That was just fantastic. I loved the story, thought it was engaging and easy to follow.
I am also thrilled that Jacob is, indeed, alive. Everyone loves some Jacob Carter.
I look forward to the sequel.
Loved the revealing ending. Her father was the one that had ordered her surveillance, and eventually brought her into the fold. Masterful!
So Jack picked which one he wanted. He never stood a chance, huh? It was meant to be.
Love how Samantha is true to her feisty nature despite her lack of military training.
Great action!
George?!!! Oh, my Lord!
The plot thickens. Intrigued.
Great! A murder mystery! This story is getting better each chapter I read.
Love the tension between S&J already.
Interesting beginning and very well written. A little confused, though. Shouldn't that be Paul DAVIS? Or are we talking of the young and cute Lieutenant Simmons from the early seasons, now promoted to Major (so soon?)?
I love the story so far, but I think you loaded the same chapter twice here, and I'm afraid to read ahead and get spoilers....are the chapters correct?
Author's Response:Hi
Chapters are right. Ch 14 was originally less than 400 words. This site won't allow such a short chapter so I combined the two.
Thanks for reading.
I love this story and I can't wait for you to upload more chapters!
Author's Response: Thanks! New chapter up right now!
i love it. i cn't wait for you to update it. one quick question does jacob still join the tok'ra?
Author's Response: Thanks for reading. All I'll write is keep reading!