Reviews For Captivity

Name: Clare (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.11.26 06:33 · Für: Part One
Amazing story!! Kept me up late as I couldn't stop reading it!

Name: Carrie (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.08.20 09:08 · Für: Part Six
That's a mean way to end a story that is marked s/j

Name: steadfast (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.07.31 00:28 · Für: Part Six

I loved this story right up to end.  Now I am so disappointed I don't remember what I wanted to say.

Author's Response: Sorry you didn't care for the ending. I guess it was the entrance of Pete? I generally prefer writing things that can fit into the canon of the show. My "fanon" view of season nine is the DC series by Annerb. I think Sam and Jack definitely get together, but not before we see her break up with Pete...

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