Summary: Several times during his life Daniel has encountered three golden spheres with strange symbols on them. A fourth is found and brings back people he loved and thought lost forever. But should he trust that they won't be ripped away from him again?
Categories: Daniel Jackson,
other pairing Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters
Episode Related: 0101 Children of the Gods, 0204 The Gamekeeper, 0209 Secrets, 0310 Forever in a Day, 0320 Maternal Instinct, 0521 Meridian
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Smarm
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: Stargate Atlantis
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes
Word count: 22852
Read: 2483
Published: 2011.01.19
Updated: 2011.01.19
Sunsphere by LE McMurray
Author's Notes:
Thanks to Stonedtoad for betaing.
This has taken me a long time to write but finally I finished it.
The little boy stood looking at the golden ball sitting in front of him on the small pedestal. At four years old he was a small child making people think he wasn’t as old as he was – this would be something that would follow him for a good part of his life. Bright blue eyes studied the artefact with curiosity; a finger was stuck in one side of his mouth which he slowly chewed on as he studied the subject of his curiosity. His blond hair fell in his eyes and the boy pushed it back annoyed. Looking around, he checked to see if anyone was watching but everyone else was focussed on the man in charge of the museum and he smiled. Reaching out he gently touched the raised symbols on top of the golden globe, sliding his fingers across the different shapes. The child stared as it glowed softly, and he tilted his head hearing several voices talking but he couldn’t hear them properly.
“What are you doing, Danny?” his mother laughed, scooping him up into her arms.
Daniel bit his lip guiltily as his father joined them, “It’s pretty.”
“It is,” Mel Jackson agreed, his arms wrapped around his wife and son, “but you’re not supposed to touch it. You know the rules.”
“Sorry, Daddy,” Daniel dropped his head.
Mel and Claire shared an amused smile at the cute look of guilt on their son’s face before they both kissed his head making him look up at them and grin.
“Let’s go and have lunch,” Mel suggested as Claire put Daniel back on the ground so he could take both their hands.
As the family walked away none of them noticed the soft golden mist that left all three and returned to the globe which glowed for a moment before fading.
Daniel stood at the entrance to his home and watched Sha’re as she sat mending one of his robes. They’d been married for exactly one month today. He glanced down at the small golden globe he’d found in the cavern earlier that day, he’d decided to give Sha’re it as a sort of anniversary present. It had only been a month since he’d found her and he’d never been able to give her a present for anything before today.
“Will you be joining me today?” Sha’re’s amused voice cut through his musing.
“I’m just enjoying the view from here,” he replied; walking over to where she sat, he crouched to kiss her quickly before he shed his outer robes and folded them neatly. He’d learned very quickly that his wife did not like mess. He looked back at her as she put away her sewing kit wondering what he’d done to deserve this beautiful brilliant woman.
“I hope you are hungry,” Sha’re said as she started serving the meal she’d made for them.
Daniel moved to help, receiving a smile from his wife. She’d long since stopped telling him he didn’t need to help, happy that her husband was so different from everyone else’s. They sat down for a quiet dinner together, most nights they spent eating with the rest of the people of Nagada so an intimate dinner for two was a rare thing.
“Do you know we’ve been married for a full month today?” Daniel asked, taking her hand in his at the end of the meal.
“You’re counting?” Sha’re’s nose wrinkled in a way Daniel found totally adorable.
Daniel shrugged, “Not really, I just stumbled across the fact this morning. And I found something I think you might like.”
Sha’re beamed, “You have a present for me?”
Daniel reached across the room to where he’d hidden the small globe and handed it to her, Sha’re stared at the gift with wide eyes.
“It is beautiful,” she breathed, her fingers sliding across the raised symbols on the golden ball, “Thank you, my Dan’iel.”
Daniel moved so he was sitting in front of her, he reached out and took her face in his hands to kiss her. As they kissed, Sha’re gently placed her gift to one side so it wasn’t damaged when Daniel pulled her into his arms and moved them to their bed.
Neither noticed the soft golden mist leave them and enter the globe which glowed brightly for a moment.
“Uncle Daniel?”
Daniel looked up from the plaque he was reading in front of the bust of some Roman guy to see Cassie standing, “What?”
“We can leave if you want?” the teenager said softly.
“I’m fine,” Daniel assured her with a tight smile, he looked over to where Janet stood silently watching; “I’m fine.”
“Come on, Cassie,” Janet said to her daughter, “We’re nearly at the exhibit you’re here to see.”
Cassandra nodded and started through the door as Janet moved to Daniel’s side to guide him forward. She could tell he’d lost weight over the past few weeks; his blue eyes were dull and heavy with lack of sleep. Sha’re’s death had hit him hard and this was the first time they’d managed to entice him away from his work. Actually it had been Cassie who’d managed it. Daniel could never refuse her anything so Jack had mentioned to the teenager that Daniel would be able to help her with her history project, one that required a trip to see the new exhibit at the museum Cassie had appeared in his office and asked him with a sweet hopeful smile that Daniel couldn’t say no to.
Janet sighed as she watched her friend; it hurt to see Daniel in so much pain especially because there was nothing any of them could do, the one thing he needed to ease the anguish he felt was buried beneath the sands of Abydos.
“Uncle Daniel,” Cassie came over to him and taking his hand, “You should see this.”
Daniel moved without resistance towards the podium covered in a red cloth that had a golden globe sitting on top of it.
“They’ve called it the Sunsphere,” Cassie told him, “Because it was found in a tomb dedicated to your old friend Ra. Apparently there’s another one in New York.”
Daniel smiled softly at her; he continued to stare at the ball in front of him as Cassie’s attention was taken by one of the guides telling the story of how the artefacts had been found. Janet listened to the tale, laughing at the jokes along with the others in the room before she realised Daniel wasn’t laughing in fact he wasn’t even listening.
“Hey,” she gently touched his arm, “We’ll go get lunch once this is finished.”
“I gave Sha’re something like this,” Daniel breathed; Janet looked at him in surprise that he was actually talking, even more surprised that he was talking about his wife, “For our one month anniversary.”
Daniel reached out and gently touched the globe, taking his hand back when he realised where he was. Janet placed her hand on his arm properly, frowning at the warmth of his skin hoping that he wasn’t coming down with something.
“Let’s go for lunch,” Daniel told her, moving away from the pedestal with Janet at his side.
Neither noticed the golden mist that left them nor the glow of the sphere.
Jack stood looking around Daniel’s apartment wondering what possessed him to think he could do this. Daniel was gone - away being glowy with Oma Desala and Shifu, meaning his apartment had to be closed by someone with security clearance.
Hammond had told him that someone else could do this, someone who wasn’t so connected with Daniel but Jack couldn’t let that happen.
With a deep breath Jack started taking books off the shelves and packing them into boxes. Several hours passed as Jack chose what to keep for himself and the others to remember their friend as well as what to donate to museums. The last room was Daniel’s bedroom; Jack had been dreading this as here was where Daniel kept his most precious memories.
Jack gently picked up Sha’re’s picture from the bedside cabinet where it had sat and sadly stared at the beautiful woman who smiled back at him.
