Name: (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.06.20 23:07 · Für: Normal
touching, and yes shades of grey is missing something like this. i like it.
Author's Response: Thanks. I know it's not exactly what's missing, of course, but it was fun anyway.
Name: rda1234 (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.05.31 14:54 · Für: Normal
Fantastic, full of emotion. Loved it.
Author's Response: Thank you. All I can do is hope it was the right kind of emotion.
Name: kjayoneill (Signed) · Datum: 2007.05.29 05:55 · Für: Normal
great missing scene fic. Loved reading it.
Author's Response: Thank you! I was particularly displeased about the lack of compassion in "Shades of Grey," and I wanted to come up with my own little answer. *grins*
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