Of Higher Beings
Autor: ForeverDisturbedEingestuft: GEN [Reviews - 7]
One higher being calls in a debt from another.
What would have happened if Oma Desala decided that Earth needed a little extra help defeating Anubis? And how would she get it, without making the other Ancients angry? Crossover with Star Trek: Voyager.
Kategorien: Team - Seasons 1-5, 7-8
Charaktere: Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: 0720 Inauguration, 0721 Lost City
Genres: Crossovers
Holiday: None
Season: Season 7
Warnings: minor language
Crossovers: Star Trek : Voy
Herausforderungen: None
Serie: None
Kapitel: 11 | Abgeschlossen: No | Wörter: 12965 | Gelesen: 24717
Veröffentlicht: 2008.04.24 | Aktualisiert: 2008.08.22
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