“Why couldn’t we have saved you for him?” Jack sighed; he gently wrapped the photograph and placed it in the box for keeping before moving onto the shelf across from the bed.
Jack recognised the wedding cup sent by Kasuf after Sha’re had died and knew he couldn’t give that away. There were other little things that Jack had no idea about but then he came across a golden ball with strange symbols on it. It looked like something Daniel had picked up on his travels before he’d joined the Stargate programme. With a shrug he added it to the box for donating to the museum before he continued cleaning out his best friend’s home.
Daniel smiled up at Teal’c as his friend came over to him, “Hey.”
“Colonel Mitchell is insisting we leave now,” Teal’c told his friend.
Daniel grinned, “I know. He has to learn to wait though – just like Jack did.”
Teal’c shook his head at his friend’s smile; it was good to see the younger man happy in his life again. In the two and a half years since Jack had left the SGC Teal’c worried about Daniel, losing his best friend from everyday life had been hard on the man who had spent so much time alone before SG1. But he was content these days. Never as happy as Teal’c knew he once was but Daniel was alive now – not just living but actually alive.
“Teal’c,” Daniel’s voice called to him, “Look at this.”
Teal’c saw his friend holding a golden sphere in his hands; “Is it significant?”
“I’ve seen this before,” Daniel told him, “I gave something similar to Sha’re as a present, then I saw one like it with Cassie and Janet in the museum. You know I think I remember finding one as a kid with my parents too.”
“And you have found one more,” Teal’c mused, “That is unusual.”
“You’re not kidding,” Daniel grinned; he opened his backpack and placed the globe inside before fastening it. He stood up, “Let’s go home.”
Daniel entered his office and placed the strange globe on his desk. The tech team had found nothing interesting about it so Daniel had a new ornament. The one he’d given Sha’re had been given away when they’d cleaned out his apartment after he’d ascended but this was similar enough that he could think of it as that precious present.
Pouring some coffee Daniel sat and looked at it, his fingers gently brushing against the symbols deep in thought. His mind going back to the three other times he’d seen globes like this and the people with him at those times he’d lost.
He was pulled out of his musing as his phone rang.
“Daniel,” Jack greeted his friend, “Need to ask you something.”
Daniel laughed, pacing as he talked to his friend not noticing the bright glow of the sphere behind him and having no way to know that miles away three other almost identical spheres were glowing as well.
“Are you sure you want to go there?” Pete asked the ten year old standing in front of him.
The young girl with long brown hair and a dark pink t-shirt nodded, “We’ve to do a report in school from this list,” she held up the piece of paper, “I chose this.”
Pete grimaced, he wasn’t exactly interested in history but he couldn’t say no to Melinda so he looked back at his girlfriend’s daughter and smiled, “Alright. Tomorrow I’ll take you to the museum and we can look at the exhibit. But next time I get to choose what we do.”
Melinda grinned and headed back to tell her mother that she had conned Pete into doing what she wanted.
Pete watched her relieved when his cell rang, “Shanahan,” he answered as he watched Melinda telling Jill about the trip the next day. He frowned as he listened to the man on the other end of the phone tell him something had happened at the museum, “And I was asked for?”
With a sigh Pete hung up and headed to see Jill, they’d been together just under a year and he was happier than he’d ever been.
“I should be back before dinner,” he kissed Jill before ruffling Melinda’s hair.
Pete Shanahan walked quickly through the corridors of the precinct wondering what was going on. Despite the fact he didn’t want to go to the museum tomorrow, he hoped whatever had happened there that morning wouldn’t prevent Melinda from seeing the exhibit she was so excited about.
“Shanahan,” Captain Railings yelled, waving him over to the office, “It’s about time you got here.”
“I wasn’t exactly next door, Captain,” Pete replied with a grin, “So, what’s the huge emergency?”
“This morning before the museum opened,” Railings sat in his chair as Pete leaned against the wall, “The alarms suddenly sounded. The security guards found four people in three different areas of the building all dressed differently and not in your average ‘let’s go stealing clothes’. All were completely confused by how they got there.”
“Any names?” Pete asked intrigued.
Railings grinned, “One doesn’t speak English though I think she understands, two gave names of people who’ve been dead for about thirty years and the fourth refused to give a name until we told her where she was. When I said Denver, she asked for you and stated until you were here then we were getting nothing out of her.”
“Me?” Pete frowned confused, “What’s she like?”
“Small, red-brown hair,” Railings shrugged, “Told me I should quit smoking and shouldn’t drink so much coffee.”
Pete chuckled, “Doesn’t sound like anyone I know. Alright, I’ll go have a look and try to get a name so we can work out what’s going on around here.”
Railings nodded and motioned him to leave. Pete walked towards the holding cell, carrying the folder he’d been tossed on the way past his desk. As he reached the room Pete glanced through the window and dropped the file on the floor. Standing in the room was a woman he knew for certain to be dead. Slowly he lifted the folder and quickly read the identities of the two who had given their names.
“Oh my god,” he breathed before he ran to his desk.
Pete was grateful to whatever notion meant he never threw anything out because although they’d broken up several years ago he still had a number for Sam Carter hidden at the bottom of his middle drawer – if he could find it amongst the rest of the crap in there.
The phone rang several times before Daniel reached over and snagged it, “Daniel Jackson,” he said, trying to find the file from PX5 666.
“Dr Jackson?” a familiar voice but one Daniel couldn’t place said, “I was trying to reach Sam.”
“She’s not here,” Daniel said, trying to work out who he was talking to, “Can I take a message?”
“You have no idea who this is;” amusement filled the caller’s voice, “Do you?”
“Ah,” Daniel hesitated before confessing, “Nope.”
“It’s Pete Shanahan.”
“Pete?” Daniel’s full attention turned to the caller now, “Is something wrong?”
There was a pause on the other side of the phone, “Not wrong exactly but there’s something you need to see.”
“Why am I being dragged through the corridors of a police precinct in Denver?” Jack demanded as he and Daniel walked side by side.
“Because the only reason Pete would get in touch with Sam is if this was important,” Daniel reminded his friend for about the hundredth time in less than an hour. It was three hours since Pete had called Daniel and, after a quick meeting with Landry, Daniel had been transported to Washington to talk to Jack before they were both transported to Denver. The rest of SG1 went on their mission with a replacement at Daniel’s insistence; it was a peaceful return to a friendly planet so not really anything Daniel was needed for.
“Fine,” Jack huffed, “Where is the Detective?”
“Dr Jackson,” Pete walked over, a mug of coffee in his hands, “General O’Neill.”
They both nodded hello waiting to find out why they were here.
Pete motioned them forward, “Follow me and I’ll show you the first of our guests.”
Jack and Daniel shared a look before following the Detective along the corridors; both were confused as to why they hadn’t been told who was waiting for them but Pete’s determination that they come in person had got them interested.
“This might be a shock,” Pete said, he opened the door and moved back allowing both men inside.
Jack and Daniel stepped into the room and stopped, staring at the woman standing there who was smiling at them in relief.
