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Cuckoo In The Nest

by LE McMurray
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Thanks to Stonedtoad for betaing.
“Laura,” Rodney frowned, “You have to do this. We’re all spilling stuff we don’t want to think about but we’re doing it because it’s the best chance we have of getting the Asgard council to help us.”

She sighed, dropping her face against his chest, “Rodney, please.”

“Laura,” Rodney tilted her head up to look at his, “I don’t get this. What did she do to you?”

She shook her head as Rodney gently stroked her hair, “It wasn’t her, Rodney. I don’t want to remember what I did...what I almost...we’re finally getting on with things and I don’t want you to remember...”

She was cut off as Rodney kissed her, as they parted she stared at him in confusion.

“I know what you did,” Rodney reminded her, “And I remember,” he gently slid his fingers through her hair, “I remember everything you did for me. I remember every night you lay beside me and murmured stupid things in my ear to help me sleep.”

Laura felt her lips twitch in a smile, “Rodney...”

“Whatever you think you did before that,” Rodney cut her off, “You more than made up for it.”

Laura wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly feeling him hold her close, “Okay, but on two conditions.”

“Which are?” Rodney demanded suspiciously.

“You go first,” Laura told him.


“You don’t leave me once you hear everything.”

“Laura, where are you?”

Laura rolled her eyes, hoping her apartment would be fixed soon before living with her parents again drove her insane, “I’m coming, Mom.”

April Cadman stood in the kitchen sipping her tea motioning her daughter to eat the toast that was sitting on the table for her.

“I knew there was some reason I liked being back here,” Laura grinned at her mother as she ate her breakfast.

“Speaking of?” April mentioned, “When are you moving out?”

Laura laughed around a mouthful of toast, “Wanting rid of me so soon?” she grinned as her mother shrugged, “Next week. I talked with my landlord and he said the workmen should be finished by then.”

Her mother nodded, sipping her tea in silence.

“Mom, it’s not my fault the idiot upstairs started running the bath and being blind drunk fell asleep, meaning my ceiling caved in on me,” Laura reminded her, “Trust me, I do prefer my own apartment.”

Laura stood smartly as she watched the famous Dr Samantha Carter enter the room; around her were the other new recruits to the Andurian Educational Facility each hoping to impress.

“Lieutenant Cadman,” Carter stopped in front of her, “Welcome. I’m so pleased that you decided to accept my invitation to join us.”

“I was honoured to be asked,” Laura replied, trying hard not to grin, “And I can’t wait to start.”

Carter smiled at her enthusiasm, “You’ll be working with Tasser, he’s the Andurian explosives expert on Earth. If you head to the security office he’s waiting for you.”

Laura nodded before walking smartly out the door and along the corridors; this was going to be the best job.

This job sucked, Laura thought as she tried to tune out the really annoying man who she had been ordered to help. He assumed they knew nothing, seemed to think he was the centre of the universe and Laura was having a hard time not just knocking him on the head with one of the large books they were carting about.

Telford who was working with her grumbled and moaned about how he’d been stuck with this job, wondering what he’d done to deserve it and irritating the life out of Laura almost as much as McKay.

“Careful,” McKay snapped at Telford as the young man almost dropped one of the boxes, “If you drop that it could explode.”

“Don’t worry, Doc,” Laura came up behind him, “Telford’s so wet he’ll smother any explosion.”

To her surprise he laughed, his blue-grey eyes becoming a deeper blue in his mirth before he turned away and Laura smiled – he had a sense of humour.


Laura walked slowly through the corridors of the Educational Complex wondering what had happened to the annoying scientist she’d helped move several months ago. He’d been really irritating but the few times she’d seen him since helping him move McKay had always given her an amused smile. She found she missed seeing him around the place, something she knew was completely stupid but for some reason she liked seeing him.

Walking along the corridors Laura found she’d moved into part of the Complex she’d never been in before. A chill slid along her spine as she continued walking despite part of her mind telling her to go back.

Laura frowned in confusion as she saw what looked like a secret passage and her curiosity overtook her better judgement. Laura entered the passageway and started walking along the long corridors.

“What are you doing here?” she murmured as she continued deeper and deeper beneath the building she worked in.

Her stomach clenched as she heard cries of pain coming from all around her and she wanted to run but for some reason she kept walking forward.

There was a door at the end of the corridor she was walking along and Laura wanted to know what was in it. She didn’t know why, her better judgement was screaming at her to turn and run but she wasn’t listening.

Reaching her destination Laura looked through the glass and gasped, “Oh my God.”

