Secret Passions by NancyT
Summary: Jack has a secret passion and so does someone else.this is a cute little fic.
Categories: Jack/other Characters: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 2386 Read: 1096 Published: 2005.02.13 Updated: 2005.02.13
Secret Passions by NancyT
Secret Passions

Secret Passions

by NancyT

Summary: Jack has a secret passion and so does someone else.this is a cute little fic.
Category: Humor
Episode Related: 812 Prometheus Unbound
Holiday: Valentine
Season: Season 8
Pairing: Jack/other
Rating: GEN
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).
Archived on: 2005-02-13

FF: Secret Passions Author: NancyT Disclaimer: Don't own them...never will Classification: Jack/??? PG humor Summary: Jack has his secrets and so do others...this is a little Valentine's story for everyone. Season eight.

Jack carefully hobbled into his house with the aide of a pair of crutches and an overly helpful SG-1 team. "Sir, be careful not to bump your foot..."

"I will Carter,"

"Jack, you know you don't have any food except beer in the refrigeration?"

"I was planning on going to the grocery after work, Daniel."

"I shall go to the grocery establishment for you O'Neill. Do you have a list?"

"No I don't Teal'c."

"Sir, the doctor said you should have that leg propped up to help reduce the swelling."

"I have an idea. Why don't all of you go to the grocery while I prop my leg up!"

"Jack, you don't have to be so snappish. We're only trying to help."

Jack took a deep breath and looked at his newly casted ankle with a frown. "How could I have been sooo stupid!"

"I do not believe you were stupid O'Neill. I believe you were distracted and didn't see the orange cones that clearly indicated that the janitor had just mopped the floor. Normally you would have not fallen and broken your ankle because I have never known you to fell to see such obvious signs," Teal'c replied matter of factly. Carter and Daniel winced as Jack rolled his eyes.

"Thanks T I feel much better. Why don't you go to the grocery for me? That would help me even more," Jack added not disguising his sarcasm.

"Do you have a list?" Teal'c persisted.

"Teal'c, I think we can figure it out," Daniel quickly suggested and guided the tall dark warrior out of the house, "Sam can call us on my cell if Jack thinks of something he needs," Daniel indicated to Sam as he and Teal'c left.

Sam brought a pillow and propped the injured extremity up on the coffee table. Quietly she brought him two of his pain pills and a glass of water, "Here take these Sir."

"I don't need this now, you know," Jack groaned. "I've got so much going on...damn!" He took the pills and looked at her knowing he wouldn't have a choice.

"Sir, General Hammond is coming down from the Pentagon to cover next week. He almost sounded excited at the prospect of returning," Sam gave Jack a half smile.

"He'll find out what a real screw up I am at this job," Jack huffed and wiped his face, "Oh well, easy come, easy go, what ever will be, will be."

"Sir, I don't think that's the case here. You under estimate your abilities. Pardon the pun, but you've needed a break. What Teal'c said was true. You've had so much on your mind lately that you didn't notice the wet floor. That isn't like you. You need some time to regroup," Sam sat across from him speaking softly.

"So you don't think Hammond's going to come down and toss me out of his old office? You know he took his chair the last time he came through. Don't let him take the desk. I rather like the desk. It's the right height for me."

"No Sir, I'll keep an eye on it for you. Can you think of anything you need while Daniel and Teal'c are out shopping?"

Jack glanced out his window and then looked back at Carter quickly, "No."

"Are you sure? The doctor said you shouldn't be driving and we're scheduled to be off world tomorrow."

Again, Jack glanced out his big picture window, this time Carter turned and followed his gaze. "Sir, is there something you need that you're not telling me?"

"No, I'm just getting a little tired from those pills," Jack stretched and grimaced at the pain from the movement.

"Why don't you go to bed? We can put up the groceries," Sam insisted.

"I'll be okay here," Jack replied with a yawn and before long he dosed off asleep.

"Sir...sir," a gentle tapping on his shoulder awakened him.

"What?" Jack awoke.

"We're leaving, there is enough food in the pantry and refrigerator to last for the week. If you need anything, you can call the base," Carter spoke and handed Jack his cell phone and placed a glass on the table next to his chair. "Do you need anything?"

"No...Right, be careful."

It had gotten dark and Jack pushed himself up on his crutches and made his way to bed. It was going to be a long lonely week.



Jack pushed himself up from his chair and grabbed his crutches. His foot throbbed as he made his was to the door. "Who would be coming by his house at this time of the day?" he thought.

Standing at the door stood his almost eighty year old neighbor, Mrs. Finch.

"Good morning General!" she announced as he opened the door. Her sparking gray blue eyes matched her hair color. She wore a large smile and a bright red coat.

Realizing that she was standing in the cold Jack invited her in, "Come in Mrs. Finch. What brings you out on such a chilly morning?"

"Oh General O'Neill, I noticed that you came home yesterday with those," she pointed sympathetically at the crutches, "So I thought that you could use a little cheering up."

The height difference between the two was probably more than a foot so he didn't notice that she was holding a large Tupperware container. At that moment she held it up to his face so he couldn't help up see it now.

"I made you a cake!" she chirped.

"Nothing cheers me up like...cake," Jack grinned.

"It's a pound cake," her eyes glimmered.


"Sour cream, I hope you like it," she paused waiting for his response.

"My favorite," he pointed towards the dining room. "Why don't we have a piece? I have some coffee."

"I figured you were a sour cream pound cake man...straight forward...nothing hidden agenda type," she continued on as they headed towards the dining room.


"That cake was the absolute best! Mrs. Finch! I should have broken my ankle a year ago," Jack teased earning a smile from the older woman.