“Colonel, Daniel, am I glad to see you,” she said.
Daniel found his voice first, “Janet?”
Janet Fraiser was going crazy as she sat in the police interrogation room, somehow she’d been transported from another planet where she had been trying to save a man to a room in a museum with several security guards aiming guns at her. Confused and a little angry, Janet refused to give out any information in case this was some sort of Goa’uld trick. Trying to get some information from the supposed police she was shocked when they told her she was in Denver, so Janet put them to the test and demanded to see the one policeman she knew who would confirm if she was really on Earth. It threw her when he actually walked into the room, now she had to work out how she’d arrived here. It was several hours later the door opened again and this time she saw two men she wanted to throw her arms around.
“Colonel, Daniel,” she said, smiling in relief, “Am I glad to see you.”
The stunned silence that greeted her was something she hadn’t expected before Daniel hesitantly spoke.
“Janet?” he breathed, staring at her as though he hadn’t seen her in years.
Janet looked at the two men who were still gaping at her and she threw her hands in the air, “What? What’s going on? Daniel?” she looked at the younger man before turning to the man at his side, “Colonel?”
“You’re dead,” Jack stated pointing at her before pointing at himself, “And it’s General now.”
Janet shook her head as she stepped back from them, “No. This is a trick, you’re’re...”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Daniel asked softly, moving her to a seat as she panicked.
“I was trying to help Lieutenant Wells,” Janet whispered, “Then I felt something burn and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I was in a room in the museum and then I was here.” She stopped talking and looked at Daniel, the memories of his deaths coming back and something clicked, “I died that day?”
Daniel nodded.
“How long?” Janet demanded.
Daniel licked his lips nervously, “Four years.”
“Huh,” she managed before laughing slightly, “I beat your record then.”
Daniel gently rubbed her shoulder, “Yeah. Look, there are a few others who appeared at the same time you did. We’re going to talk to them and then...” he hesitated, glancing up at Jack.
“We’ll take you to the SGC,” Jack assured the doctor.
Janet nodded in relief before something struck her, “General O’Neill?” she asked. When Jack nodded, Janet turned to Daniel, “Does this mean he’s in charge of the SGC?”
“Worse,” Daniel replied with a grin, “They’ve got him in charge of every offworld operation, Homeworld Security.”
“Help us all,” Janet murmured, smiling as Jack let out a mock cry of annoyance.
Daniel chuckled and squeezed her hand, “We’ll be back soon. Pete will get you some coffee and we’ll head to the SGC, okay?”
Janet nodded, a little astonished as Daniel hugged her tightly for a second before he left quickly, Jack patted her shoulder and followed.
“So,” Janet said to Pete, “I’ll take two sugars and if you’ve any whiskey – add that too.”
Daniel closed his eyes and took in several deep breaths, “So that’s what it’s like?”
Jack clapped his friend’s shoulder, “Now do you see why I tell you to stop dying?”
Daniel nodded and quickly moved on, “Okay, who’s next? The ones from thirty years ago or the one who can’t speak English?”
“How about you take the one with the language barrier and I take the ones from the past?” Jack suggested, “Get us out of here faster and we can take Janet home.”
Daniel nodded again, “Sure,” he turned to the officer standing waiting, “Take me to mystery guest number two.”
As he walked through the corridors Daniel mused on how they could help Janet get over the barrier of having lost four years of her life. It would be great to have her back at the SGC, even if he did get told off less these days.
“Here you go,” the young man escorting Daniel motioned to the door in front of them.
Daniel nodded his thanks, “I shouldn’t be long,” he opened the door and caught sight of a slim woman standing in the corner as he turned to close the door, turning back he stared as the woman stared back at him.
“Dan’iel?” his wife gasped before she ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight embrace.
Completely overwhelmed and stunned Daniel embraced her back though he couldn’t help but wonder who Jack was going to find in the third room.
Sha’re had been sure she was dead; she’d felt the blast from Teal’c’s staff weapon hit her before she fell to the ground. She managed to tell her husband she loved him knowing he’d be cared for by his friends then she closed her eyes surrendering to the dark. She’d been confused when she felt a cold breeze and opened her eyes to find herself in a room completely different to where she’d been moments before. Standing Sha’re had looked around, finding no trace of the wound she knew she’d received only moments before. As the room she was in was filled with men aiming weapons of the Tauri at her, Sha’re did the only thing she could think of – she pretended she couldn’t speak their language.
Sha’re caught glimpses of other people as she was bundled into a strange vehicle before being placed in the small room. Alone Sha’re contemplated her very limited options and although they gave her water and some strange biscuits she decided not to touch either until her hunger was no longer able to be ignored.
Sha’re shivered, Ammonet’s dress was not made for this place and she wished for a shawl to wrap around her shoulders, the headdress had been discarded on the table although Sha’re wanted to hurl it at the wall in defiance against the Goa’uld who inexplicably no longer controlled her but she refused to let that thing get such feeling from her.
Time passed and Sha’re paced the room, when the door opened behind her she took a second to focus herself before turning to the most wonderful sight.
“Dan’iel,” she cried as her beloved husband stood before her, without thought she ran across the room and threw her arms around him.
Sha’re felt Daniel’s arms slowly move around her, sighing as she felt the warmth of one hand resting on her back while the other slipped into her hair. They stood together for several moments before Daniel pulled back, Sha’re had felt he wasn’t completely relaxed as he used to be while holding her and wasn’t surprised when he moved away.
“Sha’re,” he whispered, taking her face in his hands, “I need to talk to Jack for a few minutes. I’ll be back soon.”
Sha’re knew her worry and fear showed on her face because Daniel gently kissed her forehead.
“I promise,” he murmured to her, his hand lingered on her cheek before he left the room.
At one time Sha’re would have never let him leave her without a better demonstration of his affection, like the kiss they’d shared on that fateful day but the feeling Sha’re was getting from him confused her and she just let him leave before taking a seat, finally drinking the lukewarm water sitting there.
Jack read the file and shook his head, “You know this is just getting stranger and stranger. Okay,” he turned to the officer standing waiting, “Time to see what happens.”
Jack handed the file back as he entered the room and was instantly faced with a man glaring at him.
“Finally,” the man snapped, “I want to know where we are, what is going on and what the hell you people have done with our son?”
Jack simply stared at the man until he backed away slightly to the woman who was sitting clutching a glass half-filled with water.
“I’m General Jack O’Neill,” he introduced himself, “I’ve been given your names but I don’t actually believe them so just for the record, who are you?”
“What kind of joke is this?” the man spluttered, anger filling his eyes.
Jack didn’t change his expression, “Names?”
The man gritted his teeth, “Dr Melbourne Jackson and my wife, Dr Claire Ballard-Jackson.”
Jack was amazed he was staying so calm, relieved that he’d sent Daniel to the other room, “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“What?” Mel demanded.
“We were in the New York Museum of Art erecting part of an exhibit,” Claire stated as she moved to her husband’s side, “Please,” she whispered, “Our son is only eight, do you know where he is?”
