Zusammenfassung: Daniel finds a childhood friend. But is that all she is?
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 1]
Kategorie: Daniel/other
Charaktere: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderung: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 Abgeschlossen: No
Wörter: 2891 Gelesen: 1001
Veröffentlicht: 2005.12.21 Aktualisiert: 2005.12.21
Story Anmerkungen: My first fic, and no I don't own anything or anyone except the character Sara Rhys. Please review generously!
1. Kagami Pt. 1 by Amanda Shatirah [Reviews - 1] (2891 words)
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