Familiar Faces
Autor: T L Kay [Reviews - 6]Kategorien: Gen - Character Based, Gen - Team Based, Daniel Jackson
Charaktere: Cameron Mitchell, Carolyn Lam, Daniel Jackson, Gen. Landry, Jack O'Neill, Jonas Quinn, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc, Vala
Herausforderungen: None
Offen: Closed
Life Interrupted
Autor: ReganX [Reviews - 13]Kategorien: Samantha Carter
Charaktere: Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Janet Frasier, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Herausforderungen: None
Offen: Open
Autor: Wee_gater [Reviews - 0]The Ori are bearing down on earth and Atlantis has been compromised there is only one thing that can preserve human kind from earth. Not long ago a tablet was found saying that not all of the ancients that evacuated Atlantis ascended some of them left for the Orion galaxy there was no exact location but it is possible that the ancients that left to the Orion galaxy are still out there. The Odyssey, Daedalus and Prometheus leave for a random location inside the Orion Galaxy.
Kategorien: Gen - Other
Charaktere: Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Gen. Hammond, Jack O'Neill, Other Characters, Samantha Carter, Tealc, Vala
Herausforderungen: None
Offen: Closed
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