“I’ll be back,” Jack said before he turned and left the room, he needed to talk to Daniel.
As he walked along the corridors Jack saw a visibly shaken Daniel walking towards him. They met halfway and Jack stopped his friend from talking.
“Whatever you’re about to say,” Jack told him, “I’ll win.”
“Sha’re’s alive,” Daniel stated.
“Huh,” Jack managed before shrugging, “Okay, we’re even. I was talking to your parents.”
“Huh,” Daniel echoed.
“Okay,” Jack broke the silence finally, “You need to be Dr Jackson just now and get all the information you can without getting involved.”
Daniel frowned at his friend, “How do I not get involved with my wife? I can’t be unemotional around her.”
“What about our other guests?” Jack countered.
Daniel hesitated, “I don’t know.”
“Danny, we can’t tell them who you are just yet and I can’t talk to all of them,” Jack told him, “Can you do it?”
Daniel took a deep breath and nodded, “I’ll get what I can from them before we move them to the SGC.”
Jack rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder for a second before they split up again, this time moving to the room the other had just left.
Jack smiled slightly as Sha’re looked back at him though the disappointment in her eyes wasn’t hard to miss.
“Hello again, O’Neill,” she spoke softly but the strength in her voice was unmistakable as she stood to face him.
Jack stepped towards her wanting to hug her tightly but thought better of it as she seemed quite cagey and instead offered her his hand. She touched it quickly before pulling back.
“Daniel’s talking to some other visitors we’ve got,” he told her, “I need you to tell me what you remember before you arrived here.”
Sha’re swallowed hard, taking a sip of the lukewarm water.
“I know this is uncomfortable,” Jack said, “But it’s important.”
Sha’re took a deep breath and laced her fingers in her lap, “I was...Ammonet was trying to kill Dan’iel, she turned and Teal’c was there. He fired and I fell,” she paused, biting her lower lip for a moment, “I watched Dan’iel as he scrambled to me, I told him I loved him and closed my eyes.”
Jack almost reached out to comfort her but stopped himself; he had to remain as impassive as possible until they were sure this wasn’t a trick not to mention she looked as though she would run if he touched her.
“Then what?” Jack kept his voice soft and as comforting as possible.
“I realised suddenly that I was cold, that there was a breeze and noise,” Sha’re continued, “I opened my eyes and I was in a room that was clean but had items that would not have been out of place upon a Goa’uld vessel. Then men appeared with weapons like those we used against Ra and brought me here.”
“Why did you pretend not to speak or understand English?” Jack asked, not able to hide his amusement.
Sha’re looked a little embarrassed before she smiled, “Because it gave me an advantage.”
Daniel looked into the room that held his long dead parents, several minutes after being reunited with his slightly less long dead wife. And less than half an hour before he thought seeing Janet was the most amazing thing he’d seen that day.
Taking a deep breath he entered the room, “Dr Jackson, Dr Ballard-Jackson, I need to ask you a few questions.”
“Who the hell are you?” his father yelled, “I want to know where our son is.”
“Your son,” Daniel hesitated, amazed he didn’t tell them who he was, “Is fine but I need you to tell me what you remember before you came here.”
“What?” Mel snapped.
“Dr Jackson,” Daniel replied sharply, “This is important,” he stopped and motioned to them to sit, “Please, sit down and tell me what you remember.”
“Mel,” Claire stepped forward and gently touched her husband’s arm, she switched languages to the one used by most of the workers on the dig, “Let’s just do as he asks, I need to see my little sandbug.”
Daniel covered the sadness that filled him at the nickname his mother had given him by taking a drink of water before he sat across from them.
“We were erecting part of an exhibit we’d been working on for three years,” Claire explained, “The chain holding the coverstone, it snapped and the wall...”
“The wall came towards us,” Mel continued when his wife trailed off, “And the next thing I knew we were in another room.”
“Then security came,” Daniel noted, he nodded and stood, “I’ll be back.”
He left the room before they could say anything and leaned against the wall taking several deep breaths. This was turning into one hell of a day.
Jack slipped his jacket off and draped it over Sha’re’s shoulders when he saw her shiver while they walked through the corridors towards where Janet was waiting. Sha’re was obviously trying to remain as calm as possible but seemed to be losing the battle. Janet stood when the door opened and stared when Jack walked in with Sha’re.
“Colonel...I mean, General,” Janet said, staring at the young woman, “What’s going on?”
“Well, Doc it looks as though you’re not the only one resurrected,” Jack told her, “You recognise the lovely Mrs Jackson I see,” Jack turned to Sha’re, “Sha’re, this is Dr Janet Fraiser.”
“It is a pleasure,” Sha’re nodded softly to the other woman.
Janet smiled genuinely at the other woman, “Completely.”
“Now all we need is Daniel to get here with our final guests from the grave and we can head home,” Jack told them, receiving two confused looks.
“Who else?” Janet asked, giving him a look he’d not had in several years which instantly made him feel guilty, “Col...General, who else has come back from the dead?”
Jack looked at the two women who were staring at him, “Daniel’s parents.”
Claire Ballard-Jackson was relieved that she had her husband by her side during this bizarre day but she was terrified of what had happened to her little boy. She should have known better than to leave him alone while they worked, no matter how brilliant he was.
Now this strange man was questioning them and there was something about him that was screaming at Claire but she just couldn’t work out what it was.
There was a soft knock on the door and the man jumped over to answer the door, he listened to whoever stood there before nodding.
“We’re going to move to another facility,” the man told them, “So the police can have their room back.”
“We’re not going anywhere until you tell us where our son is,” Mel snapped, he was angrier than Claire had ever seen him.
“Dr Jackson,” the man said, “Your son is safe, I can promise you that but...” he hesitated and licked his lips, “You have no choice but to come with us.”
Mel stood, toe to toe with the other man his eyes blazing, “We’re not going anywhere.”
The other man sighed and stepped back, “I’m afraid you are.” He pulled out a strange cylindrical object and pushed a button on the top of it.
Claire gasped and grabbed her husband’s arm as the world around them dissolved in a white light.
Daniel winced that he had to use the transport earlier than anticipated; his father was quite hot-headed, which was something Daniel didn’t really remember. He wanted to comfort them but knew they had to get to the SGC before he could go into specifics.
“Where are we?” Mel demanded, his arm wrapped around his wife’s shoulders.
“That’s a good question, Daniel,” Janet said, walking over to Daniel with Sha’re who still had Jack’s jacket draped over her shoulders.
“This is the Daedalus,” Daniel explained; he glanced around, smiling slightly at Sha’re who smiled back before he turned to Janet, “Where’s Jack?”
“He said he’d meet us there,” Janet explained, “Before we ended up here.”
Daniel nodded, “Okay,” he reached over to the panel and pushed the communications button, “Can you send us down to the SGC now.”
He saw his father start to ask but didn’t get a chance as the transport beam surrounded them again.
Janet folded her arms as Jack walked into the infirmary, “Finally.”
Jack froze, getting a feeling he hadn’t had in a long time as she glared at him, “What did I do?”
“You gave my job to that...woman,” Janet snapped.
