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Tolgarth Series – Part 1 – The Beginning

by Arrietty
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Tolgarth - Part 5 - Mystery

By Arrietty

Sam couldn’t believe it. Someone was sticking something sharp into the back of her hand, which had woken her up. She was beginning to get fed up with this. The last time she had had this dream she had been rudely woken up. Suddenly with realisation she sat up. She remembered the Jaffa shooting her. She also remembered Colonel O’Neill coming into the gate room and lifting her up off the floor. Totally ignoring the nurse who had been trying to install a drip into her hand, Sam quickly scanned the infirmary. Just over on her right, Colonel O’Neill was tossing from side to side on the hospital bed. He too shot up quickly into a sitting position, calling out Sam’s name. Sam climbed off the bed and padded across to O’Neill. She grabbed hold of his shoulders and thus totally ignored Janet’s orders, of not getting anywhere near O’Neill while in the infirmary.

“Jack, I’m here.”

He quickly opened his eyes, reached up and caught hold of her and pulled her into a quick hug. As he released her, they noticed that there wasn’t any sign of blue light or crackling. Finally it was over and they were back to normal. By now Janet had seen them together and rushed over to make sure all of the machinery was switched off. But when she got there, she too realised that there was no danger to her equipment.

“Looks like you’ve got it out of your system.” Janet sighed with relief as she ushered Sam back to her bed.


Teal’c was sitting in the middle of the floor of his room and had just finished kel’no’reem. He decided now would be a very good time to get something to eat. Maybe afterwards he would go down to the gym and work out, as he was finding the inactivity very boring. Teal’c was glad that O’Neill and Major Carter were back to normal. Maybe now they would be able to go off world soon.

Teal’c carefully extinguished the candles in the room. While he was doing this he went over the conversation they had had in the briefing room the previous day. General Hammond, Dr. Fraiser and SG-1 were discussing the situation that had occurred in the Gate room.

O’Neill was sitting silently doodling on a pad of paper. Major Carter was sitting beside him and she seemed very tense, while she was warily listening to Dr. Fraiser talk.

Dr. Fraiser had more brain scans up on the screen. There were two and they were of O’Neill and Major Carter.

“As you can see, the small white mass in this part of the brain has increased in size; it is now one inch in diameter. As before, they are identical to each other in size.”

At this Major Carter let out a small giggle and looked at O’Neill. O’Neill completely ignored her and just carried on doodling on his notepad. Major Carter frowned and then looked around at Jonas to see if he had noticed, but he was still looking at Dr. Fraiser.

Dr. Fraiser continued speaking. “Major Carter and I have come up with a theory. With the combination of the ‘death gun’ and sarcophagus, we think the healing properties of the sarcophagus were installed into both the colonel and Major Carter. When Major Carter was injured by the staff weapon, the residual power from the sarcophagus healed her.”

O’Neill stopped doodling and looked up and Dr. Fraiser. “This healing power thing, do we still have it or have we used it up?”

“We don’t really know, Colonel. I wouldn’t like to put it to the test, but we are relatively certain that it has gone. The only sign that there was anything left are on these scans. All other visual signs have gone. There is no longer any evidence of the blue light that we had observed before.”

Teal’c let out a small sigh. He wasn’t fully satisfied with the findings and it was frustrating. Without the death gun to study, they were unable to really work out what had happened. He just had to accept that and be pleased that O’Neill and Major Carter were all right. Maybe in the future they would come up with some answers. Until then he decided he was going to keep a very close eye on O’Neill and Major Carter. Because through all of this they had been acting rather strangely and there had been some unexplained occurrences.


Two days later, SG-1 were suited up and waiting in the gate room to go off world. This was their first mission since Tolgarth had taken Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter prisoners. The MALP had been sent through and as far as they could tell this was an uninhabited planet with the possibility of naquadah deposits. There had been no sign of people or of dwellings.

General Hammond wished SG-1 good luck. As they started up the ramp towards the gate, for a second, Teal’c thought he saw both O’Neill and Major Carter at exactly the same time hesitate half way up. It was so slight, he wondered if he had just imagined it.

