Name: Daria (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.07.25 21:45 · Für: Severing - Chapter 13
I thought they way you portrayed Dr. Brightman was quite interesting. She isn't really very likable in this story so far-- the contrast between what we would expect from Janet, and how she is behaving is interesting. I was particularly interested in the line about talking to the nurses about the "unprofessional" attachment to their patients, as it contrasted strongly with the way SG-1 is a family-- and shows that Brightman really doesn't "get" the SGC. Although there is the suggestion she is starting to come around at the end of the chapter. Anyway, nice writing.
Author's Response:Brightman never seemed to have much of a personality onscreen, which made sense given that she was new and replacing someone everyone cared for a great deal. I was trying to see how odd the entire experience must have been for a military doctor thrown in the midst of the very odd SGC family without much preparation or warning. I also wanted her to have a distinct personality from Janet. I think my version of Brightman would have mellowed eventually if she'd stuck around, though she probably would never have become the close friend to SG-1 that Janet was. Probably better for her nerves that way, anyway.
Thanks for the continuing reviews.
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