Jack stepped back, “Lam’s a good doctor. Her resume is superb; even you say so in one of her letters.”
“Just because she can learn quickly doesn’t make her right for my job,” Janet continued to glare at him.
Jack winced, “Doc...Janet, she wasn’t the first candidate but she’s stuck it longer than anyone has since you.”
Janet’s expression softened, “I still don’t like it.”
“Dr Fraiser,” Dr Lam appeared through the door, “It’s your turn,” as Janet frowned Lam tilted her head sympathetically, “Its standard procedure.”
“I know,” Janet replied shortly, “I wrote the procedure.”
Jack smothered a grin, “Where’s Daniel?”
Janet turned and walked backwards through the door with a grin, “Where do you think?”
Sha’re sat and allowed the doctor to do whatever tests she needed, glancing at Daniel who stood at the bottom of her bed simply watching her. He hadn’t come any closer to her than this since their first meeting and she knew something other than just her death had happened.
Finally the doctor finished and, after speaking quietly to Daniel, left them alone.
“Here,” Daniel handed her a bundle of clothing that were the same green colour as the outfit he wore, “These will be more comfortable for you.”
“Thank you,” Sha’re breathed, walking to the room he took her to.
“I’ll be right outside,” Daniel said, making her frown but she slipped into the room alone.
Sha’re discarded the clothing of the Goa’uld and happily put on the things Daniel had given her. Once dressed, Sha’re scrubbed away the make-up she wore before she used the brush she found and fixed her hair so that she felt presentable. Sha’re looked at the dress and lifted it, wrinkling her nose in distaste before she carried it outside to where Daniel stood waiting.
“Destroy this,” she passed Ammonet’s garments to him, “I want every part of her gone.”
Daniel took them from her and handed it to a nurse, murmuring something to her before he turned back to Sha’re.
“General Landry wants to talk to you,” Daniel told her, “I’ve to escort you.”
Sha’re shook her head, “Like I am a stranger?”
“You are to escort me?” she snapped, finally losing her composure, “Like I am nothing to you. Do you hate me so much for what I did?”
“What you did?” Daniel stared at her confused.
“I was not strong enough to stop Apophis giving me his child,” she cried, anguished and angry, “I could not stop Ammonet from trying to kill you.”
Daniel moved suddenly, his arms wrapped around her pulling her close to him, “God, I’m sorry. Sha’re, I’m sorry, I am so sorry.”
Sha’re sank against her husband’s chest, relieved at the physical contact. During her years under Ammonet’s control it was something she craved, just to be able to feel anything as herself and especially to feel Daniel’s arms around her.
After a few minutes Daniel pushed her back to look in her eyes, “I could never hate you but it’s been so long since you were here with me.”
Sha’re reached up and stroked his cheek, seeing the sadness in his deep blue eyes, “Do you still love me?”
“Of course I do,” Daniel assured her, “I always have. But you have to understand how strange this is for me. You’ve been gone for a long time, Sha’re and I wish we could pick things up from where we left off but we can’t because I’ve changed.”
Sha’re dropped her eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispered, touching her chin he tilted her head up so he could look in her eyes, “Can you give me some time?”
Sha’re nodded, smiling as he enveloped her in his arms once more.
Jack smiled as he watched Daniel bring Sha’re into the conference room, his arm resting around the young woman’s slim waist. It was a sight Jack had wanted to see for so many years but he’d never expected ever to see it.
Daniel nodded hello to Jack before he blinked in surprise to see the man sitting at the head of the table, “General Hammond?”
“Dr Jackson,” Hammond smiled back at the younger man, “And Mrs Jackson, a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Sorry,” Daniel shook himself, he turned to his wife, “Sha’re, this is General George Hammond. He was in charge of the base for several years.”
“He kept you in line,” Sha’re smiled mischievously.
“As best I could,” Hammond added, making Sha’re laugh, “Nowadays, it’s the job of some other poor soul.”
Daniel led Sha’re to the chair beside Hammond and he slipped into the one at her side; Jack sat across from Daniel making Hammond grimace a little – that seating arrangement was never a good idea.
“General Hammond,” Janet stated relieved the moment she arrived, “Unless you’re President now or something?”
Hammond stood and, to her surprise, embraced the doctor before motioning her to sit, “It is wonderful to have you back, Dr Fraiser.”
“Thank you, Sir;” Janet said softly, “I have to admit this is so strange.”
“Now you know how I felt,” Daniel murmured, dodging as Jack threw some paper at him.
“Children,” Landry said as he entered the room, he took the seat across from Hammond, “Let’s begin.”
“According to Dr Lam’s report,” Landry started scanning the pages in front of him, “All four of our visitors are in perfect health, although Dr Ballard-Jackson is three months pregnant.”
“What?” Daniel demanded, in absolute astonishment.
Landry stopped realising what he’d said, “Sorry, Dr Jackson. I didn’t think before I said that.”
Daniel sank back against his seat, his mouth open as he tried to process the news.
“Dan’iel?” Sha’re rested her hand on his cheek, making him turn to face her, “Dan’iel, look at me.”
His blue eyes focussed on her brown ones, she gently stroked his cheek as she murmured a few soothing words in her native tongue. After a few moments he turned back to the table.
“Sorry,” he murmured, “Just a bit of a shock.”
Landry nodded, “We have no idea so far how you have all been brought back from the dead however Dr Lee and his team are working on the artefacts that were in the museum rooms.”
“Someone needs to talk to our other guests,” Jack noted, “We’ve got them stowed away for now but we have to tell them something, especially about their son.”
“I want to talk to them,” Daniel spoke up, “I need to tell them what’s going on. How long it’s been and who I am – I’ll explain the Stargate tomorrow.”
“Daniel,” Jack said.
“Jack, I have to do this,” he told his friend, “They already know me, kind of, and I just feel it would be the best thing.”
Jack glanced to Hammond and Landry who both nodded slightly before Jack turned back to Daniel, “Okay,” he said, “You talk with them. But be careful.”
Daniel stood nervously outside the room his long dead parents were sitting in, he’d spent time around them already but now, now he was going to let him know who he was and that thought scared the hell out of him. Sha’re was with Janet and Jack while he visited yet another part of his past – this was turning into a very strange day.
Taking a deep breath Daniel opened the door and entered the room, they both turned to him and Daniel could see his father was about to yell.
“Before you say anything,” Daniel cut the other man off, “I’m about to tell you everything. Please take a seat and I’ll explain.”
“Mel,” Claire whispered, resting her hand on her husband’s arm, “Let’s hear him out.”
Glaring at Daniel, Mel took the seat beside his wife ready to listen.
“Okay,” Daniel sat down across from them, “I’m pretty sure you’ve already guessed that you’re not in New York.”
Claire nodded, “It wasn’t that hard to work out.”
“It’s also no longer 1973,” Daniel continued, seeing them both looking stunned, “I can understand how insane this sounds but I can prove it...I think.”
“What’s the year?” Mel demanded.
Daniel took a deep breath, “2007.”
“What?” Claire gasped, “But that...we...our son.”