Soon they were stepping through to the other side. The planet was warm, dry and very dusty and there weren’t many trees. O’Neill signalled Teal’c to go point, leading them towards some large rocks in the distance. Teal’c immediately complied. Jonas followed and then Carter and O’Neill took up the rear position. Every so often Teal’c turned and observed O’Neill and Major Carter. After a while he noticed that they were walking beside each other. Both were keeping a watchful eye out for any hostiles.

When they arrived at the large rock formations, O’Neill ordered them to stop. O’Neill stood silently for a while and looked at the rock formations. Just as he turned around, Carter spoke to O’Neill.

“Yes, sir, I’ll get onto it right away.”

Teal’c was surprised, because instead of starting to unpack their supplies, she bent down, lifted up her pack containing all the technical equipment. Then she started to walk towards the rock formations and disappeared around behind one of them.

O’Neill turned to Jonas. “Come on, Jonas. The sooner we start, the sooner we’ll finish,” and then proceeded to unload the gear.

Teal’c moved over towards where Major Carter had gone and climbed up the side of one of the smaller rocks. Standing up he raised his hand and shielded his eyes from the sun. He gazed out towards an outcrop of trees, which were in the distance. Every so often he looked down to where Major Carter was taking readings and collecting samples to take back to analyse.

Before they had left the base, they had made the decision to stay on the planet for twenty-four hours before returning to the SGC. They wanted to make the most of this visit.

The following day they had broken camp and had started back towards the Stargate. Thankfully there had been no untoward instances. Though Teal’c was still pondering on what had happened the night before. Soon after he had woken Major Carter for her watch, O’Neill had woken up, obviously from a nightmare; he had called out Sam’s name in distress. Major Carter had immediately gone over to him and touched him on the shoulder. She had told him that it was all right and then he had gone straight back to sleep without saying a word.


Major Carter was walking down the corridor in the SGC. Her mind was working over the latest findings regarding the naquadah deposits they had collected on their last mission. She was tired and her head hurt. She also had found that she had been having trouble sleeping. Often her dreams were filled with Tolgarth and what had happened to them both while on Tolgarth’s planet. It was beginning to get to her. She had tried to talk to Janet about it, but all Janet wanted to do was run more tests and Sam was getting tired of those too.

Without thinking Sam had started to walk towards where Daniel’s office was. It wasn’t until she got there, that she realised what she was doing. She knew then that was whom she wanted to talk too. She always could talk things over with Daniel. She missed him, now more than ever. Naquadah deposits forgotten, Sam walked off towards the elevator and got in. When the elevator had stopped, she opened the door and cautiously looked out. She didn’t want anyone to see where she was going. Sam carefully walked along the corridor until she came to a door. The words Storeroom 16 were painted on it. Carefully she opened the door and slipped in through the opening. Closing the door behind her, she felt for the light switches and switched one of them on. The storeroom wasn’t very large, but large enough. When Daniel Jackson had died/ascended, they weren’t quite sure what to do with his things. So Colonel O’Neill had convinced General Hammond that they would store all of his things on the base. That way there wasn’t any chance of NID or burglars getting hold of anything. Of course Jonas had most of Daniel’s research materials and some of his journals, but his more personal items were in this room.

Sam was pleased to be alone. She started walking carefully through the boxes. She bent down to one of them and opened it, as she looked at the contents she remembered helping Teal’c pack this one. All of a sudden an overwhelming feeling of loss washed over her and she sat down on the floor and leant against the box. Tears began to flow down her face as she laid her head onto her knees and let her emotions take control.


Teal’c couldn’t find Major Carter. He had tried her lab, the infirmary and the commissary, but she was nowhere to be found. Major Carter had lent him a book and there were parts of the book he didn’t understand and he wanted to ask her what they meant. He spotted O’Neill dressed in civilian clothes waiting by the elevator.

“O’Neill, are you going home?”

