
Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.11.28 20:44 · Für: Another Late Night At the SGC
I love it.  Absolutely amazing.  Perfect 10

Author's Response: Thanks.

Name: Tim (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.12.26 23:03 · Für: Another Late Night At the SGC
Nice job Rocza

Author's Response: Thanks.

Name: JamieT19 (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.12.14 13:00 · Für: Another Late Night At the SGC

Wonderful lol.

What prompted you to write this i wonder lol

Author's Response: The question, why does Sam always work so late? And why is Jack still there to send her home? That and I was really, really horney that week. Wore my husband out.

Name: name?...whats that? (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.12.05 15:18 · Für: Another Late Night At the SGC


nice one!!

 like the end. :P

Author's Response: Thanks. I thought it was the only way to end it.

Name: Twobits (Signed) · Datum: 2007.11.10 21:34 · Für: Another Late Night At the SGC
good job and thanks for the story.

Author's Response: Thanks.

Name: Raynee (Signed) · Datum: 2007.11.08 10:42 · Für: Another Late Night At the SGC

jesus, hot doesn't even begin to describe this...



Author's Response: Thanks. I'll definately write more when the muse is horney.

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