Daniel dropped his head, “He’s fine. He’s here in the base.”
They stared at him, Mel wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulders, “This is nonsense, totally preposterous.”
“I completely understand how confusing this is,” Daniel told him, “Trust me on this one but you have to believe me.”
Mel stood angrily, “I want to know what’s going on and no more of this nonsense.”
“I’m telling the truth,” Daniel faced him.
The two men turned as they heard Claire gasp.
“What?” Mel demanded confused as his wife stood slowly before walking towards Daniel, “Claire?”
“Oh my God,” Claire whispered, she reached out to touch Daniel’s cheek turning him to look at her, “Daniel, they called you Daniel.”
Daniel nodded softly.
“You’re my Danny,” Claire continued, she studied the man in front of her with amazement before she turned to Mel, “Look at him.”
“Claire...” Mel started.
“Look at him,” Claire told him firmly, “I saw it when you were face to face, he’s our son.”
Daniel bit his lip as Claire continued to stroke his cheek while Mel stared at him, “We should probably sit down again.”
Claire and Mel dropped back into their seats as Daniel sank into his; he took a deep breath looking over at them again.
“Okay,” Daniel swallowed getting back on track, “Okay, we’re not sure why you’ve appeared here and now but you’re not the only ones.”
“The two women,” Mel noted.
“Janet and Sha’re,” Daniel smiled slightly, “Janet died four years ago, Sha’re died...she died about eight years ago.”
“Died?” Claire stared at him, “The wall killed us?”
As Daniel nodded Mel pulled her to him, holding her close as they realised what their son had just told them.
“How did we get here?” Mel asked as Claire wiped her eyes.
Daniel sighed, “We’re not sure. There’s a lot I need to tell you but for just now you should get something to eat and some sleep. Tomorrow I’ll explain more.”
They agreed but as Daniel stood to leave Claire caught his arm, when he turned to her Claire wrapped him in her arms. Daniel closed his eyes dropping his head onto his mother’s shoulder taking the affection she was giving. When she let him go Mel hugged him too.
Daniel stepped back from them, “Someone will bring you some food and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sha’re paced the small room waiting for Daniel to return, she knew he was anxious about telling his parents everything and she wished she could be there for him. Jack had been called away a few minutes before for something, Sha’re hadn’t really been paying attention to his explanation.
“Calm down,” Janet said from her seat, “Daniel will be back soon.”
“I am just worried about him,” Sha’re replied, annoyed that Janet seemed to think she was needy. Yes she was a little apprehensive about this place and these people but that was understandable.
“It has been an unusual day,” Janet stated, shaking her head in amazement, “For all of us,” she suddenly laughed, “Poor Daniel, he probably woke up today thinking it was going to be boring.”
Sha’re frowned, “This is not a bad thing.”
“I’m not saying that,” Janet defended herself; “I’m just saying Daniel probably didn’t expect to get called to Denver where a dead friend, wife and parents had all appeared. Personally I’d like to see my daughter but I guess they want to make sure nothing is going to happen that means we’ll disappear as quickly as we appeared.”
Sha’re sat on the floor and pulled her knees up to her chest, wondering if what Janet had said was true – were they all going to disappear?
Daniel closed the door behind him as he left his parents to digest the news, leaning against the wall Daniel let out a long sigh. He really wanted to go home and crawl into bed to hide for the rest of the week but he couldn’t. He had to work out what had happened, why four people so important in his life that had been lost had suddenly reappeared.
He started back to the room he’d left Sha’re and Janet in, they could go and get something to eat – that would take up some time.
Daniel frowned, it shouldn’t feel this way. He should be ecstatic that these people were here in his life once more. Janet, his friend, the woman who had saved his life so many times had come back. Sha’re, the most beautiful woman he’d ever known, the love of his life and soul mate that made him feel he was the luckiest person in the universe had returned from the dead. His parents, the centre of his world for the first eight years of his life, whose death destroyed a happy open child, were sitting in a room nearby.
But there was this small voice inside him telling him being happy was premature and he couldn’t shake it.
Sha’re looked up as Daniel opened the door and felt childish at how relieved she was to see him. Daniel walked over to her and for a moment he stared at her as though he was just seeing her for the first time.
“Dan’iel,” Sha’re took his hand and stood to face him, “Is something wrong? How did they take the news?”
He wrapped his arm around her waist, “As well as can be expected. And no, nothing’s wrong. I’m just still amazed to see you here,” he glanced over to where the other woman occupying the room was sitting, “You too, Janet.”
“Thanks, Daniel,” she smiled amused, “It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that you actually managed to notice I’m here too.”
Sha’re giggled, making Daniel smile at the sound. For an instant he was swept back years to the first time he’d heard her laugh and the small voice of doom inside his head was silenced for the moment.
“Are you hungry?” Daniel pulled himself back to reality and addressed both women.
Sha’re nodded and Janet stood up, Daniel motioned them out of the room and walked through the corridors seeing interested glances coming from all around them.
Daniel studied the list that showed every item in the rooms Janet, Sha’re and his parents were found in. He stared in astonishment as he found the pictures of three globes that matched the one sitting on his desk at the moment.
When he’d found this on P4W 2QQ he knew he’d seen this before, it was a gift to his wife but he’d known he’d seen it at other times. Once with Janet when they’d taken Cassie to the museum not long after Sha’re’s death but once more long before that with his parents.
He grabbed the phone, “Jack, I have something.”
Daniel quickly explained about the globes including that he had one sitting in his office at that precise moment in time.
“Get everything together for a meeting tomorrow morning,” Jack told him, “Try and get some sleep though.”
“I’m guessing Sha’re’s going to need it,” Jack cut him off before hanging up.
Daniel sighed, he turned to tell Sha’re he was finished but stopped for a few moments to simply watch her, beautiful as she’d always been while she studied the things around his office. Finally he called out to her.
Sha’re wandered around Daniel’s office as he finished off some work he needed to do, Janet had gone with Jack after dinner to find out about her daughter leaving them properly alone for the first time since they’d met in that small room in the police station. She felt strange being here, free and whole when her mind told her less than a day before she had Ammonet within her trying to kill the man who was sitting near her.
Daniel was being distant, not cold exactly but Sha’re knew he was holding back from her just now and she didn’t blame him. From his perspective she’d been dead for many years and his life had changed, it hadn’t included her for a long time – he needed time to work out where she fit into his life now, if she did.
“I’m finished,” Daniel spoke up making her spin around from where she was contemplating the books, “It’s getting late, they’ve set a room aside for you to get some sleep.”
“For me?” she repeated, her eyes filled with questions.
Daniel nodded, he rested his arm around her waist once more, “Come on, I’ll take you there.”
As they walked through the grey corridors of the SGC Sha’re wondered what she would do if Daniel couldn’t accept her into his life again. She didn’t know if she could go home, she didn’t know how this would work.
Still Sha’re could feel the warmth of his arm around her waist as he guided her and she wished he would just tell her everything was fine but she knew he wouldn’t.
Daniel stopped them and opened the door, motioning her inside before following. Sha’re walked around the room, studying the table and chairs, the bedside cabinet and the large bed.
