O'Neill as a baby or be worried that he could just have lost the best man in the world for the job as head of homeworld security, not to mention the foremost expert in 'gate technology
The internal phone rang and Dr. Lam said she was on her way and she was bringing the children and SG13 as well.
Daniel walked out of the Generals office, where he seemed to have taken root, and he got a coffee and sat at his usual place at the conference table, the General followed him, then in trouped SG13 with a baby EACH! Followed by the doctor.
"Twenty minutes ago another pair of babies arrived. One male, one female as before, both boys are showing symptoms of mild jaundice and I have had 'male baby 1' under a UV light for the past couple of hours, his eyes have turned brown" It usually took a bit longer but UV light made the body produce a compound to protect itself, like a sun tan, or freckles, and that same compound determined a persons eye colour, "we have a feeling that the second baby boy will have dark eyes too, though this is not certain of course."
"If it is Jack though…" Daniel said
"It isn't" she replied before he could go any further
"NOT Jack?" he asked "then who are these babies and why are they appearing in the SGC in an Asgard beam?"
"I am the wrong person to ask that of Dr. I would have thought that YOU would have a better idea, I have spent the whole day reviewing General O'Neill's file I have not had time to start on Col. Carters'!"
"I also cannot swear as yet that the girl is not Colonel Carter but I am guessing from what evidence I DO have it isn't her either"
"Please explain Doctor" the General instructed
"Ok," she picked up the remote for the view screen, and her pre loaded images appeared "This is General O'Neill's DNA sequence, this" she pressed another button and another set of coloured blobs in regimental formation appeared "is male baby 1" the representation on the screen slid so one was covering the other, and one lot of blobs turned blue, so they could see the difference "as you can see, it is close, but nowhere near a match."
"You have no idea how glad I am that it was not my boss who peed on me earlier" Dixons voice floated in the room, causing the other 3 members of his team and the SFs guarding the access points to snort in laughter.
"This is the DNA of 'female baby 1'" the doctor said and again it slid over the other two, this time with green blobs to highlight the difference between the original red and baby blue "As you can see though she is not the same as either the General or the male child she IS related to both and" click, Jacks DNA chart disappeared "if you look here" she pointed to one column "the children share mitochondrial DNA, they have the same mother" she brought Jacks back "and I am reasonably sure that General O'Neill is their father, I have sent for a specialist to come and help, as it would take him a lot less time, and at this rate we may be getting babies faster than we can DNA type them"
"Is Sam their mother?" Daniel wanted to know the doctor shook her head slightly
"I don't know as yet, I only had time for a quick glance before the next two babies arrived, I have checked them out quickly, SG13 fed them while I took footprints and a blood sample and sent it down for DNA testing but I decided to let everyone know that we are still missing two officers rather than having them 'shrunk' by a magical ray gun" the men snorted again.
The General stood up and made his way to the red phone in his office to explain what little they knew to the man in ultimate charge. SG13 stood, Balinsky with slight difficulty, but the baby was on his 'bad' arm and she weighed almost nothing, and they headed back to the infirmary. Just as they got to the door Walter appeared "Dr. Lam, two more babies have turned up!" he said
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