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A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site
Genres: Romance

Other Results: 10 Series


Holiday Shipper Collection

Autor: A Karswyll
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: Ficlets composed for the Jack/Sam shipper holiday celebrations on the GateWorld forum. Includes Shipsgiving 2011 "Turkey Talk," Shipmas 2011 "Christmas Chatter," Valenship 2012 "Rose Roguery," and Ship Day 2012 "Marking Merriment."
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Drabble, Romance
Holiday: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 4 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 3538 | Gelesen: 2399
Veröffentlicht: 2012.08.06 | Aktualisiert: 2012.08.06

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Ten Drabbles in Ten Days

Autor: A Karswyll
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: Ten drabbles of 100 words for the Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0 Ten Drabbles in Ten Days Challenge on GateWorld by hlndncr. 1. Lost in a Storm, 2. Teasing and Compliments, 3. Compromising Positions, 4. Among the Stars, 5. Coming Home, 6. A Quarrel and a Kiss, 7. Turning Point, 8. Whispers in the Dark, 9. Under the Influence, and 10. By My Side.
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Drabble, Humor, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 1152 | Gelesen: 472
Veröffentlicht: 2012.08.06 | Aktualisiert: 2012.08.06

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Taking Chances

Autor: LE McMurray
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Sequel to A Ready Made Family. Daniel and Sha're find that having a long distance relationship is not easy in any way.
Kategorien: Daniel/Sha're
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters
Episode Related: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 8
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 13515 | Gelesen: 679
Veröffentlicht: 2012.03.22 | Aktualisiert: 2012.03.22

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The Standing Series

Autor: Offworlder
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: An AU story about what if Jack had decided to fight back instead of retire when Earth accepted the Aschen over his protestations.
Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: 0405 Divide and Conquer, 0416 2010, 0510 2001
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 4
Warnings: violence
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 4 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 33709 | Gelesen: 5563
Veröffentlicht: 2011.04.08 | Aktualisiert: 2011.04.08

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Autor: LE McMurray
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Several times during his life Daniel has encountered three golden spheres with strange symbols on them. A fourth is found and brings back people he loved and thought lost forever. But should he trust that they won't be ripped away from him again?
Kategorien: Daniel Jackson, Daniel/Sha're, other pairing
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters
Episode Related: 0101 Children of the Gods, 0204 The Gamekeeper, 0209 Secrets, 0310 Forever in a Day, 0320 Maternal Instinct, 0521 Meridian
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Smarm
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: Stargate Atlantis
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 2 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 22852 | Gelesen: 2187
Veröffentlicht: 2011.01.19 | Aktualisiert: 2011.01.19

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A Ready Made Family

Autor: LE McMurray
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Still getting his life together after descending Daniel gets a letter that gives him something he wants more than anything - a family.
Kategorien: Daniel/Sha're
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Other Characters
Episode Related: 0711 Evolution
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 2 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 19791 | Gelesen: 2100
Veröffentlicht: 2010.06.23 | Aktualisiert: 2010.06.23

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Valentine's Day Fiasco

Autor: Adelie King
Eingestuft: FAM [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: Jack O'Neill is too shy to send Samantha Carter flowers so Daniel tries to help and trouble ensues...
Kategorien: Jack/Sam, Het - SG-1
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor, Romance
Holiday: Valentine
Season: Season 7
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 3163 | Gelesen: 1506
Veröffentlicht: 2010.02.14 | Aktualisiert: 2010.02.14

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Autor: Roeskva
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Sam becomes host to Egeria in a very AU version of "The Cure". I moved the episode to third season. This has several advantages: 1) Egeria is not in as badly a shape, 2) SGC people, including O'Neill, is not as hostile towards the Tok'ra, as in later seasons, 3) Martouf/Lantash and Daniel are all alive. I believe that by the third season, Sam has come enough to terms with her experiences with Jolinar that she would agree to become host in a situation such as this.
Kategorien: Sam/Martouf
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: 0610 Cure
Genres: Drama, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 3
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 11182 | Gelesen: 877
Veröffentlicht: 2010.02.06 | Aktualisiert: 2010.02.06

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The Gravity Series

Autor: Whyagain
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 1] starstarstarhalf-star
Inhalt: A series of events and a series of emotions lead to the most unexpected consequences for every life touched. In other words: The trials and complexities of Samantha Carter's unrequited love, enumerated and emphasized by the immortal genius of Ani Difranco.
Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Other, Romance, Series
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: minor language
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 6 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 10825 | Gelesen: 9963
Veröffentlicht: 2007.07.24 | Aktualisiert: 2010.01.27

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The Intergalactic Tourist

Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: In which Jack helps Sam unpack.
Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Missing Scene/Epilogue, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 601 | Gelesen: 1426
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: “It was Christmas Eve, according to Jack.”
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Holiday, Romance
Holiday: Christmas
Season: Future Season
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 579 | Gelesen: 1163
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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On Horticulture

Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: In which Jack admires Sam’s green thumb.
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 9
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 508 | Gelesen: 1383
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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The Furies Wept

Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Sequel to Salvage. “Oh, he is so going to kill a Carter by the time this is over. He doesn’t know which one yet, but that’s a minor detail.”
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: adult themes, language, violence
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: Resolution
Kapitel: 10 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 32567 | Gelesen: 14492
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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Salvage (PG-13 version)

Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Sequel to Resolution. Why sleeping with her boss might not have been the best idea Sam Carter ever had. A PG-13 version of my story on Helio2.
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: adult themes, minor language, sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: Resolution
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 10698 | Gelesen: 1721
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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Resolution (PG-13 version)

Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: Jack is like a box of chocolates. A PG-13 version of my story at Helio2.
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: adult themes, language, sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: Resolution
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 2435 | Gelesen: 1234
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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Autor: Nanda
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: “It’s only been five days since I left! You ever hear of discretion?"
Kategorien: Het - SG-1, Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Romance, UST
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 618 | Gelesen: 1363
Veröffentlicht: 2009.07.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.07.01

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Autor: Rhysel Ash
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Inhalt: Sam and Jack meet the summer before she enters the Academy when Jacob brings Jack home during a two week leave.
Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Other Characters, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Other, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Pre-Series
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 5 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 14539 | Gelesen: 11163
Veröffentlicht: 2007.07.03 | Aktualisiert: 2009.05.24

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Their last moment.

Autor: Tara Pathirana
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 1]
Inhalt: They just need a little more time....
Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: 0410 Beneath the Surface
Genres: Angst, Missing Scene/Epilogue, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 4
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 1628 | Gelesen: 1883
Veröffentlicht: 2009.02.26 | Aktualisiert: 2009.02.26

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In A Moment

Autor: LE McMurray
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: Your life can change in a moment, and for Daniel Jackson and Sha’re Densai that moment is about to happen.
Kategorien: Daniel Jackson, Daniel/Sarah (Osiris), Daniel/Sha're, Jack/Sara
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters
Episode Related: Stargate - The Movie
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Smarm, UST
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 11 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 30603 | Gelesen: 15745
Veröffentlicht: 2009.01.01 | Aktualisiert: 2009.01.16

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Stages of Denial

Autor: Offworlder
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Inhalt: One death scene too many
Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 6290 | Gelesen: 2058
Veröffentlicht: 2008.12.23 | Aktualisiert: 2008.12.23

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Endless Realities

Autor: Offworlder
Eingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 5]
Inhalt: A story loosely based on Continuum. Stripped of everything and everyone and left without purpose, Sam and Daniel must cling to the hope they can right the timeline. In the meantime life, as always, happens.
Kategorien: Jack/Sam, Sam/other
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: adult themes, character death
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 12 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 54918 | Gelesen: 22950
Veröffentlicht: 2008.11.21 | Aktualisiert: 2008.11.21

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Together for ever

Autor: ALIMOO1971
Eingestuft: MA [Reviews - 26] starstarstarstarstar

What if Lantash ended up in Jack instead of Elliott

Kategorien: Jack/Sam, Daniel/Janet
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: 0516 Summit, 0517 Last Stand, 0601 Redemption, 0721 Lost City
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Holiday, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Other, Romance
Holiday: Christmas, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Valentine
Season: Season 5, Season 6, Season 7
Warnings: adult themes, minor character death, none, sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 46 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 95197 | Gelesen: 13868
Veröffentlicht: 2008.05.02 | Aktualisiert: 2008.10.02

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Happenstance and Circumstance

Autor: Crystal Pittman-Scott
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Inhalt: Happenstance: a circumstance especially that is due to chance. Set mid way through "Continuum". What if they ran into one another?
Kategorien: Jack/Sam, Sam/other
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Other Characters, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene/Epilogue, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Future Season
Warnings: adult themes, language
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 2741 | Gelesen: 1853
Veröffentlicht: 2008.09.13 | Aktualisiert: 2008.09.13

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Chasing The Wind

Autor: StarnightSam
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarhalf-star

Jack/Sam Romance.  --  He kept hearing Carter’s words over and over in his mind. ‘Chasing the wind.’ What had she meant? It was driving him bonkers!


Kategorien: Jack/Sam
Charaktere: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Episode Related: 0715 Chimera
Genres: Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: adult themes
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 23 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 57237 | Gelesen: 42682
Veröffentlicht: 2008.05.20 | Aktualisiert: 2008.09.01

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A Final Chance To Say Goodbye

Autor: LE McMurray
Eingestuft: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Inhalt: After Sha're is killed by Teal'c, she wakes up on Abydos with Daniel. Was it all a dream, or is something else going on.
Kategorien: Daniel/Sha're
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Other Characters
Episode Related: 0101 Children of the Gods, 0310 Forever in a Day, Stargate - The Movie
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene/Epilogue, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: Pre-Series
Warnings: sexual situations
Crossovers: None
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 1 | Abgeschlossen: Yes | Wörter: 4407 | Gelesen: 967
Veröffentlicht: 2008.08.08 | Aktualisiert: 2008.08.08

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