Genres: PWP

Other Results: 5 Series


The McKay Incident by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews
Summary: Rodney McKay makes a pass at Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill takes exception to it.

'Cause When I'm Bad by ziva

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jack likes this new side of his 2iC. 

Pulled Over by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Samantha Carter can't get the nerve to make a move on Jack O'Neill until something unexpected happens...WARNING VERY GRAPHIC SEX!!!

Ladie's Night by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Janet Frasier and Samantha Carter have a night pf hot fun especially after Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson join them...WARNING VERY GRAPHIC HOT SEX!!!!

Getting Him Good by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 6 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Jack, and Daniel decide to pick on Sam and she gets back at them good but not in the same way. WARNING VERY GRAPHIC SEX AND LANGUAGE!!!! SOME SCENES MAY SEEM NON-CONSENT TO SOME

The Ladie's Locker Room by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 2 Reviews
Summary: Jack O'Neill loses track of time while in the shower and the ladies come in including Samantha Carter and he has no means of escape....

In the Dark by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jack and Sam get captured by the Goa'uld which leads them to inappropriate interactions and habits...

Injuries Part I: His Injury by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews

Jack has an injury that he is embarrassed about which is so severe Sam ends up secretly caring for it.

Extortion by A Karswyll

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews
Summary: Extortion is a dangerous business under any circumstances. But never more so when one's target is presidential adviser Major General J. O’Neill. [Celebrating Jack's Birthday on 20 October.]

Daniel, Sideways by campylobacter

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews
Summary: Cam is helpless to prevent Vala from using her mouth to try to jog her memory.

Speak No English by campylobacter

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews

Vala wants to play a game, but Daniel sets the rules. For Porn Battle X, hosted by oxoniensis. Winner of the 2010 Gatefic Award for Daniel/Vala Smut.

2010 Gatefic Award 

Mission Brief by lilferret

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews
Summary: Watch the gate.  He had to watch the gate.  He’d promised the guys he had their sixes.

ABC's by lilferret

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews
Summary: She’d be so sore tomorrow but God, it would be worth it.

I Need A Man by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Samantha Carter is disappointed by Pete's performance as well as his assets and goes to find a real man and we all know who that will be....

Their Secret Spot Part I by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Jack finds an abandoned room on base and restores it...and then shows it to Sam

Split-Personality by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 9 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: Samantha Carter is displaying strange behaviors she doesn't know of specifically toward Jack O'Neill

PULSE by fan64

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Daniel and Vala watch a little Farscape together.  In a run-down seedy motel.

All Hers by lilferret

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews

She bit her lower lip, eyes watching as each button of his jacket, and then his shirt, slowly came loose, revealing a little bit more of the body she adored with every pass of his fingers.

Out Of Balance by ziva

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jack's clone causes trouble for our two heroes.  AN: There is no Pete in this story.

In The Mood: The Third Chapter by Adelie King

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jack and Sam get hot in his truck during a very nasty storm...

A Woman's Needs by Adelie King

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews
Summary: Samantha Carter surrenders to a natural need of hers she's been ignoring for years and Jack O'Neill is the one to help her...

Bookends, or Six Ways 'Til Sunday by campylobacter

Rated: AO • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: After an unexpected guest drops by, Daniel's apartment is never the same again. (The Home Crasher Trope meets archaeo-linguistics and pirate-goddess sexual mayhem, in that point of character development after Continuum.) Only enough plot to sustain the slap-slap-kiss porn.

In the Mood: The Second Chapter by Adelie King

Rated: MA • 1 Reviews
Summary: Jack O'Neill get's to blow Samantha Carter away as she did to him before....Nominated for a Blue Moon Award 2010

The Man by ziva

Rated: AO • 0 Reviews

As Jack O'Neill meets Dr. Helen Magnus, he has begun to doubt his ability to continue being The Man.

Carter’s First New Year’s Resolution by Adelie King

Rated: MA • 0 Reviews
Summary: This is the sequel and epilogue my readers wanted to "The Nutcracker" with the heat between Jack and Sam..