Heliopolis Main Archive
A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site
Reviews For Chemical Awareness

Name: kate (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.09.19 12:45 · Für: Chapter 2
when are u doing more fo chemica awreness i could leave it alone at all

Name: KrisK (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.09.18 09:52 · Für: Chapter 2

How come no one reviews on this site?  This is an intriguing story...deserves more than a first review on the second chapter.  I mean come on people!  Hit the review button!  *my soapbox*  Sorry, but I love your stories, Amaranth Traces, and they all deserve lots of reviews and of course cookies! 

Looking forward to more of this one.  Thank you for sharing!

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