"Oh, you are such a tease General,"

"It's Jack."

"Well, you've just earned your self another cake when ever you want it and call me Ginny," Mrs. Finch chuckled.

"Why thank you Ginny. Cake is a secret passion of mine."

"Really? I am a watcher," she leaned over and smiled mischievously.

"Oh? And just what do you watch?"

"Birds," Ginny admitted proudly. I have spotted over two hundred different species of birds.

"Really," Jack's voice dropped to a more serious tone. "Do you keep bird feeders around your house?"

"Of course, what bird watcher wouldn't?"

"I've sort of taken up the sport on an amateur level. I purchased several bird feeders that I keep outside my large windows over there," Jack picked up his crutches and the two walked into his den. He hated to admit it to his team. Bird watching seemed somewhat wimpy, but it had a calming affect. As much as he loved dogs he knew there would be times that he would be out of town and he wasn't ready to commit to the responsibility. Besides his team didn't need to know everything about him.

"What a lovely room to watch the birds. Oh dear, I see that your feeders are empty," Ginny looked at Jack with dismay.

"Well that's the problem. I was going to buy some more birdseed when I had this little incident. Will the birds stop coming if you don't put any feed out for a couple of weeks?" Jack asked worriedly.

"Lord no, but since you're home you won't be able to enjoy them if they're not coming to feed. Why don't I bring you some of my seed. I have plenty," she offered.

"That would be great," Jack replied clearly relieved.

"I saw a beautiful mountain bluebird the other day," Ginny added excitedly.

"I don't know the types. I guess I need to buy a book or something. I have been watching the Discovery channel," Jack added, "Could you suggest a good resource?"

"I could do better than that, the Audubon Society meets every Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the library. I'm a member, and you could be my guest. We have speakers and reference materials," Ginny suggested.

"I guess I'll be available this Monday," Jack looked down at his casted leg.

Ginny sighed sympathetically, "Yes dear, I could pick you up,"

"And afterwards we could go for lunch some treat," Jack smiled.

"It's a date!" Ginny smiled holding out her hand.

"It's a date!" Jack took the proffered hand.

"Oh Jack I must also let you know that I also am a people watcher," Ginny looked down uncomfortably.

Jack eased himself down into his chair waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"I don't know how much you know about your neighbors," Ginny paused waiting for Jack who didn't respond.

"Our neighborhood has become how shall I phase this delicately...there are predators in our neighborhood," Ginny stared at Jack to check for understanding.

Jack thought, 'Oh crap, Ginny is aware of the Gou'ald threat!' He cleared his throat and frowned, "How much do you know about this?"

She sighed heavily, "Well you know Lilia Campbell?"

Jack frowned as he tried to recollect who she was talking about, "No."

"She's the divorcee that lives two doors down from you. She drives the red sports car?" Ginny raised her eyebrows and waited to see if Jack would remember.

"No, but what about her?" his mind was raising as he thought that a Gou'ald may be living two doors down from him

"Well, you may remember her better if I told you that she is the auburn haired jogger that passes by your house every morning as you leave for work?" Ginny waited again.

Jack paused, "Nope...nothing."

"Well, I don't blame you. She goes to exercise class six days a week believing she can get into a size 0. She makes a point to jog by your door as you leave for work so that you will notice her. I didn't think it would work, besides that auburn hair color comes in a bottle," Ginny chuckled.

Jack frowned, "You mentioned predators," emphasizing the plural.

"Then there is Alyssa Stansil who lives across the street in 211. She's a widower. Now there is nothing wrong with being a widower. I was married to my Carl for fifty-three years before he passed away following a stroke. However, Alyssa's husband died of questionable circumstances, and she has not worked a day since. She is the blonde who is constantly washing her car and spends too much time in those tanning beds that aren't good for you. I told her she was going to dry up and become a prune if she did not stay out of those things. In the summer she wears those tiny bathing suits and short know?" Ginny quizzed.

"I'm not home a lot," Jack replied wondering why he didn't notice these things.

"Then there's the worst of them all...Clara Knight! She's married and her husband travels. You know what they say," Ginny paused, "When the cat's away..."

"the dog's bored?" Jack finished.

Ginny frowned, "Let's just say she has a lot of male cousins who come to stay with her while her husband is out of town. She's the dark brunette who likes to bring her kids around to sell things."

"Oh Todd's mom?"

"Todd's mom."

"Todd seems to be a good kid," Jack smiled, "I fixed his bike one time."

"Clara likes to play helpless mom, watch out she's sneaky," Ginny advised.

"A regular sheep in wolf's clothing?" Jack added bringing another confused look to Ginny's expressive faced.

"There is even a pool between the women in the neighborhood over who will get the first date with you! They think you have a cute butt. I've heard it's up to two hundred dollars!" Ginny added indignantly.

Jack smiled and leaned back in his chair, "Two hundred dollars? So the predators are these women?" He could not wait to tell Daniel and Teal'c.

"Yes, I tried to tell them that the way to a man's heart is the old fashioned way and that's through his stomach. Find out what his interests are and share them, but do they listen to an old lady like me?" Ginny shook her head and picked up her coat as she started towards the door.

Jack helped her with her coat, "Thanks again for the cake and the birdseed, I'll replace the seed when I get out. I'm looking forward to Monday."

"Don't worry about the birdseed Jack. I'm two hundred dollars richer!" Ginny gave a wink, "We all have our secret passions. By the way, you do have a cute butt!" Ginny chuckled as she waved goodbye. "See you Monday!"

Happy Valentine's Day The End

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