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Starting Points-Corrected Formatting

by Wendy Gilliatt
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Starting Points-Corrected Formatting

Starting Points-Corrected Formatting

by Wendy Gilliatt

Summary: Sometimes the closest relationships are formed from the dark days, not the happy ones. This is one such experience that could have formed our team into the family they so quickly became.

Category: Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene/Epilogue
Episode Related: 103 Emancipation
Season: Season 1
Pairing: Jack/Sam
Rating: R
Warnings: adult themes, violence, none
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).
Archived on: 03/15/04

Author's Notes: More happened to Sam in Emancipation then we got to see, at least I think so. That said, I believe that there was probably some discussion about the horrors a woman may face off world, but the hard reality is, are they really any different than the horrors a woman may face on our own planet? Also, A huge thanks to Denise for being my Beta, I couldn't have done it without her.


Sam was very relieved to see the walls of the embarkation room take shape around her as she exited the stargate. This last mission had started poorly in her books, and gone rapidly down hill from there. No one had really asked what had happened, they hadn't been alone long enough, but she knew the questions would start eventually. She didn't want to discuss the barbaric way Turgan treated 'his' women, or the 'punishment' she had received for her attempt to escape. She didn't want to see the grudging respect that finally lit the Colonel's eyes fade, and fade it was bound to when he found how severely she had been beaten. This posting was the dream of a lifetime and she didn't want the Colonel to decide having a woman on the team was too risky. She had beaten the man in the end, and she hoped that would help support her place on the team when the reports were given.

Sam hated that she felt so unsure of her footing with this Colonel, and having successfully faced prejudice against women in the past, she had to admit that this man unsettled her more than most. What she couldn't figure out was why. Sam shook herself free of her thoughts as she stood at the top of the embarkation ramp, she would worry about this at home, when she felt better.

"Welcome home SG-1," Hammond's words putting an end to further thought. "Colonel, any problems."

"Nothing we couldn't handle sir! Carter introduced women's lib, the men will never be the same, and we brought back some new wonder drugs. All and all, a good day."

"I'll look forward to the report Colonel, but first, how's your team?"

"We're fine sir, is there a problem?"

"Nothing major Colonel. SG-6 is working a diplomatic mission that could be going better.

Colonel Nelson believes just a show of a few more folks could turn the tide in his favor. Should be for appearances only. I realize you just got back, but you are the first team in, and I was hoping to deploy some one as soon as possible."

Colonel Jack O'Neill surveyed his team as he thought over the General's words. Everyone appeared fine, but he knew way too little about what had really happened to Carter this go around, and he hated to deploy so quickly given that lack of knowledge. He settled for giving everyone an out that he hoped Carter would take if needed.

"Well sir, what about our medical."

"If there are no specific injuries we will hold until you return."

Sam sensed the eyes of the Colonel and Daniel and knew they were waiting on her to speak, no way could she slow them down, her team had a duty to perform, and she would be there. She could be as tough as the next guy.

"Well sir," she said to O'Neill, "I guess we're going on another little walk."

"Okay sir, you've got your team," Jack said to Hammond.

"SG-1, you ship out in ten, refresh your weapons, and anything else you need."

Sam exchanged her weapons as did the rest of her team and then headed to the locker room. She had just enough time to swallow some Advil that she had in her locker, and stick the bottle in her pack. She hoped this would be a short run, and that her back would hold up until their return.

Jack O'Neill surveyed his team as they stood at the bottom of the ramp. Everyone appeared fine, and Carter had denied injury, so why did he feel like he was missing something big, and why did he have the sinking feeling it was only going to get bigger.


Sg-1 stepped through the gate and were struck immediately by the sticky heat of the atmosphere, and the absence of SG-6.

"Sierra gulf-6, this is Sierra gulf-1, come in please," O'Neill spoke into his radio.

"Sierra gulf-6 here, good to have you join us Colonel."

"Yeah well, we're here, where are you Colonel Nelson?"

"33 clicks due north, we really couldn't meet you, sorry."

"Geez, 33 clicks, so glad you warned us. Given the amount of daylight left, we can cover about 21 clicks today, and join you midday tomorrow."

"No sooner?"

"Is there a problem you didn't share Colonel?"

"Err, No, no problem. Take you time," Nelson responded, his voice the even tone of a diplomat at work.

"In that case, that's the best we can make. We just finished one mission, and did the turn around in 15, I don't think it wise to hike through the night."

"Agreed, Nelson out."

"Geez," O'Neill muttered to nobody in particular, "he could have at least said thanks. All right campers, let's head out."

Sam fell into step with the rest of her team, really not looking forward to the long hike in this heat, but then nobody in their right mind would. She was also bothered by Colonel Nelson's interaction, she found it odd, but she couldn't really put her finger on the problem. She didn't know him well enough to read just his tone of voice. Oh well, not much she could do other than hike, and stay alert. Always alert.


Sam was glad for a break when Colonel O'Neill offered it 3 hours later. The heat had left her limp and sticky, and the rivulets of sweat stung the numerous cuts and scratches on her back. She would give a months pay for a tall glass of lemonade and a cool shower, but she settled for sneaking a few more Advil.

"Does anyone else find it odd that Nelson hasn't checked back in, or even mentioned what was going on," O'Neill asked the group in general.

"I don't know Jack, maybe he's busy," Daniel muttered before taking another sip of his water.

"Sir, I find it odd, but I also thought his initial contact seemed, I don't know, off."

"Off Captain?"

"Stiff I guess, but then I really don't know the man sir."

"So he could always sound that way, not a lot of help then."

"No, I guess not, sir," Sam replied, kicking herself for thinking he wanted to bounce opinions. She wished she could relax around him just a little, she thought his irreverent sense of humor would make her feel more at ease, it certainly did Daniel, but so far it didn't seem to be helping. Neither did it help that she now had a back full of cuts, scrapes, and bruises to hide, less he regret again having a woman on his team. 'Hell Sam, why don't you just offer to arm wrestle again, that had sure helped', she thought to herself sarcastically.

Jack O'Neill cursed himself under his breath. That last remark to Carter hadn't really come out the way he wanted it to, after all, he had indirectly asked for opinions, and that's what she had given him. He hadn't meant to imply that he didn't appreciate her opinions, or that he didn't trust her. Truth told he did trust her, in fact, he was beginning to like her, so why did everything he said come out wrong.


Sam could not remember the last time she had been so glad to roll out a sleeping bag, their last break seemed a long time ago, and the bag now looked as good as a feather bed to her aching back. The day had proved to be a very long one indeed, and she was really beginning to feel the effects of the last mission. She was sure that some of the deeper cuts had reopened and added some more blood to her t-shirt, but black was a forgiving color when it came to a little blood. Sam snuck a few more Advil before joining her team around the fire that, unfortunately, helped very little in warding off the unexpected chill of the night air.

"I will never understand," O'Neill was saying, " why hot places are always so blasted cold at night. You would think we could get a happy medium."

"There wouldn't be any fun in that," Daniel murmured.

"There isn't any fun in this Daniel. What do you think Carter, wouldn't it be better with a nice balmy breeze."

"Sure sir," she responded as she picked half-heartedly at her MRE.

"I'm going to warn you Dr., it tastes like chicken," Daniel groused.

"Daniel, it is chicken," Jack laughed.

"Oh, well, that's okay then."

Sam grinned at the usual meal-time discussion. Daniel thought everything tasted like chicken, even the macaroni and cheese, and he was never shy about announcing his displeasure. This led to the usual inane Jack and Daniel conversation, and Sam felt herself drifting on a haze of half-heard words and flickering fire-light.