“Yes, Teal’c. General Hammond has given us some down time. I haven’t been home for a couple of weeks. I’ve got three days, so I thought I would do some fishing.” A look of alarm flitted across Teal’c’s face. “Hey, don’t worry big guy. I need to go alone. I’m not going to ask you to come.”

With relief, Teal’c asked, “Do you know where Major Carter is, O’Neill?”

“No, sorry. I haven’t seen her since breakfast. Oh, if you see her, can you tell her that General Hammond wants a word with her?” Just then the doors to the elevator opened. As O’Neill stepped through the doorway, he turned to Teal’c. “If you are looking for Carter, try the storage area.” With that comment the doors closed and Teal’c was left standing in the corridor alone.

Teal’c was walking along the corridor outside the storage area. All the doors were closed and there was no sign of Major Carter. Behind him he heard the squeak of a door opening. He turned around and saw Major Carter stepping out of the storage room that housed all of Daniel Jackson’s possessions.

“Major Carter, good, I’ve found you.” Startled, Carter looked up at Teal’c.

“How did you find me?”

Thinking of O’Neill, he remembered the message. “I was asked to tell you that General Hammond wants to see you.”

“Yes, I know. Thank you, Teal’c.” Sam frowned then shook her head dispelling the thought, before continuing to speak. “What did you want to see me about, Teal’c?”

Teal’c thought she sounded tired and he felt he knew her well enough to see that she had been crying. Not wishing to pry, he answered her question. “This book, Major Carter, I do not understand this page.” Opening the book to the page that had raised his curiosity, he then handed it to her to read.

She laughed and with a smile explained what cotton candy was. “When things have calmed down a bit, Teal’c, I’ll take you to a fair and you can taste it for yourself.”


Sam was standing at the top of the rise. The sky was clear blue and the sun warmed her skin. She knew where she was. She was looking down onto a meadow. It was filled with flowers all different colours and the blooms were swaying in the breeze. Sam had been here before and this was her safe place. She quickly descended down to the meadow. The fragrance of the flowers filled her senses. She felt so free. The stems of the flowers touched her bare legs and made a swishing noise as the skirt of her summer dress brushed against the flower heads. She bent down and started to pick the flowers. Soon her arms were full of blooms. Sam buried her face into the flowers and drank in the fragrance. She looked up and there he was. She knew who he was. He was Jack and he was coming towards her. Flowers momentarily forgotten, she started walking towards him.


The shrill sound of the telephone rang in her ear. With a groan Sam rolled over and reached for the phone. As Sam slammed down the phone, she swore. It was a wrong number. The last few weeks she had still been having nightmares and this was the first time that she had gone all night without one. It was strange as the good dream always seemed to end at the same point. When she had talked about the nightmares to Janet, she hadn’t mentioned this dream to her, because it was too private.

With a sigh, she climbed out of bed and started to get ready for work. They were planning for another mission. They were hoping to go to a new planet tomorrow and hopefully they would get to see some action. She had noticed that recently Colonel O’Neill was getting fidgety and even Teal’c looked a little bored.


“Unauthorised Incoming Wormhole,” the technician announced over the sound system.

General Hammond hurried into the observation room. “Is there a code, Sergeant?”

“Yes, sir. It is SG-1.”

“Open the iris.”

“Yes, sir.”

The iris slid open revealing the blue surface of the event horizon. Three people staggered through. Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter were supporting Jonas Quinn, as he was obviously hurt. Behind them Teal’c was backing through the Stargate watching for anyone following them through.

As soon as Teal’c had reached the ramp he shouted, “Close the iris!”

As the iris slid closed, they could hear the splat of the energy signature as it hit the iris, just before the Stargate shut down.

“Medic to the gate room.” General Hammond was walking into the gate room. “Welcome back people. What happened?”

O’Neill and Major Carter had set Jonas down on the ground, while Dr. Fraiser was checking over his injuries.

O’Neill stood up and replied to General Hammond, “We stumbled across some Jaffa and they recognised us. I don’t think they like us very much.”

“From which Goa’uld were the Jaffa?”