“There are clothes in the closet,” Daniel told her, “Something for you to sleep in and a change for tomorrow. I’ll talk to someone about getting you something...” he trailed off, “You should get some sleep.”
As he turned to leave Sha’re caught his arm, “Please,” she whispered, “Dan’iel, I know it has been a long time since I have been here for you but for me...Dan’iel, I need you.”
At her tearful plea Daniel pulled her into his arms, he held Sha’re as her body shook. Daniel closed his eyes as she cuddled against him wanting to let go of every worry he had but he wasn’t ready to yet.
“Get ready for bed and I’ll stay with you,” he promised, softly kissing her forehead.
Janet sat staring up at the stars, glancing to her side she smiled as Jack handed her some coffee from the flask he was carrying.
“Thanks,” she sighed, “This has to be the strangest day I’ve had in this place and there’ve been some doozies.”
Jack chuckled, “It’s one for the record books.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes, both watching the stars and thinking of everything that had happened.
“Hard to believe it’s been four years,” Janet told him, “I still can’t get over they promoted you to General.”
“Brigadier General,” he corrected with a grin.
“Whatever,” Janet laughed, “This place is so different from what I remember. I don’t recognise half the people here anymore.”
“Tell me about it,” Jack agreed.
“I’m looking forward to meeting the new members of SG1 though,” Janet teased, “Just to find out if they’re as much trouble as you lot were.”
Jack frowned at her before a thought struck him, “You may be getting more than you thought, Doc. Vala has a thing for our Daniel and with Sha’re back on the scene...”
“Does he like her?” Janet asked with interest.
“Not in that way,” Jack shrugged, “But from Teal’c’s regular reports she keeps on trying.”
Janet smiled, she leaned back and mused, “Four people, all who died at completely different times and in completely different places return from the dead in the same place. How did it happen? What’s the connection between these four people?”
Jack rested his hand on her shoulder, “For the moment the only connection we have is Daniel.”
“Daniel?” Janet looked at him confused.
“He was there at each death,” Jack reminded her, “Just now he’s the only link we’ve got.”
Janet finished her coffee, “It’s getting late. I haven’t slept in a few years, I think I need it.”
Jack stood and pulled her to her feet, as they started down back into the base he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her slightly. They’d been good friends, bonding originally over Cassie as Jack had become the girl’s surrogate father. Over the years they’d spent a lot of time together, having dinner, taking Cassie on outings and they shared worries over the rest of their friends.
“It’s good to have you back, Janet,” he told her, “Things just weren’t the same without you.”
Claire sat on the bed staring at the wall as she thought over everything she’d been told, trying to get her mind around the fact it was over thirty years in the future and her baby boy was now a man.
“Can’t sleep either,” Mel murmured as he opened his eyes, he pulled himself up and moved behind her, “It’s a lot to take in.”
Claire leaned back as her husband wrapped his arms around her waist, “I don’t know if I want to hear anymore, Mel but there’s a part of me that needs answers. If we died that day what happened to Daniel? Where did he go?”
“Hey,” Mel soothed rocking her gently, “We’ll ask him. You need to get some sleep, honey.”
Claire shook her head, “I can’t.”
“What else is wrong?”Mel asked, knowing his wife and her moods, “I can tell something is bothering you.”
Claire sighed and pulled away from her husband, she paced the room before sitting down on the bed again, “I’m pregnant.”
Mel stared at her, “But the doctors said after Daniel...”
Claire shrugged, “I guess they were wrong. I just found out a few days ago or three decades ago.”
Mel wrapped his arms around her, “Honey, this is a good thing. We always wanted more children.”
“I know,” she leaned against him, “I just hope...I just...”
“Yeah,” Mel sighed, he rested her against the pillows and pulled the covers over them.
Daniel lay watching Sha’re sleep. He’d only taken off his boots and jacket before getting in beside her so he didn’t do anything stupid. Daniel knew his body still reacted to her the way it always did but his mind kept going over and over the question that after over a decade apart would they still work as a couple? Studying Sha’re’s face Daniel fought the urge to reach out and take her in his arms, he was so confused about what was best.
His musings were interrupted as Sha’re screamed and started to fight with something in her sleep. Daniel caught her hands making sure she didn’t scratch him as she fought her invisible attacker.
“Sha’re,” he called trying to wake her, “It’s okay, you’re safe, it’s okay.” He continued to whisper comfort to her until she stopped struggling and turned to him.
“Dan’iel?” fear filled her voice and eyes.
“It’s me,” Daniel gently stroked her hair, “Everything’s okay.”
Sha’re moved into his arms, cuddling close to him taking the comfort he’d always given her.
“Want to tell me?” he whispered, his hand gently rubbing her back.
“Apophis,” Sha’re breathed, shuddering at the name, “I thought he had returned for me and...and he killed you.”
Daniel tightened his arms around her, “Shh, I’m here. You’re safe and Apophis has been dead for years.”
Sha’re took several shaky breaths as Daniel continued to calm her, his lips gently brushing her forehead.
“I love you,” Sha’re breathed as she fell asleep again.
Daniel kept her close, annoyed that he hadn’t considered the fact she’d have nightmares. It had been a long time for him but for the woman sleeping in his arms the horror she’d suffered was fresh and he was originally going to leave her alone to deal with this.
“Idiot,” Daniel murmured to himself, he shifted slightly to get more comfortable before closing his eyes in the hope he’d get some sleep.
Daniel walked into Landry’s office after breakfast the next morning, greeting Hammond and Jack with a nod as he took the spare seat waiting for him.
“Good morning, Dr Jackson,” Landry said as Daniel sat down, “Okay, Jack you’ve spoken with the President concerning our arrivals, what did he say?”
Jack shrugged, “He was a little stunned but as long as we’re sure there’s no threat from them then he feels they should be allowed to continue with their lives. After we work out how they got here.”
“Until then?” Daniel asked his voice soft but steady, “Are they prisoners?”
“Daniel, the only member of the group with somewhere to go is Janet,” Jack reminded his friend, “Your parents have been gone for over thirty years, any money they had was yours and I’m guessing spent. Sha’re, her home planet is gone and I’m betting you haven’t told her that yet.”
Daniel frowned, “It’s not exactly the easiest thing to tell someone especially when she’s confused and scared enough as it is.”
“Have you had any luck with the globes, Dr Jackson?” Hammond swiftly moved them on to another topic, something he’d had a lot of practice doing over the years.
Daniel shook his head, “Not much. My initial analysis does indicate it’s not Gould technology. I’m pretty sure it’s Ancient.”
“What about the symbols?”Landry asked.
“They don’t seem to actually say anything,” Daniel explained, “They look like Ancient symbols but I’ve a feeling it’s a code. Atlantis is due to contact us tomorrow so I want to send Sam a copy of this to check the Atlantean database and possibly have Rodney look it over as well – he’s seen more Ancient tech than anyone.”
Landry nodded, “Very well. Get everything ready for tomorrow and until then you should spend some time with your parents and wife.”
