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Zusammenfassung: A series of events and a series of emotions lead to the most unexpected consequences for every life touched. In other words: The trials and complexities of Samantha Carter's unrequited love, enumerated and emphasized by the immortal genius of Ani Difranco.
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 1]
Kategorie: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Other, Romance, Series
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: minor language
Crossovers: None
Herausforderung: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 6 Abgeschlossen: No
Wörter: 10825 Gelesen: 11675
Veröffentlicht: 2007.07.24 Aktualisiert: 2010.01.27

Story Anmerkungen: This series is inspired by, but not dependent upon, the lyrics of some of the songs of Ani Difranco. Each chapter is a vignette of sorts, each accounting a different aspect or trial, loosely related to the chapter title, which corresponds to the song title. None are reliant on the lyrics, but it is hard to imagine a story without an inspiration.

1. Falling Is Like This by Whyagain [Reviews - 1] starstarstarhalf-star (1496 words)
The first of this series is based upon the song Falling Is Like This by, of course, Ani Difranco. It is one of my favorite songs and introduces the series with a discovery.
2. Superhero by Whyagain [Reviews - 0] (2194 words)
In keeping with the theme, this chapter goes along with the song Superhero. It is also the longest so far of the few chapters I have written, and is almost two different stories situated into a single motif.
3. Joyful Girl by Whyagain [Reviews - 0] (1597 words)
Suspisions abound after the events of Superhero and Samantha Carter is forced to face herself.
4. School Night by Whyagain [Reviews - 0] (1754 words)
A talk with Teal'c. School Night
5. So What by Whyagain [Reviews - 0] (1821 words)

6. Overlap by Whyagain [Reviews - 0] (1963 words)

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