Heliopolis Main Archive
A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site

Name: horgoz (Signed) · Datum: 2010.03.20 07:21 · Für: XSGCOM: Terra from the Deep

awsome story! just finnished reading it all, its fucking amazing.


and please get kinsey killed, i hate the bastard, always have.... and also kill off the aschen somehow will ya? some nukes would be nice=)


great story

Name: DigitalMaestro (Signed) · Datum: 2010.01.16 12:56 · Für: XSGCOM: Terra from the Deep

I'm enthralled... Keep those chapters coming!



Name: leandros (Signed) · Datum: 2008.11.08 17:36 · Für: XSGCOM: Mirror Image
this is an amazing story. i just started the first x-com game but i suck at it and cant get past the first like 5 months. but anyways this story is wicked and i can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it :-)

Name: Knolli (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.04.02 08:13 · Für: XSGCOM: Mirror Image

I've read your Story since it's conception a few months back, and I LOVE it!   :)

I was a player of x-com the first two games, and you bring the crossover good "over". :)


More please!



Name: mr_d8a (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.07.27 11:01 · Für: XSGCOM: Mirror Image

Decided to give this one a shot.  I like SG-1 and know nothing about the game, so it could be interesting.


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