hikaru [Contact]

i am 20 completly in love wiv stargate i write a little myself but the on i am worin on at the moment isnt finsihed but as soon as it is it will be on here

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Reviews by hikaru

The Light of Vision by Sparklers

Rated: AO • 11 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The team visits a planet known for it's celebrations. Jack and Sam get tagged and the whole team gets stuck. My first fic so be gentle and please feedback me.
Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.18 Title: Chapter 1: The Light of Vision

wow that was great love the end of this chapter you can imagin the looks on jack and sam's face



Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.18 Title: Chapter 2: The Light of Vision 2

wow again you sure know how to make people want to read on.



Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.19 Title: Chapter 3: The Light of Vision 3

that was a reallt twist i love it


Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.19 Title: Chapter 4: The Light of Vision 4

what a problem???

Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.19 Title: Chapter 4: The Light of Vision 4

what a problem???

Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.19 Title: Chapter 5: The Light of Vision 5

nice joke at the end

Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.19 Title: Chapter 6: The Light of Vision 6

OMG thrilling

Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.19 Title: Chapter 9: The Light of Vision 9

very good

Forget Me Not by Airam

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: An encounter on a strange planet with very nasty aliens puts Jack on his death bed.
Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.18 Title: Chapter 1: Forget Me Not

This story fantastic it made me cry and laugh. because the relationship between sam and jack are pushed to the limit when jack is hurt, and loses his memory.

I made all my friends read it they loved it.

i look forward to reading more stories by Airam i hope they are all like this one or better.


Two Sides of The Other Side by Grizziesmom

Rated: 13+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

At the end of The Other Side, Jack and Sam have a “moment” at the top of the ramp. What were their thoughts?

Reviewer: hikaru Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 2007.09.18 Title: Chapter 1: Two Sides to The Other Side

WOW. i have just read this and i was moved

only one chapter long but it shows how jack truely wants sam to understand why he did this and also it shows what he wishes.



Author's Response: Sorry it's taken so long to respond...glad you enjoyed it!