“Of course,” Daniel nodded softly before leaving the room.
Watching Daniel as he left them Hammond sighed, “How’s he dealing with this, Jack?”
“As well as can be expected,” Jack replied with a shrug as the other two men turned to him, “This was his dream for years, to have Sha're back, to see his parents again but to be honest I don’t think he believes it’s real. We’ve seen things like this bite us in the ass before, I think he’s trying to protect himself.”
“Let’s hope he doesn’t need to,” Hammond noted.
Sha’re once again sat in a room waiting for Daniel to return from his meeting. After breakfast he’d brought her here while Janet had returned to her room saying she wanted to read up on any medical advances since she’d died. It was getting to the stage that Sha’re was becoming irritated by constantly being stuck in small rooms without anything to do or any information on what was going on. She especially wanted to know about her family. After so long she knew they probably wouldn’t be able to accept her return but she wished to know how they were.
Finally the door opened and Daniel walked in. She levelled a hard stare at him making Daniel stop in his tracks suddenly aware that he was in her bad graces, a place he hadn’t been in many years.
“What is happening?” she demanded, her arms folded across her chest.
“I’ve got to put together something to send to Sam in Atlantis about what’s happening,” Daniel explained, “Then...I thought you’d like to go out for a while.”
“Out?” Sha’re asked suspiciously.
“Well,” Daniel smiled slightly, “I thought we could go get some lunch in town and talk. Then this afternoon I have to tell my parents about the Stargate, I was hoping you’d be there as well.”
“As proof?” her voice was soft filled with uncertainty but with a hint of steel that Daniel didn’t miss.
“No, as my wife,” Daniel dropped his eyes slightly, “I thought they’d want to meet the woman I married.”
“Even if that will no longer be true?”
“Sha’re,” Daniel rested his hand on her cheek, “No matter what you’ll always be the one who made me realise I was worthy of being loved. What we had is something I want them to know about.”
Sha’re smiled as she leaned into the warmth of his hand, “Then I would like to have lunch with you.”
Sha’re took a deep breath of amazement as she saw the world outside the base, at her side Daniel smiled at the expression on her face. Daniel opened the car door for Sha’re being the gentleman Sam had always teased him for being, helping her with the seatbelt while explaining why it was needed.
As they drove away from the mountain Sha’re marvelled at the lushness of the world around them, she had never seen anything like this before as herself. She turned to watch Daniel as he concentrated on the road before them; he was still the man she had fallen in love with no matter what he thought. Still as kind, generous, sweet and always taking care of others.
As he glanced over to her Sha’re gave him a slight smile before unconsciously smoothing her skirt. The clothes she was now wearing had been borrowed from one of the nurses who was a similar size to her and Sha’re felt just a little uncomfortable in them. Finally Daniel parked the car and got out to help her.
“Where are we going?” Sha’re asked as she took the arm he offered her.
Daniel started walking, “It’s a small cafe I eat at every so often. You’ll like it.”
They continued through the streets seemingly a normal couple and Sha’re wondered what she would do if Daniel couldn’t accept her in his life again.
“Where do you live, Dan’iel?” Sha’re asked, trying to start a conversation.
Daniel nodded, “I’ve got a house not far from here.”
Sha’re smiled at his wry look, “Can I see it?”
“Sure,” Daniel shrugged, “After lunch. It means I can pick up some stuff since I’ll probably be in the base for a few days.”
Daniel opened the door to his house and let Sha’re inside, he followed her flicking through the mail he’d picked up.
“This is nice,” Sha’re stated as she looked around the living room, filled with artefacts and pictures.
Daniel shrugged, “It’s a place to keep my stuff. Have a look around, I want to sort this out before we have to get back to the base. Who knows when I’ll get back here.”
Sha’re nodded and left him sitting at the table before she started exploring his home. It was neat but seemed to be quite cold as though no one truly lived here. Entering his bedroom Sha’re felt a little as though she was intruding but couldn’t resist going further in. The large bed was made, neat as the rest of the house and she started to wonder who shared it with him. Pushing that thought from her mind Sha’re noticed pictures sitting on Daniel’s bedside table, she sat on the bed and picked up the closest smiling as she saw Daniel’s parents. They didn’t look any different from the way they did now. Sha’re placed it back down and picked up the next one, discovering she was looking at her own face. Placing it back down Sha’re stood, she felt confused that he was pushing her away when he kept her picture so close to him. Sha’re stood to walk out of the room but stopped as she saw the cup they’d drank from on their wedding sitting on a shelf across from her. Turning she found Daniel standing in the doorway, Sha’re walked forward and tried to get past him but he caught her arm.
“Sha’re,” Daniel started, “I...”
Sick of this uncertainty Sha’re stretched up and pulled him down into a kiss, Daniel’s arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. Their kiss deepened and Daniel walked her back towards the bed.
Daniel rested Sha’re on the bed as she removed his glasses, placing them carefully on the bedside cabinet before wrapping her arms around him again. Daniel started to gently kiss along her cheek and down to her neck; Daniel slid one hand into her hair while his other started to undo her blouse.
“Dan’iel,” Sha’re moaned softly pulling him up to face her again.
As Daniel leaned over her breathing heavily he suddenly frowned, “I’m sorry,” he whispered, rolling off her and leaning back on the pillows.
“Why are you sorry?” Sha’re snapped as she stood up and fixed herself, “Because you showed you still love me?”
“Lust isn’t love,” Daniel retorted pushing his hand through his hair, “I just don’t want anything to happen in case...”
“In case what?” Sha’re demanded as he trailed off, “In case you decide you no longer want me?”
“In case someone better comes along,” she continued angrily; “Or in case the person you now share a bed with returns and finds out.”
“In case I lose you,” Daniel yelled back before deflating, “I can’t lose you, Sha’re. I can’t go through that again.”
She stared at him as he rubbed his hand over his face.
“When you died it destroyed part of me,” he explained softly, “I don’t want to go through that again.”
Sha’re sat at his side, “There is no way to tell the future, my love. You think I may disappear again, what if that does not happen? Then you deny us our life together.”
“You told me, Dan’iel,” Sha’re continued ignoring him, “You promised me that nothing could take away that we love each other. You promised me.”
“But, Sha’re...”
“You are wrong, Dan’iel,” Sha’re cut him off, “You have not changed. You are still as selfish as you were when we first met.”
She stood to leave and Daniel caught her hand pulling her back, “I always forget I’m the needy one in this relationship,” as Sha’re sat beside him again Daniel turned her to look at him, “I’m sorry, I am sorrier than you know.”
“Do you love me?” Sha’re asked looking deep into his eyes, “Or is my picture and our wedding cup at your bedside simply as decoration?”
Daniel slid his hand into hers as he looked deep into her dark brown eyes and let go of his fear, “I love you. I have always loved you, Sha’re.”
“Then nothing else matters,” Sha’re touched his cheek and initiated a deep kiss. When they parted Sha’re gently rubbed her nose against his, “Now, I think you should continue what you started.”
Daniel grinned, he kissed her once more feeling her arms wrap around his neck as they lay back onto the bed.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.