Entwining Options von Rotem Shahar

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"Let me tell you what you did wrong here Kolya. A. You lost two of your men."

She had to admit, she was impressed when she heard his voice over the radio. Impressed and relieved.

He had to admit, he didn't think he had the courage to threaten Kolya, especially with mostly empty threats.

"B. You damaged the switch before I could separate the grounding rods, which I'm sure you're going to get an earful from McKay for."

She knew he was good, but he always managed to surprise her.

He knew he was clueless, but was sure McKay could fill Kolya in on the details.

"And C. You lost all of what little credibility you had with me."

As he continued talking, he felt more and more confident that the situation would be resolved in their favor.

"You killed two of my men," Kolya replied.

She didn't like the spite in his voice.

He didn't expect anything different from him.

"I guess we're even," Sheppard stated, and Weir smiled slightly.

"I don't like even," Kolya told him, and Sheppard smirked slightly.

'Who does?' she asked herself, especially when they feel they can do better.

"I'm not finished yet," Sheppard yelled; Kolya quickly responded "Neither Am I."

Weir's slight smile quickly turned to a frown when she realized what he meant.

Sheppard's smirk quickly turned to a frown.

"Say goodbye to Dr. Weir," Kolya continued.

Her face hardened. 'Come on, John, do something. Help me.'

'Please, don't hurt her,' he begged silently.

"The city has a self destruct button. If you hurt her, I'll activate it."

'Not quite what I had in mind,' she thought, 'but it'll do.'

'I'm sorry, Elizabeth. It's all I could think of.'

"Even if it exists major, you need at least two senior personnel to activate it, and I'm about to take one of them out of the equation."

Weir closed her eyes for a brief moment, hoping that when she opened them she'd be somewhere else - anywhere else. Unfortunately, it didn't work. She was still in Atlantis, still being held hostage by Kolya, and still in the middle of a massive hurricane.

'I'll give you whatever you want. I'll give you anything...' Sheppard pleaded silently.

"Kolya, Kolya!" Sheppard yelled, "I'll give you a ship. I'll fly it out of here for you myself!"

'Don't give him anything, John, it's not worth it. I'm not worth all of this,' the ramifications of his actions were vivid in her mind.

'Just don't hurt her.'


He waited a beat and called his name again, but received no response. "Damn it!" he cursed out loud, kicking the railing. He turned around and ran towards the control room. He'd have to try to save her himself and hopefully on the way he'd be able to come up with a plan. A better plan than walking in and shooting at anything that moved.

'Come on, John, Where are you?' Weir wondered as she prepared herself for the inevitable: her death.
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