Both O’Neill and Carter looked decidedly uncomfortable with the question. O’Neill took in a deep breath before he started to answer, but before he had a chance to reply, Teal’c spoke.

“They were Jaffa in the service of Tolgarth.”

General Hammond looked grim. ’Of all the people to skirmish with, Tolgarth was not what he wanted any of his teams to mess with. Especially SG-1.’ “I wonder what he is doing off his planet? It’s a bit far away from his home.”

“This is what I thought too, General Hammond.”

“All right, Teal’c. Thank you. All of you report to the infirmary and I’ll see you in two hours, for debriefing.”

Dr. Fraiser had taken Jonas to the infirmary. She didn’t seem unduly worried and it looked like Jonas had only received a light wound. Not bad enough to put him in danger, but enough to incapacitate SG-1 once again.

It was several days later. Dr. Fraiser had just released Jonas from the infirmary and now she was talking to Sam. Sam was still having trouble sleeping. Her nightmares had increased, especially after the run in with Tolgarth. Sam still hadn’t told Janet about her good dream. Anyway that didn’t happen very often, she could almost count how many of those she had had on one hand. But she was talking about the nightmares.

“Janet, they always seem to include Colonel O'Neill. He’s either being tortured or dying and sometimes it is me that is being hurt. There is one nightmare, where Colonel O’Neill isn’t in. I am in combat. There are soldiers all around me and they are dying. I am injured and I can’t get to them to save them.” Sam sat there thoughtful for a while and then looked up at Janet. “Oh, I’ve remembered more.” She hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I really don’t want to talk about it.” With that Sam stood up and started to leave Janet’s office. As she got to the doorway, Sam let out a cry and clutched her hand. Janet jumped up off her chair and quickly took hold of Sam’s arm and led her over to the light. She quickly studied Sam’s hand.

“What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”

“Janet, it’s okay now. It felt like someone had run a knife across the back of my hand. It doesn’t hurt at all, see?” Sam held up her hand and waggled her fingers and she gave Janet a reassuring smile. “Hey, you are going to be too late to take Cassie to her concert, if you don’t leave now.”

“Oh yes, thank you, Sam. Are you sure you are all right?”

“Yes, truly I’m fine. Must have just been a twinge.”

Janet removed her white coat and left for the lockers to change into her civilian clothes. Sam followed Janet out and wandered off towards her lab, as she had a little more work to do before she went home.


The following day, Teal’c and Jonas were just finishing off some translating work. It had taken them a long time. Though Jonas was good, he still lacked some of Daniel Jackson’s expertise. Even though Teal’c enjoyed Jonas’ company, he still missed Daniel Jackson a great deal.

“Hey, you two.” O’Neill was standing at the doorway with a big grin on his face. “Guess what, they have apple pie in the commissary.”

Both Teal’c and Jonas quickly got up from their seats. O’Neill had introduced Teal’c to apple pie soon after he had joined the Tau’ri. This was one earth custom that he really enjoyed. It didn’t happen very often and for some reason there was never enough to go around everyone at the SGC. In turn, Teal’c had introduced the dessert to Jonas and he was just as interested as Teal’c. So with great anticipation they hurried off to the commissary.

As they walked in through the door of the commissary, Teal’c and Jonas let out audible groans as it looked like SG-3, SG-6 and SG-9 had beaten them to it. They were quite sure that there wouldn’t be any desert left for them. Teal’c could see Major Carter sitting at a table over the far end of the room. She was facing away from them and she was sitting alone. O’Neill didn’t seem too bothered with what had happened; he just shrugged his shoulders and started to get his dinner. It was as they thought, all the apple pie had gone. O’Neill didn’t even ask the server if there was any more; he just walked over to the desert table and helped himself to a glass of bright blue Jell-O. He spied Carter sitting over the far end of the room and started making his way towards her. Teal’c and Jonas were annoyed as they had repeatedly asked the server about the apple pie without any positive results. Eventually they gave up. Both deciding that they didn’t really want any desert, they made their way over to where O’Neill and Carter were sitting.

