Reviews For If Only II

Name: Yol (Anonymous) · Datum: 2012.05.28 20:19 · Für: Chapter 9
Really enjoyed this story and glad we had our happy ending.  Feel so much better when there's a happy ending.  Did have me guessing a few chapters ago, and thanks for sharing.

Author's Response: I don't usually write sad endings, and when I do I always warn readers at the start.  I don't want to make anyone sad, at least not for very long.  ;) Thank you for your nice reviews.

Name: Awishaway (Signed) · Datum: 2012.05.28 15:56 · Für: Chapter 9
Loved it been tied up lately and not able to read. Was happy to read this story didn't quite remember part 1 but I did remember part 2 Loved both and was glad you reposted and that I re read them. Awesome Work.

Author's Response: Thanx!  We aim to please. 

Name: Yol (Anonymous) · Datum: 2012.05.26 12:05 · Für: Chapter 5

OMG, this is not what I expected, puts a new twist to Jack and Sam's outlook.  I do hope Sam doesn['t make a mistake just to have sex with someone else. 

You have made some interesting story telling, just have hope Jack and Sam can mend things, would be awful if they can't.  Anxious for next update.

Author's Response: Good, I'm glad you didn't expect this twist. I prefer to keep you guessing. I also prefer to write Sam (and Jack too) as human as possible, and we all know that humans are not perfect.  Btw, did you get that James Sawyer is based on the character from LOST?  Yep, I love the bad boy type.  LOL

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