"Well, enough of this rousing conversation, it's about time we hit the sack. Carter, you get first watch, I'll take second, Teal'c third, Daniel, you make the coffee."

"Ah, Jack, I don't think Sam heard you," Daniel said, motioning to Sam who appeared to be asleep in her MRE.

"Well, then I guess Carter gets second," Jack said as he prepared to nudge the Captain towards her sleeping bag.

"Jack, I could get second," Daniel volunteered.

"Nah," Jack responded, "Carter makes terrible coffee," Jack covered. He didn't want to let on to the young archeologist that they gave him last watch, with Teal'c in light Kel-no-reem, until he got more field experience. He had been trying to let Carter go first so she could have straight sleep, but she obviously wouldn't make it through first watch. "Carter," Jack called, with no immediate response.

"Dr. Carter," Daniel added, removing the partially eaten MRE from her loose grasp.

"Hunh," she started.

"Turn in Captain, you're on second watch," Jack ordered.

"Yes sir," she responded, all the while climbing into her bag. Sam was asleep again immediately, hardly even realizing she had spoken to them.

"Jack, is she okay," Daniel asked.

"Sure Daniel, I'm sure she's tired after spear-heading women's revolution on an alien planet," Jack responded, hoping his light-hearted response hid his own concern from the others.


"Captain," Jack called, as he vigorously shook the young woman's shoulder.

"Yes, sir," Sam responded, sitting straight up.

"Your watch Captain, you up for it?"

"Of course sir," she responded, shaking the cobwebs out of her brain.

Sam sat and watched her teammates sleep while she periodically scanned the area around them. All was quiet, and she was counting the minutes until she could wake Teal'c and climb back into her sleeping bag. Her back ached abominably, and she dare not take anymore Advil, not the way her stomach rolled uneasily. She just wanted this mission to end so she could go home and be miserable in private, whoever said misery loved company obviously hadn't been the only woman on a team full of men. She couldn't even think about sharing her misery with her teammates. How could she share with people who wouldn't even use her given name, they just called her by her rank, salutation, or sir name. Heck, the way the Colonel used her name it was a joke, literally. ' Maybe we should bring an all male team, Samantha,' Sam murmured mockingly. She'd like to all male him, oh what she wouldn't give for a planet ruled by women. She could just see the Colonel's face when she suggested the all female team.


The remainder of the night had passed far too quickly for Sam's liking, and she now found herself marching in the ever-rising heat. They were not far from joining Colonel Nelson and the rest of SG-6, and Sam found herself unaccountably tense. She really wasn't sure why she was becoming uneasy, but she noticed that it wasn't just her, conversation between the rest of her teammates had ceased, and the Colonel's hand hovered closer to his P-90. There was nothing she could put her finger on, but something just wasn't right, and it had little to do with her aching back and rolling stomach.

Sam found herself constantly scanning the woods and underbrush surrounding them, as did the Colonel and Teal'c, but it did nothing to warn them about the sudden approach of a large group of aliens. A group that appeared to have little to do with peace, or a treaty. Sam went to grip her P-90 tighter, only to find her hands clutching at empty air. There would be little she could do to defend herself, and she was dismayed to see her team-mates were in no better shape, all standing empty handed with-in the circle of aliens.


"Nelson, what the hell is the meaning of all this," Jack exploded when SG-1 was shoved into a cell beside SG-6.

"I'm not sure I really know, I had intended to signal for back-up with my transmission, but it didn't come out the way I had intended."

"Ya think," O'Neill mumbled. "What exactly happened?"

"It's a bit of a blur. Things were going well, we mentioned treaty, and then it all fell to hell."

"Any idea of their intentions."

"Not a clue Jack. I heard mention of a sorting, but with no other real information it's hard to really get their meaning."

"Daniel, keep your eyes and ears open, see if you can put any of this culture into context for us. Everyone stay sharp, we'll figure a way out of this," Jack ordered as the aliens came back to collect the members of SG-6. It was several hours later that one of the members of SG-6 was thrown back into his cell.

"Any clues Snipes," Jack O'Neill asked.

"Two words sir, copy, and worker. I have no idea what the copy means, but I can guess about worker."

"Yeah, so can I," O'Neill muttered as he and the rest of SG-1 were pulled out of the cell.

Sam was mortified with what happened next, but she kept telling herself that as long as she had her underwear, she wasn't completely exposed. It kept her marching as she was paraded in front of ten well-dressed aliens who were obviously the sorters. She closed her eyes as she was pushed in front of the group first, and then circled and inspected like a bull at auction. All of this was uncomfortable, but nothing like the sinking feeling she got in the pit of her stomach when one word was shouted to the crowd.



The persistent buzzing in Sam's ears began to fade, only to be replaced by raucous background noise. The source of which she recognized as the colonel. His protests cut off abruptly, suggesting that he'd likely been subdued. Something that didn't surprise her even though she couldn't see to confirm it. She was surrounded by men, their presence cutting her off from the rest of her team. her hearing, however, wasn't affected and she clearly heard the question asked of her CO.

"Are you her mate?"

"Yes, he is," Daniel responded immediately, obviously answering for the Colonel.

"Take him back to the cell," the sorter ordered, "He may act as her caregiver."

Sam could hear nothing more as she was dragged from the room. She tried to fight them but a sharp prick in her neck quickly changed those plans. As reality faded, all she could hope for was that the rest of her team was in a better position than she was.


Sam woke much later to a feeling of intense nausea, a headache, and abdominal cramps that surpassed any she had ever known.

"Ohhh godd," she groaned, trying to ball herself up to alleviate the pain in her abdomen.

"Carter," Jack called.

"Colonel, what's going on?"

"Not real sure, Carter, they slung me in here after dragging you off. I didn't see what happened to Daniel or Teal'c. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Don't know, they drugged me or something, everything is really fuzzy."

"Well, I didn't see any injuries that you didn't already have, and, Carter we will be having a long talk about that when we get home. Now how do you feel?"

"I'm okay, sir."

"Funny, you don't look okay from where I'm standing."

"Thanks, sir."

"Okay Carter, we'll try this again. How do you feel?"

"Sick, sir."

"I had figured that much out Carter. I want details."

"I've got a little headache. It'll fade as I start to wake up sir," Sam mumbled, really not wanting to go into details with her CO. She sincerely hoped the half truth would deflect him from asking more questions

"The rest of it, Captain."

Sam stiffened, her rank only served to emphasize her resolve to downplay this, she had to if she hoped to keep her place on the team.

"Honestly sir, I'm feeling better alr......," Sam's words cut off abruptly as she fought to stifle a moan of pain. There would be no more hiding from the colonel.

"Damn it Carter! I'm your CO, we are off world, I've got to have the details. For crying out loud, captain, it isn't like I've never heard it all before. I WAS married. Now tell me what the hell they did to you!"

"Yes, sir," Sam mumbled, never knowing how bad she made Jack feel when he saw her try to brush away a tear. "I've got a headache, am nauseated, and I've got terrible abdominal pains, cramping."

"Oh God! Carter, does it feel like they.."

"No, sir," she interrupted, not wanting to even hear it put it into words.

"Good, well part of that could be your back. Those cuts look like they may be getting infected, but our buddies actually cleaned you up. The only thing they said when they tossed you in here was something about accelerant. Mean anything to you?"

"Not really, sir, unless they're planning to start a fire."

"Somehow I don't think so. Look, rest a little while, we are getting out of here, and you'll need to be the best you can be when we make the attempt."

"Yes sir, and I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to be difficult," Carter mumbled, letting her very heavy eyelids drift shut.

"Forget it for now, Captain, we can talk about it once we're out of here."

"Yes, sir," she mumbled, not even bothering to open her eyes.