Teal’c and Jonas sat down beside each other opposite Carter and O’Neill. As they put down their plates, they noticed a large desert bowl sitting in front of Carter. In it was a large helping of apple pie and they could see powdered sugar sprinkled over the top. Sitting on top of this slice of heaven, was a double helping of whipped cream. ‘When has Major Carter ever indulged in high calorie foods before...ahh yes…Tok’ra armbands.’ Teal’c questioned and answered himself in one thought.

Major Carter had just finished her dinner when they sat down. She had moved her plate to the side and was perusing some notes. She looked up at Jonas and Teal’c, smiled, then nodded at them and carried on with her papers. Teal’c and Jonas started eating their dinners. Every so often they glanced over at Major Carter, hoping she would take pity on one of them and offer her pie to them. Through all of this, Colonel O’Neill was quietly eating his dinner with a small smile on his face. Major Carter let out a sigh, put her papers down and looked up at Jonas and Teal’c. They had stopped eating and they were looking at her with hopeful gazes. Carter looked down at her space on the table and noticed that there wasn’t much room. She reached forward lifted up her bowl of apple pie with one hand and with the other reached across the table, took hold of O’Neill’s Jell-O and promptly swapped them over. O’Neill looked up at Carter, gave her a smile, turned and looked at Teal’c and Jonas and with a smug expression carried on eating his dinner.

“Oh sorry, Carter.” O’Neill reached across to the Jell-O, removed the fork out of the glass and replaced it with a spoon. Teal’c and Jonas by this time were sitting with surprised looks on their faces. They then both slumped their shoulders down in surrender and proceeded to finish their dinners.

Half an hour later, Jonas and Carter had left the table and Teal’c was sitting watching O’Neill polish off the last of his apple pie. Teal’c had stayed half hoping that O’Neill might just share his desert with him. He watched as the last spoonful disappeared. O’Neill sat back with a self-satisfied expression on his face and looked back at Teal’c.

“All’s fair in love and war, Teal’c.”

O’Neill then started to get up from the table. He stacked his plates and then picked them up with one hand. It was then that Teal’c noticed that O’Neill’s other hand was bandaged.

“What did you do to your hand, O’Neill?”

“I sliced it open on the edge of some ducting. I was helping Siler move some things. Dr. Warner said not to worry, just a few stitches. It should be OK by the time we go on our next mission.”

O’Neill moved away from the table and took his dirty dishes up to the servery and left the commissary. Teal’c sat at the table for a long time, thinking. After a while he got up from the table. He thought it was about time he had a chat with Dr. Fraiser. The coincidences were getting too frequent to be mere coincidence.


Teal'c and Dr. Fraiser had spent many hours discussing Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter. They had decided that they needed to share their thoughts with General Hammond and the rest of SG-1. Between them, they had come up with a few theories. One being a lot stronger than the others and the only people who could confirm this were Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter.

Dr. Fraiser had called everyone to the briefing room. She once again had the screen up on the wall. O’Neill and Carter looked at it nervously as they came into the room as they weren’t quite sure where this was going. Dr. Fraiser started the ball rolling with the statement.

“Teal’c and I think we may have come up with the reason why Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter have these anomalies in their brain scans. These are routine scans that we have been taking since Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter came back from Tolgarth’s planet. These are the latest scans, which I took yesterday. As you can see the white shape here has increased in size. Once again both scans are identical in size.”

During this speech Teal’c carefully watched O'Neill’s and Major Carter’s reaction. They both tensed up and shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Almost confirming what Dr. Fraiser and Teal’c thought had happened to them.

Dr. Fraiser finishing her speech turned to Teal’c and nodded at him to continue.

“O’Neill, Major Carter, when you were in the sarcophagus, who went first?”

O’Neill looked at Carter. He nodded at her to answer Teal’c.

“Well, we aren’t really sure as we were both dead at the time. I suppose it must have been the colonel, as he was on the bottom.”

Teal’c leant forward. “You mean you were put in together? That is forbidden.”

Teal’c glanced over to Janet. They both now had their theory confirmed.

“I can see why. We blew the thing up.”

