Enjoyed this story and am looking forward to more of your stories too. Like the last chapter where Sam put McKay in his place. Thanks for sharing.
Thi review-if it posts- covers last 2 chapters. Enjoyed story tremendously. Sam sure is a fast learner.
Jack is waking up a sleeping giant. Think she jumped several steps in kissing.
Loved Sam forgetting her shoes. Don't know if it was the directors suggestion or Amanda's idea to play Sam as she did, but I can see her even after all these years, walking around the jumper and talking into the transmitter attached to her breast.
Another great chapter.
My absolutely favorite Stargate episode is the 2 parter Moebius. Amanda Tapping was fantastic in that episode. Agree with Sam that Rodney is oily and he is the only person who thinks he is brilliant. Love how she jump-walks, and the outfits were hysterical. Loved that sweater. Of course, loved the end with AU Sam and Jack making-out in the jumper. I can picture your Sam in the mess hall, and Jack talking to her. This great!!!!
I love that come back please please tell me you don't mind me borrowing it!!1 SO EXCELLENT..
I think this is going to be one of my all-time Jack and Sam fanfiction stories. LOVE geeky Sam and how she "blossomed". Will there be more to this story?
This is just too cute ... and funny!
I loved Moebius and geeky Sam. This is sooo cute! Love when she told Rodney to go suck a lemon and how Jack was so proud of her!
YAY! *claps loudly* Fantastic story!
This is a great fic! Can't wait to read the rest!
Aussie, I've read some of your stories before and this one starts out great. I like the fact that this Jack is smooth and goes after what he wants in this story. The dialogue is good and the story flows well.
Please, please put up the next chapter soon!