Jack scrubbed a hand through his hair as he tried to figure out how to deal with their current situation. He didn't take well to imprisonment, or harm being done to members of his team, and this was both. It didn't help that his captain had metamorphosed into a shy female in front of his very eyes. Okay, so maybe the last bit was unfair, he really had no idea what had been done to her, but he knew that it was bad.

It didn't take a scientist to know that Carter was in more pain than she was telling. He had seen the color drain from her face with that last cramp, and the wave of protectiveness that had washed over him didn't bear mentioning. He certainly wasn't planning to stop long enough to examine it, he couldn't, he had to get his team off this hunk of rock.


Sam woke several hours later to overwhelming heat and pain. She was unsure were she was, but she knew it wasn't her cell. She tried to get up, or at least turn, but was dismayed to find herself strapped down.

"Okay, Sam think," she muttered under her breath as she turned her head to take in the room around her. She was obviously in some kind of lab or infirmary. There was equipment all around, but it was the sight of the table next to her that bothered her the most, it reminded her of a gynecologists office. There was no time left to ponder this as the doors to the lab opened. Sam chose to fake sleep in hope of learning more about their captors, but little was said.

"Take her back to the holding cell, and gently boys, we don't want this procedure to fail," an unseen voice ordered. Sam tried to get a glimpse of the speaker as her gurney was pushed into the hall, but he had his back to the doorway.


Jack paced uneasily around his cell, almost wishing that he didn't know what the old woman had just told him. He had been given orders, instructions for Carter's 'care', and it made it very obvious what these aliens were hoping to achieve. He had to get his team out of there, but that was going to be decidedly difficult since he didn't have any idea were Daniel and Teal'c were at the moment.


Daniel brushed his hair out of his face for the millionth time as he stooped to tear at more stubborn vines. He and Teal'c were workers, and they, along with Snipes, were attempting to clear this field for planting. Daniel had managed to learn a little about what was going on by talking with some of the other workers. He knew enough to understand that the workers were the lucky ones, and that Captain Doctor Samantha Carter was facing her worst nightmare.


Jack observed the 'orderlies' place Carter on her cot from his restrained position in the corner. He hated the powerless feeling this whole scenario gave him. What was he supposed to say to his Captain, a young woman he didn't know well yet, but he had hoped to get to know. His gut clenched at the thought that what these aliens were doing to her was enough to break some people. He sincerely hoped it wouldn't break her, but he didn't have long to dwell on that thought. The aliens were departing, and his restraints disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. "I wish I knew how they did that," he muttered to himself. He quickly dismissed those thoughts as Carter had turned to locate him in the room, and he needed to turn his attentions to her.

"Sir, how long was I gone?"

"About 24 hours, Carter, what do you remember?"

"Not much. I just woke up a little while ago in a lab or infirmary, they moved me back before I could sort out what they had been doing. Were you able to learn anything?"

"A little, but first, how do you feel," Jack asked moving closer and lowering his voice, "Honestly, Captain."

"Awful, sir. I'm hot, and my abdomen feels, well I don't know how to describe it, but it hurts. Uh, sir, their lab, well it reminded me of a doctor's office, uh...for women."

"I get it, Carter," Jack said, dragging his fingers through his hair. "Uh, Carter, I'm not sure how to say this, except to well say it, but they're trying to um, get you pregnant."

"I wondered about that, sir, but.. well I'm on birth control, sir, all women through the gate are."

"Yeah, I knew that, but they've dosed you with some junk to speed up your ah, well, ah hell, the production of eggs. I'm not sure what it may do to your birth control."

"How did you find out all of this, sir?"

"I'd say brilliant detective work, but they actually sent some old woman in here to tell me so I could be your 'caregiver'. They certainly seem real sure of themselves."

"Oh, well, I mean."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Jack responded as silence settled over the cell.

It was several minutes before Sam finally spoke," How do they even know our species are compatible?"

"I don't think they care, Carter. I'm not sure they would have any qualms about taking care of any 'problems' that arise."

"Oh God."

"Shit, I'm sorry, Carter, but don't worry we'll get out of here," Jack encouraged.

"Yes, sir. Any info on the others," Sam asked as she squirmed around on the cot.

"No, not yet."

"Well, we know that we were all sorted. Snipes said he heard the words copy, and worker, and we know what they called me. Uh, sir, did you see many women, or children as we were brought in, because I only remember seeing men, and some older women."

"That's all I saw. What are you thinking, Captain?"

"Population problems, sir. They want to use me for breeding, what if the word copy implies a clone of some sort?"

"Clones, can that really be done?"

"Not on Earth, sir, but we have no idea what they may be capable of, they certainly have some drugs we don't."

"True enough. So how does that help us?"

"I'm not sure, sir, maybe there won't be as many to fight off when we make our attempt. Uh sir, I can't seem to stay... awake," Sam mumbled, her eyelids fluttering shut.

"It's okay, Carter. Get some sleep while I think about this," Jack responded to his already sleeping captain.

Jack was impressed, his Captain Carter was made of stern stuff. He had hope, for the first time since this nightmare had become reality, that she would come out of this standing tall.


Daniel was hot and tired as he, Teal'c, and Snipes were shoved into their cell that evening. It had been a long day of hard work, but it was ending on the first positive note they'd had since the mission went sour. The rest of SG-6 were sitting in the cell.

"Colonel Nelson, what happened to you guys," Daniel asked anxiously.

"Well, Dr. Jackson. It would appear we are incompatible with their cloning equipment."

"Cloning! Oh boy," Daniel muttered. "This whole thing keeps getting better and better."

"Where are Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter?" Nelson asked.

"We aren't sure, Colonel. Captain Carter was labeled a breeder, Jack her caregiver."

"So they should be together," Nelson asked.

"That was the goal."

"Well then, any of you guys hurt?"

"No, sir," Snipes responded.

"Okay, that's good, we've got six healthy bodies with which to mount an escape, all we've got to do now is figure out where the Colonel and Captain are. Dr. Jackson, any idea what's going on with these people?"

"Well, Colonel, given the sorting goals, I can only assume they are trying to increase their population. Beyond that I have no idea," Daniel muttered, wishing he had more answers to give.

"Okay then, people. Hit the sack, we'll see what opportunities for escape we can make for ourselves tomorrow."

Daniel settled down with the rest of SG-6 and Teal'c, tomorrow would be a long day, but one Daniel hoped would bring their escape. They were okay, but he couldn't shake the feeling that every minute they spent here was a minute too long for Captain Carter.


Sam woke with a groan, pain and nausea not allowing her any further rest.

"Carter, you okay?"

"No, sir. I think I'm going to be sick," Sam muttered as she rolled to her side, barely aware of the bucket that suddenly appeared in the correct location.

Having finally stopped retching Sam collapsed against her cot. She rested just a few minutes before pushing herself to a seated position. "Did I miss anything, Colonel?"

"Nothing, Carter. The suns gone down and it's gotten pretty quiet around here. Shame, I was hoping for a rousing party tonight."

Sam couldn't stop herself from grinning at his remarks," Yes, sir, me too. I mean these folks know more about me than most of my dates, and I didn't even get dinner first."

"Rude hosts. What do you say to blowing this Popsicle stand?"

"I'm with you, Colonel, do you have a suggestion."

"They'll start your exercise program tomorrow afternoon, I think that will be our opportunity."

"In that case sir, I'd better accelerate the plan and try to get in a few laps around our cell," she mumbled as she forced herself to rise. Sam bit her lip and stubbornly refused to acknowledge the pain that tore at her abdomen and back. She simply didn't have the luxury of curling up and licking her wounds. She wanted to be apart of Stargate Command, and these were the risks she had chosen to take. She had to show this man that she could take the risks, tolerate the pain, and still do what was necessary. She would show this man, failure simply wasn't an option.