“Yes, you are right, O'Neill. That is why the sarcophagus blew up, but it doesn’t explain the healing properties that you retained.”

“So how do you know that Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter being in the sarcophagus at the same time is what caused the explosion? What about the death gun?” asked General Hammond.

“Though it is forbidden, I have heard of this happening once before, a long time ago.”

Dr. Fraiser came over and sat down next to Jonas. She knew the story was going to be a fairly long one and she also wanted to see the colonel’s and Sam’s reaction to the story.

“A long time ago, on a distant planet lived a Jaffa. This Jaffa had many sons and he was proud of them. He was first prime to his god and he was very loyal. His youngest son was four years old, who was full of mischief and always chattering and he had a best friend. This friend was the only daughter of another Jaffa, who was also the prime’s cousin and they were neighbours. The daughter was also four years old and they had grown up together. They had a special bond, as they had been born on the same day. One day a tragedy happened. The two children had been playing in a disused house. Everyone knew that it was unsafe and both children knew that they were not allowed to play there. The roof collapsed killing them both instantly. The first prime was in a quandary. He had the use of the sarcophagus for only a short time, while his god had left it in his care since he was away and the Goa’uld would be returning shortly. The first prime knew that there was only enough time for one child to be saved. He as first prime had the privilege of using the sarcophagus for his son, but he had many sons and his cousin had only his daughter. In the end they decided to place both children into the sarcophagus together. As you know from experience the sarcophagus exploded, destroying it.”

Sam was leaning forward and with a worried voice asked, “Surely not with the children inside?”

“No, fortunately the first prime managed to lift the children to safety first. After the explosion he quickly handed the children over to his cousin, and asked him and his wife to care for them both: ‘take my son as your own, as my life is now over.’ The cousin did as he said and took the children home and brought them both up as his.

When the Goa’uld returned, he executed the first prime and all of his family. Though the two children were safe, they never were the same again. For many years neither of them spoke. It wasn’t until they were about ten years old that their parents found out why. They were telepathic. They talked to each other with their minds.”

Janet was watching both Colonel O’Neill and Sam. They sat there with identical looks on their faces. They were obviously shocked, but Janet wasn’t sure whether they had quite realised the full implications yet.

“Are you saying this is what has happened to us? We don’t talk to each other in our heads, do we, Carter?”

Janet spoke up. “Well actually if you think about it, you do seem to finish off each other’s sentences a lot. And there is the instance of the cut hand.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Colonel, you cut your hand according to the records at 1630 hours. At this time Sam had severe pains in her hand that quickly went away. I know, because I was with her when it happened.”

O’Neill sharply looked around at Carter. “Yes, I agree.” He was speaking to Carter.

Carter looked up at O’Neill. “I didn’t say anything, sir.”

“Yes, you did. I heard you. You said: ‘Oh no, this doesn’t sound good.’”

“No, I didn’t…I thought it.”

O’Neill quickly scanned the other faces in the room. “Jonas, you heard her, didn’t you?”

“No, Colonel, I did not.”

He carried on desperately around the room. Each one in turn shook their heads.

“Think about it, O'Neill. What about the apple pie?”

“What’s apple pie got to do with it?”

“How did Major Carter know, that you would want apple pie. In fact, how did she even know that you were on base, as you had just arrived back? You also knew she wouldn’t want to eat Jell-O with a fork. And how did you know that Major Carter was in the storage area. You said yourself that you hadn’t seen her since that morning. When I found Major Carter, she knew that General Hammond wanted to speak to her. Also on missions I have noticed Major Carter obey silent orders. She has replied to you when you hadn’t even spoken yet, like you just did now.”

Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter were feeling exceedingly uncomfortable. General Hammond was sitting silently. He wasn’t sure what to say first.

“Colonel O’Neill, Major Carter, have you been aware of this?”

“No, sir.” They both replied in unison, almost too quickly to convince everyone in the room, including themselves.

Turning to Dr. Fraiser, he then asked his next question. “What repercussions can we expect from this?”

“Honestly, sir, I don’t know. I would like to run some tests and see how much this is affecting them.”

