Awesome Story I would be sad that it was over but I know you have more where that came from. Alas I am surprised Jack was rather well behaved I would have expected he would have been off to commit murder come hell or high water. lol But at least they are together in the end. Happy to know him and Sam created a child before her unfortunate incident. Though if she was drugged and drinking you did not answer the question of what it meant to the poor child. So there you have it unanswered questions still. But your amazing stories keep us coming back for more. lol Keep posting.
Thanks for posting this story again, although I didn't remember the last chapter for some reason. Loved the ending and was so glad for Jack and Sam. Your stories always make my day.
Author's Response: Thank you! Your reviews always make my day, so we are even. :)
CRAP poor Sam waiting to read more. Of course I would have skipped dinner and not gone in that outfit for nothing. Diplomacy be damed. lol
Author's Response: LOL Your comments are priceless Thanx! xo
Another exciting story, it seems familiar but at this time can't remember the whole story, so am happy you are reposting this one. Can't wait for update. Please continue with story.
Author's Response: Thank you for trying it. Remember it was posted under another name, so maybe you haven't read it. Again, thanx for reading!
Never tire of reading your stories it is more fun when I can't remember reading them but get a tinge of rememberance as I do. lol Keep posting!!!
Author's Response: Thanx! Your wish is my command. :)