Jack stayed fairly close to Carter as he watched her stubbornly make her way around the room. He knew that she probably shouldn't be up, but the cold, hard reality of their situation left her no choice. He had to acknowledge his desire to protect her, and at the same time admire her tenacity. She had grit, and intelligence, and any doubts he may have had about her in the beginning were dying in the light of her strength and skills. He knew, however, that the question would be raised, were women at increased risk when traveling through the Stargate? He couldn't deny that Carter had had two bad missions in a row, and her very life depended on their escaping this mission, and soon.


Sam Carter lowered herself gingerly onto her cot, three laps being all she could handle before the room started to swim around her. She felt miserable, but was determined to distract herself with thoughts of escape.

"So, Colonel, what's our plan?"

"Not sure yet. These folks have that wonderful ability to make weapons and restraints appear and disappear at will. I mean they've hardly touched me. When they come to get you, their restraints always appear before they do, and disappear the same way. I'm not sure I have figured out a way around that."

"That's a piece of technology I'd love to get my hands on, sir," Sam said while turning a scientific eye to the room around her.

"Yeah, it could be handy, as long as it was on our side. Any ideas on getting around it, because we won't get far if we don't disable it first."

"Sir, what does that look like to you?" Sam asked ,pointing to a small black rod in the corner of the ceiling.

"Not sure, could be an antenna, or a bug. What are you getting at, Carter?"

"Just thinking, sir, about a way around our problem. We know the device has a range, or we would have been nabbed as soon as we gated to the planet. We know that it has to have a power source, and most likely those are antenna to boost the reception. That would suggest that there are smaller units, perhaps the wrist bands."

"You mean the one with all the blinkies, I wondered what those were for."

"It's just a theory, sir," Carter reminded as she shifted to lay back down on her cot. She could feel the nausea beginning to twist her stomach again.

"Well it's as good a theory as any, keep talking, Carter."

"Yes, sir," she mumbled. "So, if there are individual control units, and antenna, then there is most likely a main generator. If we could take out the generator, than they would have to resort to weaponry, or hand to hand combat."

"I haven't seen anything that resembles a weapon, but that doesn't rule them out. Still, it would give us a fighting chance, which is more than we have now."

"Yes, sir. So tomorrow, during our walk,....." Sam mumbled, her eyes sliding shut against her will.

"Tomorrow we look for a generator, for now, Carter, get some sleep."

Sam tried to mumble a response, but she was already drifting to sleep, unable to remember the last time she had felt this utterly drained.


The night passed uneventfully, and both Jack and Sam were able to get some rest. Jack woke early, or at least earlier than Sam, and it gave him an opportunity to do some thinking. He was somewhat surprised about their treatment at the hands of the aliens. Their acts against Carter were absolutely reprehensible, but they had otherwise been fairly non-violent. It was a contradiction, but he really didn't want any member of his team hanging around long enough to figure it all out. The rest of his musings were cut short as he noticed Carter wake up, once again vomiting violently.

"You okay now, Carter?"

"Yes, sir," she muttered, bringing herself to a seated position on the side of the cot.

"Good," Jack responded before noticing the restraints appearing on him and Carter. "Oh for cryin' out loud, now what?"

The cell door slid open to reveal the old woman who had spent time talking with him just yesterday morning.

"Success has granted you a move to a breeding cabin," she began immediately. "You will have fairly free access to the grounds, and your meals will be provided. This should allow you some comfort until your date of confinement. Your only restriction will be the yellow poles that mark the edge of the compound. Any attempt to cross these will bring restraints and the same sedating gas you were subjected to upon your arrival. I will see to your progress and exams, and you will be returned here for delivery at the time of your confinement. Now come," she commanded, whirling to face the door at the same time their restraints disappeared.

Jack stepped closer to Carter as they were escorted out of the cell. He could see that the certainty of the old woman's assumptions had left her shaken. It was one thing to know what the aliens were trying to accomplish, another to believe that they may have actually succeeded.

"You okay, Carter?"

Jack's question was answered with a short nod, but no words as they followed the old woman out of the building. They were met by a large expanse of green grass and blue sky as they began their trek across the grounds, headed directly for a group of 'cabins' in the distance. Jack decided the name cabin was a fairly loose description, but he was thrilled that this would offer them a better hope for escape.

They had been traveling for some twenty minutes, and he could sense, rather than see, Carter's weariness. He stepped up beside her and took her arm as they continued to the cabins, it wouldn't be long now, and he didn't want her to fall in that short distance.

"Things are looking up, Carter," Jack said once they were alone.

"Sir," she muttered, eyes wide in her pale face.

"Believe it or not, Carter, we just got a break. I saw Teal'c and Daniel working the field a short distance form here. We will take a stroll once you've rested a minute."

"We can go now, sir," she responded, voice soft.

"Carter, sit down, give it a minute, you're shaking all over.

"Sir, she seemed so sure. I mean what if.......," Sam's voice trailed off, unable to complete the thought.

Jack cursed inwardly, he was no good at this stuff. What was he supposed to say to this woman who had been violated in a simply unimaginable way.

"Carter, we'll figure something out, I promise."

"Yes, sir," she whispered. "Let's go see Teal'c and Daniel now, I want, I want to get out of here."

"Okay, let's move," Jack responded, once again amazed at the grit she portrayed.


Sam thoughts were spinning out of control as she followed the Colonel to their team-mates. She was more frightened than she ever remembered being, and she felt as if her life had spun out of control. What if they had succeeded? What if she really was pregnant? Would the child be normal? Would she ever be able to look the child of such a conception in the face? What would she do? What would happen to her life? The almost endless stream of questions left her feeling worse, and she almost walked into the Colonel before realizing he had stopped in front of their team-mates.

"Thank Goodness, are you two okay," she heard Daniel exclaim as she made her way out from behind the Colonel.

"Relatively. What about you guys, and have you seen SG-6?" Jack asked.

"SG-6 is working around the next bend. It seems these folks wanted to clone the members of SG-6, but it would appear we aren't genetically compatible."

Sam heard those words alone before the world began to go fuzzy, black spots swimming in front of her eyes. She only vaguely registered the clutching hands trying to lower her to the grass before darkness claimed her.


Daniel gasped as he saw Carter collapse to the grass.

"Jack, what's going on, I thought you said you guys were okay. What's the matter with her?"

"I said relatively, Daniel. She hasn't been treated well, not by a long shot."

"How can we help?" Daniel asked as he crouched on the ground next to his team-mate.

"Daniel, there isn't much we can do right now. You guys finish your work, don't call attention to yourselves, and come to the cabin when you are finished for the day. Hopefully, by then, Carter will be up to explaining her idea's for escape."

"Okay, Jack," Daniel muttered dubiously.

"We'll explain later, Daniel."


Sam awoke to find herself once again in the cabin, and her commanding officer pacing restlessly nearby.

"What happened, sir?"

"You fainted, Sam. How are you feeling now?"

"Better, sir," Sam responded, settling to the fact that it wasn't a complete lie. Her stomach definitely felt better, no cramping or nausea, it was her back that currently bothered her the most, and that was a subject Sam had no intentions of discussing.

"Good, Daniel and Teal'c are on their way across the field, you up for explaining you're theory?"

"Certainly, sir," she responded, rising from her cot, and stretching lightly.

"I'll be right back, Carter, I'm just going to step outside to catch up with Daniel and Teal'c."

"Yes, sir," Sam muttered to his retreating back. God she so hated this mission, and the one before it too for that matter. She had no idea what her CO thought of her, and she wasn't certain she would even want to know. She had wanted this assignment to the Stargate program more than she had ever wanted anything, even NASA, and now she feared it would be over all to soon.