At this comment, O’Neill and Carter groaned. More tests. They still hadn’t got over the last barrage of tests they had been subjected to.

“Teal’c” asked O’Neill. “What happened to the children? And how do you know about this?”

“I know about this, because the children were my parents.”

Everyone, including Janet, were stunned. They certainly hadn’t expected this outcome. O’Neill and Carter were beginning to get more and more uncomfortable. They both needed to get away from the briefing room and discuss this on their own.


“You’ve got to admit it, sir. Before the incident in the gate room, when the blue light was showing, there was a connection.”

O’Neill shifted uncomfortably in his seat. They were both in his office, he at his desk and Carter sitting opposite him. O’Neill slowly nodded his head.

“Oh crap!” and then rested his head into his hands.

“I heard you. You just said ‘Oh crap!’ And your mouth didn’t move, just like mine isn’t moving now.”

O’Neill looked up with a start.

“Carter, we’ve got to find a way to reverse this.”

“I don’t think it can be done, unless one of us dies. Do you get a lot of headaches, because I seem to be getting a lot recently?”

“No, I don’t usually, but my head has been hurting a lot. Maybe it’s that white mass thing that the scans picked up.”

“I’ve been thinking about that. One of the theories of the unused part of the brain is that it maybe has telepathic properties.”

“Well, looks like we confirm that theory.”

“Sir, I was thinking. As the white mass increased in size, maybe our telepathic abilities increased.”

“I’m sure I never heard you in my head. Well, not until now that is.”

“I was wondering about that too, sir. When you spoke to me just then in your head, it sounded to me like you were speaking out loud. That must be why we missed it.”

O'Neill screwed up his face in frustration and rubbed his hands across his face.

“So, since the time in the gate room, we have been communicating our thoughts without realising it.”

Carter, without smiling nodded in agreement to O'Neill.

“Sir, I have a question for you. A few weeks ago, when Janet was talking to us about the scans and the size of the mass being the same. Did you say ‘See, Carter’s brain isn’t bigger than mine,’ out loud?”

O’Neill looked up in surprise. “Yeah, I remember thinking that, but no, I didn’t say it. Looks like you heard it though.”

“You realise, sir, this is going to come in very useful when we have to maintain radio silence.”


Over the next few weeks, Major Carter and Colonel O’Neill were subjected to all kinds of experiments. It started with them sending messages to each other from different rooms, then one off base while another on base. Then Major Carter was sent off world with Teal’c and Jonas to read out a message to Colonel O’Neill, who then had to repeat it to Dr. Fraiser.

“I am not saying that! Dr. Fraiser, this time you have gone too far.”

Colonel O’Neill, Dr. Fraiser and General Hammond were sitting in the briefing room. Teal’c, Jonas Quinn and Major Carter had been sent off world with a sealed envelope that Dr. Fraiser had prepared. They wanted to see just how long the distance was before O'Neill’s and Carter’s connection was broken. By the reaction of Colonel O'Neill, Janet was pretty sure that the connection was still very strong.

“Do I have to order you to do this, Colonel, or is the connection broken between Major Carter and yourself?”

“No, sir, you don’t have to order me to do this. The connection is not broken. In fact, Carter thinks this is all very funny and would like to be a fly on the wall of the briefing room.” With a big sigh, he spoke again. “The message says ‘I, Colonel Jack O'Neill, thinks Dr. Fraiser is a very nice Doctor and is always kind to her patients. And I promise to do as she tells me.’ Happy now, Janet?” He looked pointedly at Dr. Fraiser.

General Hammond tried hard not to smile. It wasn’t very often that someone managed to get one over Colonel O’Neill.

“Can I go now, sir?”

“Yes, Colonel. Dismissed.”

Jack left the briefing room.

“Dr. Fraiser, you do realise that what the colonel and the major are capable of doing, will help us in the fight against the Goa’uld more effectively?”

Dr. Fraiser slowly nodded her head. “I just hope that Colonel O’Neill doesn’t send Major Carter around the bend first.”
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