Reviews For Unlocked Doors

Name: yol (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.13 19:10 · Für: Chapter 5 - Answers
Very nice story and loved the last chapter.  Wished there could have been more romantic relationship for Jack and Sam in the series, so am glad in fiction we have authors like you who do that so nicely.  thanks for sharing this story.

Author's Response: Thank you for the review!  I'm glad that you enjoyed the story!

Name: Awishaway (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.05 10:43 · Für: Chapter 5 - Answers
Awesome story well done. If only the show had addressed that more. Who could lock those kind of feelings away and not revisit them. You had a much better take on it and a way more fun ending for them. Perfect.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the awesome review!!  I'm glad you found it fun.  I agree with you, who could admit to those kind of feelings, have the object of those feelings admit for returning them and then just walk away as if it were nothing!!

Name: Steadfast (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.05 09:20 · Für: Chapter 5 - Answers
I really enjoyed the story, thanks.

Author's Response: Thank you!  Glad you enjoyed!

Name: PaulineFitz (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.05 03:22 · Für: Chapter 5 - Answers
Nice Ending enjoyed it very much, I prefer reading on this site.  Yes I miss the S&J site very much, lets hope that Siler is OK.  Have to try and make this site our community now.  Have a co-author story coming here very soon.  can't let S&J finish.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed how it ended.  Thank you for the review!  I will look forward to seeing your story.  I always enjoy your writing.

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