It was the cold, hard reality of the situation that bothered her, a reality she couldn't change. In moments like this one, when she could think with a clear head, she knew the question of a woman's place on the SG teams would be raised. It would be crazy not to raise the question, but there were an almost infinite number of worlds out there, surely they couldn't all be like these last two. Surely somewhere she would be seen as more than a target on legs, she had to handle herself well enough to be given the opportunity to find out.

The only comfort she could give herself was the knowledge that she carried herself well. Sam could admit to herself that when this mission had started, on the heels of the last, she had been focused solely on what her CO thought of her. She realized now that the only thing she could worry about was how she carried herself, not what others thought. If she conducted herself with pride and professionalism, well, the rest could speak for itself.


SG-1, and Nelson from SG-6 had thoroughly discussed Sam's theories the night before. Daniel had agreed completely with Carter, and Teal'c even thought he might know where the generator was located. They had broken up the night before with clear plans. Colonel O'Neill and Carter would investigate the area Teal'c had indicated, and if it proved to be the target, well, demolition would be timed for near sunset. The teams planned to be on the run by nightfall, utilizing the cover of darkness for their escape.

The day passed in a near blur for all involved, the generator almost alarmingly easy to get to, and fairly easily sabotaged. Sam was amazed at how quickly everyone had trusted her theory, and she knew now that their escape hinged on her being right. She would know soon enough, as the generator was set to blow any minute. She, as did the rest of SG-1 and 6, stood poised for escape, though their relaxed positions would never give that away.

Sam heard the noise of the generator blowing, and watched with a sense of detachment as their captors rushed to the source of the disturbance. It was now or never, she thought to herself, as she ran with her team for the yellow poles. Sam didn't realize she had been holding her breath until it left her with a whoosh after crossing, unaffected, the invisible barrier.

Sam had prayed for a straight out run, but deep down she knew it wouldn't be that easy. SG-1 and 6 were outnumbered, but were in no way out-maneuvered. Sam was relieved to note that the aliens carried no weapons, indeed it was a matter of hand to hand combat, but it was the last thought she had time for for awhile.


Daniel helped pull Sam to her feet as the member's of the two SG teams took to the surrounding trees. There were many aliens lying in the dust, some running away, and a whole new band making to the site of the battle that had just been fought. It was Jack's decision to try to hold cover here for awhile, in hopes that the searching aliens would go by them. Daniel just hoped it would give them a few minutes break, he wasn't used to combat, and he figured his hand hurt more than the face of the alien he had hit.

It was Sam that worried him though. She was moving sluggishly for her, and was paler than she had been when laid out in the grass yesterday. She hadn't uttered a word, the only noise she made was her labored breathing, and that she was trying desperately to muffle into her cupped hands. He didn't know what was wrong with her, but he knew that she was far from okay.

Daniel wasn't sure how long they crouched in the trees and underbrush as aliens went back and forth in search of them. He lost track of the time as he watched and worried over his team-mate. He wasn't sure she could handle another round of hand-to-hand, and the aliens seemed to be growing ever closer to there position. Daniel watched in confusion as Jack and Nelson started communicating in signals he was yet to grasp, but it became apparent that they were going to create a diversion when Teal'c and a member of Nelson's team slipped quietly into the bush.


Jack had never been so relieved when the last of the aliens headed off to fight the fire that Teal'c and Snipes had managed to start. He hoped the aliens would decide they were too much trouble, but he wasn't going to hang around to find out. He signaled everyone to move out, hoping they could cover a good bit of ground before the ominous clouds dumped their loud.


Sam gritted her teeth as she rose to move out with her team. She wasn't sure when exactly the pain had started, or even how long they had crouched in hiding, in fact, everything seemed a bit of a blur. The only thing Sam was sure of was that the amount of time she would be able to continue to move on her own steam was limited. She wished she knew how much ground they had covered, but the ripping pains in her abdomen made thinking clearly impossible. The only thing she could do was concentrate on taking each step, while holding in any verbal expression of the pain each of those steps caused. She didn't want to slow down the team, that meant not stopping, and not letting anyone think she needed to.


Jack had mixed feelings about the storm that had finally started. He desperately wanted off this horrible rock, but he knew that something was wrong, and that Sam needed the respite the storm afforded. He could tell she was in pain, and though he really hadn't wanted the teams to split up, maybe it would be a blessing after all. The caves they had found had been large enough for four only, so SG-6 was in the cave just beside theirs. He had a bad feeling about the night ahead, and knew that SG-1 would have to hold together to weather what he feared they were about to face. He knew he was right when he saw Sam sink against the back wall of SG-1's cave, her face pale and pinched with pain, both arms wrapped around her stomach.


Sam sat against the back wall of the cave, the overwhelming pain making her shaky and nauseas. She felt very hot despite the cold clammy feel of the wet alien shift she wore. She wanted so many things at this moment, but most important, she wanted someone she knew really cared to be holding her hand. Problem was, at this exact moment, she couldn't begin to think about who that person was. Oh, she had many acquaintances in the air force, but the last several years had given her little time to cultivate those acquaintances into real friends. She had meant what she had first said to Colonel O'Neill about going through the stargate, she should have gone the first time, after all, she had already given much of who she was to that gate. The only regret she had at this moment was that she didn't know her team-mates better, because they were all being forced into a level of intimacy that should only be shared with someone very close.


Daniel pulled his eyes from the huddled figure of his team-mate to look at Jack. He was surprised at the amount of unreadable emotion in the other man's eyes. It wasn't that Jack was cold, he just usually hid how he felt so effectively that it was sometimes easier to believe he just didn't care. In this moment Daniel felt a new measure of fear, and the dawning that evil came in more packages than he was equipped to deal with at the moment. Taking a deep breath, he did the only thing he could, he plunged ahead.

"Dr. Carter, are you okay?"

Daniel was in no way prepared for the look of utter pain, physical and emotional, that met his gaze before the eyes dropped once more.

"I'll be okay."

"Is there something I can do to help?"

"No, I don't think so." The response was spoken so softly, Daniel had to strain to hear it.


Silence settled over the cave again, but was eventually broken by a soft moan, one that Sam knew was heard by the three men in the cave. She didn't know how to tell them what was wrong, but she knew that soon she wouldn't have to. That blood would soak through the shift she was wearing, and she wouldn't be able to hide that. She closed her eyes in a moment of internal sorrow, before she heard Daniel's voice once again.

"Dr. Carter, are you in pain, is there something I could do to help?"

Sam opened her eyes to find not only Daniel, but also the Colonel leaning over her, and she realized she was laying down, with no memory of having made the transition from sitting.

"Carter, I think you blacked out on us for a second," Sam heard her CO mutter, before Daniel's voice interrupted her train of thoughts once more.

"Dr. Carter, where are you hurt, your bleeding, and we need to stop it."

"You can't stop it," she mumbled at the two men, she didn't want this to happen here, she was surprised to discover she didn't want it to happen at all. It was hardly the baby's fault, it didn't deserve to be conceived and die this way.

"Carter, were the aliens right, are you...?"

"Not for long, sir," Sam replied to his half formed question. "I think I'm losing it," she finished, her eyes shut against the looks she was afraid to see on their faces.

Silence settled over the cave again, and Sam lay with her eyes firmly shut as the men digested the information she had just dropped on them. She felt miserable, and even a little hazy, and still unbearably hot. She could hear the quiet rustle around the cave, and was surprised to suddenly feel a cool cloth against her head. She opened her eyes to Daniel's again, he was sitting beside her with his canteen, and a piece of his t-shirt that he was using to cool her forehead.

