Reviews For Getting Him Good

Name: Jmb (Anonymous) · Datum: 2011.12.28 23:07 · Für: Getting Him Good
Great storry, just that when Vala is around Jack is a General

Author's Response: Oops

Name: awishaway (Anonymous) · Datum: 2011.11.29 20:39 · Für: Getting Him Good
loved it hot fun as usual

Author's Response: Thanks I was in a hot mood

Name: samcarter (Anonymous) · Datum: 2011.11.29 16:59 · Für: Getting Him Good
*thud*    more please adelie how are your other stories comign along i think you had two unfinished afew weeks ago?

Author's Response: I'm still working on the other two but my muse has been dead

Name: PaulineFitz (Signed) · Datum: 2011.11.29 01:22 · Für: Getting Him Good
Well that sure heated up the rather cold day here ! Keep posting Adelie, we need you.

Author's Response: Thank you we're all needed for the same purposes

Name: Lynn0319 (Signed) · Datum: 2011.11.28 19:32 · Für: Getting Him Good
Loved it :)

Author's Response: Glad you liked it. I was wondering if you were the one who wrote A New Toy all those years ago?

Name: ziva (Signed) · Datum: 2011.11.28 18:34 · Für: Getting Him Good
After three weeks in the hospital and three more weeks of being home-bound, I really needed a distraction, and boy did you provide one!  Thanx for taking my mind off my problems for a few minutes.  You are definitely the Queen of PWP.

Author's Response: I've got another that's really hot and the P-word is used by Sam and Jack in it. It's nothing but hot sex. Glad you liked it.

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