He turned to her and Laura stared at the man she’d helped only a few months ago who was sitting on the floor of a cell, he looked as though he’d been out through the wringer and his blue-grey eyes were pleading with her to help him.

“A terrible sight,” Carter’s voice made her jump but Laura couldn’t tear her eyes off the man in front of her, “I’m unarmed and you have your gun, Lieutenant. But before you try to rescue Dr McKay might I remind you what a wonderful job your sister has been doing in the school.”

Laura swallowed hard as she heard the threat.

“And your parents,” Carter continued, “They’re such active members of the community. I know several of the Andurians who think they’re wonderful neighbours.”

Laura bit her lip as she continued to stare at the man in front of her; she didn’t even know his first name only knew him as Dr McKay or that ‘pain in the ass’.

“Let me make this easy for you,” Carter’s voice was smooth, silken, “If he disappears then so do they.”

Laura shuddered; she took one last look at the man before her before turning away and finding herself face to face with the woman who had reportedly saved the world.

“Go home for the night, Lieutenant;” Carter told her, “I expect to see you here tomorrow morning. I’m sure you already know what will happen if I don’t.”

Laura had never been a big drinker, even when her friends were getting completely drunk Laura had always been the sensible one. Tonight however, she was drinking everything in her apartment including the strange cream liqueur her friend had brought to the last party and Laura was hammered.

The first thing she’d done when she’d come home was call her mother, Laura needed to hear the voices of her family to know she’d done the right thing by turning her back on a man who needed her.

As she emptied the final bottle of alcohol Laura started to cry, she’d left him in that place and Laura knew nothing could ever change that.


It had been two weeks since Laura had walked away and she couldn’t stand it anymore. She couldn’t take the gnawing guilt that ate away at her every day and night, couldn’t go to the Complex every day knowing that below her feet a man was being tortured.

That was why she was sitting in her apartment writing a goodbye note to her parents, careful not to put anything in it about McKay or they would still suffer. Tears flooded down her cheeks as she picked up her gun, she couldn’t believe she was considering doing this but Laura couldn’t take this anymore.

“You know that’s probably not a good idea,” a man said from behind her.

Laura spun and aimed her gun at the intruder, he was leaning against her wall unconcerned about the weapon she had trained on him.

“Who the hell are you?” she demanded.

He smirked, “My names John, and I’m here to help you.”

Laura stared at him suspiciously, “Help me?”

He pushed off the wall, “We know Carter is blackmailing you. And we know it has something to do with McKay. Help us get him out of there.”

“I can’t,” Laura cried, “Don’t you think I would if I could.”

John shrugged.

“She threatened my family,” Laura sank into a chair, her gun was dropped onto the table, “If I do anything that could help him, she’ll kill them.”

“So you’re going to kill yourself?” John asked, “That won’t help anyone.”

Laura let out an annoyed laugh, “What do you suggest? No, forget that question and just tell me who you are and who this ‘we’ is?”

John licked his lips slightly, “You’ve heard of Jack O’Neill, right?”

Laura stared at him, “Supposedly a terrorist,” she murmured, “But he’s not, is he?”

“You’ve already met the real Samantha Carter,” John told her, “Are you surprised the man she’s painted as the bad guy isn’t?”

She shook her head.

“Look, Cadman,” John said, “Let’s get back to this. O’Neill has gathered together people who all want rid of the Andurians and we want to get McKay out of that prison but we need your help.”

“I’ve already...”

John cut her off, “There’s more than you think you can do.”

Laura sighed, “I can’t go back there.”

John handed her the note she’d been writing, “You do this as planned with one tiny difference – you don’t really die.”

“You want me to disappear on my family?” Laura demanded, she pushed her hand through her hair.

John took a seat, “You were going to do it anyway; at least this way there’s a chance you’ll get to see them again.”

Laura walked slowly through the strange tunnels with John at her side, she’d had to leave everything including pictures of her family, every keepsake she had and part of her wished she hadn’t agreed to John’s plan. But now it was too late.

“Jack,” John called as they entered a large room that had a lot of people wandering around.

Laura watched as a tall grey-haired man walked towards them, she instantly stood to attention at his presence.

“At ease, Lieutenant,” O’Neill said with an amused smirk on his face, “We’re not really much for standing to attention here.”

Laura nodded dumbly as she looked around the room, “Sure.”

John rested his hand on her shoulder, “Come on, there’s a few people you should meet.”

Laura walked with the two men through the corridors, she smiled as several people greeted the two men at her side. It amused her even more that despite being told they didn’t stand to attention both men were greeted mostly by their titles.