"Dr. Carter, you need to drink some water. I know you probably feel sick, but if I help you sit up will you try?"

"Only if you'll call me Sam, I think this situation is way past titles," Sam responded, relieved to see his answer was a nod, and a grin across his boyish face.


Jack watched silently as Daniel continued to sit with Carter, and bathed her forehead with cool water. He knew the Captain was in more pain than she let on, and suspected that whatever accelerant the aliens had used was complicating their current problem. He just hoped their new Chief Medical Officer would be able to sort it all out, assuming of course they made it that far. Shaking his head, Jack forced those thoughts away. He couldn't believe the crap they had run into on this mission, and he felt his heart tighten at the thoughts of what these....savages, had put his captain through.

He had, however, gotten a very good idea of what his young 2IC was made of, and he was impressed. She had handled herself well, kept a level head, and even now was enduring a dreadful situation with dignity and grace. Oh he wasn't stupid enough to believe it didn't affect her, he knew it did. He had only to look into her eyes to know that, but she was tough enough to put it all under lock and key until she could deal with everything. It was the mark of a true professional, and he admired the courage and strength that took. He hoped that when all was said and done she would still be serving at his side.

He dreaded the discussions that would erupt from this mission, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe they wouldn't. Someone sitting behind a desk would spout off about women in combat. At one point in time he may have agreed with them, but not now. Now the argument had a face, and a name. To pull her from the project would belittle everything she had accomplished, and everything she had endured at the hands of this nameless enemy. Captain Carter had proven to him that she could handle herself. Her gender did not make her incapable of facing any risk or horrors they may encounter. They were all walking a path they had chosen, and Carter was as capable of the journey as the rest of them. Smart, capable, and able to think on her feet, he suspected she would be an invaluable asset in the unknown journey's ahead.

He hated what had happened to Carter on this mission, and he wanted her to know he would help her in any way he could. So perhaps it was time to step in and relieve Daniel for awhile, be a friend, and assess how much help she would need to get home, and get her home he would.


Teal'c observed his team-mates in silence from near the entrance to the caves. These Tau'ri were an interesting group, and behaved in a manner quite different from that of his people. Among the Jaffa he would not be standing beside a woman in a situation such as this, but Tau'ri women were different. At first he thought this was an ill-advised move, but he realized that CaptainDoctorCarter brought much to the team. He was interested to see what else she would teach them in the times ahead, and he found in himself the desire to protect her where necessary. She and DanielJackson may lack the strength and training of the Jaffa, or O'Neill's special forces, but they had much of their own special skills to contribute.

The silence of the cave was broken by yet another barely suppressed groan, and Teal'c knew he needed to try to relieve some of her pain. His decision made he approached the back wall where Captain Carter lay curled into herself.


"CaptainCarter, if you would permit me, I may be able to help relieve some of your pain. It is a method used by many a Jaffa to relieve an unjoined woman's pain."

Sam regarded the large shape of her Jaffa friend, and detected the softened look with which he watched her, and found herself nodding quietly.

She was startled to feel him grasp her right foot firmly, but stilled when she heard the deep rumble of his voice as he started to explain.

"This is a method of pressure points in the foot being used to relieve pain or illness in corresponding parts of the body, I believe it will help you until we can return to your world."

"Sounds a little like reflexology," she heard Daniel mutter from just behind the Colonel.

Sam wanted to add to Daniel's comment but found her eyes drifting shut instead. Teal'c's methods were obviously good ones as she felt the pain lessen for the first time in hours, and the pull of sleep strengthen. She sighed softly as sleep pulled her down.


Teal'c felt a moment of satisfaction as he regarded the sleeping form of his team-mate. Pain free rest would not solve their problem, but it would help bolster her sagging strength, and this was important to the journey ahead. He rose softly, so as not to disturb her, and joined his team-mates at the cave entrance.

"Quite a trick there big guy," he heard Colonel O'Neill murmur as he approached.

"You worry, O'Neill," he observed quietly, choosing to get to the heart of the matter.

"Yes, I do. Carter won't be able to walk tomorrow, she's lost too much blood, and we don't have time or supplies for a stretcher or travois."

"This is unfortunate, but not a problem. I can easily carry CaptainCarter to the Stargate, it is not a difficult task for me."

"Are you sure Teal'c, it's a long hike."

"I am, O'Neill."

Teal'c felt the looks of his team-mates and regarded them with an inquisitive gaze, "Do not be surprised, we all have much to learn of each other in the days ahead."

"I suppose you're right, Teal'c," he heard O'Neill respond, feeling the man's gaze before Daniel's enthusiastic voice broke the stillness.

"You know Jack, I think the four of us might do pretty well together."

"If we stay that way, Daniel," Teal'c heard O'Neill respond before turning to gaze at their sleeping team-mate.


Jack O'Neill contemplated the bare beginnings of sunrise from the entrance to their little cave. It wasn't a very sunny start, but at least the rain had died down, leaving a thin perceptible mist in the air. It seemed quiet apropos to him. A sunrise that wasn't quite sunny, and an escape that wasn't quiet an escape yet.

He was hoping that the latter, if not the former, could be corrected before the sun went down again. They had over a half a day's hike to the Stargate, and that was assuming everyone was in top form, which they weren't. They would have to cover the ground as quickly as possible, Carter needed medical attention, and he only hoped Teal'c was really able to carry her with the ease he had indicated. After the night they had spent he knew he shouldn't doubt the man, he had skills that Jack wouldn't have expected.

It was those skills that had allowed Carter to rest during the night. She had woken once, the pain catching her unawares after the near painless sleep Teal'c had given her, and her cries had wrenched his heart. Teal'c had been there to assist and she had fallen back to sleep quickly. Even now the gentle giant was working his magic, doing something to ease her transition into the pain he would be unable to remove during their daytime travels. Jack didn't understand this stuff about pressure points in the feet, but obviously Teal'c did, and given the results he wouldn't scoff at the talent.

Jack rose to wake Daniel, and check on Teal'c's progress with Carter. They needed to get a move on, the quicker they got back to Earth, the better.

"Up, and at 'em, Daniel," he barked," We need to roll."

"I'm up, Jack."

"I'm going to check with SG-6, you guys get ready to move out," he commanded as he turned to duck out of the cave.


Sam gave Teal'c a small smile as he released her foot, he had helped ease the shock of the return to pain. She felt lousy, but still knew the rest he'd made possible had helped her. She eased herself to a sitting position, which only alerted her to the fact that she was shaking, and dizzy. She knew she wouldn't get back to the Stargate on her own two feet, and that knowledge, coupled with everything else, almost caused her to lose her battle against tears. Almost, but not quiet, she hadn't grown up an Air Force brat without acquiring a few macho skills. Denying herself tears was one she usually excelled at, and it was helping her now.

She was surprised to hear Teal'c's voice break into her battle, "Do not trouble yourself, CaptainCarter. I will easily be able to provide you passage to the Stargate."

"Teal'c, you can't carry me that far," she responded in shock.

"I can CaptainCarter, no more harm will come to you on this planet."

Sam was almost speechless as she felt the strong and gentle arms lift her, cradling her like a child against his chest. "Thanks, Teal'c," she murmured.


The morning gave way to noonday sun, and no sign of their alien captors, something Jack did NOT find reassuring. They were only an hour from the Stargate, and he still felt the uneasy prickles that told him it wasn't over yet. A friend used to joke that it was never over 'till the fat lady sings', and there wasn't a fat lady in sight.

He fell into step with Nelson, and agreed they needed to send a couple guys up ahead to scout the area around the gate, it wouldn't do to get complacent and walk into a trap. Snipes and Duggan from SG-6 followed their orders efficiently and disappeared into the brush ahead. They would know soon enough how difficult it would be to get to the gate, at the same time sending up a prayer that his gut was wrong.

When the main group was only twenty or so minutes from the gate Snipes and Duggan returned, their faces stopped the group in their tracks.

" Colonel Nelson, Colonel O'Neill, we've got a group of about fifteen hostiles at the gate, they're armed with clubs only. They are not wearing their wristbands, and we can see no other signs of technology or weaponry," Snipes reported promptly.

"Well, Nelson," Jack started, "I think our best bet would be to leave Daniel with Carter while the rest of us take out the hostiles and dial the gate."

"Agreed, we should split up, half circle around to the left, half to the right and attack from both sides."

"Sounds like a plan, Nelson. Did you guys see anything that could be used as weapons?" Jack asked the scouts.

"Yes, sir," Snipes answered him. "We marked the spot that looks good for launching our plan with a pile of collected rocks, and very thick branches. Thought we could make do with clubs and projectiles."

"Good work, both of you. Show us the way," Jack ordered naturally.


The group set off, and Daniel found himself hiding among the boulders with Sam, a few rocks, and one club for defense. He hoped the rest made short work of this, as he hated the thought of what would happen to Sam if they lost and these aliens got their hands on her again. The noise soon drove all, but the need for constant vigilance, form his head. Soon he found himself beaming an alien, and as the man slumped to the ground Daniel noted the silence that enveloped the area. All was quiet, until the wormhole activation split the oppressive air, and Teal'c popped back up to take Carter.

"Everyone okay?" Daniel asked as he followed the man to the active Stargate.

"Indeed," the only word he heard before the large Jaffa entered the event horizon with his burden.


Jack was never so glad to see home, he realized, as he watched the infirmary staff load Samantha Carter on to a stretcher. He watched the controlled chaos, artfully directed by a petite, dark haired woman that could only be their new CMO, before turning to regard General Hammond.

"I don't think we got the treaty," he cracked to the General, hoping humor would help him pull it into perspective as it always did. Unfortunately, today proved to be the exception and simple wise cracks could not erase the emotional confusion left behind by what had been done to his 2IC. "Permission to check......,"

"Permission granted, Colonel," Hammond interrupted as he watched SG-1 move as a whole towards the infirmary.

The sight that met his eyes in the infirmary was not reassuring, as even more nurses swarmed around the stretcher that held Sam Carter.

The voice of the new CMO snapped him to the hear and now," Colonel, any idea what all we've got?"

"Yeah, you've got a miscarriage under the influence of some alien drug, they called it an accelerant. The wounds on her back are from the last mission. We didn't know about those."

"Prep her for the OR," Fraiser shouted to her staff before turning back to SG-1."We're going to be awhile, Colonel, go debrief, I'll catch you there when I'm done. Post-gates after," she ordered before turning back to her patient.


The joint debriefing of teams one and six left General Hammond with a sour taste in his mouth. Sometimes he looked at the gate as the extraordinary adventure and opportunity it was, and then days like this left him feeling like he held the reigns on the biggest Pandora's box in history. This mission had been a big waste of time, and an even bigger wake up call on the perils his people faced. He knew the times ahead would test them all, and he hoped he could make the best choices for his people, and this planet.

He had just dismissed when Dr. Fraiser entered the room with a preliminary on Captain Carter. SG-6 continued out, with Nelson giving a nod to O'Neill on his way. One thing was obvious, bonding had occurred between the two men on this mission; Hammond was yet to know how much bonding had occurred between the members of his flagship team.

"General Hammond, I'm happy to report that Captain Carter will make a full recovery. She has many wounds on her back, several infected, and she's receiving antibiotics for those. They shouldn't present a huge problem. The biggest difficulty was the miscarriage; it would appear the drug Captain Carter was given accelerated everything involved with conception and gestation. The baby was approximately fifteen weeks in size, and this caused the added problems. We were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize Captain Carter with a D & C. She shouldn't suffer any long-term physical effects. I believe she will be ready for active duty in about three weeks, General."

"Thanks you, Dr. Fraiser. Gentleman, why don't you get your post-gates. Colonel O'Neill, you and I have some decisions to make regarding team assignments, any of your team will be welcome to join us if you feel that necessary. Dismissed."


Jack O'Neill left the briefing room and followed Dr. Fraiser down the hall. He knew what the General was referring to, and there was no way he would let him cut Carter from the team, and he knew without asking that Teal'c and Daniel felt the same.

"Jack, I'll help you fight for Sam."

"As will I, O'Neill."

"I knew you guys were with me, now let's go see Carter."


Sam woke to the noise of a steady beat, and the activity of a busy infirmary. She could not even begin to catalogue the sense of joy, relief, and sorrow that swept over her, or maybe she could. The joy was easy, she was home and alive, and this lent to her sense of relief. There was also relief mixed in with her sorrow. Relief, that good or bad, it would all be over soon. The decisions would be made, the paper work done, and she would be left to deal with the sorrow. The sorrow from the loss of her dreams, and the loss of a child she never knew she wanted, ....until now.

The severe pain was gone, leaving behind an ache that left her loath to move, an ache that was physical and emotional. She had never given much thought to being a mother. She was happy in her job, if a bit lonely at times, and she had always thought if she had children it would be with someone she loved. She had certainly never expected to become pregnant on an alien world light years from home, and she knew she wasn't ready to be a mother. She also knew, in a way she never had before, that she wanted to be a mother someday. It didn't change the fact that she mourned this life. A life that had been thrust upon her, but was hers all the same. It disturbed Sam even more to know that she would be denied the means with which she coped with tragedy.....work. She knew that decisions would be made, and they weren't likely to be made in her favor.

Women in the military was still a touchy subject, especially the thought's of women seeing combat. She was all too certain that the Stargate missions were about to be classified combat, and that at best she would get to work on base. Sam was so lost in thought she barely heard the voice trying to get her attention.

"Captain Carter, are you all right?"

Sam blinked before turning to see the petite woman regarding her with a look of concern, "Yes, I'm fine....."

"I'm Dr. Fraiser, Janet Fraiser. I'm the new CMO. Now how are you feeling?"

"A little sore, but otherwise I'm fine..........., aren't I?"

Sam watched the smile grace the Doctor's face before she heard her response, "You'll be fine, Captain. You'll be ready for active duty in about three weeks. Captain, I also want you to know that I'll be glad to listen if you want to talk. This is not a typical command, and the need to talk will not reflect poorly, or otherwise on your record."

"Thank you, Dr. Fraiser, I'll bear that in mind," Sam responded distractedly as she watched her team-mates entering the infirmary. Sam immediately started to push herself up in the bed at the sight of her CO, only to be stopped by the boom of his voice.

"At ease, Carter. How are you feeling?"

"Better, sir."

"Good, Doc says you're looking at about three weeks. That won't be so bad."

"No, sir. Sir, may I state for the record, though I will respect what ever team decisions you may make, nothing about the last two missions has changed my desire to serve on SG-1."

"I'm glad to hear that, Captain. I personally have no plans for team reassignments, however, I may not have the final say."

"We aren't going to let them break up the team, Sam," Daniel blurted, the tone of utter confidence in his voice was unmistakable.

"I appreciate the support, Daniel, but it may not be up to us."

"Well, we're meeting with General Hammond in just a little bit, we'll do our best."

"Daniel, you've got a big mouth," Sam heard O'Neill mutter.

"Sir, will the general not give me an opportunity to be heard?"

"I'm sorry, Carter. He wants to meet right away."

"Jack, he said any of the team could attend, doesn't that include Sam?"

"Daniel, I don't think the Doc is going to spring her for a meeting this soon."