Jack motioned her into a small office where they all took a seat, “Okay, Cadman we have a plan to get McKay out. All I need from you is where he’s being kept.”

“That’s all?” Laura asked confused.

Jack nodded, “John’s managed to get a hold of the codes for the next three days, he’ll take a small team in for the rescue. We just need to know where we’re going.”


Laura led the team through the dungeon below the Educational Complex, she’d decided she wasn’t going to sit back and let other people endanger themselves while she could be helping. Reaching the door Laura glanced in and saw Rodney sitting in almost exactly the same position she’d seen him in the first time. John joined her and managed to open the door. Laura moved to Rodney’s side crouching down beside him.

“It’s you,” he murmured as she gently touched his face.

“Yeah,” Laura smiled, “It’s me.”

Rodney dropped his head, “I dreamed you’d come back but you never did. I hate these dreams.”

“This isn’t a dream, Dr McKay,” John said, he motioned to Jenkins to join them, “We’re getting you out of here.”

Rodney stared at John blearily, “I know you.”

John nodded, “I’ll explain later. Jenkins, can you carry him?”

The big man nodded, “Easily.”

“Rodney,” Laura said softly, “We’re getting you out of here but you have to trust us.”

He stared at her, “I don’t even know your name.”

“My name’s Laura,” she told him, motioning Jenkins to lift Rodney so they could move, “We’ll talk later once we’re out of here.”

He nodded and sighed as they started out.

Laura stood in the small waiting room along with John and Jack as well as Daniel and Sha’re Jackson who she’d just been introduced to. There thankfully hadn’t been any hitches getting Rodney out of the Educational Complex, now Laura wondered if they’d rescued him only for him to die here.

“Janet and Carson are just checking the device in his back,” Sha’re assured her, “If it is the same as Dan’iel’s then we have some idea of what it does.”

Laura glanced over to the man in the wheelchair who was talking quietly with Jack, “What if it is the same? What does that mean?”

Sha’re gently touched her arm and sat them both down, “The device as well as paralysing Dan’iel sends out a signal every few weeks that disturbs his sleep patterns. I am able to help with that but Rodney does not have anyone like that so this may not be as easy for him.”

“Oh,” Laura sighed, her mind going over everything Sha’re had said and she made a decision almost instantly, “I can do it.”

“Laura,” Sha’re said softly, “You have to understand how hard this will be for both of you. Dan’iel and I are married and at times it is extremely difficult. You barely know Dr McKay, what you will be doing is incredibly intimate. Are you sure you can deal with that?”

Laura shook her head, “I owe him, Sha’re.”

Looking back up Laura found herself caught in Sha’re’s dark gaze, she wanted to turn away but couldn’t.

Finally Sha’re nodded, “Alright, Laura. If you are sure then I will do whatever I can to help you.”

Rodney opened his eyes and stared around in confusion. He blinked, wondering if maybe his hallucinations had escalated. He tried to get himself to remember what had happened but nothing was coming.

“Dr McKay,” a woman’s voice came from his side and he turned. The woman was small with dark red-brown hair but he noticed her eyes were filled with warmth and concern.

“Where am I?” he whispered, he was so afraid this was all a trick.

“You’re safe,” the doctor, he was sure she was a doctor, told him, “There’s someone who wants to see you.”

The woman stepped back allowing a more familiar woman to move over to Rodney’s side, “Hi.”

“Cadman,” he breathed amazed to see her.

She took his hand as she sat down, “Its Laura, remember.”

“You came back,” Rodney stared at her confused, “I thought...”

Laura shook her head biting her lip, “It doesn’t matter anymore, Rodney. You’re safe and I’m not leaving again.”

Laura finished speaking and shakily turned to where Rodney was standing with John and Jeannie. She quickly thanked Thor and headed to back into the waiting room, she stood nervously watching Rodney who shook his head.

“Come here,” he told her, wrapping Laura in his arms as John and Jeannie moved away from them to give them some privacy, “Why were you so worried?”

“I left you,” Laura whispered, the guilt she’d felt for so many months spilling over.

Rodney rolled his eyes at her, “You came back, Laura. You helped John get me out and you stayed with me while I had that thing in my back,” he gently kissed her, “You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

Laura buried her face against his chest, his words lifting the weight of guilt she carried from her. Looking back up at Rodney she sighed, “I love you.”

Rodney beamed at her, “Considering how much you disliked me when we first met...”

“Even considering that,” Laura laughed.

“Good,” he smiled at her, “Because I love you too.”
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