"No, sir, but if this is the ultimate women in the military argument, I could definitely be persuaded to escort the Captain."

Sam saw a wide grin split O'Neill's face before he turned to regard Dr. Fraiser. "Ya know, Doc. I might just be persuaded to like you. Okay guy's, let's roll."


General Hammond entered the conference room, somewhat surprised and dismayed by the room's inhabitants. He should have known that Captain Carter would want to speak for herself, and he had planned to give her the opportunity at a later, private conference. It would appear that she had chosen to meet the situation head on, and he knew that shouldn't have surprised him, given what his friend Jacob Carter had always told him about the no nonsense little girl.

"Captain Carter, are you sure you're feeling up to this? I had planned on talking with you later," Hammond said softly.

"Yes, sir. I'm sure, I would like to be here, sir."

"Understand Captain, that you are not in trouble here. This has nothing to do with your personal performance, good or bad, on these missions."

"Sir, with all due respect, what does it have to do with then?"

"Captain, you have had some horrific experiences through that gate, and this is to discuss the feasibility, and advisability of continuing to send women through the gate."

"General," O'Neill interrupted, hurriedly, "I would like it known for the record that Captain Carter has performed her duties with distinction in harrowing situations. I am pleased to have her on my team, and I have no wish to see that change."

"Colonel, I understand that Captain Carter performed her duties well, but that really isn't my issue. Can we in good conscience continue to send women through the gate to face the types of situations you have seen recently?"

"General, the women in question have made the same choices we have, what right do we have to tell them they can't make those choices?" Daniel asked from his position across from Jack.

"Dr. Jackson, this is the military, some military people will be ordered to the post. It can hardly be all voluntary if it is top secret."

"I understand that General, but didn't they make their own decision to become military."

The general sighed softly before answering, "Yes, Dr. Jackson, but they enlisted for non-combat duty. I don't think we can decide this is non-combat."

"I don't feel that is strictly true, General. I enlisted to serve my country, combat or no, it is others that decided my service would be non-combat. That said, I don't believe that travel through the gate can be completely described one way or the other. It isn't all combat, nor is it all science, but I think I am as capable of handling what it will be as well as the others here."

"Captain Carter has an excellent point, General," Daniel piped in. "We have no way of knowing what we will encounter through the gate. There could be any number of potential cultures, not excluding a matriarchal society."

"General, I don't know about all the anthropology stuff, but I do know that Captain Carter's scientific knowledge got us out of the mess we were in, and I believe her inclusion on SG-1 will prove to be invaluable."

"CaptainCarter is both a formidable warrior and scholar, I am honored to take up arms with her," Teal'c intoned solemnly.

"I understand what you are saying, but I can't condone sending women through the gate to face situations such as the one you just escaped from. I hesitate to use the word, but the alien's treatment of the Captain can only be characterized as rape. How can I support asking a woman to face this danger?"

"With all due respect, sir," Carter grated out, "but have you looked at our world lately? We women may face this kind of 'combat' at any time, and any place. At least through the gate I have the luxury of a mp5 and the right to defend myself in what ever manner it takes. Here women have to defend themselves gently, wouldn't want to hurt the rapist, and then answer questions from a smart-ass attorney eager to point out how the woman was asking for it. I think I'd rather take my chances through the gate with my team-mates to back me up."

A hushed silence fell over the room as Carter finished speaking, and General Hammond found himself at a momentary loss for words as the truth to her statement hit home. The silence didn't last long as he heard the previously silent Dr. Fraiser speak.

"General, what the Captain has said is very true, also, as CMO, I have to point out that men face horrific acts everyday in service to their country. I wouldn't wish that on anyone I cared about, but it is their choice to make. I believe women have just as much choice and say so in the lives they lead. Yes, the Captain had a bad mission, but as Dr. Jackson pointed out, we don't know that next time they may not need a woman in order to pull off their mission."

The rest of Dr. Janet Fraiser's speech was cut short by the activation of the Stargate.

'Incoming traveler, General Hammond to the control room.'

"Remain seated SG-1, I'll return in a moment."

Little was said as the members of SG-1 and Dr. Fraiser waited on the General's return. No one wanted to comment on the proceedings so far. They didn't have to wait long before General Hammond returned with Major Ferretti in tow.

"Major, please tell Colonel O'Neill what you just told me."

"Hey, Colonel. I don't know what's going on here, but I need to borrow your second."

"Okay, I'll bite Ferretti, whatta you need Carter for, and it better be good."

"We just gated back from an Amazon paradise. If you call women in control paradise. They wouldn't even speak with us, kept insisting we bring our Mistress and quit talking in public."

"Probably good for ya' Ferretti," Jack grinned.

"You may go Major, we'll debrief in an hour," Hammond ordered, a hint of a smile gracing his features for the first time since SG-1 had returned home. He took his seat before speaking again. "You all have made some interesting and valid points, thanks to those and SG-2's mission, I am inclined to leave the women of this base in their current positions. We will just have to proceed cautiously with the assignments for this base. So unless there is something else, you are all dismissed. Dr. Fraiser you may escort your patient back to the infirmary. Colonel, a word."

General Hammond watched Dr. Fraiser maneuver Captain Carter's wheelchair out of the room with a sense of relief. He really hadn't wanted to lose her, and he was gratified to see the way the team had already come together. They had handed him a winning argument, and made his job easier in the process. The remaining team members filed out before Hammond turned back to Jack O'Neill with a grin. "You know, Jack, you alone had me almost convinced when you started tooting the virtues of your second. I knew she must have done well to so completely change your tune from that first mission. I also wanted to say it looks like your team has made a good start towards bonding. Take some down time as a team while the Captain is recovering, work on that bond, I think it may prove to be an asset when braving the unknown."

"Yes, sir. I think you are right," Jack responded, his own smile gracing his features.


Sam Carter allowed Dr. Fraiser to assist her back to bed where she collapsed against the pillows in exhaustion and relief. They had won. Her dream was alive, and now she could smile as she watched the members of SG-1 file into the room for one last visit before the good Doctor kicked them all out.

"Thank You, guys, for everything. It doesn't seem like nearly enough to say after everything that has happened, but, well.......you stuck by me, and that means a lot."

"We're a team, Captain," O'Neill responded. "That's what teams do, and it can mean the difference between life and death. When you get out of here, Carter we'll have a team night. Movies, dinner, and talk. Get to know each other, I plan for us all to be together for a long while."

"That sounds good, Jack. Do you think you can get permission for Teal'c to leave the base?"

"I think so, Daniel. We need the time, General Hammond understands that. We've made a good start towards building our team, and I'm sure we've all learned something about open communication, now we need to be able to kick back and have fun together too."

Sam hadn't missed the look the Colonel gave her when he had spoke of open communication, but he was right, she'd learned her lesson on that one, and now she too longed for some time to kick back and have fun.

"Sounds good, sir," she mumbled, suddenly feeling the pull of sleep. She felt the last few hours catching up to her, and she slid into sleep without hearing the good-byes of her team-mates, but somehow she knew they would be there when she woke.


Jack O'Neill regarded the features of his sleeping 2IC before turning to regard the rest of his team. "Guys, I'm gonna stay here awhile."

"Yeah, Jack. She shouldn't be alone tonight; she's bound to need a friend when the nightmares start. I'll spell you in a couple of hours."

"I will follow DanielJackson. The night evils stand no chance when a friend in arms remains near."

"Okay," Jack responded, "Daniel, let the Doc know what's up on your way out."

"Sure thing, Jack."

Jack sat in the now silent infirmary and reflected on his team. They weren't his usual team-mates, but they had made a great start as a team. The mission may have gone south, but when it counted they had been there for each other, and that made all the difference in the world.


The End

Wendy G.

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